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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I don’t enjoy how Alexis is acting towards Nikolas but I suspect it won’t last since this Hayden SL is wrapping up and they’ll make up. Or I guess I’m assuming it is since Nik said today he had no intention of keeping her in prison and Shawn realized that trying to go after Nikolas was a waste of time. However, I don’t recall Alexis ever getting really angry at Nikolas before though so it doesn’t seem in character for me. She’s actually the opposite and was quite often blind to his faults or excused them. It was one of those relationships I’ve always loved since we always saw the bond between them and it pre-dated their arrival in town so I hope it’s not permanent. Sam was unfortunately in character so I think she’ll remain the same. I have trouble liking her character because she’s unnecessarily rude and judgmental most of the time, which is especially annoying when she’s far from perfect herself.
  2. I don’t know if I agree. Jason is essentially a supporting player with heavy screentime . He doesn’t drive storylines anymore and he’s a pretty passive character. They can just make Brando Sonny’s new enforcer and there’s plenty of other characters who can play the action hero storylines. He didn’t even leave an impact during his previous exits when I saw him as more of a lead.
  3. I don’t think the show will announce it but it was a Disney mandate, not just a GH one. They just fired Emilio Estevez from the Mighty Ducks show on Disney plus and he was the lead. Any GH actor is insignificant in the grand scheme of things so I don’t see them making allowances for anyone.
  4. To think his job was probably holding him back before… he’s trash
  5. Since she obviously knows Ryan, I’m guessing we’ll find out later on that she isn’t who she said she was and intentionally found and got close to Spencer as part of this revenge plot. We know Ryan tried to reach out to Spencer but was unsuccessful so this was probably plan B.
  6. I think it’s just a dumb pp. Sonny refused to help him but I doubt Laura would tell Kevin to bail him out but not get him a lawyer. Spencer’s also related to half the town, several of whom have money and would get him a lawyer rather than leave him to the mercy of a public defender. It would have made more sense if everyone thought he was a lost cause and turned his back on him but they all appear to be blaming Nikolas for it.
  7. I figured it was a plug. The dialogue that Trina/Ned/Ava had sounded like an ad
  8. They rarely show it but Nikolas runs Cassadine Industries so he does work. Even as a teen, he was groomed to take it over and was sitting in on board meetings. That was a ongoing theme during the 90s that his whole future was planned out for him and he never had a choice save for that year or 2 where it was thought he was Stefan’s kid. For whatever reason, the same was never said for Spencer. They portray him as the typical trust fund kid who had no expectations and an endless supply to money until very recently. I don’t know if they ever said why but I figure it’s either because Nikolas wanted him to have the out that he didn’t or that Nikolas was only expected to take over the company so young because Mikkos and Stavros were dead. It was mentioned that Stefan was only a placeholder until Nikolas became of age when they first came to town.
  9. LMAO I knew Robert/Olivia would be bad and I don’t get why Olivia is 10x as mad with Ned for wanted Leo to see a doctor than she was for Ned cheating on her and lying about it for months. I don’t get this story
  10. I wouldn’t be surprised. I already thought the original story was a quad with Jason/Carly/Sonny/Nina and they backed off it for some reason and the reveal was very lackluster. It would make sense not to go all in with Jarly only to have him leave a month or 2 later. I also think Nikolas’ current storyline was done in case the actor walked as well. He’s another one who was speculated to be a last minute hold out and he’s getting exit story writing. MC confirmed that he isn’t leaving earlier this week so I suspect that the writing will start to shift in the next few months
  11. I was waiting for an official confirmation but not even a tiny bit surprised. He’s less vocal on SM than the other one but they’re one in the same
  12. Surprisingly, I liked their scenes as well. However I think the big elephant in the room is that Alexis could and should go to rehab once she gets out like she should have done in the first place. Not like she couldn’t afford it so it isn’t a reason to stay in prison.
  13. I like Alexis and that makes her scenes all the more frustrating to watch. Most of the town are murderers or attempted murderers who walked away without paying the consequences, herself included, so what makes Nikolas any different? Also, unless she’s leaving the show, she isn’t serving the full 3 year sentence so everything she said this week was just for show because I’m sure she’ll cave the next time we see her.
  14. How are Millow this boring and toxic? Their dialogue today was cringey. Also, why would anyone want to emulate Sonny and Carly’s relationship? Even at the height of their love, Sonny never had a single ounce of respect for Carly and he treated every other gf or spouse he had better than her.
  15. He and Molly are related too since she’s Sonny’s niece. There was a running joke for awhile that we keep getting stuck with all of these new 20-something female characters because Michael was related to every other female character under 40 except Maxie
  16. The story has already sort of fizzled out for me. We got 1 or 2 decent episodes but they didn’t spend enough time on it and Sam/Dante/Valentin/Anna already appear to be out of the story. I’m sure Victor will also make his way to PC soon if he isn’t there already and I have no interest in Jason playing hero which is where I see it going and I honestly couldn’t care if anyone saves Dr. O. The actress is great but that character is terrible.
  17. Also, it’s widely known that Sonny ordered the hit on Drew at the same time Nikolas did on Hayden so why is no one asking why Sonny isn’t getting arrested? Even though Shawn missed, it’s still attempted murder
  18. They picked the wrong story then. Sean pleaded guilty to protect Sonny and the business. He didn't receive a disparate sentence because of his race, and I write that as a black female lawyer. LOL! They should have done this SL with a different character and wrote it intentionally if they wanted to do it. Have someone like Curtis or TJ commit a crime and receive a much harsher sentence than their white counterpart. The other problem with this storyline is that if they wanted to do this SL with Shawn, the only obvious comparison was Jason and I couldn’t see them touching that with a 10-ft pole.
  19. I wouldn’t consider Michael a typical Q male either so that tracks. All of his LOs fawn all over him and consider him the perfect man. Willow’s minuscule pushback was more than I saw from any of the others. But they’re still dreadfully boring and Willow in particular has nothing else going on right now. She just talks about Michael or Wiley. It’s exhausting.
  20. I’ve long thought they can she only believably play smug or a bully and that they write to her strengths which is why Carly is the way she is. Even her Cassie on GL was a smug, unlikeable heroine and it wasn’t due to how she was written. I would root for the villains over her character
  21. Someone on Twitter brought up that Carly may have actually committed identity theft since she came to town using her best friend’s identity.
  22. FWIW, I don’t think Sonny and Nina are only happening because of MB’s preferences. There’s nothing left to do with Sonny and Carly. They’re a stale pairing who should have never reunited unless they were set to become back-burned and trotted out for weddings and holidays. Their last storyline was an unnecessary pregnancy and I would barely call it one since Sonny was MIA for the majority of it because he was focused on his father. Mike was his storyline for 2+ years. However, I do believe Jarly was supposed to be a big part of this SL and not only Sonny/Nina but they backed off of it due to the overwhelmingly negative feedback on those 2 as a romantic pairing. It’s something that would have been soapy on paper but had poor execution and anti-chemistry.
  23. Dante did but that was mostly just a precursor to finding out Sonny was back. It hasn’t been mentioned since. I think making up a crime for Nina is just pushing me over the edge for some reason. Maybe because we already have Alexis doing the longest onscreen prison stint for something she could have easily pled out and gone to rehab over and Brad who pled guilty to kidnapping a baby and hide a long dead Nelle’s involvement for no reason. While others much bigger crimes are out there, widely known, and nothing happens with it.
  24. Also I’m laughing that somehow Nina is already up in front of a judge (in a different county than the “crime” was committed even) but still no mention of Jason being brought up on charges in the connection of the death of his mob rivals or that he shouldn’t have been allowed to leave the country. Like they do know how ridiculous Nina’s arrest looks when Sonny, Carly, and Jason have all committed legit felonies this past year that the authorities already know about?
  25. So Nina held Mike/Sonny hostage now. That’s the story they want to tell? Meanwhile, Carly actually kidnapped an elderly woman with dementia and held her hostage while the cops and mayor knew and did nothing.
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