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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. So is Esme’s pointless baby just an excuse to keep her in town and for people to interact with her? The amnesia is giving her way too much of a pass since we know the show’s more decent characters won’t bother calling her out when she doesn’t recall what she did. I’m annoyed
  2. I’ve been ffwing some scenes lately so maybe this has been addressed but is Esme in Spring Ridge pending a trial and or has she already been convicted? If she’s being held without bail, why, and what is being charged with? We know she wasn’t the hooker so is it just the sex tape? I know thats a felony but I don’t think it’s considered a serious enough crime to hold someone in jail before a trial. Also, I think even in the states that allow a baby to be taken into jail with you, it’s only once you’re convicted and serving time.
  3. On the one hand, I’m kinda glad Cam is getting written off if he is since pairing him with Joss and the aftermath did him a disservice and I can’t see him getting anything better. Also better to get a good exit than getting killed off trying to save Joss from the Hooker so she would be free to move on to someone else. On the other hand, too many characters tied to Laura are disappearing and I hate that. She should be a central character but it doesn’t feel that way when so many of her relatives aren’t around. Meaning he doesn’t want them to know he was behind it because they might hate him for it. Like I said earlier, he’s a coward
  4. I might be misremembering but I’m pretty sure he’s said his revenge plan involves sending in the info to the cops anonymously, which is not only cowardly but probably wouldn’t work because you’d need witnesses to help make a case. It still make for a bad story because Michael has years of knowledge of things Sonny has done since it hasn’t been hidden from him but suddenly he needs a man on the inside to get info.
  5. I think the storylines that progress quickly are the ones that mainly involve characters who aren’t on a lot. Anything involving Sonny/Carly/Carly’s kids tends to get dragged out for eternity and involve months of repetitive conversations since they don’t get cycled like the others do and the show can’t come up with 8 storylines a year for that group.
  6. I heard she’s popular on GH Facebook and considering that community skews older and more traditional, it explains a lot of her writing. I don’t think she was popular on there before she was paired with Michael though. They adore them for some reason. It’s like he’s their own kid or grandkid.
  7. Olivia being so loyal to Carly will always me laugh. Her main defining characteristic was being a smother towards Dante. She of all people would hold a lifelong grudge towards someone who sought revenge against her son.
  8. I don’t buy that Molly or TJ want kids, at least not at this stage of their lives. It’s ok for them to decide to wait or shocker, not want kids at all. Neither seem like the type to want kids at a point in their lives when the kid would spend most of their time with a nanny or family member since both work crazy hours.
  9. Carly and Drew have zero chemistry and CM has all but given up trying to act and is playing game show host. I think this might be the worst pairing this show has ever done and there’s been some doozies. Carly baking from scratch doesn’t seem to be in character either. Isn’t this the lady who couldn’t make a cup of coffee and lived off frozen pizzas? This Michael/Dex convo is weird. Obviously Sonny doesn’t trust Dex as much as Michael claims he does. I think his plan relies too heavily on the belief that Sonny would jump to considering Dex as a surrogate son when he has 4 other kids who are still in his life.
  10. The sad part is that Willow hasn’t cared for months about her early issues with Nina. Her point of contention is that Nina is involved with Michael’s father, wanted visitation with Wiley over Mciabel’s objections, and allowed Scott to bring up some already documented bad marks in Michael’s history during that trial. None of that was about her directly. But you mean to tell me on a show where Bobbie and Alexis literally got over their daughters having an affair with their husbands out of revenge, this is a line in the sand? Willow is a complete stepford wife who only echoes what Michael thinks. The same Michael whose wasting time trying to get revenge on his father rather than being there for her
  11. Oh so Willow is still a bitch, got it. I don’t understand how someone can be this miserable all of the time
  12. Her calling Dr. O “aunt Leisl” after what was probably their second convo ever was weird as hell, I’m sorry. So I guess it truly doesn’t matter to her what kind of person someone when she judges them is because Dr. O far from a good person. But I guess since Michael and Carly don’t hate her, it’s a moot point
  13. I’m still curious what happened between him and Courtney Hope. They were together for years and split up a couple months after that unlicensed wedding that they clearly sought mainstream press for.
  14. Speaking of that, isn’t it a bit weird that she calls her baby Jonah? That’s what Michael originally named his kid, that wasn’t really the baby’s name. Even the grave still says Jonah Corinthos and I’m pretty sure Willow referred to him as her and Michael’s kid before. I think it all helps feed her delusions because she’s never properly separated her baby and Wiley in her mind
  15. You know I always thought that Sydney and WL were just trying to be diplomatic in their responses when it came to asking to be let out of their GH contracts to focus on school because both of them have steadily booked other work while in school. WL with his music and Sydney has gotten a movie, voiceover work and commercials. I think they both just viewed GH as more of a side project and they couldn’t balance that with their ultimate career goals and school.
  16. Dante being brainwashed when he came back to town was probably supposed to be their big bonding SL. They even had Dr. O order him to save Franco which was the reason Alexis ended up almost killing him. But that storyline was mostly ignored until they decided they needed him to play cop again and probably had to address it since giving a brainwashed guy access to a gun was a no go so they wrapped it up in 1 episode and almost all offscreen. Since then, they’ve just been cutesy couple playing house. Every time they tease angst for them, it’s so lame or low stakes. Sam reads his work emails trying to find info for Carly over something that wasn’t her business and gets a gentle talking to. Sam then frets over not wanting to move into Lulu’s house but Dante doesn’t seem to care about moving into Jason’s former residence and uprooting his kid whose mother is in a coma. Drew’s return probably should have brought some drama but Sam didn’t have a hint of feelings left for him and this version of Drew is so lame anyway.
  17. I don’t recall the last time any of Sam or Dante’s kids were even seen so I can’t imagine a baby of there’s would ever be shown. The few times they were mentioned, they were said to be upstairs.
  18. I think there was scene a few months where Mac and Felicia were babysitting her when they were doing Felicia’s weird baby fever moment. But other than that, I can’t recall. I doubt she’s been onscreen more than once or twice since that baby switch SL wrapped. Maxie’s kids are the most ignored even amongst the other attic kids. You would never guess she has children most of the time since she rarely mentions or is seen with them and lives in that tiny apt
  19. Isn’t it weird that no one had much of a reaction to Valentin and Anna’s death? Well in Valentin’s case, the 3 people outside of Anna who do care about him either know the truth or did have a reaction but what about Anna? More people care about her aside from the ones who know about the plan yet no one cares that she’s dead.
  20. I didn’t think Brando was supposed to be in his late 30s. Maybe because of his peer group on the show
  21. I don’t get what’s different from TJ and Molly’s domestic partnership and an ordinary marriage. Yeah there might be some religious implications but a lot of the weddings on this show take place in someone’s house, a hospital or a courthouse with no religious officials in sight. They signed legal papers in a courthouse in a ceremony that didn’t seem much different than half the weddings we see on this show. It’s not like it’s some new thing people are doing and the show was trying to be hip. I suspect the marriage issue was originally supposed to end them back in 2020 and the show tried to course correct with calling it a domestic partnership when they changed their minds even though it’s the same damn thing.
  22. This is from the previews but it makes me cringe when Dante and Sam make out in front of their relatives. Double cringe when it’s their shared relatives
  23. I’ll hold out hope that everyone around Alexis is secretly getting poisoned because Gregory seems to be sick as well. I know it’s wrong but let me stay in my delusional bubble for another day.
  24. Did FH have some guarantees to burn and JPS was busy with his other show because wth was today?
  25. Oh lord, I was barely on board with Molly being pregnant. If they make Sam pregnant too, I’m going to scream
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