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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Even if CM wasn’t playing things completely unhinged, I’ll never feel sorry for Drew. He chose to go to prison instead of Carly because it was more important for Carly to be there for her kids than for Drew to be there for Scout even though the insider trading scheme was 100% her idea and against his wishes. He also chose to snitch for Sonny while in prison, which was the only reason he got beaten up. Since getting out of prison, he spends all his time either with Carly or ranting about Nina, save a single scene with Scout where he was trying to force her to go to a school she didn’t want to attend. Hell, he took over for Michael on a business deal in Australia because he wanted Michael to be able to spend the holidays with his kids even though, again, it would mean he’s away from Scout despite his constant complaints that his prison stint caused him to lose time with her.
  2. The wardrobe people definitely have their faves because there’s a small handful of characters who always look amazing while the rest are in boring/ill fitting if not downright hideous outfits most of the time.
  3. It’s interesting how Carly lashed out at Ava nonstop for Iike 6 years for killing Morgan but now that Ava’s in the inner circle, she doesn’t get a passing mention and Carly puts the blame solely on Olivia Jerome.
  4. I bet he originally auditioned for Pikeman though it would be interesting if they did a chem test for a short term role like that considering they don’t bother doing that a lot of the time for long term characters who have a planned pairing and other connections to the canvas.
  5. Whatever they’re doing with Alexis/Gregory/Tracy is weird. I can’t call it a triangle because Alexis isn’t interested in him romantically but Tracy seems to be now. We know he’s dying and soon since Finn said the past Christmas was likely his last and BL/Chase are getting married quickly so he can attend. Tracy just spent 2 years grieving Luke so why would I want them to pair her with someone who doesn’t have much time left?
  6. I’ll be shocked if that Invader changes aren’t a setup for Alexis to leave and get try to get her law license back and have Nina takeover as editor. Shawn couldn’t have been that hands on of a publisher if he had other media outlets and a nonprofit so I’m sure she can do both. If that’s the case, I kinda don’t mind it. The show will forget Crimson exists again once Carly quits after dumping Drew and this gets Nina out from under Drew and Michael. Practically everyone hates Nina anyway so at least she has an outlet to talk shit about them in return.
  7. I know they had their fans but I hated Maxie/Spinelli during their original run so I’m not looking forward to part 2. It always came off like that “nice guy” trope to me and I was already low keyed annoyed by the fact that they had every YA guy that the show remotely cared about automatically designated to JMB’s Lulu while Maxie got the glorified dayplayers (which tbh I think Spinelli would have been as well if BA didn’t become instant bffs with SBu)
  8. I don’t think MVJ is retiring. I follow her on SM and during the strikes, she seemed somewhat worried about her finances and eager to return to work. She had to either have been ousted or has another gig lined up. I could definitely see her returning to GH but if she does, I think that highly suggests someone above Frank is tinkering with things. I recall most of the previous writing regime being replaced by former OLTL writers once Frank took over so I’d have a hard time believing that 2 writers who he’s never worked with suddenly joining the show is a coincidence.
  9. I’ll take your word on Bold paying its writers well since I have no idea what writers make but I’ve always heard that Brad Bell has his hands in everything so his writers get very little control over SLs. I can imagine that at best it’s unfulfilling and at worst, incredibly frustrating, especially for 2 writers who’ve been in the game for decades and have penned some really popular storylines.
  10. I always found it realistic. There’s definitely a subset of lawyers who are solely motivated by money and see getting off their scummiest clients to be nothing more than a challenge. Im sure those are exactly the types that career criminals with huge pocketbooks would hire. I doubt most of those lawyers are friends with their clients. They know they’re trash and morally corrupt. It really doesn’t make sense to change that about Diane at this late date. Unlike most of the town’s current and previous lawyers, she didn’t have a bunch of relatives and exes running around, which makes things way more messy
  11. Diane acts like she’s Sonny jilted ex when she goes off like that. I know she’s been friends with Alexis for a long time but I don’t recall her being close to Sonny/Carly until fairly recently. Her big thing for most of her run was that she didn’t care about any of these people outside of their billable hours. I’ve always found her to be a bit of caricature but they’ve really ramped up her being a smug asshole and passing judgment on everyone despite representing the worst of the worst and allowing them to continue committing crimes.
  12. Well that’s something and I’ll take it back. I think it’s still getting glossed over entirely too much by the fact that Michael later hired Dex to protect Sonny. It feels like they only added that in so they could focus on that part when the truth came out to try to shield things. Dex was already planning to continue to work for Sonny before Michael ask him to so he was essentially collecting a second paycheck for no reason.
  13. It could very well have nothing to do with the actor specifically but the fact that the show has planned to make Curtis Trina’s father since 2020 and the reception to their scenes have been mostly lukewarm while Trina/Taggart scenes have gotten a lot of positive feedback, online anyway. Sometimes the show sidelines actors when whatever agenda they are selling isn’t hitting and another character is more popular than who they wanted to promote.
  14. They’ve already whitewashed Michael trying to take down Sonny. Not only did Sonny barely react to that part of the news when he first heard it, all he mentioned today was Michael hiring Dex to protect him so I think from now on, they aren’t going to talk about the revenge plot or allow that to be common knowledge.
  15. Does Dante remember he was once the “traitor” working undercover to take down Sonny? Him being this in bed with the mob drives me absolutely insane. Anna as well to a lesser extent. I can’t imagine a 90s era Mac or Taggart assisting Sonny with a mob war.
  16. Tbh, I think Sonny is done and Carly’s already souring on Drew so I think she’ll dump him soon. They will both be single by the time Jason returns and we’ll get an onslaught of Sonny/Carly/Jason scenes because the show probably thinks that’ll bring back lapsed viewers from 20 years ago.
  17. I think that Sonny’s trash but this is what he always does. He has one convo blowing up at the woman and then he’s done. I can’t recall him ever wanting to work through relationship issues. He ices them out which usually leads to some big scene where they’re begging for forgiveness through a locked door, making some public scene, or getting served. If he forgives the woman and reunites with them, it’s only way down the line, usually well after one or both of them have moved onto someone else. Even when he’s at fault, he barely cares or tries to work through things, i.e when he cheated on Olivia with Ava or when Carly caught him in bed with Sam.
  18. Nina gets in her own way a lot of the time but I’ve always thought she deserved better than Sonny. He stood by and was mute while she was constantly harassed by his inner circle and every time they did something to hurt her, he told her immediately she had to let it go to keep the peace while treating anything she did in retaliation as unforgivable. Honestly I was over them as a couple the minute he agrees to attend Michael and Willow’s wedding knowing that Nina couldn’t be there. The gloating that Carly/Michael/Joss did was accurate because when push came to shove, he would put them ahead of Nina and her feelings. In the end, it’s all about him and making sure he had everyone he wanted in his life even if she had to be torn down constantly.
  19. I think both Michael and Joss think they take up way more space in Sonny’s life than they actually do. Sonny loves Michael but not any more than his other kids and Michael clearly thinks he’s higher on the totem pole- hence why he Michael thinks Sonny had no one when he was mad at Sonny even though we saw countless scenes of him with Dante, Kristina, Donna, and Avery. Truthfully, I think Joss does as well and her ignoring him was genuinely affecting him. However, everything they’ve shown onscreen is that while he probably cares about her, she’s firmly placed in the category of Carly’s kid and not his. That’s why Joss had that breakdown when he didn’t invite her to his wedding. We all know Joss didn’t want to go but I think some part of her expected him to beg her to attend and she would be able to turn him down and hurt his feelings.
  20. I feel like Gregory’s time is running out soon. He’s been on practically all month and more than a few of them have come off like they are burning his minimums. I bet he dies or ends up hospitalized at this wedding. That would be just depressing enough for this show.
  21. I don’t think Joss knows enough about Dex and his life before Port Charles to effectively search for him but Dex also comes off like a dim bulb so she could probably just call Spinelli and ask him to track his phone’s location. The man went back to his apartment to hide from Sonny so he’s clearly not firing on all cylinders when it comes to hiding.
  22. They keep saying that Alexis turned the Invader into a serious newspaper with a social justice bent but every time we see an article or hear about a story, it sounds just as sensationalistic and click baity as it always was. Saying Olivia Jerome was dead on arrival? Cmon, I laughed but there’s no way that was the title of a super serious, unbiased article, especially coming from an editor who is happy Olivia Jerome is dead. Im sure they’ll say Nina is turning it back into a biased tabloid soon enough but I think nothing much will change other than Drew and Carly being added to the list of people who get negative press.
  23. Shawn and Alexis are good friends and Valentin and Alexis are close so I don’t buy either of them buying/selling the Invader without talking to Alexis first but I guess that makes for a better surprise. I’ve never really loved Alexis running a newspaper so I’m kinda hoping having Nina at the helm is setting up things for Alexis to eventually leave and go back to being a lawyer. She constantly talks about how she misses it and getting reinstated to the bar is a real thing. She also got disbarred for one of the dumbest reasons that I don’t think would even get someone disbarred in real life while we have lawyers like Martin out here violating attorney/client privilege and Diane recommending one of her clients turns on another client to save herself yet all of those ethical breaches are ignored.
  24. I mean, is Lois going to have a date to this wedding? It’s not like we’ve seen her with anyone since she’s been back nor has she mentioned being with anyone so I assumed she was going to be dateless as well
  25. So now Carly can be shielded from things by being above revenge plotting leaving Drew and Nina to go at each other while Carly somehow is the only one repeating any benefits and not suffering. I think we’re getting another setup of poor, poor Carly just in time for her to cut ties with Drew for her own peace of mind as soon as Jason comes back. Things are lining up perfectly so she coincidently won’t get called out for the fact that she never gave a damn about Drew outside of a Jason replacement and she and her mini mes will go right back to forgetting that Drew exists.
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