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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. My take is that if they want to claim Joss is a good friend like they try to say in the dialogue, maybe show a single instance of her actually being a good fiend and being there for one of her peers. Because she isn’t with Trina and wasn’t with Cam before they got together. If they want her to be a mini Carly, fine, but we know Carly’s relationships are one sided. The way she comes off is that she claims to fight with Esme on Trina’s behalf but she’s just itching for a fight and uses it as an excuse. Idk it’s not a good look to say that least and even worse when the friend in question is a POC.
  2. I never get the purpose behind Esme’s plots. It feels like she schemes just to scheme without any type of goal. She lucked into Trina confessing how she felt because otherwise, nothing would have happened other than Trina getting sick and possibly passing out. Also, I think Joss is a self involved and doesn’t truly consider Trina’s feelings. I don’t think she’s lashing out at Esme on Trina’s behalf. It’s because she doesn’t want to acknowledge that she’s not the greatest friend and it’s easier to say that Esme manipulated Trina into saying what she did. While I don’t believe that it’s all on Joss, I don’t believe that Joss would have made a different choice knowing how Trina felt and the show also doesn’t want to paint Joss in a bad light so they ignored it and always had Trina bow out to avoid conflict or messiness. Idk while I enjoy Trina as a character, I find her place in this teen group to be problematic. She’s been on the show for a few years now and has never had a love interest. There’s been 4 guys her age. Oscar was in an established relationship with Joss, Dev and Cameron both preferred Joss and while Spencer seems to have feelings for her, he has a gf and I don’t think they’re splitting up anytime soon the way they drag things out. Even if they plan to pair Spencer and Trina later on down the line, they could have given her an interim pairing but instead they chose to leave her as the fifth wheel.
  3. I know it won’t happen but I want them all to suffer after the truth comes out. Maxie falsely reported a kidnapping, which is much worse than whatever Tracy did that they said warranted jail time if Alexis hadn’t gotten the charges dropped and BL has been her accessory. It’s been 8 months so the amount of police or federal resources wasted on this would have been insane. Also, Detective Chase found out the truth and instead of exposing them, kept it going but I’m guessing it’ll have no impact on his job since other than Dante and Mac, the PCPD is empty.
  4. Honestly the fact that she hasn’t is gross. Sonny and Carly only won custody by blackmailing her over proof she was sleeping with Paul. The judge was going to side with her. I never got why they went that route or kept it going for so long since it’s not like Sonny has ever had primary custody of any of his kids when he wasn’t with the mom and Carly has never come across as an active parent until they reached the adult stage and she can get over involved in their lives.
  5. Esme had a bottle of Tramadol and a burner phone in her hand. I can’t guess what her plan is. I thought she was going to roofie someone but a pain med, even a strong one, isn’t going to do that.
  6. While I suspect that Kristina only “matured” because she’s rarely on, I did appreciate her telling Sam not to do things on her behalf and that if she had an issue with Harmony being in Alexis’ life, it would be between her and Alexis, not Sam. I feel like Sam took over this role for Alexis a few years ago and gets way too involved and argumentative with others seemingly on either her mom or sisters behalf but it’s never what they would want her to do so It feels like an excuse for her to yell or be rude to others. See the months she was yelling at Brando for sleeping with Molly.
  7. I feel like that Ava’s “smack down” on Spencer was supposed to hit differently than I saw it. Luke was a con artist and a grifter. He wasn’t an all around great person. I find Spencer to be an entitled brat but he’s 18 so it’s a little early to say he hasn’t done anything with his life and Ava is a little quick to judge considering who she’s married to.
  8. Interview about Luke’s memorial episode:
  9. They did according to her 2010 return with the other actress. Lois moved back to Bensonhurst right before she gave birth because she didn’t want her kid raised around the Qs and we didn’t see BL until years later when she popped up as a teen disgruntled with her absent father. However it always begged the question of how Dante’s existence was kept a secret considering that Lois was supposed to be Sonny’s best friend. Regardless, I still side eye Dante calling BL a good person considering she drugged and attempted to rape him for money during that last return as well.
  10. At this point, I’m convinced that they are having actors draw straws to see which random character gets tasked to listen to Sonny or Carly whine about their marriage problems that day. I swear it’s the same conversation every single day with those two coupled with them having the same argument over and over again.
  11. I’m pretty sure the guests at this memorial are mostly going to consist of whoever is involved in the storyline this is kicking off. Minus Sonny, Carly, and Dante off to the side somewhere talking about their boring marriage problems. The only one I assume is solely there for Luke’s death is Bobbie. However, I’m really curious why they decided to kill off a character who hasn’t been onscreen in a few years and whose portrayer is still alive for what I’m betting is a storyline they could have done without his death.
  12. Not that it ultimately matters but Tracy had zero altruistic motives behind setting up Alexis last year. She said for over a month that she did it because she assumed Alexis would blab about sleeping with Ned since she fell off the wagon and came up with the plan after Alexis mumbled something while drunk about how she told Ned he should tell the truth. I don’t think we were supposed to buy that claim after she was caught that she did it to help Alexis in any way. Alexis was in a horrible place in her life when this was going on but I don’t think she deserved to be framed for a crime she didn’t commit because Ned cheated on his wife. However, I’m not surprised that Alexis had the charges dropped because she wasn’t the one going on about how Tracy needed to pay, Sam was.
  13. I like Drew but I’m not particularly excited in him in a relationship. However, I’d much prefer Sam than Carly if only for the people in their current circles. I pretty much hate every character associated with Carly right now so having them around Drew would make him immediate FFW material to me.
  14. I don’t actually believe that they’re splitting up but they have nothing else for them to do once this SL is wrapped up so they’re dragging it out. The fact that Sonny hasn’t made the tiniest move on Nina since he got his memories back is glaring.
  15. Also I’ll add that if they want us to feel sympathy for Carly because her amnesiac husband fell for another woman, maybe have her go more than a day without crying about her true love Jason- the guy she was about to sleep with before Sonny walked in the door and said she has always loved. That’s kind of a much bigger betrayal considering Sonny hasn’t so much as kissed Nina since he got his memories back. she’s coming off more like she’s disappointed that her fallback guy isn’t here. I don’t know, we’ve watched Sonny/Carly be so toxic for decades that this is Disney channel angst for them in comparison
  16. See I can’t even stomach them being friends. We know what Carly desires out of her friends. She’ll insist on being number 1 and to agree with everything she thinks. No one except brain damaged Jason should be willing to put up with that, especially since it’ll be one sided.
  17. I don’t know about all of them but the previous Wiley’s family moved to a different country and I think the first recast was always meant to be temporary until they could cast someone because the actors used to play James. Also, the actor who used to play Aiden booked an HBO show that started filming earlier this year
  18. Are they really going to make Alexis failing the background check a deterrent to her teaching? Couldn’t they easily say her record was expunged with the pardon? This is the same town where convicted felon Sam has a PI license and Franco was able to work at the hospital with children.
  19. Yikes I saw the previews. I admittedly hate Willow but it looked like Carly, Michael, and Joss are ganging up on her tomorrow and even I don’t think she deserves that. Guess no one told her this family loves shooting the messenger and judging others for doing the same things they do everyday.
  20. How many times are they going to allow Michaels o sucker punch people with no consequences or anyone fighting back? And this time a senior citizen at the courthouse? Cmon show
  21. They stretch out stories well past the point where anyone would care about them and this was a boring one to start with. I suspect it’s their way of pretending like they are giving big storylines to characters who’ve been sidelined. Curtis and Portia have done nothing except play talk-to and hang out at an empty club for months. Heck Portia hasn’t had a storyline of her own since she joined the show close to 2 years ago. That secret past affair with Curtis being revealed was kind of a dud. Also, they probably don’t have much planned past when this secret, whatever it is, comes out.
  22. I fear that it means that they’ll turn Drew into her new BFF and a Jason replacement minus the hit man role. It would be a waste but I also can’t see who else they’ll pair him with unless they move Liz or Sam away from their pairings (intended pairing in Liz’s case).
  23. IA and I think we’re about to see this happen with Willow. Carly, especially, expects everyone to fall in line with her 100% of the time.
  24. She announced that she is back on contract. I’m not sure when her official return date is but she does show up in the spoilers on 1/5- “Anna and Felicia share concerns about Maxie.”
  25. I feel like that happened with Nelle too. Why is Joss itching so much for a sisterly relationship with all of Michael’s gfs? She’s already related to half the town biologically or through her mom’s marriage. She doesn’t have enough people?
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