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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Back then anyway, I never bought that Sam wanted someone different than Jason. She just wanted a Jason who put her and the kids ahead of Carly and Sonny. However, I think the dialogue today was probably an anvil for Sam to get to know the “real” Drew and realize that a lot of what she loved about him wasn’t Jason. Not like they remotely had the same personality and motivations.
  2. Is it just me or does the show seem even more heavy with recapping than usual? I didn’t care about Naomi/Barstow/Creighton Clarke when the scenes actually happened so I’m not sure why I had to hear Curtis/Portia be the 3rd pair to discuss it.
  3. I find Austin to be a bit of a dud tbh but BL’s anger towards him is way OTT along with her suspicions regarding him using Leo. Not sure how she thinks that will help him gain control of ELQ and it’s especially ironic coming from someone who faked a pregnancy to get her shares back. Honestly I don’t particularly get any of their anger or judgement towards Austin. The company has a dozen Qs as shareholders who care nothing about ELQ and plenty of them didn’t grow up in that family either so I don’t see the different between someone like Austin and people like Maya, Skye, Lila Rae, Etc. He’s just looking to be a part of the family, not steal the company.
  4. Josslyn seems so inserted into scenes these days. Does EMc have an insane amount of minimums that need to be used up because she’s not adding anything to either of these storylines.
  5. Sonny and Carly’s most consistent character trait is probably their inability to apologize or feel remotely guilty even when they’re dead wrong. It’s part of the reason why most don’t feel sorry for them when something happens to them.
  6. I don’t get Ava’s goodbye tour. The Jason/Ned conversation was interesting but I think they should have made the connection between Jason Morgan and Mike. I thought that’s where they were going but they didn’t quite get there. Also, Ned needing to explain to Jason why Monica worries about him is so annoying. I will always wish that she cut ties with him because his inability to think about anyone else’s feelings beyond Sonny, Carly and her kids is so blatant.
  7. I wasn’t watching live when that fight aired but was there any backlash from it? I can’t recall any other instance of an adult having a knock down, drag out fight with a 14 year old and no one having an issue with it. The only thing I could say that maybe would have gotten it a pass is that EMc looked older than her age and CL looks younger so they looked like peers and not like they had a 10 year age difference. Idk still a weird scene for me though
  8. I like the Charlie’s set too but wonder why they didn’t give it to Curtis instead of that club that no one is ever at. How much use can they get out a set like that?
  9. I don’t think she is considering Portia mentioned how both of her parents are doctors. I think Phyllis was supposed to be Stella’s sister that she mentioned having that feud with which would also make her related to Curtis.
  10. Honestly it made me laugh when he told Michael how getting to be his father for that year was the greatest joy of his life considering we’ve been hit over the head how much of a deadbeat he’s been to Jake and Danny. However, I’ve always thought Jason relationship with Michael was overstated. Jason exited out of Michael’s life and disappeared as soon as Sonny slept with Carly so he abandoned Michael too. A lot of the early Sonny/Michael bonding and parenting was set up due to the fact that Sonny felt guilt that Michael didn’t have Jason anymore because of what he did. Jason just always got super slanted writing. He nobly gave his family to Sonny, had his box of pain for Jake. He’s long been a deadbeat that truly doesn’t want the responsibility over anyone. I think Kristina was spot on about Jason only wanting to be there for hero moments but not the day to day, even with Michael.
  11. I liked Dante’s too but I don’t think I would have bought an emotional reaction from the others no matter what they did. Carly just said she was in love with Jason on Monday, Michael’s been on a ton since Sonny died, got over his death instantly, and told Jason he always wanted Jarly together, while Joss/Sonny never had the onscreen connection for me to buy their relationship and she keeps talking about her happy her mom is. Kristina struggling with his death is much more believable since we hardly saw her to be proven wrong and she also wasn’t onscreen propping Jarly like the others.
  12. Sonny’s return was anticlimactic but LW was really sleepwalking through those scenes and giving absolutely nothing in them. The Sonny and Jason reunion was 10x more emotional than the Sonny and Carly one.
  13. Another thing I was distracted by was that SBu tested positive for Covid right around the time these scenes were filmed.
  14. That was the most boring TV wedding I’ve ever seen. Not a single interesting thing happened and they stretched out the ceremony over 2 days? Insane
  15. I don’t recall ever seeing Ned at a Jason wedding before so I think they’re only there because Olivia is Carly’s business partner. Ned and Jason really haven’t had much to do with each other in 20 years. Also, this whole week was supposed to be the wedding day so Dante was off with Sam but I don’t think he would have went regardless. He isn’t close to either of them. Neither is BL.
  16. With the exception of her mother and those few years pre-Dante that Lulu was written as a mini-Carly, I never got the impression that she was very close to any of them so that doesn’t surprise me.
  17. I can’t think of 2 other soap characters who have been fighting over different women for decades. Their love triangle with Brenda was the only good one that was organic and you could see why she was torn. Every other time, they were living off the fumes from fighting over Brenda for the built in feud. Even with or especially with Carly.
  18. Nope. Jason asked Sam if she told Danny yet to which she responded that he didn’t even her tell about it and she’ll leave that up to him. Jake found out second hand when Josslyn told Cameron about it and Jake happened to be standing next to him.
  19. It comes off like the costume people resent having to dress an actress over a size 4, especially if it’s someone whose size fluctuates. They pull this with GF all of the time as well. I would get frustrated if it was me and just ask fo wear my own clothes.
  20. I’m laughing that they are really having Sonny get all of his memories back after a head injury. That’s such a cartoon trope.
  21. The show is making it so obvious that Jason will always be there for Carly’s kids while being a deadbeat to his own. All of these OTT father/child moments with adult Michael and Joss is way too much, especially considering that the latter has a father currently on the canvas. Hell they even recast Donna and established that he’s around her enough to call Jason daddy while he couldn’t even bother to tell his son’s that he’s getting married. Granted I’m not a Jason fan but is anyone supposed to find this appealing?
  22. I think of the wedding outfits we’ve seen so far, I only liked Olivia’s. Carly’s dress only looked ok from the waist up though I think she should have worn a bra. I like different colored wedding gowns but this one had some weird seams and it’s a bad fabric choice. It looked cheap.
  23. Is there a budget reason behind doing these super long days because they’ve been doing a lot of them since the show came back from the Covid shutdown. I understand them when there’s a big event but I don’t see the purpose behind this one along with most of the ones we’ve seen recently. Nothing interesting is happening with Jason and Carly’s wedding to necessitate a 2 week lead up to it and it just throws me off when you have scenes like Joss stopping by the MC to talk to Spencer when she should be getting ready. The only big scenes right now are in Nixon Falls but those could have just as easily taken place over several days. It’s minor but it annoys me because I get distracted thinking about everything a certain character has done in a single day when they stretch them out this way.
  24. Part of me feels sorry for Harmony that her main motivation behind trying to help Alexis is that she’s lonely and just wants a friend. Yeah it’s her own doing and no, I don’t consider Willow or Wiley a prize but she and Alexis aren’t in the same situation despite what she alluded to. Alexis might be bored in between visits but it’s only because she’s locked up. From what we’ve seen, she hasn’t alienated her friends and family and she’ll have plenty of people there for her when she’s released. Harmony has been out of jail for well over a year and has been pretty much on her own since they retconned her and Willow repairing their relationship. It’s an especially sad state when you add in her history with cults.
  25. Josslyn was rude and snarky to Spencer the moment he showed up to town and wanted him away from Trina. Way before she knew about all of this. I don’t buy that she’s interested in being his friend so the choosing between Spencer and Trina comment was odd. Even if she did, her friendships tend to be very conditional on her friends agreeing with her 100% of the time. Look at how she treated Cameron and how easily she was going to dump him as a friend until Jason had to tell her not to.
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