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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I don’t get what they’re doing with Chase/BL. They’ve already been broken up longer than they’ve been together and are still acting like awkward teens who’ve never dated before whenever they run into each other. I don’t know what everyone thought about them but for me, they were never this pairing that had insane chemistry. They were at best, middle of the road, kind of cute but unobjectionable, so they don’t have what it takes to survive this kind of writing. I don’t see a reason that they’re even into each other other than there’s no other options for them on the canvas
  2. Joss asking why she would be in the line of fire. How quickly did she forget all of the years she ended up on a lockdown or had to have a bodyguard because her stepfather was a mob boss but she doesn’t think she’d be targeted when she dates someone in the mob? She can’t be this dense
  3. Have they finally made it clear that it’s Sonnys kids versus Carlys kids because Michael agreed to keep Joss knowing a secret because he knows Dante and Kristina would be angry at her
  4. All of the angst for the Carlys is such low stakes and forced. All of the secrecy with Michael being the secret boss and Joss/Dex being together in secret but when it comes out, there’s nothing. Joss is on the same side as them and agrees that Sonny needs to be taken down so why did they bother keeping these secrets? Same with Drew/Carly “secret” relationship when no one cares about them hooking up
  5. So I guess they have Michael being outraged about Joss/Dex instead of Sonny. He freaked out at seeing them together and ordered Dex to leave town tonight. Slightly surprising considering that he rarely differs his opinions from mommy and she’s known about them this entire time and thought it was cute because Joss is just like her. Side note, I’m assuming the Dex actor was cast with the intention of being Joss’ love interest. Wonder why they chose to go for someone who looks like her brother’s twin
  6. I guess they are avoiding being seen together hence no public dates but you’re right. They don’t even show them doing date-like things in private. Like they can’t hang out and watch a movie together or having a romantic dinner? Or hell, go on dates out of town where people wouldn’t see them. That’s what makes them come off as a shallow, f buddy situation when I’m sure it’s supposed to look like Joss’ big adult relationship since they have soooo much sex
  7. They shoot by set so it’s not multiple entire episodes each day but parts of multiple episodes each day. They also sometimes shoot out of order if you ever wonder why sometimes reactions don’t make sense or characters have big reactions to something they already know.
  8. Lol the reason I ranted about this earlier is I’m pretty sure I know why it’s happening. LW’s contract probably has high guarantees and if they don’t feature her, they’d have to pay her not to work. But the writers probably have little interest in writing a storyline for her so they shove her into whatever’s going on that day. Her last story was that strange Jacksonville one. I’m pretty sure she still doesn’t have a job unless I blinked and missed it.
  9. Reese was the worst. I’m not shocked she only made it a year. I remember the character getting so much hate online. Fanbases who couldn’t agree on anything agree on how much they hated her. I don’t think the actress helped matters because I remember her dissing some of her female costars at an event.
  10. What the hell is Bobbie taking about? Nikolas gave his son the name Spencer to honor his siblings and to finally bury the Spencer/Cassadine feud. He didn’t name him that after Luke
  11. I’m begging the show to reduce LW’s minimums. They clearly lost interest in giving her her own storylines and I am so tired of them shoehorning her into other people’s SLs. Why does she of all people need to know about what’s going on with Victor/Valentin?
  12. They’ve done cancer SLs so many times on this show so I don’t get why they’re opposed to making Willow look like they normally when they do this type of SL. We’re supposed to assume she’s on her deathbed because she’s slightly paler and has no makeup on. They couldn’t even throw on a wig or scarf over her hair.
  13. Willow asks Drew to walk her down the aisle for whatever reason. You know, it’s ok to walk yourself down the aisle when you don’t have an appropriate person because didn’t she just meet Drew like a year ago? Drew, Carly, and Joss being her people in the wedding party just makes it obvious that she has nothing outside of Michael and probably why they won’t ever split up.
  14. I cringed at that line. Yeah Joss, ignore that Dex almost died on your watch from a relatively minor injury because you wanted to play hero and not call Sonny out of sheer stubbornness when he would have easily gotten him medical treatment without alerting the cops.
  15. I’m probably a party of one but I understood Alexis’ theory that Gregory is hiding an addiction issue. The symptoms don’t completely fit but the way he was lashing out and pushing her away when she asked him what was going on screamed addiction. I think we’re supposed to also assume that they spend a lot of time together and he’s never exhibited this slurring and lose of balance around her before. All she knows is that he’s been lying to her and his sons about something. Now is it her business, no, but I got why she didn’t think he’s hiding some other medical issue because it doesn’t quite make sense why he would.
  16. We know Willow isn’t going to die so I don’t get why the show is dragging it out like this.
  17. Trina should have found out that Esme drugged her onscreen. Same with Laura finding out about Nikolas. The show keeps doing big moments offscreen while the show has so much filler and repetitive scenes.
  18. Esme doesn’t think she deserves to go to jail over something she doesn’t remember doing but also is certain that Ryan influenced her actions even though she doesn’t remember. Trina brings up that Esme drugging her and the sex tape weren’t Ryan’s ideas but Esme deflects.
  19. Sonny didn’t have much of a reaction to the possibility that Joss and Dex are together. So much for Joss’ claims that it needs to be a secret because he would have Dex killed
  20. The think the show is trying to sway he audience’s feelings on Esme by making Spencer look like the unreasonable one. Hence why Laura seems to be on her side and points out how much she cares about the baby. It’ll probably work for some people but when it’s this blatant and unearned, it doesn’t resonate with me
  21. When I started watching the show, Bobbie might have given Carly way too much grace but she definitely didn’t agree with her all of the time and let her know when she didn’t. Which made sense considering Bobbie liked a lot of people Carly had issues with like the Qs and Elizabeth. She even sided with Jason instead of Carly during that Michael custody battle. That’s the type of relationship Carly desperately needs, someone she cares about questioning or disagreeing with her, and what’s missing from her life. Bobbie’s turned into another one who echoes everything Carly says and thinks she’s always right.
  22. Sonny’s a narcissist so I always take it with a grain of salt when he says one of his kids are like him. He also told Alexis Kristina was exactly like her just a few months ago so I think it’s just something the writers like doing whether it makes sense or not.
  23. I got the impression that it wasn’t something Kristina was passionate about but she wanted to do more with her life because she felt like she was trailing behind her sisters when it came to her future. A few months back when Kristina/Alexis were arguing about her job, she specifically said that she was happy doing what she was doing. Maybe I resonated with her today because there’s been times where I was content with my life but still feel envious when big events were happening for the people around me and that I should have bigger plans or aspirations as well.
  24. I don’t think she’s ever been a favorite of mine but I think once they gave up on her being her own character and primarily trotted her out to prop Carly, she’s become way more bitchy and judgmental. Granted I only started watching in the late 90s and I’ve heard the character had mellowed from her younger years so maybe this is a return to form.
  25. Sasha should be Team Nina considering Nina was there for her when she was struggling while Willow can never be bothered even though Sasha is always there for her. Alas everyone else has to act like mature adults that allow people to have their own opinions except that crew.
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