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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Slightly OT but I think the writers lost interest in Willow once they shifted her towards Michael. She’s on a lot but has no focus and they gave the SLs they set up for her to others or dropped them. Millow’s relationship angst is not really angst and I don’t think those 2 can sell internal conflict when they spend most of their scenes telling each other how amazing the other person is.
  2. Why did I think that Shawn already knew Nikolas was responsible for Hayden’s shooting?
  3. That Jax comment to Carly about hoping Josslyn doesn’t turn out like her was at least a decade too late. Your daughter is already a carbon copy of her mother and sees nothing wrong with this lifestyle. Also, Carly has always been terrible so he had some serious blinders on for the last 15 years.
  4. I think they’re writing Josslyn (and Michael too for that matter) in a way that it’s impossible to root for her unless you’re also a big Sonny/Carly fan. While she’s supposedly a good/honest person, she co-signs everything Carly believes right down to her opinions about other characters. She’s just an extension of her mother which is sad considering she’s 18 and has been on the show for years. They already have this issue with Michael where he hardly functions as an independent character anymore and his mother is overly involved in his SLs. I think they needed to pick a lane with her. Either have her be more messy or morally ambiguous like adult Morgan or pre-CD Michael or make her a good character who clashes with the adults in her life. This mini-Karen version isn’t working for me.
  5. I have so many thoughts on today’s episode and none of them are good. 2 stick out for me though. Sonny tried to murder Jax and that’s all well and good in Joss’ eyes but Cameron shooting, not necessarily killing, Jason would have been unforgivable? That’s interesting to say the least. Second was everything Olivia today. Dante is just trying to do his job. Why should he care about Sam potentially violating her parole if she doesn’t? “I raised you better that”, really? Sam should be thinking about her kids and who would be there for them if something happened to her, not Dante.
  6. What did Carly kidnapping Florence really accomplish? I’m failing to see how it kept the whole town safer when we’ve been told that Cyrus was still flooding the streets with drugs and was able to take control of the local prison to the extent that Sonny’s men were turning on him. Cyrus just got her back so all of that didn’t happen overnight. The only thing it did was keep Jason alive
  7. Nikolas had a similar response to Alexis yesterday when she sounded disgusted by what Carly and Jason did. The fact that they didn’t torture the woman doesn’t make what Carly did ok.
  8. I think Laura is on because she was close to Tiffany and it sounds like the episode is about helping Sean and Tiffany’s daughter. Kevin is probably just on because he’s connected to a bunch of the other characters involved in the episode.
  9. Judging by his social media, MB loves the story. Think it’s a case of the actor enjoying playing something new versus it being a big story. He has also had this obsessive desire for Sonny to be seen as a good guy and hero so this SL was probably done to placate him while getting him out of the way so LW could have her dream mob queen storyline. I think both of their stories are terrible btw and neither seem to be well received. Jason hasn’t been convicted of Franco’s murder, correct? He was only being held without bail pending the trial. The show will probably ignore it but breaking out gives him additional charge which could lead to jail time even if the existing charges are dropped. Though it’s obvious that Carly had no long term plan since it didn’t sound like she wanted him to run because he would be away from her and I’m not sure how Jason being in a hospital run by Cyrus is much better than a prison ruled by him.
  10. The judge dismissed Alexis’ attempted murder charge which I’m assuming is what Shawn pled guilty to. She was only convicted of assault but I guess you can argue that she benefitted from priveledge. It’s an interesting point to bring up but Shawn’s not the best example of this. He chose to be a mob hitman who regularly committed crimes and just agreed once again to commit one by stabbing Jason because Carly asked him to. I don’t think this is a nuance this show can tackle properly. They aren’t going to bring up the glaring examples of how people like Jason have gotten off numerous crimes scott free. I also don’t think they are going to bring up that Shawn is in jail for a crime that Nikolas committed because I doubt they plan to send him to jail.
  11. I’m sure Nikolas’ plan will blow up in his face because this is GH but I don’t get Laura’s claims of Nik turning evil or dark. He’s trying to protect Alexis. This is probably one of, if not the most, selfless things he’s done since his return. Carly’s a hypocrite but what else is new? She’s conveniently forgetting that she was perfectly willing turning over Florence to save Jason and he refused and even now only cares because it leaves Jason vulnerable. She doesn’t care about the safety of the town.
  12. His post about joining the cast stated that they were going to allow him to still do Hallmark movies so I guess they’ll work around his schedule? The show already works around GF and FH taking summer breaks so I think they could make it work but it kind of screws over the person his character is paired with since it might put their SLs at a standstill when he’s out, especially since most if not all of the Hallmark movies film in Canada so he’s have to do the mandatory 2 week quarantine if traveling back and forth.
  13. Days Of Our Lives has been showing kissing and love scenes this entire time so I don’t think they were ever against union rules. A lot of PT and other shows have been showing kissing throughout Covid as well. GH just probably loosened up their rules. Y&R recently featured a full on love scene with kissing between 2 actors who aren’t together IRL as well. Also, seems like some of the cast has been recently fully vaccinated but they definitely aren’t all fully vaccinated yet.
  14. While I doubt the show is acknowledge it, Willow chose to string Chase along because she didn’t know how Michael felt about her. He was her back-up option. Which is messed up and completely disregards his feelings but I think Willow gets that hero edit where no one mentions her bad qualities. Though maybe I’m biased because I’m not a fan of the character. I find her boring or smug most of the time and not very compelling to watch.
  15. Mikkos being abusive was a retcon I didn’t mind. There was a disconnect between him being so adoring and loving towards Kristin but later ignored Alexis and allowed Helena to torment her. It was pretty clear in what little Alexis has mentioned about him that there was no love lost between the 2 of them. Also it’s doubtful Helena knew he was abusing Kristen and he probably did love her which was enough to incur her wrath. The part about Mikkos making her an opera singer was cannon. She was a governess on Cassadine island when they started the affair and later on Mikkos changed her name and identity and set her up as an opera singer to hide from Helena. It came up when Luke told Alexis about her.
  16. I get that BL’s fake pregnancy is probably just a plot point for Maxie’s baby but they still should have put more thought into what BL’s original plan was. If she was planning to use it to get ELQ back, shouldn’t she have been more proactive? She looks like she’s about to deliver soon and is doing nothing except vaguely avoiding Valentin. Or I guess she really is that dumb and has no clear plan which makes me sad for her.
  17. If CM is debuting, I’m guessing IR is out soon. Jax has been really isolated, he and Nina seem done for good, and they don’t seem to be doing anything with him and Carly.
  18. I think it’s a nod to USC. EM is planning to go there. I think she has a volleyball scholarship with them
  19. I noticed that her hair has been styled lately rather than the stick straight look she normally sports but haven’t paid much attention to her clothes. EM tends to look older than her real age, especially when she’s done up, and I think the show was careful about how they styled her because of that. It’ll probably be a good thing now that the character is 18 but I can see how it could be an issue when she was playing an underage teen even though she’s the same age as the character.
  20. I don’t mind it. I think he’s a good actor and screen partner so he works for something like this. I didn’t enjoy him much in his Nina/Charlotte bubble and I prefer when newer characters are used like he is right now, supporting veteran characters rather than the show’s preference to giving newer character the central part of storylines and using vets to support them.
  21. Sonny always seems to have someone willing to be the new Jason when he’s MIA but they clearly don’t have a succession plan. Which is dumb because 50 year old Jason shouldn’t still be the foot soldier, they aren’t planning on ever leaving the mob but Sonny also doesn’t want his kids involved.
  22. She also harangued Lulu about not forgiving and taking back Dante quickly enough when he cheated while she’s icing out Ned right now for the same thing Dante did. Olivia is a hypocrite when it comes to Dante. She can be mostly reasonable about things unless he’s involved. Then it all goes out the window.
  23. I don’t know if it’s because of COVID since they’ve featured kids plenty and a lot of it has been fluff. James just isn’t one of the favored kids so he’s always offscreen. Current ones are Wiley and Violet but they change every couple of years
  24. I have no spoilers but I’ve seen some big anvils that Peter is kidnapping BL’s baby, like Valentin did to him, as revenge for outting him. I guess they could be doing a baby swap instead if they are killing off the Paxie baby but it doesn’t seem like Maxie will let Peter be around their kid and we just had that with Wiley.
  25. I’ve seen some interviews and a summary of his book. That is a common theme for him when it comes to actors on a similar level of experience as him or less. He thinks very highly of himself and his abilities and genuinely believes that he can mentor others or carry them through scenes. The only time he doesn’t speak about costars that way is when they are much more experienced, like with KS, TG, NLG or GF. It’s baffling to me and very off putting. Even if you think your God’s gift to acting, feigning a little humility wouldn’t hurt.
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