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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I like Sonny/Nina and think they have chemistry but tbh, I think their writing is terrible. There’s very little movement and Sonny comes off like he’s treating her like the backup option when he and Carly are already over. Ironically it’s the opposite of Carly/Drew for me because they get the better dialogue like they are this deep potential couple who gets each other but their chemistry is nonexistent and they give off overly enthusiastic TV host energy in their scenes together.
  2. They needed a pp for Jason/Carly. She and Sonny have been divorced multiple times and she’s been involved with a couple of his mob enemies and somehow this was never an issue. Part of me is surprised that LW didn’t complain about the way they wrote it because they gave her a moment leading the mob and then later said that no one took her seriously but at the same time, Jason/Carly has always been a dream SL for her for some reason so I think they were throwing her a bone. Why, I don’t know, because their romantic/couple scenes were painful to watch and she left Twitter for the duration of that SL because she got tired of the negative comments about them.
  3. I think Carly’s laser focus on Nina and the Sonny/Nina relationship is contributing to that. Sonny has pretty much moved on by now and he only brings up his issues with Michael. Carly hasn’t been doing much lately except obsessing over Nina and occasionally getting thrown into a SL that has nothing to do with her. Like even if she was the true wronged party (and there’s some debate to that being true), it just makes her look petty and bitter that she can’t move on from this and has a meltdown every time she sees them together. While I’m not a fan of Carly, I know a few people that are and they hate that they haven’t moved her out of Sonny/Nina’s orbit and given her a storyline of her own.
  4. They write Violet perpetually like she’s 5 when I know she must be older since she’s been on the show for 3 years. It reminds me of a kid on a cartoon, not a TV show. She’s also remarkably well adjusted for someone whose mother disappeared and she was left with a father who she only recently met. I don’t recall her ever even mentioning Hayden and she seemed to immediately replace her with Anna and now Liz.
  5. What Carly has done comes off like classic gaslighting to me. She overly involved Michael and Joss in her marriage struggles and made them choose sides. I ignore Joss to an extent since she isn’t Sonny’s kid but it’s exactly what you don’t do in relationships when you share children. Now she feels like can run around and call Sonny a bad father because she’s projected her own issues onto him (Note I don’t think Sonny is a good parent but not for the reasons Carly thinks). It gives her justification to lash out at Sonny and continue to rehash the same issues when he’s moved on from the marriage and she hasn’t. It doesn’t help matters that she and Michael throw around how much what Nina did impacted Sonny’s children when it’s clearly only Michael and about how Carly was affected. Dante doesn’t approve of Nina but he still maintains his relationship with Sonny. Kristina seemed fine with him as well during her random guest appearances.
  6. Jordan sent him to PC to live with Shawn in an effort to straighten him out because he was getting in trouble 2 actors ago. However, he was like 14 years old so if they’re comparing his barely teenage rebellion to a 30 year old Michael’s temper tantrum, I don’t know what to say.
  7. Michael never had any true investment in ELQ so him all of sudden only being serious because his mom could lose her shirt in the merger is of no surprise to me. He only cares about it now because it’s a tool to go after Sonny. He said Sam was right to leverage the kids’ shares to Valentin in return for a new parole officer and he would have a done the same thing if in her position and turned down a plumb job from Valentin which would have kept him involved the company. It’s the crux of the issue with portraying a “family company” that only consists of 1 person who actually grew up in that family and was groomed by Edward. Another example is how BL, Skye, Lila Rae, and Maya so easily sold their shares to an outsider (twice). We know Tracy would have never done that in general principle.
  8. I question how much cash Carly even has to invest to make a difference for a company that is supposed to be anywhere near on par with the size of what multinational ELQ is supposed to be. They put no thought into this SL at all.
  9. It’s definitely insider trading and also sound like they’re artificially inflating the stock price to make the company look more sound for the merger
  10. I assume it’s supposed to be a rooftop pool, though having one of those in upstate NY is laughable. However, what amateur skydiver is making that precise a landing not only on the rooftop but in the midst of a crowd of people? That’s an insane liability and a lot worse could have happened than Britt getting knocked into the pool
  11. I think Spinelli is being secretive about the dating app because he didn’t think it would be successful if he was the face of it. However, if my theory is correct, that would make more sense for a matchmaker than a dating app.
  12. None of the ex-OLTLers have impressed me so JK is just another one to add to the list. Also doesn’t help that his character seems like a loser who everyone is acting like is the hottest guy on the planet when I don’t see it at all.
  13. Michael trying to take down Sonny’s operation sounds like something that would be good on paper but flops because of the circumstances/execution. I know I used to wish one of Sonny’s kids stood against Sonny and the mob and vowed to take him down since Sonny wouldn’t be able to go after them as hard as he would a regular rival. It really should have been Dante but we can’t have nice things. Now where is loses me is first, we know Michael doesn’t care that Sonny is a mobster or a criminal. Second, Sonny sleeping with Nina shouldn’t have been the line in the sand. Third, Michael is always set up to win and it comes off like he’s just attacking Sonny because he knows Sonny won’t retaliate. As much as he says Sonny doesn’t care about his family, I don’t think he would be doing this if he really thought Sonny would go after him full force. Lastly, we were hit over the head last year about how Carly had to make the great sacrifice and take over the mob to save PC because otherwise, it left a vacuum for other mobsters to take over the territory. So all of a sudden, Michael isn’t worried about a rival mob taking over and all of his loved ones being taken out?
  14. Most storylines drag on for way too long but I think this Liz one has been so weirdly secretive because they were trying to come up with something that explains why Liz’s parents have been MIA since she was a teen. I don’t think anything will- they’re crappy parents. I never got why they did that. I’m assuming it started because they didn’t want to recast Jeff and then went on for so long that they just couldn’t explain why her parents didn’t bother showing up for so many big moments. Despite the fact that she was tied to the Webber/Hardy family, I used to wish that they would retcon her parentage because that choice, along with the fact that they barely cared about her siblings, left her so isolated at times.
  15. The kiddie love triangle/actual storylines with the kids seemed to be more of a Ron thing than Frank. I think now, we just have 2 kids at a time that the show is obsessed with and showcases all of the time. Currently that’s Violet and Leo. Before them, it was Charlotte and Wiley (not they don’t mention Wiley constantly but he’s not onscreen nearly as much as before).
  16. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to make of Finn/Liz but between Finn popping in to visit after Liz specifically asked him not to and the hint that he’s going to contact her parents when we know she has no interest in having them in her life, it’s a no for me. To add, I never saw much chem between them in the first place so they never excited me. I didn’t pay much attention to his previous pairings but is Finn normally like this?
  17. You never know. Donna is like 2 or 3 and was calling Jason daddy last year. Ric started bonding with Kristina around that age and she called him daddy Ric up until the time she was sorased to a teen
  18. I’ve been saying this for awhile but I think she lost her lead of the teen group status the minute Spencer showed up, which I don’t mind because I never thought she was a strong actress. They use her as much as WL, who asked to be taken off contract, and I’d argue that even Cameron has more going on right now since he’s in on Spencer’s plan. Joss whines about Esme, acts as Trina’s bff or comments on what’s going on with her family.
  19. Michael’s sudden outage at Sonny being a criminal when he’s always been a criminal rings hallow. His extreme anger is clearly about the fact that Sonny didn’t seek revenge against Nina but even the show knows that no one will root for him being mad at daddy for not killing a woman over a lie.
  20. No she didn’t but BL did spend a few of her high school years in PC and I’m still not sure how they are supposed to be the same age when even her sorased age would put her a few years behind Dante. I could see them knowing each other if they lived in the same neighborhood but in the same friend circle is a bigger stretch.
  21. I found the Nik/Esme scenes kind of squicky but I guess I’m in the minority because I’ve always thought Nava sucked and MC was a terrible actor so if this finally breaks them up and gets Ava away from him, I’m all for it. He mostly stands around with the same expression on his face and disappears in scenes.
  22. To be fair, Rory is a rookie cop while Dante and Chase are detectives so they would obviously make more than him. The poor stuff has come up for them too in other ways. Sonny had to help Lante buy their house and they lived in that tiny studio apt for years. I think they mentioned Chase struggling with his hospital bills (same thing for Jordan and Lucky) as well as Willow being so impressed with Michael and his money when it came to wine tasting sessions during those 5 seconds that Chillow reunited last year.
  23. I actually don’t think Carly wants Sonny anymore but she’s never been ok with him being happy with someone else. It’s part of her narcissistic make-up. She was the same way with Jason and Jax to a lesser extent too.
  24. Leveraging access to Wiley is all Michael knows. Carly did it with Michael his entire childhood and we used to laugh because Michael wasn’t a gift either.
  25. Amy’s reaction to Chet/Terry dating is extreme if the only reason she doesn’t approve is because Terry is a strict boss. Conspiring to get him out of town is a bit much. Amy’s also very annoying overall. I don’t know who asked for more of her because I’ve hated pretty much everything they’ve featured her in starting with that terrible Man Landers SL.
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