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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. If People had new cast pictures, why didn’t they include them in the magazine? From what I saw from the people who got it, all of the promo pics were old
  2. How can someone be so miserable on their deathbed? Mind you, this is the same woman who forgave her kidnapper for facilitating her rapes and all of Carly’s lies after about 5 seconds
  3. But then I guess she couldn’t keep her cancer a secret. Better to go the long shot route and secretly search for her parents instead
  4. Lol why are they stretching out this boring cancer SL? It was poorly done from start to finish and we all know she isn’t dying. I just feel sorry for whoever gets stuck saving her
  5. Why is Carly butting into Michael’s storylines an ongoing thing? He’s in his 30s with kids of his own. She’s talking more in these scenes than Michael and Willow are.
  6. I don’t think they’ll ever address that considering it would have been a reason Michael should never been associated with the company but to be fair, that should have been a bigger issue back in the 90s when Sonny was on the ELQ board or the majority of the time hit man Jason was. The only time I ever recall it being brought up was the time Sonny got arrested on RICO charges. There were concerns that it would impact ELQ as well but I don’t think it went anywhere.
  7. That’s why I’m glad he doesn’t change it. Let’s be honest, outside of (offscreen) Monica, he doesn’t give a damn about the Qs or does anything to help them in any way but he’ll name drop when it benefits him. Like when he wanted the AG to charge Nina with a fake crime, wanted the authorities to prioritize the search for Sonny when he fell in the water, or when he thought it would help his custody case with Nelle. Those were just the examples off the top of my head, I’m sure there are more.
  8. That’s pretty cool. IIRC, they did one for the 50th anniversary as well. Considering who was prominently featured and who is absent or off to the side, I’m guessing Frank or the show didn’t pick people
  9. There was another time that Nikolas was presumed dead. In 2004 maybe? They had a funeral for him which Helena crashed and tried to blame everyone for his death. He ended up being later revealed with amnesia
  10. God lord, Michael and Willow are dull. They’re clearly assuming that the entire viewing audience has baby fever because these scenes are a waste of screentime. Weird that Carly mentioned Donna’s spina bifida only to end up saying she’s perfect now. Another pointless pregnancy that ended up a non story. I think MW and RoHo work well together so I don’t mind it but they should have established a friendship leading up to this story because I have absolutely no idea why he’s helping her. I don’t know how long Ava expects to keep Nik’s disappearance a secret. Eventually someone will notice that he’s missing and we know the docks have cameras so they’ll showing him going to Spoon Island but never coming back.
  11. I wish they just gave Alexis her law license back. Not only did she lose it for the dumbest reason, the lack of lawyer/client privilege doesn’t seem to be a deterrent for her friends and family to constantly reach out to her for legal advice.
  12. Lol are we really supposed to buy that Nikolas was killed by a blow to the head from petite Ava wielding that tiny statue?
  13. I’m sure Valentin/Anna are isolated due to JPS taping his other show but I wish they came up with a better storyline for them. Their plans are so shallow and it’s obvious that they were hoping that people would think they are such an amazing pairing that they could hide that by featuring constant PDA.
  14. Hmmm maybe I missed a vibe because I thought that scene was a family bonding set-up in preparation for the reveal that Curtis is her father. Though I guess they can also both bond over the fact that their mothers lied to them about who their fathers for their entire childhoods.
  15. BL signing an NDA to get her song credits back is skeevy when we know that this SL will end with that other woman exposing him and trashing her own career in the process. I feel like every choice she makes is selfish and immature
  16. I said it before a while back but I don’t think any of the writers under FV truly got the Nikolas character. His writing from 2012 on never matched what we saw previously, where his biggest faults involved being a horn dog. He was never a big schemer or prone to violence unless it was self defense. I think they saw Cassadine and decided he needed to be grayer but a big part of his character was trying to not be like the rest of his family.
  17. Same, I couldn’t stand 07-09 era Lulu. She started off so promising but became completely insufferable. Annoying character and they gave her so many undeserved smack down moments with other female characters who should have been able to tell the brat off. They did a complete 180 with her once Dante came on the scene. That pairing really saved her
  18. I thought the Nik/Spencer/Laura scenes were well done but is the show going to pretend like Nikolas was responsible to let Ava off the hook? I’m going to be annoyed. This is just like when they conveniently forgot that Cyrus was behind the Floating Rib bombing and wrote it like Julian was the only one involved. Let’s just throw all of the crimes on the exiting character
  19. She was gushing over a baby. It wasn’t an emergent situation. She didn’t even go to support Michael and somehow she can leave her niece alone to whine to Dex now. She’s selfish to the core. Shades of telling Cam she was too busy to break up with him but had plenty of time to stalk Dex. I love that she’s the one who spews the most venom at Sonny and Nina yet they managed to be there for Michael and Willow and showed up to the memorial. Nina showed more for Dr. O than Britt since they weren’t even close.
  20. Nikolas is getting Julian exit writing. Everyone he loves or cares about is getting a scene telling him off and washing their hands of him. It’s overkill
  21. Why won’t this show let go of Finn/Liz? They are so awkward together and BH usually has chemistry with everyone. This episode felt like a lot was edited out yet there was also a lot of filler. It was weird. A lot of people were on to fulfill their guarantees but weren’t doing much and it was choppy. I did like the Liz/Nik scenes and Brad grieving Britt though. Why were Dante and Sam at Britt’s memorial? Their inclusion was super random. I know I like to joke that the show has made them designated party attendees because they’re usually at all of the events, weddings and funerals but it really came off that way today. I don’t think Britt should be on the GH memorial wall. She wasn’t an impactful character, the actress is alive, and they’ve already given her exit way more attention than I think was warranted. Lol how much of her run was she actually working in the hospital because I don’t think it was very long. When you compare who else is on that wall with her, it’s glaring. I’m guessing Heather or Ryan kill Nikolas.
  22. I’m already anticipating them bad mouthing Willow to her daughter right around the time that she changes her mind about Nina, because you know they will happen eventually
  23. That is such a pet peeve of mine. What possesses her to do that loud, fake laugh? It’s such a bizarre acting choice and I don’t know how she hasn’t figured out how to sound like she’s really laughing yet?
  24. Joss can’t support Michael because she’s convinced Sonny/Nina will say something hateful and they’ll start fighting? She’s the one who bitches about Sonny or Nina 24/7 and can’t stop trash talking them. Some self-reflection is desperately necessary because the fact that she can’t even slightly control her own behavior is telling and incredibly sad.
  25. I contend that Harmony is supposed to be in hell and not an angel. She’s wearing all black, comes off sinister, is trash talking Nina and wants to keep Willow all to herself
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