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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I roll my eyes when it comes to Jason’s biggest cheerleaders saying that. Yes, Dex is an idiot but he’s an adult making a dumb decision just like Jason was. Also, I’d consider going undercover for Michael to be 10x more idiotic than being a Jason replacement. He’s committing crimes and risking danger from being in the mob and also risking getting made and Sonny going after him. It’s not exactly noble and why wouldn’t he be facing jail right along Sonny? So far, he’s participated in an assault, threatened a juror, and aided in a prison escape. Those aren’t exactly minor crimes.
  2. The premiere episode was fun. I hope we actually get to see Lila with the comedy writers. She was one of my faves of the supporting cast so I’d love to see her interact with others outside of the Sips crew. Wonder how far they’ll go with Leighton coming out since she still seems so hesitant but the roomies were nice and encouraging as expected. I’m intrigued where they’re going with Whitney since she appears to be the only one who doesn’t have the same SL carrying over from season 1. I don’t know if it’s typical for college varsity athletes to have a bunch of other activities in the off-season but in season 1 she came off pretty driven and with her mom, I’m surprised that she didn’t have career or education goals. Kimberly’s SL is the only one I didn’t love but hopefully it’ll play out differently. First, I don’t know how common it is to have your scholarship revoked mid school year since you can only apply for the FAFSA in the spring. While you don’t need your parents to co-sign, you do need their income and other info so there’s no way to sign up without her telling them. I don’t want to see her doing a bunch of random jobs and magically coming up with 43k a year. Especially considering she seriously struggled with school last semester. Also her and the dude seems like it’ll play out a lot like her and Leighton brother last season.
  3. Carly dragging Dex for getting hurt working for Sonny while the love of her life did the same thing for decades and was a “hero”. Some self awareness would be nice. Nina thinking Carly and Brick are sleeping together was beyond dumb. It’s so obvious that they’re trying to make her a villain to Willow/Carly so we’re supposed to side with them when they act like miserable cows but I’ll never buy that she cares enough to spy on them or tell people what she thinks they’re doing. I’m just exhausted waiting for the moment that Carly demands her bone marrow because of how horrible she’s been.
  4. I think it’ll only happen if Millow are splitting up. I have zero faith in Willow standing against Michael or Carly and what they think about people. Even with Sam/Alexis, I’m sure it only played out the way it did because they were about to split Jason/Sam up and realized that she had nothing going on outside of his orbit. She was just as much his mimic as Willow is with Michael was prior to that.
  5. I think we’re safe from Ingo even if they can forgive the lawsuit. Part of the papers ABC/Disney turned over showed that they had already planned to fire him earlier that year prior to the mandate so I think they had no use for his character. They originally brought him back for MSt’s Nina once they decided to move her away from Valentin and it was totally obvious that they had nothing for him to do once Jax and Nina split up. They kept him isolated in that Carly/Nina bubble despite the fact that he was a long term character and had other ties, which I didn’t mind at all given how he was IRL but it was weird how ignored he was.
  6. I know we all want them to grovel because of how gross they’re being but I already know they won’t. Hell I could see Carly trying to get Nina to be tested and donate anonymously and try to have them never find out so they can continue being horrible to her even after she saved Willow’s life.
  7. I think it’s rare on soaps where the women don’t take the married name or at least hyphenate but if this were real life, I’m sure a lot wouldn’t bother after their 3rd or 4th marriage.
  8. Nina is being a bit annoying about Willow/TJ, mostly because she has no reason to care even if were true. However, Michael and Willow are completely insufferable and act like total assholes whenever they’re around her and will still act this way when Nina has to save her life because of Willow’s own stupidity
  9. I’ve always felt that Joss never truly wanted Cam the way he wanted her. She liked that he had a crush on her and was always there for her and she didn’t want to be single. It probably didn’t help that Cam and Trina were getting teased because it would mean she’d be the odd one out. I just never saw any indication where her feelings towards him truly shifted and she was still talking about Oscar and whether she’d ever find love again well after they started dating.
  10. I went back and rewatched the scenes with Carly buying the stocks because I was barely paying attention the first time since I assumed it was going to end with Carly/Michael winning like they usually do and Carly was going to now own part of ELQ. I didn’t realize that the stock price crashed not because the news of the failed merger came out, but because the other investors saw the clear stock manipulation going on. They pulled out early and essentially screwed Carly over like she planned to do to them because the stock price would have dropped when she sold her large stake and she was planning to do so the minute they could vote on the merger. Mind you, this was after several episodes of Carly patting herself on the back at how smart she was, how she thought Michael was a genius, and how she was going to be rich after this.
  11. She did the same thing when they had their make out session at the fundraiser and caused a fire. You can tell she really, really wants Sonny to flip out about the her and another guy and both times, he didn’t do anything. It only serves to make Carly look more miserable because she’ll claim to have moved on and be free every other day but then makes her stank face every time she sees Sonny and Nina together.
  12. Which I find hilarious because they eliminated or ignored all of the organic reasons that Carly and Drew would have angst. Carly forgetting Drew existed the moment real Jason returned. Her trying to manipulate his relationship in order to get Sam and Jason reunited and now Sam has moved on to and is happy with a “good guy”. The fact that Carly is clearly rebounding from both Sonny and Jason. Drew having Jason’s memories and whether Carly actually likes him for him or because he reminds her of Jason. The last one should give Sam concern but instead she’s cheerleading them. Even if she doesn’t want Drew herself, I’m sure she still cares about him and should have concerns about whether getting involved with Carly is a good idea given everything she knows
  13. This show is so much more watchable on the days that a certain group is absent. I’m warming up to new Heather. She’s unhinged but so was RM’s Heather. Like Laura pulling out the save at the end. I don’t know how everyone else feels but I don’t feel bad about Anna being set up. She has a tendency to involve others in her plots and have them get caught in the crossfire and it feels like Lucy is still being ignored in the middle of this. I still blame her a lot for Peter and she skated. I used to like the character but I don’t think I’ve enjoyed watching her since 2015 or so. Every since Justice for Duke, it was all downhill for her and she’s never recovered
  14. It feels like Michael’s version of family loyalty is him being able to do whatever he wants to his relatives and expecting them not to retaliate. That’s what he’s doing with Sonny and what he expected out of Ned. He comes off a bit clueless. The Quartermaines have a history of scheming against each other. I watched Ned do that with AJ and Edward multiple times back in the 90s and vice versa so I’m not sure why Michael thinks he and Drew are so special. Willow’s cancer is already stage 3? I don’t get what they’re trying to tell with this story
  15. Lol so the lead up to Chase/BL’s first time was BL contemplating ruining Chase’s chance of getting his job back and hearing him moon over her in an interview? They don’t even try to make her rootworthy
  16. In trying to be optimistic that it’ll end well. Mostly because ES seemed happy with her return and she talked about being unhappy with her returns during the Guza years and that she was misled on the story. Im holding out hope that she wouldn’t come back for a bad story this time around considering that she’s dealing with health challenges
  17. Sonny betrayed Jason by falling for Nina. Ok Joss. I thought Carly telling Sonny his mob enemies don’t take him seriously anymore because he cheated on his wife was a reach but jr took the cake today
  18. Her interviews make me chuckle because I think she overly self identifies with Carly. She really hates it when her character is seen as in the wrong by fans. Soap characters do dumb things all of the time but most actors just own it by saying their character is bad or gray or laugh it off by admitting their character is being stupid in this particular situation.
  19. Drew waxing poetically about Carly and talking about how much she’s been there for him might mean something if we, you know, actually saw that. All we’ve ever gotten scenes of is him being there for her. Are we supposed to pretend like her selling her half of the MC was for him because she even said it was because she thought Michael was a genius and thought it was her big chance to make a quick buck and set up her future. Carly really doesn’t support anyone outside of her kids occasionally.
  20. BL is trash. Normally I don’t mind schemers but Chase is such a puppy dog and has made it clear more than once that he wants nothing more than to be a cop again. Also, what exactly is stopping him from being a singer part time if he truly ends up liking it? This show has had plenty of singers with day job, like her own father for instance. I don’t understand the scheme with Linc anyway or what her plan is. I ffwded Carly/Drew because I’ve given up hope that they can play anything interesting but hope their fans liked the beach. Is Holly brainwashed? I saw that she put Robert’s phone in DND so Anna’s calls couldn’t come through.
  21. I’ll take it step further because I have an even bigger UO that I don’t care much about the 70s or 80s vets that weren’t around by the late 90s. I love characters like Laura and Monica but they were still around by the time I first started watching. I just feel like the show relies heavy on nostalgia with them in lieu of a strong storyline and if you weren’t around for their heydays, it doesn’t resonate the same way
  22. I thought that was a weird line as well. Especially considering that we got references to people like Molly being at the funeral but needing to leave right afterwards which explained her absence at the reception. Alexis must have done the same since she was at the funeral if she saw the flowers. One would think Kristina could at least made an appearance since she was in town.
  23. Michael and Olivia hear there might be there’s a serial killer in the boathouse and their first thought it to run inside instead of calling the police? Also does Olivia even like Ned? I get having a difference of opinion from your partner but we only see her openly criticizing him and she joins in when others mock him. The only time they get along is when it involves Leo, who was also pretty much the reason they reunited in the first place. I don’t get how they went from being the happy, drama-free couple to being this toxic. These days, I just hope for Ned to walk away
  24. I don’t think that was Lucy coming out of the water at the end though we’re supposed to believe it is. Victor is probably holding her somewhere. This whole SL has made Anna look extra dumb if I’m being honest because Victor clearly is a step ahead of her. Selfishly I’m glad that Sam wasn’t in the Kristina/Alexis scenes after she told Spinelli she was going to play peacemaker the other day because she isn’t my favorite. It was nice of them to work out their issues themselves.
  25. I think they’re really grasping for things for Sam to do while Dante is working and/or dealing with something regarding Sonny. Today was pointless because I don’t see how Sam will be of any help with Spinelli’s crimes. Cody blackmailing him isn’t the only way he’ll get caught so she’s putting herself in a lot of potential trouble for no reason other than boredom
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