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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Carly is such a coward. She can’t even tell Michael the truth and pawned it off on Drew. God she was insufferable today. Could she have dragged out telling the truth any longer? If her speech to an unconscious Willow was supposed to be heartwarming, the show flopped because all I was thinking was how she was wasting time and if Willow did happen to wake up, the shock of that news at that particular moment could do more harm than good.
  2. See Joss considering Cameron not telling her that Spencer was on Trina’s side to be on par with her lying about being with another dude
  3. I’m racking my brain to think of something Bobbie did to her. The only thing I can come up with is giving her up for adoption but she was a teenage hooker. It was completely ridiculous that Carly thought this warranted her seeking revenge
  4. Carly’s problem is that she always expects grace and second chances when she never does it for others. Unfortunately, the slanted writing on the show usually means she got it because most of the people she wrongs are capable of being a mature adult and not holding lifelong vendettas. I can’t think of a single instance where she’s forgiven someone for doing something to her and maintained a good relationship with them. I don’t count the go around with Sonny because she was just as toxic in that relationship as he was. She even considers getting exposed for her lies to be the other person being evil towards her (i.e. Robin)
  5. I cringed at that as well. It’s not the first time Carly has basically said she’s this super independent woman who shoulders all of her issues herself and from my POV, I don’t think there’s anyone whose historically been more dependent on a man to constantly fix her problems or bail her out of her dumb plans. Aside from perhaps her first couple months on the show and the end of the third Carly’s run on the show, she’s always had someone gassing her up.
  6. I thought the scenes themselves were good. Drew made it clear that he knew she kept it a secret for her own selfish reasons and kept it from him because she knew what she was doing was wrong. However, there’s no other guy they can put with Carly so he’ll probably forgive her next week, which kinda takes the punch out of it for me.
  7. I think they dragged out the reveal for way too long. This current iteration of the Willow vs Nina feud has been going on for over a year and they had Michael vs Nina a year before that and then the previous Nina vs Willow fighting for the first 1.5 years Willow was on the show. All of that even before they find out they’re mother and daughter? I don’t see anyone online who’s a big fan of either character rooting for them to mend fences because they hate everything about each other. It’s somehow more extreme than Bobbie/Carly and Sam/Alexis who both had daughters sleep with the mother’s husband ffs.
  8. I think it’s just being Joss self involved and she tends to make everything about herself. I’ve noticed she has the biggest reactions to things quite a bit when she is far from the person most affected
  9. I felt mean saying it but I feel the same way. I don’t know if she was ever an integral enough character to warrant one and it just makes the bigger characters who were ignored all the more glaring. The only character Pip was close to that wasn’t a dayplayer is Liz and she doesn’t have any family in town. I’m sure the tribute will be a whole episode of Sonny and Carly wailing about their good friend Epiphany. It’s reminds me of how they gave KT this giant send off. It’s more for the actress and those who love her bts than the audience so I don’t know how interesting it’ll be
  10. There was a TCA event going by Twitter and Frank and a bunch of the cast were on the panel. I’m sure there’s articles floating around about what was said in more detail but main points are that they are doing a tribute for Sonya Eddy at the end of March and Nurses Ball for the 60th anniversary of the show starting 4/3. A bunch of former cast including Jane Elliot is expected to return
  11. Wiley clearly likes Nina and Willow came off completely unhinged when she came downstairs and saw them together. There’s absolutely zero chance that she and Michael won’t try to poison Wiley against Nina. They come off even worse than Sonny and Carly were about AJ.
  12. By the actor’s choice. JPS doesn’t want to sign a contract because he works on other projects and I guess doesn’t want to potentially have to turn work down because of his GH contract . The main reason Vanna are on like once every 2 weeks right now is he’s taping his other show. This will probably continue for a few months judging by how they used him last year when they taped the first season.
  13. It’s intentional. Every time Carly either gets exposed or does something underhanded, they have Nina do something dumb in the same episode so they’re both the problem, or I think that’s how we’re supposed to see them anyway. Problem is Nina’s actions never make any sense. There’s never any reason that they she should be tracking down or confronting Willow or Michael and she does it time and time again.
  14. I’m glad Drew finally caught a clue but the writing is at an all time low with this story. It came out of nowhere. We never saw those convos between Drew and Carly where she made it obvious that she didn’t want to find Willow’s mother. In fact, we didn’t see her “helping” with the investigation at all. Then Carly randomly confesses to paying off Denise when he didn’t suspect she was actively sabotaging him and then immediately confessing that Nina is the mom once Drew tells her Willow has cancer. This was a giant letdown. I hate when they drag out storylines and then flub the reveal. There should have been more suspicion and a much dramatic way it was revealed. Hell, the spec that dead Britt was the anonymous donor would have been way better than this. At least Drew’s sudden about face about Carly lying would have made sense with one of Nina’s relatives being a match.
  15. In this case, I do think his availability is extremely limited. He said originally that he planned to leave altogether but changed his mind at the last minute and asked to stay on recurring. Cam going to Stanford was originally supposed to be his exit SL. SM asked to switch to recurring at the same time as him but said it was too much for her after 1 semester and left the show. I suspect it was because Trina had a SL and they needed her for more time than WL. Even with the reduced screen time and times the character clearly should have been on but wasn’t, it was too much time for her so she bounced. Now if the show was more invested in Cam, they would just recast but I honestly think they were mostly interested in him because of Franco. He stopped getting material once Franco’s death stuff wrapped up.
  16. I laughed during that convo. Willow tells Michael what he wants to hear. She barely knows Nina and knows Sonny even less. He was “dead” when Michael and Willow got together and he and Michael have been estranged since he came back so it’s not like Sonny and Willow ever bonded. The only things she knows about Sonny come from Michael since she doesn’t interact with him. What would she know about Nina and Sonny’s relationship? Frankly I hate Sonny and don’t particularly care about Nina but what we’ve seen of them together seems way more happy and healthy than Michael and Willow. Those 2 spend all of their time judging others or poorly communicating with each other but think they have an amazing relationship.
  17. Is it weird that I didn’t find that OOC? Michael has always been incredibly self centered. If something isn’t about him or his family, he typically doesn’t give a damn and Willow has echoed all of his thoughts since they got together. Neither really think about others in any other situation so that doesn’t surprise me that they didn’t care about Britt outside of maybe shrugging that they’ll need to find another doc.
  18. Brenda lucked out with the bulk of her relationship with Sonny being in the 90s where they were establishing that he was cursed to not having a family of his own. No idea why they decided to change that and him impregnate 4 different women from 2000-2010 and the kid with Ava and pointless late in life Donna were even more random.
  19. They made a weird choice to end Thursday’s episode with Ava, Laura, and Spencer discovering that Esme is pregnant and Nikolas is the father of her baby and skipping to the next day on the following episode. I know it would get a little repetitive but there were so many filler/boring scenes last week that I would rather they have cut for these. Carly/Drew’s and Sam/Dante’s dull NYE convos and like you said, Cody reacting to Britt’s death were blah but of course those moments got screen time over scenes that would have actually been interesting. I loved the Alexis/Nikolas scene and the group reactions that we got but there should have been more. If we had to pick and choose, we definitely should have seen Laura going after Nikolas onscreen over freaking Sonny. Not only was he being a complete hypocrite, he has no investment in this so no one cares if he gets angry at Nikolas. At least Nikolas and Alexis have an established relationship so her criticizing him has an impact.
  20. Same. I think I my case, I only care about a soap kid if I really love their parents, well at least 1 of them. Usually I have to like the couple. It’s been a long time since someone fit that criteria and even then, I’m ok with only seeing them occasionally. I’m still not over the years of A stories about baby and kid Michael and the crazy amount of screentime he got. He single handedly made a lot of characters unwatchable to me because he was so central to their storylines.
  21. I hate baby SLs on soaps but I do think a baby swap is imminent and I’m guessing it’s Willow’s baby that is a tock and she panics and steals Esme’s baby. There’s so many anvils. Willow sacrificing everything for the baby, saying today that Michael can’t lose another kid (which be for real Willow) and the history of Nina briefly stealing Ava’s baby and her twin pulling her own baby swap. She could easily justify that she deserves a baby and someone like Esme doesn’t. We saw her do it with Nelle. It’ll also set up Esme’s whitewash, which we know is coming and with Nikolas firmly under the bus, there has to be something else going on with her SL.
  22. Did the show forget Alexis isn’t a lawyer anymore? I guess she could have told Nikolas what his legal options were but even if she wanted to help him with what he asked, what could she have done?
  23. This cancer storyline is beyond insulting. Willow has been so callous with her own life and treatment at every turn and we already know she isn’t going to die. Even today before finding out the marrow donor fell through, she was unsure about the donation because she didn’t want to give birth early. Girl, you have stage 4 cancer. I swear she’s really too stupid to live.
  24. Sasha and Chase would make infinitely more sense. I don’t get why they’re trying to make Cody happen. The actor is a dud, I don’t find him attractive, and the character is a loser. Hasn’t Sasha suffered enough? She’s been in almost constant misery for 3 years and it seems like they are also setting up Gladys gambling away Sasha’s money. I’m sure they’ll make it seem like Britt was Cody’s great love so he and Sasha can bond over losing someone to the hook killer. Never mind that they weren’t even dating and Brando and Britt won’t end up with the same killer.
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