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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. They could have just googled Demeter
  2. Ironically the only time I recall Olivia being team Ned was back when he was mayor and was in bed with a shady businessman who was ruining the town. The same time when every single person outside of the Quartermaines were against him, including long time friends. But she was also weirdly caught up in being the First Lady of Port Charles and telling people to pull themselves up by their bootstraps.
  3. I’ve been hoping that for awhile but I doubt it’ll ever happen. The show is weirdly stuck on Olivia being the new matriarch and giving her moments explaining family history that she wasn’t around for. They’ve never justified why Olivia even took him back other than wanting a father for Leo because she doesn’t seem to even like him or the Qs most of the time.
  4. Carly saying Nina didn’t like Willow until she found out was her daughter might be true but Carly also had zero use for Willow until she found out Nina was her mother. She pretty much ignored her or treated her like Wiley’s nanny and someone who only served to further their interests, like when Willow married Michael to help keep Nelle away from Wiley. It only shifted once she found out the truth. Then suddenly, she was having one on one scenes with Willow and acting like a surrogate mother. I think it’s a pathological thing with her to care about someone more when there’s competition. Like how she was never around Wiley until suddenly when Wiley had another grandmother and then she was hovering 24/7. Or how she’s hardly around Donna but is constantly trying to spend time with Avery.
  5. I find it so strange that no one thinks to ask Alexis about any Cassadine family hideouts. She might have her issues with the family but we know not only grew up with Mikkos, she worked for the Cassadine Industries at one point and stayed Nikolas’ lawyer even when she wanted to distance herself. But I guess let’s rely on Drew’s memories to save them.
  6. I’m sure it won’t happen but could Nina turning Drew/Carly in for insider trading lead to Drew having to give up his shares to another family member (hopefully Tracy). It coming out that a major shareholder gave insider info to his pseudo girlfriend is certainly not going to help ELQ sinking stock prices. I do want the Qs to get ELQ back and Valentin is barely around but I really don’t want Drew and Michael to win here.
  7. You know those dingbats probably still haven’t told Wiley mommy’s sick and will have him front and center at this wedding like everything is great and they are finally an official family again. But rest assured, they’ll be saved for all of their inaction so it won’t be an issue.
  8. Oh I already know that the show doesn’t like me enough to kill off Willow but the characters aren’t supposed to believe that she’s getting a miracle save. This entire storyline has been felt like a big taunt to see how far they can go to turn sways viewers. From Willow trying to keep everything to herself to give Michael the happy pregnancy he deserves, doing the bare minimum for treatment, to not even asking people to get tested as donors and relying on them suggesting themselves. Willow is hopeless, though I expect nothing less from a woman who strictly defined herself as “Michael’s fiancé and mother of his children”. Why they continue to give her storylines, I’ll never understand.
  9. I thought Nina had the only realistic reaction to the wedding. It is nothing to celebrate. Willow has resigned herself to her death. Willow’s scenes acting like the happiest girl in the world were frankly, bizarre. Having Avery be so excited to be the flower girl for a wedding for someone they think will die in a couple days seems more traumatizing than anything else.
  10. I don’t get how inviting Sonny to the wedding and expressly telling him not to invite Nina is a show of good faith when even Sonny could tell Michael didn’t want to do it and Willow made him. Michael doesn’t really want him there and hasn’t accepted Nina in Sonny’s life so nothing has changed. All going to the wedding does is hurt Nina even more. Why no one is choosing to ask Willow why she’s trying to get Michael to stop hating Sonny while making zero effort with Nina is a glaring oversight. I also forgot to add earlier that part of that Carly/Ava scene was Ava allowing Calry to spend time with Avery, which she doesn’t have to do since Carly has no rights to her and Sonny said he would defer to Ava in regards to access to Avery. Ava is capable of putting aside her feelings for Carly in the best interest of her child but god forbid the Carlys do the same. We know Wiley likes Nina and misses her. He’s said it
  11. Carly just comes off as perpetually miserable and bitter and wants everyone to be as unhappy as her. That shot at Ava about Trina was uncalled for and she’s in the preview gloating at Nina that Sonny is going to the wedding without her, which Nina told him to do you cow. But we’re supposed to buy she’s moved on, doesn’t care anymore about Sonny/Nina, and is sooo happy with Drew? Yeah right
  12. The crux of the issue is they want to write Willow like a stepford wife and avoid any Michael/Willow disagreements. Even her hiding the cancer for months got no reaction from him. Which is fine if that’s what they want to do but then don’t bother writing the story in the first place if Willow has no agency. I never cared much about Carly/Nina fighting and really don’t care about every new excuse they add for them to feud and that seems to be the only reason they made Willow Nina’s daughter. For years, Michael has mostly existed to give Carly/Sonny stuff to react to rather than being his own character and Willow seems to be following suit with Nina/Carly.
  13. I’m still stuck on the fact that Willow’s only thought to Dr. O getting kidnapped has been, well let me plan a big wedding so I can die happily as Mrs. Michael Corinthos. Not a single mention of what they can do to look for Dr. O or try to find another donor before she runs out of time. I’ve never seen a cancer storyline told this poorly. Even if she disregards her own life this way, you’d think she’d be moving hell and earth to ensure that she’s exhausted all options before leaving her children motherless. Also, is she really this stupid and thinks Michael and Sonny can end this feud while still making it clear that Nina is still not welcome around them? She’s the reason for the damn feud in the first place. All this talk about how Donna and Avery need Michael in their lives when we know they spend time with Nina and like her. You don’t think they’ll pick up on the fact that the clan hates Nina eventually and it’ll cause the same frostiness?
  14. On the one hand I get it but on the other hand, he has a degenerative disease with no cure. They’ll want to spend as much time with him as they can. Especially before the symptoms get more serious.
  15. Willow’s insistence to Michael inviting Sonny is probably only so he’ll bring Nina and Willow can have a meltdown over it. She’s just as miserable and obsessed as he is. If anyone is a perfect match, it’s Michael and Willow
  16. I think the actor who plays Gregory is awkward and stiff. Maybe it’s due to the differences in daytime and lack of direction but he’s bad. Reminds me of the Cyrus actor who I assume was also a great actor in other roles but was awkward on this show. I don’t think he can lead a storyline based on what I’ve seen so far, especially not one that will require heavy scenes. He’s been painful so far.
  17. I think she’s just making an excuse and Robert doesn’t know her well enough to call her out on it. First, it’s not just who she chooses to represent. I’m sure she could get reported to the state bar for pretending to represent a client with the expressed intent of obtaining information to give to her actual client. Second, we’ve known Diane for years. She’s never been the everyone deserves a defense type. That was what set her apart from Alexis. She was always about representing whoever would pay her a lot of money and was very clear about that.
  18. She has but he clearly didn’t listen so she’s hoping he will listen to Carly. What’s worse is she doesn’t even know that he’s actively plotting against Sonny and frequently leaves her during her times of need to meet with Dex
  19. That’s a possibility but they temp recasted other characters when they were out for medical issues and they couldn’t wait. It seems weird to put this one on ice for the same reason
  20. I’m just picturing everyone putting the investigation on pause for a day to attend this wedding. The hostages can wait even though they include a baby, Willow’s only hope for survival, Joss’ bff, and someone who is related to half the town.
  21. Sam has given me a stepford wife vibe for the past couple years. It’s very weird. It’s just as bad as Willow tbh but she has a partner who’s less of an asshole so it doesn’t get called out. Her entire (onscreen) existence seems to be to gaze adoringly at Dante.
  22. Victor has been back in PC and vaguely talking about his plans for a year and a half. It’s very obvious that they just came up with this and had no idea where they were going with him.
  23. You’d think, especially considering that she’s related to 2 of them and is close to Spencer
  24. Michael and Willow have talked about the urgency to get married for 2 months. I can’t imagine who’s invested in this and we already know it’ll probably be another lame wedding in the Quartermaine living room with the same group of people who were at their last wedding and the first one took 5 minutes to plan. Again, why is this what they’re wasting time with and not using their resources to find Dr. O or search for another donor? They are mind numbingly stupid.
  25. I think there’s more than a few contract characters who the show is struggling to write for at the moment. You can tell several of them are on just to be on. Carly is the worst example of this but Sam is a close second. KM probably has way lower guarantees than she used to so we don’t see Sam 3-4 days a week anymore but 90% of her scenes are either filler at an event or random investigations
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