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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. It is in character but I don’t like it. Finn is the one who screwed up and also kept Chase at an arm’s length for most of his life because of this secret. He should be getting called out on it more and have to grovel and make amends but they won’t write him that way. It’s like the Fanna break-up. I saw issues on both of their sides but the way they wrote it is that Finn is perfect and Anna was begging for a second chance and would do anything to keep him. I found it cringey.
  2. IA about Anna/Valentin. I’ve seen a few posts about Finn/Liz but I don’t see it. Even if they have amazing chemistry, it would be boring. Just more Friz family stuff with Finn playing super dad instead of Franco this time while Liz plays the surrogate mom to Violet, who is the most well adjusted kid ever considering Hayden disappeared and she was left with a father she just met. Their angst would be a possible Hayden return and even then, what would it be? Finn and Hayden haven’t been together since 2017, no one is particularly concerned about what happened to her, and Finn isn’t harboring any feelings for her if her last return is anything to go by. I’d really love Liz to get a SL not involving her kids but I’m not holding out hope.
  3. That’s what they said but it isn’t true. They aren’t going to be more lenient on her sentence if she pleads not guilty and loses. The opposite is more likely. Kristina’s argument that they would understand is a reach because Alexis was right. Her alcoholism doesn’t justify her actions and it was premeditated. The best she could hope to do is some kind of plea deal, which might not be on the table and may still include jail time. She also doesn’t seem to want to be found innocent.
  4. Yeah that’s why I cringed at Sam’s support system comment. They had a good scene yesterday but Alexis’ support system has been lacking and she seems to be hanging on by a thread even now.
  5. If they kept him on contract during the break, I’d expect him to return within a couple months since he has minimums they’d have to pay him for. If they took him off contract, I wouldn’t be surprised if the break was longer to give the show time to go through Liz and co grieving over him and people discovering Peter is responsible. I think ME was gone at least 6 months between Silas and Finn.
  6. I guess he could have asked for space to think and we didn’t see it onscreen but assuming not, he’s proving his point about Anna seeing him as an afterthought since she’s been seen with practically everyone except Finn since their wedding. Granted it’s only been a day but still weird considering she left in the middle of their conversation.
  7. IA. If it doesn’t directly affect someone she cares about, she doesn’t care. If we’re being honest, she only feigns interests even when it affects her loved ones. She truly only cares if it effects her directly and won’t see the hypocrisy. I wouldn’t be surprised if they had Carly going off on Liz at Franco’s memorial for accusing Jason of murdering him just a few weeks after Nina did the same thing to her and she found it completely inexcusable
  8. There were definitely a lot of BTS issues at play there because from what I remember, there were some plans that got dropped or changed. However, I don’t know how they could do a Drew story without giving him his memories back. They needed to differentiate the characters more because without his original memorials, he was just a shell when Jason was there. That was the SL the Drew/BM fans kept asking for but never got and instead they wasted their and our times with Oscar’s cancer, possibly the most boring SL I’ve ever seen until this current one with Sonny.
  9. There was a bit there after Drew died where the show was acting like Jason was an active parent to Scout and he was as much a father to her than his bio kids. I’m not sure how they can still claim that after having Danny say that Jason was barely around when he lived with them and they couldn’t count on him when making plans. Plus the Scout actress hasn’t been onscreen since Christmas 2019 so I think she’s now in the tier of the never seen children along with Rocco, James, and Leo.
  10. They did but they made it sound like Julian was the father. Which would have been even more pointless than Franco since it came up during Julian’s death week, he didn’t know he was the father, and was already leaving a young kid behind (Leo) that he already had a relationship with.
  11. Cameron breaking into the morgue and seeing Franco’s body was morbid but the actor killed the scene and I appreciated that the show kind of acknowledged how often these soap deaths are fake. Though as soon as he did, I knew Franco was really dead.
  12. I fastforwarded Sonny’s scenes today. I’ve given up trying to understanding what they’re doing there. It’s reached such a huge degree of pointless to me that I didn’t think was possible. As for the rest of the show, did they retcon away Carly/Franco’s relationship? They are pretending like she wasn’t the first one claiming that Franco was a good person and the tumor made him do it. Even Carly/Liz had a fight about it back when Carly was chasing after Franco because she didn’t buy it. They only split because he dumped her at the alter after finding out she cheated. Nikolas really doesn’t exist on this show anymore outside of the pairing with Ava, does he? He can’t even be onscreen to do the typical, something tragic happened to a character I’m connected to and I have to drop by. I’m not sure how I feel about it since I’m not impressed with the actor and I don’t buy Nava together. Still weird that he’s hardly on with all of the ties he has to the canvas.
  13. I don’t see the point in making him “real Drew” again. It wasn’t a well received SL the first time around and without Kim, no one knows who that is. The only point to recasting BM’s Drew with his Jason memories would have been to absolve Peter of his murder which is meaningless now that Peter murdered Franco.
  14. The story has made it how obvious how easily Sonny lifts out of the show despite his biggest fans saying the show can’t go on without him. The people closest to him have mostly moved on and have other things to focus on. Scenes like the Carly/Joss one have been rare and aren’t particularly moving. Carly isn’t static due to overwhelming grief. She’s mostly been interfering in Michael’s life like usual and will probably be worried about Jason now.
  15. Still indifferent to Franco but BH, KS, and WL killed their scenes today. I also appreciate that they had Laura comfort Liz and be the one to break the news to Scott. The Carly/Joss scenes were unnecessary today and just took away from the rest of the show. Sonny was too but I got a 2 week break from him so I’m counting my blessings there. Carly hasn’t shown she’s grieving enough for me to care that about her struggles and it was especially weird to juxtapose that with Liz. I don’t know why Joss is giving advice and never need to be reminded about Oscar again. Joss also has tendency to make everything about herself.
  16. I think after Prospect Park folded, the OLTL characters became fair game. They’ve had Nora on the show a couple times.
  17. I hope BL gets better writing this time around. I was excited when they first brought her back but was disappointed with the character. I got a Kristina-level immaturity vibe with her that was unpleasant to watch, especially when they want us to buy her cousin Michael as a successful CEO. Temp BL was better but I’m really curious if it was the writing or how she portrayed the character.
  18. I love Liz but blind defense of whoever she’s with is kind of a character trait for her. Not that others don’t have the same issue but her reasoning is always so and so is a “good person”. I saw her do with Ric, Jason, and now Franco. With Ric and Jason, she didn’t truly acknowledge who there were until they weren’t together anymore. I agree, I don’t see much of a difference between Franco and Jason other than Franco is/was an active parent and Jason isn’t.
  19. When they first spoiled the news, I assumed that’s where they were going with it too. Now I think he just appears to help Cameron deal with Franco’s death. From what I saw, it’s a guest appearance sometime next week and he has scenes with WL. Which is a little hallow to me if they go that route. When they had Lucas struggling and had ghost Tony appear to help him, I found it touching but Tony and Lucas had an established relationship and he was a teen when his father died. Cameron wasn’t even born when Zander died so he has no memories of him. Not to mention that they already had a tendency to make Cameron’s relationship with Liz secondary to Franco.
  20. Spinelli is annoying. I’m glad Valentin dismissed him because he’s right, he doesn’t owe Spinelli an explanation. That character has irked me from day one and absence doesn’t make my heart grow fonder. Spinelli shouting j'accuse at Valentin in what supposed to be a serious moment was cheesy and later asking Alexis if she needed him to stay for back-up while she talked to him, I don’t know what he was going for there.
  21. Originally I thought Drew like they brought Nikolas back from the dead to make Valentin more acceptable to the rest of the town. However, that means that he murdered Franco which puts him in the same position as he was before. I think if they were planning to bring him on a “good” character with ties to the canvas, they would have done it years ago. Why wait until now when a lot of people have accepted Franco and might get more upset at him coming back as someone else? I’m leaning towards him coming back as a villain but not necessarily Todd. It plays to the actor’s strengths and if they just had Franco turn back into the old Franco, it would have made Liz look like an idiot because of how ardently she’s defended him over the years.
  22. I don’t know. I’d put Anna and Maxie in the same position here. Both believed that Peter was redeemed except now Anna has accepted the truth and Maxie hasn’t. She’s pretending that the only reason she trusted Peter was because Anna thought he was a good person. Or she must be because she’s trying to pretend that this is the first time anyone has told her this when literally every person in her life except Anna and possibly Lulu and Mac has been anti-Peter this entire time. Anna’s plan was dumb and I don’t feel sorry for her but I also don’t believe that Maxie would have believed her about Peter or this news would have stopped her from marrying him based on how she’s acting now. The writing is very slanted to make us blame Anna for the bunt of this. Why was she going to let the wedding continue until Dr. O stopped things, why didn’t she let Finn in on what was going on. She made a bunch of decisions that just don’t make sense and are OOC.
  23. Either Roger’s minimums are super low or they are following the Days model and he’s in between contracts because he’s barely been on the past 6 months and now taking a break. And count me as another one who thinks he is coming back as another character from how the article was worded.
  24. I’m indifferent to Franco at best but I don’t think RH is exiting unless someone has info I don’t. Either Franco will somehow come back from the dead or they’re bringing him back as another character. Only because I can’t remember the last contract character exit on this show that wasn’t spoiled by the actor themselves or a soap blog/mag.
  25. Are any couples together right now? I guess Maxie and Peter sort of still are and Nik/Ava but is there anyone else? This is such a huge change from a couple years ago when just about every character was paired off and drama free.
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