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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Maybe Sam is better off as the mostly silent, supportive gf because days like today remind me why I used to find her so annoying.
  2. I don’t think they were fighting, fighting. Seems like Dex sucker punched him because Spencer’s line about how Joss’ future doesn’t exactly line up with his hit a little too close to home. Michael sucker punches people all of the time but I can’t see him taking people down in a fair fight.
  3. Olivia thinks Ned did it even after he swore on Lila’s memory so I’m still done with her. Carly was just being 10x as self absorbed and unreasonable than she typically is so even Olivia had to draw a line in the sand. It was already an immediate conclusion for Carly that Olivia would divorce him over this considering the convo started with Carly whining about not wanting to run into Ned at the MC because he was probably staying there after Olivia kicked him out. Plus, Olivia can’t keep bitching about the Qs and Ned every chance she gets if she leaves him so there’s also that.
  4. What was the point of Dex’s steam room fantasy? Don’t they typically do those for couples who haven’t slept together yet or ones about to have an illicit affair? We’ve probably seen Joss/Dex in bed or naked on the couch more than every other couple combined this year.
  5. You’re right that this is probably the intent but Carly is written so hateful and unrepentantly smug that it only works for those who already love her and hate most of the other characters. It’s the same reason that Carly catching Sonny in bed with Nina and losing her hotel didn’t hit the way it should have. Without a major reset and some big losses, it won’t work
  6. I don’t think she’ll truly ever want someone who isn’t Jason at this point in her life but she can’t be single either. It’s not like her and Sonny were ever hot when they reunited in 2014/2015. They came off like they slept in separate bedrooms most of the times and Carly was using Jason as a surrogate husband for all of the moments she needed support or someone to talk to once SBu was back in the role.
  7. Yeah I’m supposed to buy that Carly is so over Sonny and is happy with her life. If that was the case, she wouldn’t react like this every single time she’s in their presence.
  8. Well I’m not surprised that Carly expected Olivia to be on her side to the extent of ending her marriage over it considering how she’s acted for the past year. However, the fact that Carly got angry at her after she explained that she didn’t kick Ned out and that Carly did commit the crime she’s charged with was still something. IMO the reason Carly stormed off in the end was hearing that Ned told the truth if he was the whistleblower because Carly is still living under the delusion that she did nothing wrong and had good intentions.
  9. I think it’s more about keeping Olivia tied to a core family but I’ve never found anyone who cares much about that character let alone desiring to give her a big circle. However, I don’t think their central issue is cheating. Olivia is still complaining about the same crap that she was in 2020 when they started fighting. She resents the Q family Ned’s place in it. They never worked out those major issues because once Ned cheated, it all became a one sided problem where he had to grovel and fix things and the rest was ignored.
  10. This is also the reason I was annoyed that they made Tracy pro-Olivia out of nowhere. It never made sense that she suddenly liked Olivia and Olivia clearly doesn’t care about her.
  11. Tracy got arrested for it when she returned to town last year but the charges were later dropped because Alexis felt bad for her since Luke just died and also decided that she wanted to be the bigger person and let it go.
  12. It takes a certain level of cognitive dissonance to remain this smug and judgmental over someone else never paying for their crimes when you’ve gotten away with far more. Not to mention using that justification to blackmail said person in an attempt to get away with yet another crime she was 100% guilty over.
  13. Carly/Drew trying to blackmail Tracy is a huge misfire. Not only are they coming off like complete morons and seriously outmatched, Tracy is pretty well liked by the audience no matter what she does. This isn’t like Nina, who I think is much more polarizing
  14. I think he does work quite a bit outside of GH. Also might be coincidental but it seems obvious that both JL and the show vastly prefer writing for Ryan over Kevin.
  15. I think if he left the mob, she’d be bored in a heartbeat. He couldn’t stay with his freelance security job since it would take him out of PC and I don’t think any of the non mobbies are clamoring for bodyguards. He’d probably end up working at a restaurant or bar struggling to make ends meet while being too busy to cater to Joss.
  16. Has Curtis even had a single convo with Portia about ending their marriage? He’s trash for stringing her along. He probably wanted to see if Jordan would take him back before deciding
  17. So Carly was lying and gaslighting? Shocking Today sort of made it obvious that Sonny would let Dex quit if he goes to Sonny himself and asks but I’m sure Joss will continue to act like he’s stuck there by force so they can keep playing victim.
  18. When I see Ace, I get shades of baby Michael. They gave Carly a kid because she was the absolute worst and it forced a group of characters to interact with her when she would have otherwise been siloed. They wrote Esme into a corner and made the mistake of giving her 2 parents who also wouldn’t give her a big circle who would be willing to take her in or give her a chance.
  19. She talked about it pre-amnesia and I think she said she wasn’t old enough to access it. But they’ve also been vague about her relationship with her adopted family or lack thereof. I’d assume the first thing she’d want to do is try to reach out to them and they haven’t mentioned it at all unless I missed something.
  20. I got the impression that Esme was throwing a temper tantrum and trying to force Laura into asking Spencer to move out. She has to know can’t support herself. Alexis’ job offer was extremely generous and she still initially scoffed at it. Most jobs aren’t going to have a daycare onsite and she isn’t qualified to find something that pays enough to afford rent, daycare and for her baby’s other expenses, nor does she seem particularly hardworking.
  21. I don’t get the point of those scenes at all. Multiple people close to Carly told Nina that Carly could and would help her with Willow if asked. Not that I bought that she would but why even go there and make her grovel to Carly just to have Carly be rude to her and say she won’t help? It was all a waste of screen time since Carly’s been claiming from the beginning that she’s not the reason Willow doesn’t like Nina (which also isn’t exactly true but I digress)
  22. I could see that but sincerely hope not. Honestly Carly coming to town was kind of the end of Bobbie as a major character. Once that reveal happened, she was mostly relegated to propping Carly. It would be a shame if they went that route considering that she had so many memorable SLs before that time period. I would consider it a serious disservice to someone who was part of the reason that GH was as big as it was during its heyday and whose always been such a cheerleader for the show despite their lack of interest in her character for the past few decades.
  23. Tracy is the only watchable parts of the Quartermaine family scenes. This is sad. They are trying to sell it as typical family bickering but it’s in an attempt to sell Carly as the center of the family and one who needs to be defended. Ned’s hated Carly for years due to the crap she did to their family but can’t express it because the entire family is gone save his useless daughter and Carly’s relatives and current lapdogs. I hate it.
  24. Oh, I misheard that. I’ll take back the part about Sam then but it just makes Willow sound all the more pathetic considering that Carly only has use for her because she falls in line like a sheep. She took about 5 seconds to get brainwashed. The minute Willow speaks out of turn or has a differing opinion, Carly will do a complete 180 on her and we’ll hear how she’s just like Nina and Nelle and Wiley isn’t even her kid.
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