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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I can’t think of a less sexy couple than Carly/Drew and there’s been some doozies. The actors give off such a weird and uncomfortable energy in their romantic scenes and I don’t buy even a little that Carly is into Drew. What does she like about him other than the Jason comparisons and having him better than being alone?
  2. Pretty much, she excuses every crappy thing her kids do. She does it with Joss and Michael and Morgan when he was alive. It’s partially the reason they turned out the way they did. Give me a soap parent who calls their kids out when they’re doing something wrong any day of the week
  3. She did a long time ago and most recently when Sonny died. She was full on mob gf when they dated wanting to be in on everything only to claim to hate once she got pregnant with Julian’s kid. She’s been trash for awhile and idk why she’s encouraging Drew to make up with Carly when she herself acts like Ned is the worst person on the planet. I haven’t seen a single reason that she’s still with him other than wanting a full time father for Leo
  4. What relationship does Carly think she had with Jason? She had anonymous sex with him and then pined over him for 25 years. They never had an established relationship and she wasn’t out in mob danger because of him. It’s like she conflated her relationship with Sonny and Jason or the show completely rewrote history
  5. Wonder if Joss telling Cam about the hooking to try to deflect is going to come back to bite her in the ass. Why would he keep that secret from Spencer and Trina?
  6. Same here. Also would make Dex betraying Sonny and working to bring him down more impactful. Joss hates Sonny, why would she care once she finds out the truth?
  7. Fair because it wasn’t the interesting but I was wondering why they wasted so much screen time with Sam talking about how happy she was and how easy her relationship with Dante has been
  8. Did anyone else get Lulu anvils with that Sam/Maxie convo?
  9. Lol that’s what I said yesterday. He comes off like such a wimp around Michael and Sonny yet we’re supposed to believe he’s some bad boy. Theres absolutely no way I believe that Sonny sees him as a mob enforcer. He’s incredibly miscast
  10. I think they got Cam’s dialogue perfect. He was able to stand up for himself and rightfully call Joss out on her trash behavior but they skipped the layers of misogyny that we would have gotten if someone like Guza was still involved with the show. I’m all for characters get called out, it should happen way more frequently, but I was never a fan of seeing women being called names and publicly degraded over and over again the way he wrote it. Especially when there was never any smoke for the men. Did Joss threaten Cam with Dex if he told people about them? What was that line about how she’d have to tell Dex if he couldn’t be her friend and keep her secret. Funny how someone so anti-mob never has an issue with threatening to sic mobsters on people who don’t fall in line with what she wants. She was queen manipulation today. First with the tears/victim act and then turned to threats as soon as she saw it wasn’t working. Well at least they wrote Cam smarter than Chase and had him see through her. it still galls me that Chase plays best friend to 2 people who don’t give a damn about him.
  11. I think most of the heavily used characters are pretty gray but the younger set have been shown going to them. An effect of the mob being the heroes of the show
  12. Joss sure looked super busy the months we saw her chasing after Dex. Looking him up online and showing up wherever he was. I don’t think another character looked like they had less going on in their lives
  13. They gave Jason feelings for her overnight so he could be “betrayed” seeing her with Sonny. It came out of nowhere because Carly’s feelings for him were never returned prior to that and her marrying AJ and trying to cut Michael out of Jason’s life drove a wedge between them. Jason/Carly’s big “relationship” for decades was mostly Carly trying to be more important in his life than his SOs, until that gigantic rewrite they got last year.
  14. I doubt she even believes that. Joss probably thinks that Sonny might fire him and order him to leave town and he would listen. More importantly, she wants to save face and not be exposed as a lying cheater. It’s also a bigger pp since Michael would stop working with Dex which would make his presence in town even more useless.
  15. Joss acted exactly as I suspected. Tried to make herself the victim and said she didn’t lie when she clearly did. This is probably an UO but Dex looks way too old for her. Him hanging out in a college dorm and giving her alcohol the first time they slept together squicked me out. I also don’t see his appeal as a bad boy or Joss grown relationship. He seems like a huge pushover given we mostly see either Michael and Sonny ordering him around or Joss berating him. I just get a wimp with abs and zero personality.
  16. Spencer complained about Nikolas never being there for him and always choosing women over him but he thinks he can be a good parent to his future sibling because he has money and can get a nanny? Dummy, that’s the same life you had growing up and Nik, for all his faults was probably more “ready” to be a parent considering he was older and had a job. Like I said, I’ll only take Spencer seriously with this if he realizes that he can’t parent a kid any better than Nikolas and encourages one of his relatives to seek custody instead.
  17. It irks me when people cry to deflect from the crap they’ve done.
  18. It was Carly who forged the signature but Monica let them proceed with the surgery knowing parental consent wasn’t legit and Bobbie shredded the document so there wasn’t evidence of the forged signature. I didn’t celebrate their return. They were both trash in that storyline. Nelle even brought up how she had lingering medical issues from having her kidney removed as a child so she just wanted more info on how the procedure could affect him.
  19. She’s like her mom. It’s not enough that she dislikes someone. Everyone in her life has to feel the same way. I watched Carly have a meltdown every single time adult Michael was around AJ because she couldn’t accept that he felt differently about AJ than she did. Joss did the same thing with Ava. She complained for months that Trina liked her and was working for her.
  20. Lol you made me look it up. I didn’t realize the Violet actress has been on the show for 3.5 years already. I thought she was 5
  21. I’m sure they’ll have Dex switch sides and work for Sonny for real soon enough. There’s no path for him to stay on the show if he betrays Sonny and they’re clearly using his working for the mob as a replacement for charisma or a general personality. Without a mob job, he’d be another Brando.
  22. I didn’t mind Nina calling Willow out for not being there for Sasha even if she had to yell to do it. it’s true and Willow’s response said it all. She was dismissive and said she didn’t realize Sasha was struggling. Anyone who spent 30 seconds with Sasha could tell and people who barely knew her were consoling her while her supposed best friend couldn’t manage 5 minutes of her time.
  23. "I'm glad we have a donor but why does it have to be Nina?" Not only was the comment gross and petty on the surface but Joss should really sit this one out considering that she’s only standing here today due to a kidney that was stolen from a child who happened to be Nina’s other daughter
  24. Carly’s always been the worse of the 2 in my eyes. Despite Sonny’s many, many faults, he’s been able to maintain various friendships over the years with semi-decent people. Prior to 2022, Carly’s only friend was Jason, save the couple years the equally shitty Courtney was around. Even with Courtney, I only saw that friendship working with TB in the role because her Carly wasn’t Jason obsessed like the others. She clung onto Jason the way she did because no one else would put up with her.
  25. Which even the show is aware of of given Sonny’s comment about the PR campaign she has going on in her head. I truly think she’s delusional enough to believe the crap she says.
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