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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Kristina Wagner is on contract https://www.instagram.com/p/CXE0JqhPfZR/?utm_medium=copy_link
  2. I’m so curious what TPTB think they’re doing with this story. Dragging out this baby’s death seems unnecessarily cruel, especially with all of the anvils. At the same time, I doubt viewers are invested enough in Sasha or Brando for the baby surviving to be poignant. I know I for one would think, what was the point of that story? I do believe the baby doesn’t survive and it’s Brando’s excuse to become Sonny’s new enforcer which causes some desperately needed conflict with Sasha. They’ve been hitting us over the head with these scenes of Sonny playing his mentor already.
  3. Carly and Shawn had an ok following but they weren’t big and they danced around each other for close to 2 years and never progressed past a couple kisses so it wasn’t for a lack of time. I do suspect it had a lot to do with the fact that they didn’t want to put their lead female character in an IR pairing. Those pairings on this show have almost always gotten very little focus.
  4. That is true and it’s the same issue for Britt. I’ve long said that they need to stop adding 50+ year old men to this show. There’s way too many of them on the cast relative to women. I guess the vaccine mandate got rid of 2 of them but knowing FV, they’ll be more in the next few months. He can’t help himself.
  5. Maxie disparages Chase and his ability to protect her baby (which ungrateful much) only to come upon Drew at the end of the episode. I’m guessing that wasn’t a coincidence and fear that was a chem test. Yet another guy who looks too old for her
  6. Nikolas, Ava, and Victor showed up uninvited. Sounded like Valentin wasn’t planing to come originally but changed his mind because he didn’t want to be alone so they weren’t expecting him.
  7. All I was thinking is what time is it because it couldn’t have been that late if dinner was just starting at Alexis’ house and Sam and Dante were planning on heading over to the Qs before Drew came over. Danny and Rocco looked at least 12. I don’t think they’d be dead asleep at 7PM
  8. That Jason/Carly montage was a choice. Maybe it would have had more impact if they were actually together before he died. I’m glad Jason is gone but if we had to suffer through a long montage, there were way better Jason scenes than those. And of course Joss finds out about Jason onscreen and gets a big scene while Danny and Jake are MIA
  9. Why was Carly acting like Jason wasn’t a mob hit man or didn’t put himself in countless dangerous situations for her, her husband, or her children? Her little rant to Britt made it sound like Jason would have never been in danger in his life if he didn’t go there to help her rescue her mother. I wish someone tells her that Dr. O said shooting his gun in the cave might cause it to collapse. He died due to his own stupidity and was mostly there in the first place because things were awkward with Sonny and Carly and he wanted to escape like he always does.
  10. The stuff I’ve seen him post on SM makes me doubt it. I think they just brought him back for a few episodes as a favor to MB. They’re friends and MB’s wife is his agent. Doubt they ever had a plan for him. Taggart’s gotten such weird treatment. Even in the 90s when he was on contract, they hardly gave him focus.
  11. Good for BA for saying he disagreed but I don’t think it makes much of a difference for his character and screentime. Spinelli hasn’t gotten any focus since 2013 and he’s been on less and less each year. And this might be mean to say, but I prefer it this way because that character has always come off as cartoonish and I’ve never been impressed by BA’s acting.
  12. SBu posted a goodbye video. I saw it floating around on Twitter but I’m not sure where it originated from and don’t want to link to someone’s personal Twitter page. Basically he said his religious and medical exemption for the mandate were denied and maybe he can come back in the future if the mandate is lifted.
  13. One would think that someone who has never had many friends wouldn’t treat the ones she has like this. I’m still not sure how Jax not wanting her to be a mob boss was this big deal breaker. However, she doesn’t seem like she wants friends who don’t fit the Jason mold of enabling all of her actions. This probably extends to her children as well- see how Joss and Michael are are written. I’ll second whoever said earlier that she’s a great psych case.
  14. Well if there was any question, they made it obvious today with Jax’s dialogue to Carly that he has no purpose on the current canvas outside of Carly and Nina. Now part of me finds it funny given the RL issues but it’s also kind of sad given how long the character has been on and how he used to be better integrated. Having him say he’s outs with everyone except Joss and Alexis? I can’t think of a reason that his recent actions would alienate anyone in town except Carly, Nina, and Michael because he didn’t do anything wrong, which means they are saying that only 5 people cared about him to begin with.
  15. The show rarely announces actor exits ahead of time unless it’s an actor retiring so I don’t take a lack of an announcement for SBu to mean anything. I’m pretty sure they only did for IR as a way to distance themselves after the press started reporting about his transphobic post. The fact that Steve hasn’t said anything when the rumors have been out for weeks and he’s been asked by fans multiple times says all I need to know.
  16. I’ll agree with you on this one. That Michael was a budding sociopath so while dark, I thought it made sense. There should have been some kind of realization of the ramifications of raising Michael in this world. Not just the danger, which we saw, but the behavior that he witnessed and was normalized. Even when they retconned the murder, DC’s Michael was still pretty messed up and seemed like he was groomed to jump into the mob life. They only pulled back on that once he was recast with CD and we ended up with this well adjusted, milquetoast CEO Michael.
  17. Something was very off with those Valentin and BL scenes. I wasn’t a fan of either of their acting in it but BL reactions in the scene also made no sense to me. Maybe they should have had Valentin and BL get together for real and had this secret looming over BL. From what I remember, they were just coparenting and semi-friendly. BL was acting heartbroken and talking about their little family.
  18. I think Jax can easily be recast but his character isn’t doing much of anything. They’ve kept him fairly isolated since his return and he hasn’t had any SLs. Just propping Nina or Carly along with the occasional scene with Joss. If they don’t include him in SLs or with characters that I enjoy watching, I have no use for the character and they don’t seem to be interested in that.
  19. When that term first started getting used, only around half of soap pregnancies resulted in living children. Miscarriage and stillborn SLs were fairly common, especially among lead characters. It’s been rare since FV took over the show. Think we’ve only had Sabrina/Patrick’s kid and Willow’s, which pre-dated her onscreen arrival.
  20. I think there’s too many younger characters and couples dealing with baby SLs already. We have Maxie and Brook Lynn dealing with the baby switch, which I suspect will be extended and will probably pull Chase in. Then you have Millow whose whole existence is Wiley. Brando and Sasha are overkill and they’ve had an especially drama-free pregnancy. They were 2 single, childless, young adults who barely knew each other, got pregnant via a ONS but were immediately ok with it and want to build a life together. Their big angst has been an annoying mom. Brando immediately decided not to stay involved with the mob and that had no repercussions. Not to mention that they are both relatively new characters who we don’t know that well and aren’t part of a core family. I don’t count Brando as Sonny’s distant cousin to mean anything since they only met last year and are barely related. There’s been nothing to pull the rest of the canvas in which likely contributed to their isolation. Like do they even have homes?
  21. I think they used too much fake blood for that scene but yeah I think that’s what they’re going for as well.
  22. IIRC she was ignoring his calls and when she finally called back and left a vm, Brook Lynn erased it. He also saw a credit card charge for the hotel room in Monte Carlo. The set-up was really plot pointy. She was already back in town when he was still at that bar with Alexis but she didn’t call him or try to find him right away because she was avoiding him a bit as well since they were fighting a lot before she left town.
  23. Ratings went up when SBu left the last time and I think his fanbase is smaller now than it was in 2012. No one actor’s exit would really impact anything these days if we’re being honest
  24. She was a hypocrite from the start. IIRC Carly, mob wife, wrote his letter of recommendation and Willow didn’t have an issue with Wiley being around Sonny or Carly even before she got involved with Michael. It was just another way to dump on Julian. I was never a huge fan of the character but it was gross how he still got treated like the town pariah after leaving the mob while the active mobsters were lauded.
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