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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. While it was a short clip, Drew seems a little too upbeat or energetic for someone who has been held hostage for 2 years. My bar for CM’s acting is low but I think he’ll still manage to disappoint. Judging from how he was on AMC, he’s not capable of leading a heavy SL.
  2. I rewatched the scenes from Wednesday and Alexis did soften towards Harmony at the end of their conversation and said she understood trying to change and said something about one day at a time so the conversation wasn’t as bad as I remembered. Nikolas and Sam came off worse when they approached her on Friday tbh. Sam said she believed her at the end but it didn’t follow the rest of the conversation unless we’re supposed to believe that she thinks everyone on parole is magically trying to do better. Alexis is obviously still suspicious of Harmony but I’d be ok with that if she had acknowledged that she has the same track record with falling in with terrible men. Alexis also mentioned Harmony falling in with Cyrus after getting out of prison. I suspect when the actress didn’t return after Covid, they gave a modified version of the storyline she was supposed to have with Cyrus and passed it on to Gladys. Idk I don’t get why they brought this character back especially to interact with Alexis and Ryan who she’s had nothing to do with before this.
  3. IA that Alexis came off hypocritical on Wednesday but to be fair, Alexis wasn’t the one interrogating Harmony on Friday. It was only Nikolas and Sam attacking her. The only thing I remember her chiming in about is that opening someone else’s mail is a federal crime. I think for some reason they’re trying to redeem Harmony because Alexis, Sam, and Nikolas came off as overly aggressive towards her this week and she came off like the reasonable one who is holding herself accountable for her past actions and saying that she is trying to be a better person. Ironically, something those 3 never do.
  4. I like the actor but this cast is so bloated. The last thing they needed was another contract character. I regularly watch and still have trouble remembering stories because they keep cycling through 15 different ones due to the cast size.
  5. I remember Harper. He was around for a couple years but he was just a dayplayer cop. I don’t recall us knowing anything about him. We just saw him at the PCPd or occasionally arresting people.
  6. Speaking of Brad, isn’t he only in prison because he covered for Nelle for some reason that escapes me and her story that she passed out after giving birth and he switched out the babies without her knowledge? While I’m know a crime was still committed there, baby switches are such a common soap staple and I can’t recall anyone getting into legal trouble over it, even when the person did something much worse than Brad. In his case, the birth mother gave him the baby.
  7. He got a lot of screentime but not much of substance during his first run. I think they’ve already given him more POV while he was in prison than in the 5-6 years he was on the show prior to this. He spent most of his time as Sonny’s lackey and being the worst hitman ever. The only stories I recall for him outside of that was his history with PTSD, revealing that he killed TJ’s father and finding out he was TJ’s biological father right as he was about to exit.
  8. Unfortunately it doesn’t seem like they have anything for Laura to do other than being a talk-to for others. I already hated that she was friendly with Sonny but Carly, really show? The last thing I buy is Carly having a female friend, especially this iteration of her. I guess they need someone for her to talk to when she starts falling for Jason or Sonny returns and having her teenage daughter play sounding board was weird in the few scenes we saw.
  9. I have a dissenting opinion about Cam working to save for college. I started college 15 years and my friends and I weren’t working to save up for college. If our parents couldn’t pay for it, we signed up for financial aid. Yeah someone like Cam might end up in some kind of work study, lab assistant, or tutoring gig when he started school but he probably wouldn’t be stressing to pay for school. Also, doesn’t he work at Kelly’s? We never see him there but he was working there last year so he has something. It was only Joss that wasn’t working which is expected.
  10. It’s very strange that no one with the exception of Michael questioned whether it was legit. I guess Sam later figured it out and bothered not to call Jason out on it but her initial meltdown on 7/4 seemed to indicate that even she thought it was a real marriage.
  11. Why did Shawn consider Jax a possible suspect in Hayden’s shooting? Lack of motive notwithstanding, was Jax even in town when the shooting happened? I guess I shouldn’t look too hard at that storyline since they’re changing so much of it. Hell at this point, I’m sure it’ll end with locating Hayden and having her be shocked to find out Nikolas was behind the whole thing since they’re retconning what everyone else knows.
  12. Can they really not let a single person who should have an issue with this Jarly marriage voice it to them? It’s so bizarre they way they are treating it. They’ve sucked what little drama there should have been with this story right out of it. Also, now I think LC added in rolling her eyes when Jason told Monica about the marriage and the dialogue they wrote for Monica was supposed to be genuine. She probably knows how dumb it is for Monica to be supportive of it.
  13. I think Valentin supposed to be older than JPS. He was already an adult when Peter was baby.
  14. JMB was in her early 20s playing a teen Lulu during that abortion storylines but this show gave heavy storylines to KMc’s Robin, JJ’s Lucky, AT’s Emily, and LA’s Kristina as teens so I don’t think their age is as much of a factor in limiting the current crop of teens’ storylines as much of a lack of willingness to do so. Their 20s crowd isn’t much more exciting.
  15. I’m already over the pool. 3 straight episodes of people having boring conversations there and a set should never be the focus of the scene. Also, aside from the first day, they are filming the scenes in a way that makes it obvious how shallow the pool is.
  16. I could see Scott/Austin making an issue out of Michael getting ELQ shares. Scott made that strange comment asking Michael why he doesn’t go by Quartermaine when he knows the history. Depending on how the will was worded, Michael might not have been truly eligible. AJ lost his parental rights, Michael was adopted by Sonny and considers himself Sonny’s son more than AJ’s even if he lives with the Qs.
  17. The same Jason who was more than ok with her staying away and told her to stop making an issue out of it. I’m still curious what she thought Valentin would do with her kids’ voting proxies since they have no inherent value on their own. The whole SL with Valentin taking over ELQ (and Nikolas before him) made me realize how dumb Edward was to leave ELQ stock to his whole family. There is always a divide between those that truly care about the company and those that can’t be bothered and are easy marks for a takeover.
  18. I hope I’m not being offensive with my comment but I don’t get what they’re doing with Shawn’s story. We have the obviously racist judge who probably gave Shawn a harsher sentence than necessary but Shawn himself said yesterday that if he was never sent to prison, he would more than likely still be working for Sonny. It just flies in the face of the message that the show is trying to send to have Shawn admit that he would have continued being a criminal if he never went to prison. I get that they’re trying to be topical and remedy a poorly conceived exit but he’s really not the character for this type of SL.
  19. I haven’t been a jasam fan since maybe 2005 but it’s a choice to have Jason sad for only a single episode over his break-up with Sam while he’s been alternating between crying, moping and making pained faces every time we’ve seen him since ending things with Britt.
  20. Molly has been a year older than HP since she was sorased but they skipped a year of law school, I guess for this story. She was talking about finishing college in 2019 and law school is 3 years. Not as bad as other characters have gotten fast tracked through school but still.
  21. 2 years ago, I wanted them to pair Josslyn and Cameron. I thought they had a spark and should have went there after Oscar died. I don’t know what’s changed for me but they’re a dud and as bland as Millow. Maybe it was that I saw more potential in them acting wise back then because since, both have demonstrated to me that they’re pretty limited. I also think having Josslyn lean in to heavily into this Carly jr personality hasn’t helped. I didn’t realize that their arguing the last couple months was supposed to be tension leading to a hookup because it wasn’t playing that way at all.
  22. It will be like Gail’s memorial all over again. We’ll all hate it and complain but Sonny and Carly will be there. The show can’t help themselves.
  23. If they brought Spencer back for a triangle with Cameron and Joss, I’m going to scream. This group had 3 male teens so far and 1 of them dated Joss while the other 2 boys had/have crushes on her. I know this show is tone deaf but even they have to know how horrible it looks that Trina has never been the number 1 option for any of the male teens.
  24. I think most people know that the show is too into the Sonny/Carly/Jason trio to let something break them up for good so any soapy moments of this story are not likely to happen. I also think LW/SBu have sibling chemistry so a Jarly pairing wouldn’t do anything for me.
  25. I don’t mind Finn as a character but I think a lot of his backlash is in the way they use him. Valentin used to get a ton of hate until they shifted his character away from mainly Nina and Charlotte and started using him more to support other characters. I think Finn’s reception would be better if they used him in a similar fashion as well as what others said about leaning into the sarcasm.
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