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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I think they’re setting up a Carly/Sonny reunion. Sonny doesn’t seem to think anything justifies turning Carly in, which doesn’t bode well for his relationship with Nina, and Carly doesn’t approve of Michael’s revenge plot and never had the same about turn about Sonny being a mobster that her kids did. Which sort of makes sense to me. From what I’ve seen online, Sonny/Nina is polarizing and Carly/Drew are extremely unpopular. LW and MB have absolutely zero romantic chemistry but I don’t think they have any better options on the canvas either.
  2. This is why Ned should have never hooked up with Olivia. Since then, he’s had to be civil with Sonny even though Ned’s hated him going back to the 90s and now her bff Carly. Though it’s also probably because they don’t care all that much about Ned as an individual character and they’ve shoehorned Carly into the Q family since her and Sonny spilt. I still find it incredibly annoying.
  3. I think Dex might possibly be the worst actor this show has ever had. It makes me miss Peter. He was painful today. Please stop giving him big scenes
  4. In an interview, CD said when he first saw the Dex actor, he asked why they cast someone who looked exactly like him so we’re not the only ones who see it.
  5. Is JPS going on summer vacation too? Valentin offering to accompany Laura to find Nikolas is super random considering they weren’t close and Anna is dealing with legal issues.
  6. I’m not sure if it’s absolutely necessary to write Laura out of town every year when GF goes on vacation. Why can’t they just say she’s busy or sick like Monica if something’s going on that she should be around for? It’s very weird to have a mayor out of town (and usually out of the country) anywhere between 3-5 months out of every year. Heck, I’m shocked that wasn’t brought up during her recall campaign.
  7. Lol I did like her before and Robin is a fave of mine. Anna’s just been on a downswing for me since the justice for Duke arc then the mess with Peter and recently with forcing Lucy into her dumb plan. I think I’m also slightly resentful that she’s the only vet that gets steady storylines while the others are lucky to get something meaty once every few years.
  8. I’m over Anna in general tbh and none of their revisits to past storylines have been done well so I have little interest in this.
  9. I thought he was mostly annoyed that Diane was using their friendship/burgeoning relationship to pump him for info. He made that comment about calling his office next time she wanted to do that.
  10. I think GF and NLG broke character a couple times during that will reading. They both laughed pretty loudly at some of the gifts
  11. The will reading was funny but most of the gifts were random as hell. I think they wanted to do somewhat of a repeat of Helena’s will reading but her gifts came off more intentional while insulting or hurtful. Sam offering to get dirt on Ned to save Drew and Carly from their crimes is gross. He’s one of her mother’s oldest friends. This is from the preview but Joss has worms for brains. Asking Carly why she’s sacrificing herself for Sonny but not turning him in. Dumbass, Sonny had nothing to do with your mom’s crimes. They’re both different kinds of criminals
  12. It’s very weird that the only times we see Scout is when she’s about to do something with Drew considering that he’s so Carly focused most of the time, you wouldn’t even know he has a kid.
  13. But I don’t think she was grilling when she made that comment. I think Diane lashed out because of her situation with Robert and Holly and feeling like she’s second choice or the backup option.
  14. Yeah I’m not remotely ok with people like Drew and Olivia giving Tracy crap for wanting to be in the same town as her son and granddaughter, especially considering they know Luke died last year so she doesn’t exactly have anyone in Amsterdam. Not to mention Drew being trashy and trying to blackmail her to save himself. She had nothing to do with this.
  15. It’s to the point where I wish Nina leaves town. The way they write to prop Carly is maddening. But of course, even if she did, Carly will just get another woman to feud with since Nina basically had to take over the role from Nelle. Otherwise there would be nothing for Carly to do.
  16. I liked that touch, especially when none of them have been in her position. Sam was the closest but her fertility issues magically being fixed by a simple procedure 6 years later and being able to have 2 kids the way she wanted almost makes it worse. Kristina’s never tried to have kids and I think all of Alexis’ pregnancies were accidental/unplanned.
  17. The temp recast Molly is super tall. I’m not used to a Davis girl towering over NLG
  18. When it came to school, yes, and she was perpetually in her trying to figure out what she was going to do with her life stage. Compared to Molly and Michael, she didn’t come off well but we’re supposed to pretend like Michael has accomplished more than nepotism jobs that he was vastly underqualified for. I thought Morgan, when he was alive, was more of a screw up than Kristina ever was. She’s stayed at that Charlie’s gig for at least 5 years now. DOD was a mess but she first got involved with it because they were doing charity work so I think she had good intentions at the start and it was 4 years ago.
  19. They didn’t know what insider trading was themselves until Ned spelled it out for them and and Alexis later confirmed that it was a textbook case so it stands to reason that they couldn’t guess that Ava and Nina easily figured out why they were hiding their relationship. A running theme has been that Carly and Drew are nowhere near as clever as they think they are. Literally everyone knew they were together but they thought they were doing a brilliant job of hiding it.
  20. I think we’re supposed to see Carly as noble and selfless for not flipping on Drew or trying to trade info about Sonny to save herself when that’s the very least she should do considering that she invested over Drew’s objections and Sonny wasn’t involved in this at all, not to mention both of them are actively trying to help her. The bar is so low for her.
  21. I did miss that so thanks for the update. Seems like a boneheaded move on Diane’s part considering how money obsessed she is. Sonny was her biggest client who always needs a lawyer for contracts and other aspects of his business beyond when he got arrested. Carly only needed a lawyer for her fairly smooth divorce and recent legal troubles.
  22. I liked nuKristina. This is probably an UO but Lexi was hit or miss for me. She was great in small doses or giving background snark but she was really bad in her bigger adult SLs, esp her coming out arc and DOD. I only truly enjoyed her in that first storyline with Keifer.
  23. Did Sonny fire Diane and I missed it? If not, it’s a serious ethical violation to tell one client to give up another client to save themselves.
  24. Drew and Carly’s plan is one of the dumbest ones I’ve heard in a long time. Let’s say they do find something on Tracy and use it to blackmail Ned? How is he going to magically make the charges go away for them?
  25. Michael might not have any Aurora stock but he was the CEO at the time and Carly is his mother. I don’t know why they’re using whether he owned Aurora stock to explain why he’s not being charged. Seems like a hamfisted way to wave it off because they ignored his involvement so they could do Drew and Carly’s big “secret” relationship
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