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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I would too but I also think that now that’s Jason is dead, Carly only truly cares if it’s one of her kids or or her current love interest that’s calling her out. Otherwise, she rolls her eyes and dismisses them. The only kid of hers who had his own identity is dead so I don’t think that’ll happen and her men always defend or excuse her behavior until after the break up.
  2. But it’s the same thing if 18 years olds are competing against kids to me. I’m sure Eden’s reel is about the sex tape, which was obviously an adult storyline and she’s a contract character with heavy focus. I think they should have just gotten rid of the category altogether. It was always a way for YA actors to compete in an “easier” category.
  3. I get shades of Sonny/Jason always having mob enemies who we were told were worse than them and we know would never win. They’re trying to convince the audience that Carly is a great person but instead of writing her as a decent person, they have Nina doing dumb things while everyone in Carly’s life lives up her ass. We’re supposed to think Carly is amazing because Michael, Willow and Joss do (also ignoring that they’re all terrible and selfish people themselves)
  4. It was indirectly. She was pumping money into Aurora to help the stock price look more attractive for the merger (which is also illegal) and then the stock price started climbing even more because others saw the price steadily increasing and probably thought it was a good buy. Drew said the price crashed because some of the other investors saw the stock manipulation that was going on and sold so they could get out early. Carly couldn’t sell before the stock bottomed out because she was so busy bragging about all the things she would do with her new fortune that she neglected to answer her money manager’s call until it was too late.
  5. If that’s supposed to be true, they’ve done a terrible job of selling it because not once have I seen that Carly genuinely considers him as anything more than good support and someone who just happens to be there to fulfill the Sonny/Jason sized hole in her life. It’s it even their lack of chemistry, actual dialogue as well. We’ve seen some from Drew but none from her.
  6. That is true considering the stock dropped not because the merger didn’t go through but because some bigger investors saw the obvious stock inflation going on and got out early. They essentially were able to screw Carly before she could screw them over by selling her large stake at a huge profit and causing the stock price to drop.
  7. No, but it’s probably not something anyone would care to report or that the SEC would flag as suspicious if they lost money.
  8. TA is 21 so with the new age restrictions, she can’t submit as a younger actor. Maybe she tried for supporting actress and didn’t get it but it was also her her first year on the show so she may not have submitted at all. I thought she had the material but it’s obviously a much tougher category.
  9. The outfits so far were bad. Joss is in FLDS/Mormon chic, Carly in her tropical vacay dress, Sasha looks like a kindergarten teacher and Maxie was dressed for a funeral. Even if I fanwank that no one had time to shop before this wedding because of the late notice, there’s no way they didn’t all have at least 1 wedding appropriate dress in their closet from some previous event.
  10. I had to shut today’s episode off. It was way too saccharine for a group of characters I dislike and the show isn’t making this “Spencer women” thing happen no matter how hard they push it.
  11. She was a given. They lowered the age limit for younger actor to 18 and there were only maybe one or 2 other teens on the other shows. The one from Days got nominated even though she did nothing last year and the 2 kids who got nominated look elementary school age to me
  12. It’s completely insane. Not only do they do nothing, they are so lackluster when others try to help. I get it, Willow will get saved no matter what, but the characters aren’t supposed to act like they know that will happen.
  13. They arrested her last time she came to town but Alexis felt bad and got the charges dropped by saying she wouldn’t testify. I could be way off base but I have a theory about where the insider trading storyline is going. I could definitely see it temporarily causing Sonny/Nina to split but later on, it’ll come out that Michael has been actively trying put him in prison. Carly will side with Michael since it’s Michael since the Carlys always stick together. That will eventually lead Sonny to see that he might have wanted to spare Carly from jail for a crime she committed because she’s Donna’s mother or because of Michael but they don’t feel the same way about him.
  14. FWIW, Willow’s mind has been made up since the moment she’s found out. Nothing will make her want a relationship with Nina. I’m sure there will be dialogue saying she would have given Nina a chance but it doesn’t match up with anything we’ve seen. Until Carly does a 180 in Nina, her little sheep aren’t changing their minds
  15. She got a good line in towards the beginning but once you realized that it was supposed to play like standard Q family ribbing each other like Tracy and Monica did, I cringed. You had other Qs chiming in making fun of Tracy along with Carly so you could tell it was more about Carly’s honorary Q family status. She’s really glommed onto that family now that she doesn’t have Sonny or Jason around.
  16. Not surprisingly, only Carly does that. But it’s only because she knows she’ll never face any repercussions and her kids and “friends” will break theirs back to defend all of her trash behavior
  17. The major difference between Alexis/Sam is even when they were at odds, you saw hints of them bonding and relating to each other, such a scene where they both got stuck in a room during a lockdown. Sam was shown going back and forth between hating Alexis and wanting to know more about her before she was shot and deciding she wanted Alexis to know in case she died. I also don’t think Alexis ever hated her so that helped. Sam wanted to know about her family even when she was at odds with Alexis. Willow never cared until she needed a bone marrow donor. She is fully enmeshed with Michael’s family and isn’t looking for more family even before knowing Nina was her mother so it’s a pointless story.
  18. I hate this insider trading story. Of course they would do it in a way so Carly could play victim even though she isn’t at all. I’ll also never get why they bothered to make Nina and Willow mother and daughter. There’s something in their interactions that has always been off and they’ve pretty much made it so their fans don’t want them close, even though on a soap opera scale, the incidents were relatively minor.
  19. I think she does fair amount of promotion for them on Twitter. I don’t think she posts about the show all that much on her IG page in general. I’m just assuming that the pairing isn’t organically building the online fanbase that they hoped and/or tickets sales for their PAs are not great
  20. I don’t even like Dr. O that much but the way Willow’s circle obviously thinks of her as spare parts is completely gross. Love her or hate her, Dr. O only agreed to be the donor for Nina’s sake and they couldn’t even bother to honor her 1 wish to be nicer to Nina.
  21. They did. However, they weren’t exactly playing happy couple for most of that time. They faked a breakup for months so Sam could go undercover with DOD, then she was in jail, then they did that parole restriction where she couldn’t be around Jason. Once all of that was finally lifted, they had Jason mia a lot and leaving her out of things because they were gearing for their breakup. Complete with lines from Alexis about how her reunion with Jason wasn’t what she thought it was going to be and Kristina telling Sam that Jason will always put Carly and Sonny ahead of her. During that 2 year span, they had maybe a couple months of being a normal couple.
  22. I think the story was muted because the plan was Sam being legitimately torn between the 2 but ultimately being drawn more to Jason but it wasn’t believable KM was checked out in her scenes with SBu while playing up every scene with BM. I was rewatching some old scenes and her performances between 2018-2020 were painful
  23. I’m not the biggest Spencer fan but I don’t get that impression at all. I think he just doesn’t want Trina to regret sleeping with him. It’s not like Spencer is all that experienced himself. He’s only slept with Esme and later found out that whatever relationship they had in the past was built on a lie since she targeted him on daddy’s orders and probably misled him to rope him in. I’m sure he regrets getting involved with her and probably wants to make ensure Trina is sure about things
  24. Is Sasha allowed to look at the books even though Gladys is her conservator? Because even if someone else were in charge of my finances, I'd want to know where things stood. This conservator story really makes no sense to me since they instantly ended Sasha’s addiction storyline and breakdowns. She isn’t shown struggling at all but her finances are left to a known grifter.
  25. I have a strong feeling his initial plans were scrapped because he needs to fill the Jason void. He also works quite a bit outside of GH and has to film in Canada so I’m sure some of these random scenes are a way to fulfill his guarantees while they work around his availability.
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