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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I hated his return too. It seemed pretty obvious that they brought him back for Liz but as soon as they had a new plan for her (first with BM’s Jason and later Franco), he was expendable. That plot with Nina and her mom was embarrassing and he never even had a send off. They just forgot he existed.
  2. They play fast and loose with Cassadine money. They were broke before Nik “died” until Valentin took over the company and improved things. They also went broke 1 other time in the early 2000s. But Spencer somehow has millions waiting for him?
  3. Isn’t Diane still on Sonny’s retainer? I know he isn’t the person suing but he’s clearly on the opposite side of this case so it’s questionable. It’s a conflict of interest at best
  4. This BL is far too much up Michael’s ass for me. I had hope they could continue the Ned/AJ dynamic but it’s a lost cause. I cringed that time she confronted Sasha when it was thought she cheated on Michael and said Michael was the golden boy and she would never find anyone better than him. Sasha might bore me as a character but she’s a hot, young model and without Michael’s family money, he’s a mediocre guy with 1 friend, a horrible personality, and unlikeable criminal family.
  5. Couldn’t Nina’s lawyer just counter that Carly has the same history of crimes, mental breakdowns, and psych stays and they don’t see her as dangerous for Wiley to be around? We already know that isn’t the issue. They are mad that Sonny didn’t exact revenge on Nina.
  6. There’s spoilers that Gregory Chase was recently brought out of the closet because they’re planning to pair him with Alexis.
  7. It seems like we’ve been getting a lot of parties where nothing interesting happens. I wonder if it’s just an easy way to use up contract guarantees for characters that don’t have much going on. They can spend multiple episodes in the background with maybe a scene or 2 listening to someone else recap their SL
  8. I think she was the center of the teen group from 2017-2019 but I don’t think she is anymore. I think they threw her a bone with the sex tape SL but she’s gotten nowhere near the focus or big scenes than I expected. I think they moved on to Spencer as the lead of that age group with Esme as #2.
  9. To be fair, Chase/BL bored me so maybe I missed it when I tuned out it but how does Linc’s arrival prevent them from dating?
  10. I don’t completely get his motivation since he originally took over as part of a revenge plot against Michael but he still owns a decent amount of shares and I wouldn’t trust Michael and Drew’s decision making abilities. I have a hard time believing Aurora is some great success and they aren’t exactly symbiotic so this potential merger is more likely to drag ELQ down more than it would help. However, Ned isn’t winning either way since neither side will let him run things or have any real say. It sounded like he’s basically siding with Valentin because he knows he’s the better CEO, which tracks since he was better at running Cassadine Industries than Nikolas ever was.
  11. I find it so gross. Whenever she would pat herself on the back over how successful Michael was, I’d roll my eyes because everything he obtained has been via nepotism from a family she deemed him too good to be around. Funny how her non-Q son Morgan was a bum who never amounted to anything before he died. I really wish they cut him off the moment Sonny adopted him. It’s not like Edward had any issues cutting off other heirs. Between worthless Michael and cheerleader Drew who worships the ground Carly walks on, they’ve got me rooting for Valentin to burn them all to the ground.
  12. Doesn’t Michael run Aurora now? Why were they talking about hiring someone else in to run it? What did Michael and Drew plan on doing after the merger? Now I hate that they ever put Michael in charge or anything ELQ related and he doesn’t pull off successful CEO but it would have made the last sense for him to ask Ned to be co-CEOs with him and run the merged company together. Of course, Michael and Drew come off extra dense and condescending so they won’t get Ned’s buy in and they’ll fail.
  13. That tracks because Michael and Nelle came off like twins. I recall this one couple promo they were a part of where they were trying to pull of sexy but definitely looked like brother and sister
  14. I knew they were making Felicia the mom when they put KW on contract. Attaching Peter to a vet and having her defend him nonstop didn’t work for him so what makes them think it’ll work to redeem Esme because you know that’s where this is going
  15. Meh, this cast is so bloated and I haven’t enjoyed any of the ex OLTLers so I’m not holding out much hope for this one. Dante had an SOD preview about something from his past so this is probably an original character who has ties with him and they’ll use that story to usher him in before pairing him with Britt. Well at least she’s getting an age appropriate love interest? I was resigning myself to her getting paired with a much older guy again since Dante and Nik were pretty much the only guys in this giant cast within 5 years of her
  16. So I’m sure once Carly gets confirmation that Willow is Nina’s, Drew is going to demand that she tell the truth since he went off on Nina about keeping a secret. Wait, that’s not going to happen? Also, they might as well have made CM a recast Jax. That’s the role he’s playing in Carly’s life, not Jason’s, and CM resembles IR way more than SBu or BM. I detest Jason but he would never join in on Carly’s idiotic plans.
  17. While I certainly can buy Michael/Drew being dense, I’m assuming that this is being done to give Ned an excuse to team up with Valentin since w/o Scout’s shares, he needs a Q on his side. Michael and Drew have pretty much made it clear that Ned will have no decision making ability and the 2 of them are effectively in charge of everything. I’m sure he can negotiate a bigger role with Valentin and then he doesn’t have to also deal with his stake in ELQ being diluted through the merger with no real gain for him.
  18. She was with Spencer when the video was released. She ran into him at his mother’s grave because he broke out of prison that day. I don’t get why she’s covering for him. Whatever feelings Spencer and Trina may have for each other, he’s selfish to a fault so she comes off like a fool. She’s risking real prison time for a crime she didn’t commit to cover for Spencer over something he did do, not to mention how petulant and entitled he was about that 30 day sentence in country club jail to begin with. I don’t believe that he’ll corroborate her story if she does give up her alibi considering he’ll get in trouble.
  19. Wouldn’t the ELQ board need to vote on a merger? If Ned isn’t on board and I’m assuming Valentin wouldn’t be for obvious reasons, how’s this merger supposed to go through? I can’t recall who all else still has their shares. Monica would probably side with Michael/Drew but Tracy wouldn’t.
  20. I’m pretty sure I’ve said it already but despite the fact that LW either leads the episode counts or is #2 behind MB, there appears to be zero interest in a SL centered around her so we’re stuck watching her spend weeks “investigating” something she already knows, then possibly longer keeping the truth and wringing her hands about it in the middle of her daily whining about Nina.
  21. Joss has probably been complaining to him nonstop about letting Spencer work at Kelly’s. She seems to share that Carly mindset where everyone in her circle has to share her thoughts and opinions about everyone. Spencer is right about Joss being a hothead though. If she knew, I’d wager Joss wouldn’t last a day before taunting Esme with the fact that Spencer doesn’t actually believe or support her like she thinks to win a point in their next argument. Yeah she might want Esme to pay but she lacks the fortitude for long range planning or thinking about the consequences of her actions. I like that they’re using TJ more but I still don’t care about Marshall and wonder why TJ does so much. They aren’t biologically related and since Curtis and I assume the man who TJ thought was his dad barely knew him, I doubt there were a lot of memories passed on about this guy. It comes off as hallow.
  22. Diane has always annoyed me but I feel like they’ve been ramping her up lately. In the past, I don’t think she had an opinion on her cases or people involved and really only cared about winning and her bank account. The only exception was if Alexis was involved because they were friends. Now they have her echoing Carly of all people and she seems overly invested like she’s part of the clan. She’s the kind of character whose best left being neutral.
  23. Apparently she announced the pregnancy first and then deleted it but his post in response was still a little cringey. They have teenage kids.
  24. It’s short lived because I’m 100% sure that once Carly gets confirmation that Nina is the mom (and you know she will), she’ll be doing everything possible to make sure Willow and Nina don’t find out the truth.
  25. I really hope that Mac/Felicia convo was just to give them something to talk about for a couple episodes because there’s no way I buy that a couple in their late 50s/early 60s who’ve already raised children would want another kid. I’d be almost as disappointed if it was an anvil for super dad Mac to have a long lost kid out there just so they can give a newbie ties to the canvas.
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