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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. She’s giving off the impression that Carly is pretending like she’s sorry or feels bad when she’s around Willow Michael, and Drew to elicit sympathy because the switch flips the moment Nina is mentioned. I don’t know if it’s intentional or not but it’s giving Carly putting on an act for her loved ones so they don’t think she’s a sociopath.
  2. This is one of the rare cases that I doubt they’ll throw Cam under the bus for Joss. Carly will enable Joss, Michael will get annoyed that Dex is banging his sister but will quickly get over it, and Trina will probably say she understands because she always does. Spencer will be outraged on Cam’s behalf and she’ll lash out at him in return but they weren’t that close anyway and Cam will go back offscreen. Joss wasn’t really close with anyone else so the rest of the town won’t care.
  3. Pulls up a seat next to you. I constantly see comments about how LW is an amazing actress and it’s Carly’s writing that does her a disservice but I don’t think that’s the case. Part of it is because I found her portrayal of Cassie on GL to be smug and obnoxious and the character wasn’t intentionally written that way at all. The previous actresses that played Carly were able to insert layers. She doesn’t. Her go-to is righteous indignation and looking smug and unapologetic every time. It’s been 17 years of this so that’s clearly all she can (or chooses to) play
  4. Willow is on her deathbed but Michael decides following up on his revenge plot is more important. That tracks. Is Dex supposed to be intentionally bad at this? I loled that it’s been months and his dumbass still doesn’t have anything
  5. Joss can’t possibly think that she’s been as good a friend to Spencer as Cam has been. She’s done nothing but bitch and be judgmental towards him since the minute he came back to town. Also, the fake sympathy for Britt like we didn’t see her smirk the other day when she deliberately hid information that could help find her killer. Poor Cam though. They are setting him up for a huge fall when he finally sees Joss for who she really is.
  6. Idk, I think people forget but Michael has only been up Carly’s ass since 2018 or so (post Nelle). He never listened to her prior to that and always lashed out at her harder than Sonny. She hated every one of his gfs before Sasha, he didn’t care, and built a relationship with AJ over her loud objections
  7. I suspect LW switched to this ash blonde color a few years ago because it helps hide the grays hit it’s not flattering at all. If anything, it makes her skin look more orange
  8. I don’t think it would be Joss. I think it’ll be someone like Wiley so Willow can wring her hands and say she’d rather die than cause the golden child a moment of pain.
  9. Also, they’ve been dragging this out so long that I don’t think Nina is the match
  10. I’ve noticed that ever since Dan took over as one of the HWs, these Carly/Willow/Michael centric storylines get hyper focused on for several weeks while they practically ignore every other SL. Their scenes and people talking about 1 of them take up 90% of every episode. Think back to the baby switch reveal, Wiley’s original custody trial, Nina’s trial, etc. None of these SLs have even been particularly well received and if you’re not a fan of those 3 characters, you might as well take a 2-3 week break because there’s barely anything else featured to enjoy.
  11. Both “friendships” are completely one sided. Michael and Willow are selfish and never there for their friends yet they always seem to be there for them. I still remember Willow showing up at Sasha’s memorial and apologizing for not reaching out before that. Like, Sasha’s husband was brutally murdered and she was already on the brink of a breakdown but she couldn’t manage a single phone call or drop by her place? And Chase has zero reason for ever speaking to those 2 ever again considering how they treated him and how unapologetic they were for their trash behavior.
  12. Valentin and Anna being this fluff couple is weird and they’re basically off on their own little show. They show once every 1 or 2 weeks in a new location, make a half hearted attempt to “investigate” and engage in PDA. I wonder what’s the point? There’s a lack of agency with Lucy with everyone who cares about her, save maybe Martin who is barely on. I’m sure JPS lack of availability is in play here but it’s weird that they isolated FH due to his schedule for these nothing scenes if that’s the case.
  13. Willow’s hatred of Nina to this level started when Wiley told her she wasn’t his mother. Underneath it all, the main issue is that Nina’s presence reminded her that she wasn’t Wiley’s biological mother and she couldn’t handle that on top of Michael and Carly egging her on due to their hatred of Nelle. They hated her well before Nixon Falls and it was completely unjustified because she had done nothing to either of them. It was all because of Nelle.
  14. Not much to say about the main SL other than I’m feeling very justified as a day 1 Willow hater. Wonder who is going to die in Joss’ place this time around because we know they won’t give us what we want and let Heather get her target.
  15. Trina was on the show for a couple years before we ever found out who her parents were. Taggart showed up to town in 2020 and that’s when we found out he was Trina’s father. Then he later “died” and we met Portia for the first time. When she spoke to Curtis at Taggart’s memorial, they made it obvious that they were involved in the past and he was Trina’s father.
  16. I never saw anything that special between Britt and Jason to think that was something worth staying on the show over. Guess it was because he was one of the leads because the dude is a robot and lacks charisma. Their romance was a ONS that didn’t have a ton of build up. I know they had fans because people have always hyped up Jason centric pairings and I’ve long thought why?
  17. I think LW misfired on her acting choices today. Carly’s smugness was off the charts and she didn’t appear the least bit remorseful
  18. Lol why was Dante the only one outside of Nina that offered to get tested? Are they just automatically assuming Nina will be a match so they won’t bother? Parents being a match for their children is pretty rare and they done this SL a ton of times in the past where the parent wasn’t a match. Heck, why didn’t Michael get tested once they found out she needed one since he’s known for longer? What a terrible storyline from start to finish.
  19. While I mostly love Spencer and think NAC is the strongest actor among the younger set, he irks me on days like today. Even if a judge determines that Esme and Nikolas are unfit parents, what judge in their right mind would give custody to Spencer? He’s 20, single, living with his mob boss uncle, recently out of prison, and unemployed with his only means of financial support a trust fund that is currently controlled by Ava but Nikolas will likely snatch back and cut him off if he fights him for custody. What makes him think he can be any better of a father in his current state than Nikolas was to him? If he’s truly concerned about this baby and is not just seeking revenge, he would be encouraging one of Nikolas’ other relatives to seek custody. He has plenty who have or already raised children, have good jobs, and are financially well off and educated. I do think Michael getting custody of Avery was ridiculous but he had a lot more negative things to bring up about Sonny, had a job, and none of Avery’s other relatives were that qualified. Kiki and Morgan were dumbasses, Julian was in the mob as well, pretty Ava was still “dead”.
  20. MB and CM in scenes together is painful. Stilted dialogue and terrible acting
  21. Think they’re setting up Spencer being pissed at Joss for abandoning Britt at the crime scene, especially when he finds out is was to protect Dex. I guess that’s good because he’s pretty much the only person who would call her out. Trina sees the good in everyone and Cam is another Chase who can’t stay mad for long and her family will enable her
  22. Lol I assume that’s what his temper tantrums are supposed to come off as
  23. I forgot to mention this yesterday because their scenes were dull but why was Gregory randomly making himself at home in Alexis’ office when he didn’t expect her to return. It was odd. Also is he supposed to have a crush on her and she’s oblivious because he mentioned multiple times how he liked spending time with her or helping with the paper gave him an excuse to be around her more but she had no reaction.
  24. I thought the same thing. For a lead character, her world is pretty small. If her kids and Drew ostracize her, she really has no one to interact with. She still has no job, Donna is offscreen, and she has 1 good friend who is hardly on. The so called town pariahs have more connections than she does.
  25. Yeah but if you read her interviews, she doesn’t think Carly is unlikable and gets weirdly defensive when her character’s bad action gets called out . She recently described Carly as the woman everyone wants to be friends with
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