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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. DZ and KM must have fairly high minimums but the writers have no desire to write for them. Sam and Dante are in a lot of episodes but have done nothing this year aside from listen to others talk or stand in the background at parties. It’s probably an easy paycheck though since Kelly seldom has more than 5 lines in an episode.
  2. The writing today did make Nina appear to be a better businessperson than Drew or Carly. She might enjoy running Crimson but she knows that it isn’t a good investment and isn’t willing to throw her money into it. Also, I wouldn’t be shocked if Nina does end up buying the MC since she knows about it and if she had the money to easily buy Crimson, I assume she has the funds for the hotel. Especially since Carly and/or Olivia are all but guaranteed to get into her face and rail at her about something within the week.
  3. The SL with Carly is too convoluted for me. When she initially offered to invest, it sounded like she had the extra funds and wanted to help because Drew and Michael needed investors. Then later on, it sounded like she invested, and heavily may I add, because she thought it was a sure thing and she’d make a killing and could use the extra funds to expand her holdings and set herself up for the future.
  4. What makes it worse is that it’s been years since Spinelli has gotten any kind of focus much less a SL so why now? He’s been an occasional guest start for close to a decade now. I haven’t seen one person intrigued by his storyline. It’s all comments about why we’re wasting time with his story, who cares if he’s in charge of the dating app or why others are stuck propping him wasting their screen time wondering what’s going on with him. With the exception of Carly and Nina, the show appears to be very male character focused right now and I find most of the male characters and their portrayers to be duds.
  5. At one point, it was worth more. Either that or Jax was extremely desperate to get out of business with Carly because he traded his half of the MC to Kate in exchange for half of Crimson. However, this show plays pretty fast and loose with what businesses and people are worth so tomorrow, they could change their mind.
  6. I don’t get what they’re doing with Chase/BL already and have zero interest in Chase becoming a singer. Also, Sonny owes Carly absolutely nothing. She made an idiotic business decision and should have to suffer the consequences. Olivia has gotten beyond insufferable. The handwringing over Carly is a bit much. I doubt she’s even broke-broke. She still has Greystone and probably some money, just not enough to buy the MC back. It’s not like she founded the hotel anyway. She got handed half of the MC after trading away ELQ shares that she was handed over from Lorenzo in their divorce.
  7. Lol I’m pretty sure it didn’t happen only because they couldn’t think of a nickname. This show only allow kids to go by their name when they are named after someone else if the person they are named after is dead or doesn’t go by their given name.
  8. Olivia has no issues with Carly making a unilateral decision involving the MC without consulting her or even giving her a heads up but blasted Ned for doing the same with ELQ, which she has no involvement or personal stake in. I wish Ned would divorce her already. I don’t know how this couple had no drama for 4 years and then jumped to being completely toxic at every turn but they did. Also, are we still supposed to be believe that Carly is this strong, independent woman when she’s always having others jump in to save her from her boneheaded decisions and plans? Jason did it for decades and now you have Olivia and Drew (and possibly Sonny) picking up the slack in his absence.
  9. I say it’s half that and half that the show won’t cut bait on Michael as the male lead despite the fact that CD isn’t charismatic and his pairings are terrible and usually cause everyone to hate or be annoyed by the female half of it. Michael is related to practically every woman in his age range so they had to bring on someone new for him. I definitely feel like the younger canvas would look a lot different if he wasn’t the center of it, as sad as that is.
  10. True and honestly, Michael should have the least influence here. He’s not involved with ELQ currently by his choice since he could no longer be CEO and Sam might have gifted him a CEO position with Aurora but he has no stake in the company. Why is he driving the decisions here?
  11. Olivia today and Michael (I think?) the last episode said Ned should have offered a compromise instead of saying no. He did offer one after they didn’t want him to be CEO. He asked for all 3 of them to be in charge and to each get a vote. Michael and Drew scoffed at that. So by compromise, they meant Ned should have caved, and what’s worse, cave to a guy who had zero involvement with ELQ and another who barely cares about ELQ and basically just wants control of ELQ now as a way to seek revenge against his dad.
  12. Lol I hope not but you never know with this show. It was a random line as well because I don’t recall her actually wanting to be a nurse. It was all part of her revenge plot against Bobbie. She had plenty of years that she wasn’t working prior to getting involved with the MC along with a nanny and usually a wealthy husband so nothing was exactly stopping her from being a nurse.
  13. Is Michael supposed to be a neglectful partner? I can’t tell if the writing is intentional. You have Willow looking like she’s part of the cast of the Walking Dead, fainting all over town, and he doesn’t seem remotely concerned. Even with her belief that she’s exhausted because of nursing school and Wiley, I haven’t once heard him suggest that he should do more with Wiley or hell, throw money at the problem and hire a nanny, or a second one if they already have one.
  14. It was a valid question when this came up 2 years ago with his daughter who he’s struggled to maintain a positive relationship with. It’s a little more iffy when the family is a cousin who he’s only known for a few years and a first cousin once removed, neither of whom he’s particularly close to, trying to push him out of the company. It’s not like Drew and Michael ever put ELQ over anything else in their lives or would sacrifice anything for it.
  15. It’s a clear case of it but no, they never mentioned it on the show. However, they also didn’t mention that their original plan to rope in investors to make Aurora’s stock look more desirable for the merger was classic stock manipulation and Drew trying to push through the merger with the only intention to decrease Valentin’s stake in the company is suppression so this SL has been a mess in multiple ways.
  16. Yes and one that never made sense considering Edward didn’t have 100% of the ELQ shares. He could only give away the stocks he owned at the time of his death. Also, somehow the stocks have gotten redistributed a few times for new Qs but others are able to sell theirs. Like imagine buying 10 shares of whatever company, then being told that you’re down to 8 shares because the company’s founder has a long lost grandson out there and some of the shares you bought outright are going to him.
  17. I wouldn’t be surprised if this is just an excuse for Carly to have a sudden career change, become a full fledged partner in Aurora so she can be Nina’s boss and work with Drew and Michael.
  18. ELQ needing to be run by a family member never made any business sense. Lucy pretty much hinted at this when she talked about the family’s history of infighting. Even back in the Edward days, you saw them make dumb decision not based on what was good for the business. A big one was AJ getting to be CEO if he got custody of Michael, even though he was shown to be inept. I recall another incident where Ned wanted Alexis to be chief counsel but knew they would say no if he suggested it so they staged a public fight so AJ and Edward would vote her in.
  19. I saw them as dumb in different ways. Drew/Michael were dumb for thinking that this vote would go their way when they gave Ned and Lucy nothing in return but they really had nothing to lose with trying it. They’re left in the same position as before. Carly, on the other hand, risked her entire livelihood to invest in a single stock based on a tip. That would be analogous to me dumping my life savings in 1 company versus diversifying. It’s extremely risky. It was a questionable move when it was assumed she was just using her own money since she doesn’t care about ELQ but even more idiotic when we found out she leveraged the MC, since they heavily implied that she needed to cash out the stocks to get it back, meaning she doesn’t have the extra funds to do so.
  20. I’m going to cringe if Olivia goes off on Ned for his vote in favor of her bestie Carly.
  21. The spoilers highlighted how pointless the ELQ/Aurora merger is. If they had the votes for this, they would have had the votes to oust Valentin as CEO without the merger and it could have been left up to the Qs to vote in a new CEO. The only thing the merger would have accomplished is making Drew the major stakeholder in ELQ and allowing him to have more of the power. Which was likely the intent because it gave Ned a reason to vote against them when previously, he would have banded together with the other Qs and voted Valentin out.
  22. There are some SOD spoilers floating around on Twitter which if true, are glorious. Carly leveraged her half of the MC to buy the Aurora stock and the merger fails once Lucy and Ned vote against them.
  23. I don’t think Sam or Carly fit in this episode but other than that, it was cute.
  24. I’m not surprised since her final scene at GH had that open-ended exit feel with the dramatic goodbyes and shot at the elevator door. However, we’ve seen her once since then. It’s extremely weird that they have her in Shady Brook and a SL hasn’t kicked off yet now that she’s admitted that she isn’t on vacation or absent for another reason but the pacing on the show is at an all time low. Characters regularly disappear for weeks. Unless of course, you’re Sonny, Carly, Nina, Michael, and Willow, etc who are on constantly and often repeat the same dialogue because god forbid, we forget how they feel for a second.
  25. I personally don’t think any guy will make Carly more tolerable because they seem to think her friendships and relationships should consist of the other party telling her she’s right all of the time and never calling her out. Do anyone except Sonny and Nina push back against her anymore? The only times I’ve found her semi-likable were when she had people giving her a reality check. Let’s be honest, right now she’s a terrible person who goes unchecked, wins all of the time while judging everyone else, and somehow is still bitter. How am I supposed to like her? Mostly I just hope that she is kept away from the characters I do enjoy and cringe when she is since they want her in every SL.
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