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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Truthfully I think it’s too late to write Carly outside of Sonny and the mob. She’s been so focused on that area for decades and she has nothing else going on aside from helicopter parenting her adult kids. Even when she was in non Sonny pairings, she remained obsessed with Sonny and Jason and whatever they had going on.
  2. I think having Carly walk away would have been an interesting moment but the problem is that they never had her stop hero worshipping Jason who was just as dangerous and actively in the mob as well. In the Guza years, things eventually shifted to where Jason and his loved ones were more of a target than Sonny’s were but Carly had a massive blind spot towards him while rightfully calling Sonny out whenever something bad happened.
  3. I’d argue that they even botched Morgan’s death. The original story was Sonny ordering a hit on Julian but Morgan stole his car and died instead. Which put the onus on Sonny and Carly and should have been a reflection on how the mob life yet again affected their children. They rewrote a few months later and made Olivia Jerome be behind the whole thing, thereby making them look like the victims and blameless. In the end Sonny and Carly are terrible and bring a lot of destruction to other people’s lives but never get called out on it anymore.
  4. I thought that until today when she had a weird reaction to seeing Nina and Alexis made that offhand comment about how she didn’t steal the baby, which implies that she did.
  5. I am never going to understand the TPTB and some of their decisions. There’s no way anyone should have believed that this Carly/Sonny/Nina SL was interesting enough to be an A story played 4/5 days a week for months. Sonny/Carly as a pairing have been tired for a long time and this is their lamest divorce yet. Also, Carly constantly confronting him and talking to anyone and everyone about her marriage woes while claiming she doesn’t want him anymore is beyond sad.
  6. I’m annoyed at the way this Harmony SL is playing out because it’s painfully obvious that she has Alexis snowed and all of the judgy people in her life are being set up to say I told you so. I do wonder how Harmony knows Nina though. Wasn’t she supposed to be in a coma when her baby was born?
  7. To be fair, we used to say the same thing about Jax when LW first debuted and they had him acting like she was perfect and no one else understood her when he previously saw her pretty accurately. Seems like every guy in her orbit with the exception of Sonny has followed this playbook for the past 20 years and it never makes sense.
  8. Did they have no plan for CM aside from from discount Jason or did he get reworked to fill a void after SBu left? Jason has long been a waste of a character and Carly using him as a crutch made her look pathetic so slotting Drew in just makes it all the more obvious that she can’t survive without some guy propping her.
  9. IA on principle but you have to work on giving these characters strong non-familial ties to the canvas and honestly, the actor has to have a ton of charisma for people to care about them since being a popular character’s offspring gives them an automatic base of fans. I just don’t think the Sasha is that interesting of a character. She should have stayed a con artist but I suspect that they whitewashed her for Michael because all of his gfs are bland when they’re with him. Even Kiki and Nelle were to an extent until the pairings ended.
  10. Drew didn’t hate Sonny and Carly but they had absolutely zero use for him once they found out he wasn’t Jason. It was already wavering before SBu’s return when he left the mob and wouldn’t put them ahead of Sam and his kids. So I think that’s where it rings hallow for me. Sonny pretty much called him discount Jason and how he wouldn’t measure up when he was lashing out but Carly’s reactions don’t remotely ring true. If they played up her needing a new Jason, I might get it, but they’re trying to make it seem like she genuinely cares about him and considers him a friend
  11. Not sure if it’s still considered a spoiler considering the actor announced it but teasing Shawn/Alexis today when he’s about to leave was a weird choice. They’ve shared a lot of scenes together since he returned but none of them played as either wanting to be more than friends. I know sometimes they drag out couples getting together but I never saw anything that suggested that they were trying to reunite them prior to today.
  12. KM’s dialogue delivery was so strange and distracting today. Both with Liz and Alexis. It was full of awkward pauses and weird inflections. I’m not sure if she’s trying to remember her lines or what’s going on but it takes me out of the scene when she does this.
  13. I don’t think anyone is allowed to hate Sonny anymore unless they are a bad guy. Ned did for years but now has to be friendly to him because of Olivia. Taggart despised him but they made them buddy-buddy when the actor returned in 2020. Even in the Guza years when Sonny and Jason were the “heroes”, a lot of characters vocally hated Sonny and the mob but Scott is pretty much the lone holdout these days.
  14. Shawn‘s exit isn’t surprising because his return has been a dud and they’ve done nothing with him post-prison once the Hayden SL petered out but the timing is weird considering the TJ actor was just placed on contract and the other recent news.
  15. Lol between Drew calling himself a glorified dayplayer over there and Maxie talking about how she envisioned various ways Peter died, I’d say today’s writer canvased soaptwitter
  16. Per google, she’s 36. All of the the Jordan actresses have been too young to play TJ’s mother. Technically, she’s older than BNH but it’s awkward to always have her playing older because they’ll tie the character to men in that same age range. I’m assuming this is the reason Portia/Curtis suddenly decided to move in together.
  17. Color me surprised that they’re revisiting cokehead Sasha because they barely wrote that SL during the first go around. No one noticed she was using for months up until right before she ODed and she never struggled with the addiction after getting out of the hospital. I think the big issue was that she didn’t have a close onscreen circle to play that type of SL out with but I don’t think much has changed a year later. She has Brando and the people she works with but that’s all unless they decide to try to make Brasha central to the Corinthii again like they did for Liam’s death but that came off extremely hallow.
  18. I think I’m biased because I didn’t like him on Charmed either and his interviews about his character and portrayal make it obvious that there’s a disconnect between how he perceives his acting style and what I see onscreen. I’m not into bringing actors back as different characters in general. It rarely works even when the previous character was extremely popular, coupled in this case with the fact that a lot of people think he got the role because of his gf. There’s a lot of great actors who have been let go from this show because of their characters being duds or naturally running their course that I would have placed higher on the list to return over WR.
  19. I wish they went their separate ways as well but I won’t hold out hope for that. The writing for this teen group is very hallow to me. I said earlier that I don’t think they do a good job of selling that Joss cares about Trina and I also think she, and Cam for that matter, barely seem to like Spencer so her “feud” with Esme doesn’t come off as organic when I don’t buy her going to bat for either of her friends. They center everything around Joss and have the others be there for her when she’s struggling but she doesn’t return the favor has shown that she will easily dismiss or drop them altogether if they don’t fall in line and share her opinions on everything and everyone. See Cam with Jason, Trina with Ava, Spencer with Esme, etc. They pale in comparison to the previous teen groups were there was occasional infighting but we saw how much they cared about each other and were there for each other the majority of the time.
  20. I felt the same way, especially after she used what Trina told her to taunt Esme. She’s not a remotely likable character. The only person I believe whose corner she’s truly in 100% is Carly. They don’t do a good job of selling that she cares about Trina.
  21. Hasn’t she been pretty stagnant though? Career wise, she’s not too far from where she was in the Kate Howard, Crimson days even though it’s been 14/15 years. I think she briefly talked about wanting to do more a couple years ago but I don’t think it went anywhere. However, I don’t think this show writes careers for legacy characters too well. A lot of them either bum around or just thrown into a random job to fill a gap so they appear unqualified. Robin was one of the few exceptions because she was offscreen fro a few years and I think the actress could sell smart doctor better than some of the others.
  22. https://twitter.com/soapdigest/status/1494052065546579971?s=21
  23. I called Willow being Nina’s daughter the moment they brought up the birth certificate. Of course they would retcon a story no one cared about that they already pointlessly dragged out for years because it can now be even more about Carly and Nina.
  24. The opening features the recurring characters who are actually in that episode but rotates the contract characters. I don’t know if they have each contract character in a certain amount of openings per month and rotate it that way but it doesn’t seem depend on whether they’re in the actual episode.
  25. I’ll admit that I ffwd that Carly scenes today because I’m over her but going by the recaps, it’s for the best. The messiest part of their divorce would be Sonny fighting it and possible custody issues, which Carly already shut down. There’s no way they don’t have a pre-nup with all of the financial details already ironed out and this marriage has only lasted 6 years so she couldn’t take him to the cleaners like the lawyer claimed no matter what he did.
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