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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I never bought that Joss was that into Cam at any point. He was just around and she knew he liked her. At the Jarly wedding, she was talking to Michael and asking if she’d ever find love again after Oscar and she was already dating Cam by then
  2. IMO no. Her best pairing was with Jax and they never exactly blew me away. I read an interview of hers from years ago regarding this that gave me pause. She said something along the lines of having chemistry with a costar is part of the job and if she was told to have chemistry with that lamp over there, she would. She seemed to view chemistry as something everyone has if they worked hard enough, which I definitely don’t agree with. What I’ve frequently seen since is that she tries too hard and gets OTT
  3. This is pure speculation but are they doing something with Willow and Esme’s pregnancies being on a similar timeline? I know Willow isn’t showing yet but the conception dates have to be around the same time and I don’t think either pregnancy is due to the show writing in a DL pregnancy so there must be some SL purpose surrounding it. What I could see is Willow losing the baby and having a complete mental breakdown and stealing Esme’s kid, ala Nina with Avery. However, that would involve something bad happening to Michael and that hardly happens anymore so maybe not.
  4. If she changes her last name to Spencer, I wonder if it’s because they realized that there isn’t anyone on canvas with the Spencer last name other than Bobbie who is on like 3 times a year. I always thought that’s why they had Ned finally change his name to Quartermaine along with BL following suite when she was recast. Tracy was departing and they saw that none of the Qs aside from Monica used the name.
  5. They have to make Dex a fed or someone secretly from a rival mob family because there’s absolutely no way I buy that he would insist on continuing to work undercover for Michael knowing that Sonny already suspects him and had him tortured. He’d have to be the dumbest person alive to continue in that position for Michael of all people.
  6. I don’t know if he still does because they change involvement with ELQ on the writer’s whims but when Sonny got arrested for RICO violations in the 90s, it was brought up how his being on the ELQ board could cause the feds to go after ELQ as well.
  7. He does realize that taking down Sonny has downstream effects on others, doesn’t he? His other kids don’t hate him and his own mother took over the same mob this time last year and could easily be implicated in her own shit. Not to mention that she’s supposed to have lost a fortune and is living in a house paid for by his mob money.
  8. Lol I forgot about that but I’m sure they’ll ignore it. Also, we didn’t see Michael go to college save for a month when then had him hook up with Abby the ex stripper so I don’t know where his big media exposure came from since he instantly jumped into ELQ during that SL. Ned who ran a record label and was a musician himself had to have dealt with the media plenty so it was always a slap in face.
  9. I’m going to assume that the Val/Michael convo was a set-up to throw Michael back into ELQ in order to leave the Aurora CEO spot open for Carly so she can pretend like she’s an independent woman now and wasn’t gifted a job that she’s unqualified for from a dude that wants to sleep with her.
  10. But what is the story? It doesn’t seem like Michael plans to get evidence to turn over to the police or to his mob enemies. He’s also suddenly anti-mob and is acting like he’s an upstanding citizen so I doubt he wants to take over. He has Dex working undercover to gain info but they’ve been vague on what he plans to do with it, more than likely because they have no idea what Michael’s revenge plot is.
  11. I don’t know if this is an UO or not but I think they should have killed off Diane. What’s the point of a serial killer SL where 2 of the first 3 victims survive and the one that did die was probably not the intended target. It’s not like she’s a central character but she’s been around enough that viewers know her so she would have been perfect. Losing her would have just meant the Corinthii need to find a new lawyer the next time one of the them break the law. She’s truly only close to Alexis who has other friends.
  12. I think Sonny is a red herring. Brando wasn’t the original target, Joss was, so I still think it’s Esme. Diane was Trina’s lawyer in the trial and went pretty hard at Esme so she’d definitely be on the list.
  13. I don’t get the point of the 2 days of Carly and the dayplayers in Florida. Nothing revealed today is even new info. We heard about it, complete with flashbacks to a teen Carly, when Reese was on the show.
  14. That’s always going to be weird to me. I get they want to keep the kids offscreen but the kids are school age, Monica is in her 70s and works full time and Olivia is presumedly working as well. Why are the dumping the kids on the Qs constantly instead of hiring their own nanny or arranging for some kind of aftershool care? Sam never appears that busy to begin with so I never knew why she needed so much help. I know Liz’s kids were said to be with Audrey a lot when they were younger and she was working but I assumed it was because Liz was always written to be the poor one. Everyone else had their own nannies
  15. And Chase is the one dealing with an ethics investigation…
  16. Ricky Martin played Miguel. Juan was Miguel’s son. He was not a good singer at all but the show was trying to cash in on the Latin craze in the late 90s and early 00s.
  17. I picturing how much Carly would rage if someone showed up unannounced while she was at Morgan’s grave and trashed him the way she trashed Nelle. Because bipolar or not, Morgan was very much a product of his bad parenting. Self involved, rude, lazy. Had he remained alive, he would have been a criminal and/or a grifter bumming off his parents in between treating various gfs like crap. The more normal people in his life outside of Sonny and Carly did express concerns about him and his behavior well before Ava switched his meds.
  18. On the one hand, it’s hard to feel sorry for Sasha because she refused to go to therapy, NA, or rehab but I’m still tired of her misery tour. She shows up every 3 weeks to have something bad happen to her. This kind of treatment of a character is bizarre
  19. He has more screen time but not even a hint of a storyline so I think he’ll be fine. He’s the designated best friend and talk to. Which is incredibly disappointing but tracks for this show
  20. Was the dumpster diving meet cute supposed to be appealing? I hate Joss so I thought it was hilarious but if I liked the character, I would be cringing that this was the set-up for her bug adult romance.
  21. They also share 3 more relatives in Molly, Spencer and Avery not to mention Sam’s stillborn daughter.
  22. I think Rocco is supposed to be a teen so he might not care all that much about their backyard unless he had a pool or basketball hoop there but they are going to uproot him from the house he shared with his mom for most of his childhood to move in with his dad’s gf because she isn’t comfortable moving in there. You’d think that would be mentioned and making sure he’s ok with it considering he might not be dealing with her absence all that well. You already know they’ll leave all of those mementos that bothered Sam behind, even though Alexis told Sam Dante probably kept them around for Rocco’s sake.
  23. We already know Drew isn’t going to care that Carly lied but I wish they would address that Jason excusing everything Carly did was toxic and not an enviable relationship. It enabled her to continue to be this horrible since she knew he would never truly walk away from her no matter what she did, even when she hurt people he claimed to love.
  24. I’ve never gotten the hype with LW’s hair. I’m sure I’m missing something. She has a lot of it but the color and hairstyles have been terrible for the past 5 years and it looks dry and over processed to me.
  25. I’m sure that’s their “angst” but a secret that doesn’t impact either one of them hardly qualifies. Drew isn’t close to Nina or Willow so why would he truly care? If it’s solely about Carly being dishonest, doesn’t he still have Jason’s memories? He knows her history and that she’s a pathological liar.
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