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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. That’s how it comes off. All they have is sex and talking about Sonny. He has no personality and she knows nothing about him other than he’s ex-military and has admitted as much. Lol if she ever got her wish and he stops working for Sonny and was working a regular job, she’d be bored in a second.
  2. I thought I’d was weird as well unless they only decided to bring him back for the summer after they filmed these scenes. A lot of recurring character take much longer breaks than that. Hell WL himself has done it
  3. Joss out here rewriting history with her claims that she started dating someone soon after breaking up with Cam. It’s the new AJ pushed me down the stairs. Also, no one has given a damn so far about her and Dex and I already know it’ll be a blip once it comes out. She’s trying so hard to make her relationship interesting. Lol if anyone would have made them star crossed lovers, it would have been Carly and Michael and neither of them care about her banging a mob lackey
  4. This was a decent episode but Elizabeth and Felix definitely carried it. Maybe because those are the only 2 whose bonds with Epiphany we actually saw. I never saw much of her relationships with Marshall or Milo to care about their pain and they probably found Willow’s one and only convo with Epiphany for that flashback. Everyone else mainly only knew her as a colleague or their nurse.
  5. Maybe he’s tired from doing both shows. I don’t think they’ve had him playing anything super interesting either so I didn’t pay much attention. Valentin/Anna’s little adventures have been lame. I think you have to be a super fan of that pairing to be engaged in what they’re doing because not only are their plans dumb, I find their scenes boring. They definitely need to return to town and do something new. I know Anna doesn’t do much beyond investigations these days but they normally do a lot more with Valentin than this.
  6. IMO the only time she isn’t a caricature when she’s having emotional scenes with Alexis, which are few and far between. I suspect that NLG/CH’s dynamic that brings it out of her because I’ve never seen it with anyone else on this show or in other stuff I’ve seen her in. I remember Diane and Max and not only was it a weird pairing that didn’t quite make sense, it was played as comic relief. There’s no way I could buy her with someone like Robert. The only vet I could see her paired with is Scott, not that I’d want them together.
  7. This is about to be the cringiest Magic Milo in the history of them. Lol did all of the others straight up refuse to participate and they forced the newbies to do it because that line up is something
  8. This is from the previews but the actress who plays Sasha is obviously pregnant and pretty far along. I’m actually impressed that the show didn’t write it in for once and isn’t making much of an effort to hide her belly
  9. I don’t get why they’re going over the top to whitewash it. There was no point in having Joss cheating to begin with when she could have just dumped him once she realized she had feelings for Dex. The fallout was nonexistent aside from 1 episode with Cam and he’s already forgiven her even though she was completely unapologetic about what she did and never felt guilty. She’s not going to tell anyone including her best friend because she doesn’t want to look bad. It’s just like Michael/Willow sleeping together behind Chase’s back. If you aren’t going to do the fallout of the story and let characters get called out because they’re the golden children, just don’t do it.
  10. I guess we have to ignore all of the times she was actively pursuing him and kissing him before that day she decided to end things. She randomly showed up at his place one day and got in his face to tell her he didn’t want her
  11. I could see him as someone they’d welcome back if he tries to purses a PT career and can’t book anything or doesn’t get much.
  12. He’s at the age where he should try to do more and is stronger than most of the younger cast. The problem is once you stay in daytime for too long, your prospects dry up. However, there’s a lot of people who seemed really strong in daytime, tried to pursue PT or nice careers and failed so you never know. Some of the ones who became big weren’t the ones I would have guessed watching them on soaps
  13. I thought Esme is faking it too but I’m sure her anger towards Spencer is genuine. If she’s not, I’d wager AP hasn’t been told one way or the other and is choosing to play things this way because the mask has slipped multiple times.
  14. Curtis always treats one woman like dirt while another is waiting in the wings acting like he’s amazing. I need Portia and Jordan to have enough self respect to not buy his game. Portia begging yesterday was bad enough but Jordan almost kissing him today, really? Does she not remember how he’s treated her in the past 2.5 years? He’s been horrible and disrespectful to her at every turn. Your marriage didn’t have a second chance because he refused to do couples therapy when you suggested it. He had Portia on the hook and didn’t give you a second thought.
  15. I get that Trina is supposed to be mature and understanding but I hate it at the same time. You know they’d never write something like this for Joss or give her pairings any actual obstacles. She’d also be allowed to not only tell Esme off but order everyone else to hate her on her behalf
  16. The Metrocourt was around a year before Carly had any involvement in it.
  17. I think The Cellar got dumped in favor of the Metrocourt as the main non-Kelly’s hangout. I wasn’t a fan of that place. They could never decide on whether that place was a restaurant or bar and it looked like a basement
  18. I’m still wondering why they recast Jordan when she’s gotten so little to do except whine about Curtis. Not only has she not gotten a hint of a story, I don’t think they’ve even teased her with another guy. It’s one thing to lose interest in a character but she was already offscreen
  19. Same. I think they’re making Spencer controlling in an effort to whitewash her but it doesn’t work for me. She isn’t even a little regretful of her crimes and is quick to pass the blame onto anyone else, even the ones that she was told were obviously not orchestrated by Ryan. She doesn’t care about anyone she targeted and hurt and Spencer was her victim for the longest so of course he’s angry at her.
  20. I’m anticipating Esme getting her memory back, keeping it a secret, and subjecting us to a discount Cottage Hell. I’m not much of a Spencer/Trina fan but as someone who was a huge Jason/Robin fan and had to endure that trash, I feel sorry for their fans if that happens. At least Spencer seems slightly more aware than Jason was back then because that was extremely frustrating
  21. I don’t know where else they would go with that. No one is that busy at a campus visits all day and night. I doubt Pip’s partying here with the 20-somethings after whatever the school had planned for them.
  22. Spencer and Esme both annoyed me today. We know Spencer has money so he doesn’t have to move into Laura’s but will act put upon by Esme. However, she’s way too entitled for someone who zero means of support . She lucked out by having Laura’s grandkid because Laura will help for the baby’s sake. She’s been relying on Spencer and his family one way or another since the moment she showed up in PC and has never shown a sliver of gratitude
  23. The hospital review board received letters of support for Liz from Robin, Patrick, and Griffin. Liz asked about Epiphany’s letter but they never heard back from her. Did she pass away and no one’s realized it yet? That’s dark if true
  24. Personally I don’t think he should have to forgive either of them but to each their own. It wasn’t a little white lie- BL put what she wanted ahead of a job she knew he loved and wanted back. That’s not a basis for any sort of healthy relationship and considering BL has shown she’s selfish and immature, I would expect things like that to continue happening whenever they do reunite.
  25. I know it won’t happen but I wish when the truth came out about Michael/Joss re Sonny, someone points out how they would have gone scorched earth on someone who tried to get Carly thrown in prison when she was running the mob. They, along with Carly herself, would be the first ones to cry how this would hurt Donna. I do remember Carly whining about her family being in danger after Nikolas returned Cyrus’ mother to him, like it was his fault that she thought it was a brilliant idea to kidnap an senile, old woman. Never mind that Nikolas only helped because Cyrus threatened to have Alexis attacked in Pentonville if he didn’t.
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