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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. “I’m Willow, Michael’s fiancé and the mother of his children”. Like the show doesn’t even pretend like she has her own identity
  2. I still can’t believe that they are changing Trina’s paternity with the exact same storyline they used for TJ in 2016. To make matters worse, RA has better father/daughter chemistry with TA than DT does. Curtis made it crystal clear that he’s going to dump Portia when he finds out. I hope Jordan doesn’t take him back because he treated her like dirt and she deserves better
  3. Yeah I noticed Drew kept mum on that he forgave her the same day in show time and they are together because it makes him look like an even bigger dope. He has to pretend like he’s holding her accountable Confirmation that Willow is going to hell because I know murder and rape facilitator Harmony didn’t make it into heaven
  4. Drew succinctly listing out everything g Carly did to hide the Willow secret just makes him look like a bigger idiot for instantly forgiving her
  5. It is but the rumors are he’s just around long enough to film Nik’s exit because MC refused to tape after he found out he was being let go
  6. Lol I knew Joss was going to lie to Trina about why she and Cam broke up. I’m sure when it all comes out, she’ll claim she had to keep it a secret but be for real. She doesn’t want anyone calling her out for treating Cam like crap and lying to him. That’s the reason she’s only confided in Carly because she doesn’t give a damn if her kids hurt other people. Even when Carly told her she should break up with Cam, it was because it was just going to make her feel worse the longer she puts it off. Also, it takes a special lack of self-awareness to remain so judgmental over Spencer and scoff when Trina said she trusted him. Girl, only one of you is actively being dishonest right now. This is also why Spencer sided with Cam. She expected Spencer to remain neutral when she treats him like the dirt on the bottom of her shoe and Cam is always there for him.
  7. Joss saying she’ll try to swing by Britt’s memorial tracks for her. I mean, Britt only died saving her life. Guess that answers the question about whether she feels guilt
  8. It’s because the SL isn’t really Nina/Willow. It’s Nina versus Carly and Willow is just another reason in a long list to continue the feud. That’s part of the reason this SL isn’t hitting the way it’s intending. If you compare it to when they did a similar story with Bobbie/Carly and Sam/Alexis, the differences in POV and focus are clear. Nina has hers but it’s split between Willow and Carly and Willow’s is muted
  9. While I wish Nina would just ignore them, it was nice to see Drew being called out for being a spineless hypocrite since he wants to stand on being an upstanding and honest guy. No one else is going to call him out but he’s very much the company he keeps. Excusing Carly’s actions and continuing to allow her in your life makes you just as low as her. She doesn’t have any reason to change her behavior when there’s no repercussions for her actions. Yes, there’s plenty of good people in the world who typically do the right thing and can be selfless but she isn’t one of them. She’s only going to do the right thing if she directly benefits from it or if she’s faced with losing something that’s important to her.
  10. I think the actors have chem (unlike others) so I’ve kinda given them a pass but I don’t get Valentin/Anna as a couple. More specifically, I don't get at all why Anna is into him. It’s like they tried to establish that she can only work with a shady guy, which I don’t think is really the case. I saw some older clips of them and their history is gross so Anna giving him a chance makes me side eye the hell out of her.
  11. At the time, he was CEO of Aurora. He was just as culpable as Drew considering they were in all of the those convos with Carly together. They chose to ignore his involvement once they decided to use this as an excuse for Drew/Carly to not be public as their “angst”, or whatever the show was pretending because it wasn’t even a slight deterrent in their relationship
  12. I only half watched today, but if Ned was mentioned, I’m guessing Nina tips off the SEC but everyone assumes it was Ned behind it and attacks him. Meanwhile, he didn’t seek revenge when they actually broke the law. Not to mention being condescending jerks to him and saying he should vote with them out of family loyalty when they were actively screwing him over for no real reason other than they felt like it.
  13. When Drew was acting like a jackass towards Ned and said he would try again to take over ELQ and cut him out, Ned pointed out that he could turn him and Michael in for insider trading. That’s apparently when Drew first heard the term. He later went to Alexis who basically laughed at him and told him it was a clear cut case
  14. I’m so confused how Carly/Drew are supposed to be secret. They act like a couple in public and spend every possible minute around each other. Not only do people suspect, they’ve already told Sonny, Michael, Joss and Olivia.
  15. What I gathered from Shelly’s exit interview was that she was the driving force behind all of those social and medical issue SLs that we got from 2016-2019. Basically trying to circle back to Claire Labine’s version of the show. However, most of the concepts weren’t great and even the ones that were ok were poorly written. I’m fairly sure out of all of them, Mike’s Alzheimers storyline was the only one out of the bunch that received good feedback
  16. It doesn’t mean much to me. Yuri is barely a day player as was the first guy they paired Terry with until the actor moved. I doubt the guy has had more than 10 lines his entire time on the show. They’ll never pair her with a known character or give her pairing a storyline. Yet they’ll toss in snippets of them for their mainstream press promos so they can pay themselves on the back
  17. It really doesn’t surprise me that Carly had no fallout. Despite her heavy screen time, her world is small. She’s unemployed, her bestie is a day player, so who does she really have other than Drew and her kids? It’s also why her feud with Nina will never end even though she’s been claiming to be over Sonny for almost an entire year. What else does she have going on other that feud? Being a party guest at Q family events?
  18. I think Sam had a placental abruption, which isn’t necessarily related to how premature the delivery is. In fact, had she induced when Alexis originally wanted her to, her baby had a decent chance of living since it was said to be healthy. I think the same thing happened to Sasha
  19. Willow’s pregnancy SL is playing out like pro-life propaganda. Especially when she’s so willing to sacrifice her own life over things that wouldn’t harm the baby at all, like using the umbilical cord. Is she really a nurse because she seems so ignorant to science and dismissive of everything her doctors have been saying
  20. Did I miss something on why they Terry didn’t mention using cord blood before? They were going to induce her even if they found a donor. It just reeks of the show trying to find their way out of this story in the most anticlimactic way possible
  21. I really need to stop watching live so I can ffw. I did think the Laura/Victor/Alexis and Anna/Robert/Felicia scenes were good, Ava/Nikolas were ok but the rest was unwatchable. I’m so tired of the cancer crew and their boring story
  22. The timing was really off. She said she started chemo the moment the first trimester was up, did 1 round and suddenly she’s 8 months pregnant when they are talking g about the second round. The cycles are much closer together than that. It’s clear they put no thought into her part of the storyline. I don’t get why they needed to make her pregnant for this SL. They could have just as easily said that the cancer was a later stage the moment she found out and done the same story. Dragging it out for months wasn’t interesting and it would have made Willow look way less dumb than the choice of hiding her diagnosis from everyone. Also would have saved us from a second devil spawn because you know this kid is going to end up as just a big a brat as Wiley and his daddy.
  23. I do find it hilarious that they’ve had Nina focused only Willow since finding out she was sick and worried about her. Meanwhile, her supposed loved ones Carly and Joss have mostly been worried about justifying their lying and getting laid. They certainly aren’t acting line Willow is on her deathbed. Lol though she probably doesn’t deserve better because I think she’d do the same if she were in their position
  24. Is Willow a popular character? I feel like she’s gotten A storylines since she debuted and I find her so blah. Why are they centering so many large storylines around her?
  25. If she has started treatment early, she might not have needed a donor period. She progressed to stage 4 while putting it off but when she first got diagnosed, I think she was stage 1. maybe stage 2 but it definitely wasn’t advanced
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