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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Harmony has to be lying because there’s no way that this is the whole story. It would be annoying but Willow is hardly the first person to be born off the grid and there’s processes in place to resolve that. Yeah maybe Millow won’t be able to go to Paris until it gets fixed but the girl forgave her mom for facilitating her rape by a cult leader. Why would this be what stops Willow from talking to her mom? Also, Millow sounded dumb for asking Harmony for the birth certificate when they were unable to order a new one from the website or hospital. Obviously something is up and why would Harmony magically have another copy of Willow’s birth certificate just lying around?
  2. I think Brad said a few episodes back that it’s because of his felony. Which might be realistic but this show is full of felons who are in much more sensitive and higher paying jobs than a hospital lab tech so I hate when they randomly single characters out like that.
  3. Why doesn’t Laura kick Esme out? It’s not her responsibility to house her grandson’s adult gf whose she only recently met and sounds like Esme is a terrible houseguest to boot. I don’t believe that she actually has a trust fund that she even can’t access for housing funds but if she’s that broke and unable to support herself, she could just return home instead of relying on Spencer’s family. Also, that pic gave Spencer was creepy looking. Not sure if that’s what they were going for but it was weird. Felix mentioning his sister Taylor might mean that TJ/Molly are getting angst. Taylor and TJ slept together during a short break up years ago for those few months they attempted a teen scene around TJ/Molly. Hopefully it’s better than that mess with Brando. This is probably an UO but I like seeing TJ/Molly and wish they wrote more for them compared to the other 20-something pairings so hopefully it means something.
  4. Looks like Terry’s blind date isn’t Chet but a dayplayer so perhaps there is an actual storyline purpose behind this date.
  5. As much as I like CS on this show, I think they should have made him Stefan instead of Victor. Not only would it have worked better age wise, Stefan had history and established relationships with Nikolas, Laura, and Alexis that they could have played off of while Victor really didn’t. It feels like they mainly made him Victor for the initial incorporation of Dr. O in the SL and to bring Valentin back into the Cassadine family and I’m not sure either was necessary or added anything.
  6. Terry looked gorgeous but that’s all I have to say about this date. I feel like it’s a direct response to all of the complaints about how the show pat itself on the back for casting a trans actress and trots her out multiple times a year for awareness campaigns but hasn’t written a relationship for her. If you aren’t going to pair her with a regular character, what’s the point? This Chet guy is on maybe once a year so it would be an offscreen pairing anyway.
  7. Lol I’ve noticed a trend that the 1 Sonny and Carly free day we get per week tends to be the most watchable. Listening to them talk about their marriage truly drags the show down even when they’re doing something soapy.
  8. Lol I’ve been saying that since she started confiding in Michael and Joss but, yeah that takes the cake. Confiding in your children about your relationship problems is so toxic even if they’re adults and it’s even worse when it comes to Michael because she’s clearly doing it so he’ll take her side over his father. This is from the same woman who also yelled at Kristina for calling her and said her issues with Sonny were none of her business
  9. Carly’s dialogue is a lot to swallow. Has there been another character who has lacked this much self-awareness and refused to take even a sliver of accountability for her problems? Like she’s in her 50s and a grandmother, this isn’t 1996 anymore. I guess we’re supposed to root for her but she’s so completely unlikeable and so much of what she claims contradicts what we actually see. Ugh, I really need her to take a vacation because I’m so over her constant whining.
  10. I have absolutely no interest in this Jason lite version of Drew and find his Sonny and Carly love nauseating. Out of everything they could have done with this character, this is the route they chose?
  11. @lala2 I’ll join you. I think Carly has been even more awful than usual. There’s no amount of time that will make Carly ok with Sonny not wanting revenge on Nina. Fine if that how she feels but then file for divorce already because she’s a huge part of why Sonny is acting this way. She doesn’t want to work on things but won’t end it either. It’s been 6 weeks of this. I don’t think she wants to be in this marriage either but letting Sonny go means Nina wins and that’s all she cares about.
  12. I think it’s hilarious that Maxie turned into one of those characters that they don’t know what to do with except keep saddling her with kids because even for a soap mom, she’s a terrible one. She’s never had custody of Georgie. The reasons for that were dumb but it’s been the status quo for close to a decade now and she lived across the country for years. James was an afterthought of a pregnancy to a dead husband and I can’t recall the last time we even saw him. They really thought this was the character who needed a third child, and with Peter of all people?
  13. I saw some people post on Twitter that WR wasn’t in the Friday end credits, which means he isn’t on contract anymore, but not sure what the timetable is on his exit or if he’s actually exiting. They could easily put him on recurring and have him pop in and out to torture us.
  14. I can’t get into his characters because they always come off the same to me but Maxie and Austin come off as super random. I don’t get the thought process behind them or who thought they would work as a pairing. I honestly think they need to cut bait on Roger because this character isn’t working and better actors have been let go due to the characters they got stuck playing.
  15. Not sure if this an UO because it’s never gotten much chatter either way but I wish they would recast BL. I love the idea of the character and was excited when they announced her return but AS is a huge dud. I don’t feel for her in emotional scenes and she has terrible romantic chemistry with JS and no father/daughter chemistry with WK. I absolutely adored the temp recast and thought she blew AS out of the water.
  16. Hasn’t Carly walked in on Sonny with another women multiple times already? Lol I feel like that’s soapy for most couples but it’s tired for them. Esp since it never had any long lasting effects. I’m sure they get back together in a few months so it’s just another person to add to list next time they fight. I’m far from a Sonny and Carly fan but I think they should have gone the Monica/Alan route with them and shrugged off affairs a long time ago.
  17. I assumed Harmony was lying and Willow was a black market baby or given to her and that’s why she doesn’t have a birth certificate. The way she was going on about how it would destroy their relationship was a lot for what would amount to a paperwork headache. Willow said she grew up in cults so i doubt that would have even surprised her if that is the truth.
  18. I don’t think she’d be interested in a contract. I follow her on IG and she pretty much works nonstop between her acting and directing gigs. Lifetime must love her
  19. I think it’s completely unnecessary but I’m guessing for the semblance of angst for Millow (which I don’t think leads to anything) as well as a way to give Willow some non-Michael related ties to the canvas. Harmony might be around but she’s hardly on and they’ll probably start showing her at Spring Ridge once Spencer goes there which will keep her busy. Nina is on a ton and already around the same people Willow is and this will also make her related to Dr. O and Britt.
  20. I don’t find BL’s style to be distinctive. She just wears the same, business casual attire everywhere whether it fits the occasion or not, which stands out in scenes like this vow renewal or at the Savoy.
  21. Supposedly there was a planned Sam/Drew/Scout scene that was never filmed but was supposed to air last week and maybe that would have given her some POV. Have an offscreen love triangle is a choice. Sam and Dante have been on a decent amount since they slept together but they’re always with others and never talk about themselves so it’s hard to say whether things were going well or not. If I was a fan, it would bother me but all 3 of them bore me so I’m ambivalent.
  22. They sort of did they were in Greece but it’s obvious that they had zero plan for the character beyond when he was held captive. He does nothing except play town therapist, background for group scenes and a Jason stand in.
  23. I think it was a temp recast. Maybe the actor tested positive or was unavailable for some reason. If not, it’s tone deaf to cast an autistic kid to play out the SL and recast him as soon as he’s diagnosed.
  24. A BSN is typically 4 years- 2 years of pre-reqs and then 2 years of actual nursing school. I guess it’s possible that she already completed the pre-reqs when she got her teaching degree and could just apply straight into the nursing program but it’s unlikely.
  25. I don’t think the show knows what to do with Michael and Willow. They probably know that happy couple with baby isn’t feasible long term unless they backburner them but but it’s hard to give them angst when they actually never want Willow to go against Michael or his family. Enter them revisiting Nina’s daughter for the zillionth time I guess.
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