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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Far be it from me to defend Michael but on what planet would Drew expect Michael to choose him over Sonny? Nothing about their relationship has ever showed that Michael genuinely cares about him outside of the guy his mom is involved with and it isn’t his fault that Drew acts like his lapdog because he knows it’ll please Carly. They weren’t close at all before Carly and Drew started being joined at the hip even though they were living in the same house and knew they were related.
  2. Diane mostly works as a criminal defense attorney and her clients are almost always guilty as hell. Isn’t that why they claim she’s such a good lawyer because she still manages to get them acquitted? She didn’t think Robert would ever want to put one of her clients in prison? Did she truly expect him to give them all a pass on breaking the law because they were dating?
  3. I remember her babysitting him a couple times pre-NB’s Spencer taking over. One off the top of my head was when Nikolas had that tumor that was being stubborn about getting treated for. Bobbie dropped off Spencer to Alexis and Lucky who were waiting for Nikolas at GH because she had to start her shift. JZ was barely on the show by the time Spencer was born so we wouldn’t have seen much of them together but I think we were supposed to assume that they saw each other regularly offscreen. I half suspect they are setting up Dex being in over his head and wanting to quit around the time Jason returns. It was always a running theme that Sonny’s Jason replacements were ineffective compared to the regular Jason, partially because they felt bad about hurting people.
  4. Carly and Maxie were not close when Maxie was younger. If anything, I recall Carly not liking Maxie much because Maxie and Lulu didn’t get along during Lulu’s mini Carly years. By the time Maxie/Lulu moved past their feud and became besties, Carly turned on Lulu for being with Dante.
  5. The set also looked like it had some size limitations. They had a couple extras fill out the last row so I guess there could have been a couple more cast members attend instead of them but other than that, it looked pretty full. Drew looked awkward standing in the corner during the ceremony and I assumed he did that because there was nowhere for him to sit. That one pew that Sonny was sitting on looked cramped with all 5 of them squeezed in. The main glaring absence for me was Robert. Well other than Monica but I heard they wanted her there but LC didn’t think she could handle the long taping day.
  6. I don’t think they did a great job with this funeral, especially when you consider the fact that they specifically waited for the regular writers to come back to give it the proper justice. It was rushed and the editing was choppy. Lucas not delivering a speech and Felix being the only one to offer him condolences or comfort him was stupid. It was bad enough that he didn’t find out or get a chance to react to the news onscreen so if they are giving him so little time, they should have made him more than a glorified extra at his own mother’s funeral. The only thing that saved it from being a total disaster was how sad the cast looked and bringing back the BJ actress.
  7. IMO, they don’t care about Kevin as a character so I’m not surprised he doesn’t have much going on and gets ignored outside of being Laura’s plus one. They only wrote for JL as Ryan
  8. I really don’t think she is into him and Gregory was right that she wouldn’t have kissed him back if he wasn’t dying. That’s why she responded the way she did and said she couldn’t answer the hypothetical
  9. Carly and Felicia settling Bobbie’s affairs would make sense if their or them did it on their own. Them teaming up makes it weird and random because literally the only time I recall them interacting was during the SJB Carly years when Felicia called out Carly for scheming to steal Tony away from Bobbie.
  10. We know it’s not completely truthful because she was very much not glad and in her feelings when he was happy with Nina. It’s extremely dependent on who or what is making him happy.
  11. Oh I have absolutely no doubt Nina will be involved in his return. Wasn’t Ava heavily involved in his last return while she was in the midst of being Sonny/Carly enemy number 1? I remember people thinking Jason would treat Ava differently since he wasn’t around for the conflict and she helped him only to have him proceed to being supreme lapdog and parrot everything Sonny and Carly said about her.
  12. I’ve never seen a single Diane acting as a lawyer scene that makes me think that she’s the most amazing lawyer in the world like the show tries to claim she is. Even Scott has had his moments where I could see he’s not totally inept and he’s specifically referred to as the clownish, ambulance chasing type.
  13. Yeah Carly and Sam have had the same, we didn’t use to like each other but now I think we can be friends convo a ton of times since 2021 as well and I feel the same way. Line we get it already. It’s like how Dante has the same revelation every couple months that he still loves his father and thinks he’s a good person despite him being a career criminal. These types of moments are only poignant the first time.
  14. It’s telling to see all that they’ve chosen to feature last week and today yet characters like Lucas, Felicia, Maxie and Liz found out about Bobbie’s death offscreen.
  15. Sam and Dante get the most boring previews. I know that they write them for practically every character so the ones who don’t get storylines get these vague previews but I’m still laughing that all they could say for them is that they’re still happy and are parenting teenagers.
  16. From what I remember, the show has 2-3 “permanent sets” that are always up and the rest are put up and taken down each week depending on what they need. I know the hospital is one of the permanent sets but I can’t recall what the others are off the top of my head. The rotating sets are also why they film out of order since they’ll film multiple episodes on that set while they have it up.
  17. I really hate this show sometimes. The man is not the draw they think he is
  18. Who thought it was a good idea to run the SEC reveal and Bobbie’s death at the same time? I already thought it was dumb when I assumed that they were going to keep it from Carly for a couple months and we’d see the drama between Sonny and Nina play out first. This was a mind numbingly crappy decision from the writers. All it does for me is take away any sympathy I have for Carly after her loss since she clearly isn’t the good person she claimed Bobbie’s influence has made her.
  19. Today had some really gross dialogue. The main ones being Drew telling Nina he wishes she wasn’t a woman so he could hit her and Carly telling her why she gets to live and Bobbie died. I’m paraphrasing but I thought those were both in very poor taste
  20. I hope Monica gets a scene reacting to Bobbie’s passing but I don’t expect her at the funeral. Large group scenes typically have long taping days and LC looked like she was struggling the last time we saw her so I can’t imagine she’d be able to participate
  21. It was on his podcast. LW was his guest a month or 2 ago
  22. Most were glad he was done by the time he left. His return quickly grew stale and his most of his more ardent fans want him with either Liz or Sam. Doesn’t seem like they’re too interested in him solely being Carly and Sonny’s lapdog and Jarly 2.0 was a gigantic flop which even the actors have recently admitted.
  23. If it’s Facebook or IG, I could see it because my parents and their friends are very active on SM and post way more than I do. I thought the trope about the older crowd not using SM at all is a little outdated. They usually just take longer to adopt the newer mediums
  24. I think CM is a goner. They’ve been taping around his schedule and Drew only functions as a Carly prop these days so he doesn’t have a place on the canvas if Jason returns. I’m pretty sure Roho and CM’s guarantees together equal SBu’s. Roger wasn’t on much his last few years and CM is gone a lot
  25. I’ve long accepted he’s coming back at some point. I don’t care for him and think he’s a limited actor who will once again be inserted into every storyline but it is what it is unfortunately.
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