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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Sonny didn’t seem all too concerned about poor Leo when he murdered his bio dad and threatened to kill his adopted father the other day but I guess a brain damaged Ned hurting his feelings is beyond the pale.
  2. I suspect this wasn’t the original plan and his initial storyline was pretty much killed because SBu left the show and they swapped him into scenes involving Jason’s main scene partners. Personality wise they are not similar because CM is essentially playing himself but Drew is more and more like Jason every day.
  3. Curtis is a how you get him is how you lose him guy. True Portia and Curtis weren’t exactly cheating while he was with Jordan but she was definitely waiting in the wings and was panting after him the moment he said he wanted to split with Jordan. Her presence in his life was at least part of the reason he wasn’t keen to try to work through things with Jordan. There was a pretty gross scene where she was taking off Curtis’ wedding ring for him when they first got together. So I’m not exactly surprised that the moment Portia revealed herself to not be bastion of honesty, he’s chasing after Jordan and wondering if he gave up on the marriage too quickly.
  4. I’m already waiting to hear about how dare Nina be the reason that poor Scput was kept from her father like Drew hasn’t made it 100% clear that he doesn’t consider Scout’s well being as important as Carly’s and her kids and is barely around to the point that he didn’t think it would matter.
  5. They had the weirdest set up for a couple from what I remember. Olivia was fresh on her heels from Sonny cheating on her and Ned had recently returned to PC and we were told that he wasn’t dating much to the point where his friends were concerned about him being lonely. They randomly became friends and bonded over watching popular movies but then when Olivia admitted to having feelings for him, Ned chose to date Alexis who made it clear that she was just using him to get over Julian. Ned and Olivia only officially got together after Alexis finally dumped him to reunite with Julian and they were pretending that Leo was his to keep him from Julian. It wasn’t exactly a grand love story.
  6. Carly was at her peak self involved mode today. Whining about how dare Ned turn them in, then claiming that Sam was ok with Drew’s decision when she clearly isn’t and making it about herself and how she’ll manage without Drew instead of his young daughter. I am annoyed that Sam had zero smoke for Carly though. Drew pleading out wasn’t her idea but for all Carly’s talk about how she was going to take accountability for her crime, she made zero moves to do so and could easily offered to plead guilty and save Drew but isn’t. Diane made it pretty obvious that there wasn’t a way out for her without flipping on someone so it’s not like she could realistically hope for them to both go on trial and be found not guilty.
  7. I’m shocked that they actually gave Sam decent POV and she got to be angry that Drew is sacrificing himself for Carly and is choosing to be away from Scout. Though she lost points with me once she started up with the crap about how he should fight the charges since a crime wasn’t actually committed because Carly lost money.
  8. Did they redo Sam’s PH set recently? Maybe it’s was awhile ago and I wasn’t paying attention but it looks way smaller than it used to.
  9. Maybe they shouldn’t have had Olivia only change her mind and believe Ned at the 11th hour after having her be Team Carly since they started the merger SL last year because I cackled when “Eddie” was mean to her and I’m pretty sure I was supposed to feel for her. Same with BL tbh. The only one I felt badly for was Leo.
  10. I’m of the opinion that Willow is written to appeal to the GH Facebook audience. There’s a huge contingent of Michael fans on there that believe that he deserves a good and supportive, i.e. submissive, wife that does no wrong, his family adores unlike the evil Nelle, and can give him a bunch of kids because he deserves to be happy. Nothing about the woman herself, just what Michael deserves. I wish I was joking
  11. Wasn’t Michael vehemently opposed to Nina being around Wiley long before Nixon Falls? He and Carly didn’t want anyone that might go against the planned brainwashing they were planning on him regarding Nelle and pretty much laid out a plan that involved poisoning Wiley against her like Carly/Sonny/Jason did to him with AJ, which tbh worked for a long time until the writers changed and they wanted to revive the decimated Qs so they needed Michael to interact with them.
  12. She could. It’s allowed in real life after a certain time passes provided you meet the other criteria. Alexis getting disbarred for lying about sleeping with their therapist was dumb anyway considering we just saw Diane pretend to be someone’s lawyer to get info for her mob boss client. That was a way bigger ethical violation.
  13. Making him Eddie Maine is kinda cheesy but Ned having amnesia when he woke up was a given and this is way more of a story than having him wake up and forget the last week so he conveniently forgets about Nina and nothing else.
  14. Willow remains the worst. That is all
  15. I saw an interview when he first joined the show and I could be wrong but it sounded like the only Drew clips he saw were those flashback Drew scenes where Sbu was playing Drew. He’s also never mentioned much about Drew other than him being a Navy Seal and Jason’s twin so I think whatever he knows about the character is limited. The show’s resident historian is Korte, who is a massive Carly fan, and she probably told him more about his relationship to Carly than anything else since they were getting paired.
  16. I’m sure we’re supposed to feel sorry for him and rail against Nina even though he was guilty and wanted to sacrifice himself to save Carly. Some people who attended the GH convention last week said the Pentonville library set was one of the sets up on the set tour so he probably does serve part of that sentence. Also, CM is in Canada filming a Hallmark movie right now so that isolates him and will allow them to easily ignore him for a bit.
  17. Drew is a doormat and a terrible father. The stuff with Spencer and Ace is dumb. Esme doesn’t like or trust Spencer and he isn’t the father so why would he be on the list to pick Ace up from daycare? She freaks out every time he’s alone with Ace.
  18. Yeah but I’m pretty sure Scout’s shares were just willed from Drew along with Aurora. Otherwise, Drew would have never been able to get them back since Sam signing them over would have been legal.
  19. It was an extremely ill thought out plan. Drew wanted to be the main stakeholder instead of just getting Valentin ousted as CEO. I also don’t think Scout had shares of her own since they were only supposed to go to family members who were born at the time Edward died. The ones she had belonged to Drew, hence how he was able to get them back when he turned up alive even though Sam legally signed them over. There’s never been any mention of Michael’s kids having shares and Ned at one point was trying to buy shares for Leo so we know he doesn’t have any either.
  20. I thought he did do that but Ned and Lucy voting against him offset it. Ned should be one of the bigger stakeholders so they can’t win without him. The crux of the issue is Drew decided one day he wanted him and Michael to be the main ones in charge of ELQ over the rest of the family. I still am not sure if they’ve ever fully explained why that was because, like you said, the merger wasn’t necessary to take back control. Valentin still would have owned a lot of the company but he only had 50% with Scout’s shares. If the Qs banded together on every vote, Valentin would have been powerless.
  21. To be fair that is there but it’s why the town shouldn’t be kissing her ass. Carly only cares if it involves one of her kids or Jason when he was alive. Everyone else is expendable, especially all of her “friends”.
  22. I think because she can cry on cue, they think she’s good because they have given her a lot of these moments. She overacts and chews the scenery every time.
  23. It’s a giant reach. I think the general idea Drew is hoping that Tracy will put pressure on Ned to bail them out so she won’t get in trouble. However, Drew has no idea what she’s actually up to, no proof of anything, and Ned doesn’t exactly have a history of bailing out his mother, not to mention that Ned is in the hospital dealing with a brain injury. I’m still trying to figure out how Ned became this major person that can get anyone out of federal crimes. He was a small town mayor for 1 year and him being ELQ CEO on and off can’t hold that much pull since Michael has zero influence.
  24. Carly and Drew came off real bad today, even for them. First Carly’s “Drew would save anyone” comment had the underlying message that Ned didn’t deserve it since he “betrayed” them. Then continuing to lament with Drew about hoping Ned wakes up because he’s their ticket to get out of jail and Drew still continuing with his plan to blackmail Tracy when her son is fighting for his life and she had zero to do with the insider trading.
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