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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I’m feeling pretty justified as a day 1 hater of this version of BL. I think I only came around briefly during the temp recast. She’s insufferable and the actress doesn’t do much but that weird smirk in every scene. The 30s scene on this show is the worst. All of them are dull, hypocritical, and most are both if I’m being honest
  2. Did Chris/Dan get advance notice that they were being canned and we’re seeing scripts from after they knew they were fired cuz the shows been horrible the past few weeks
  3. That happened with Oscar, who she moped about ad nauseam for like a year and we constantly heard how “brave” Joss was being
  4. They might as well have just killed Taggart off rather than bringing him back from the dead since they don’t act like he exists anyway and Trina never mentions him. From what I’ve heard, their original plan was to have him be dead for real when they did that SL in 2020 since they were making Curtis Trina’s bio dad so not sure why they changed their mind. It would have also saved us from them turning Taggart into another Sonny sympathizer since that made absolutely no sense.
  5. I get the interest in a medical issue SL like Gregory’s. It’s just not something that appeals to me truthfully. I’ve watched loved ones battling similar long term illnesses and don’t want to be reminded of it. Also, ME isn’t playing anything other than anger and frustration (most of the time barely even that) and JS barely gets any scenes about it other than first finding out because they treat him like a 30 year old toddler. The poignant moments of a story like this would be with the family and the actors playing his sons don’t have the range
  6. I think that’s what they’re hinting at but it also sounded like his return was rewritten and is being done by the new HWs so who knows if that’s how it’ll end up. Jason was originally set to return around now but it got pushed back to March.
  7. Michael seems like the type who thinks it’s babysitting when he’s taking care of his own children. It’s clear that Willow and their nanny have been doing the lion’s share of the work
  8. I’m sure it’s not a popular opinion but Ava’s been irking me lately. There’s no reason for her to still be living at Sonny’s. There technically was never a reason if we’d being honest because if Son t was being written true to character, he’d just hire her a bodyguard. But it’s gotten even worse now that he’s icing out her supposed friend Nina and she’s glued to his side. My mom even thought they were a couple because they’re constantly together and were standing next to each other today. I’ve just been getting the vibes for awhile that she’s so happy to not be the town pariah anymore and Sonny/Carly’s enemy that she’s relishing being in that toxic inner circle. There’s no reason for her to suddenly be so chummy with them even for Avery’s sake.
  9. Why isn’t it a blanket rule that Dante can’t know about the details of cases involving Sonny? He’s always feeding him info.
  10. I think Trina should have been reminiscing with Joss and Cam today and they should have left this convo about Trina’s school plans for another day.
  11. The message I get is that women can’t do anything for themselves. They can either be born into a wealthy family or marry a rich guy. These types of SLs are very centered on their female characters. They didn’t do a story of working class Chase struggling when he got suspended from the force. He talked about bills for a ep or 2 until he suddenly became an overnight pop sensation. They did the same thing with Jax in the 90s- his fortune was taken by the government because it was started with mob money and a month later, he won a ton of money at a casino and suddenly had seed money to start his company back up.
  12. There’s a bunch of people on this show who should be middle class but the show either pretends they aren’t or they had them set for life because they were married to someone with money at one time during their run and they just happened to be so magnanimous and didn’t care about hoarding their wealth like most wealthy people that they handed over a fortune. Only one person or couple is allowed to struggle at a time. Liz got the brunt of those stories for years, Jordan got one for a bit and now it’s Maxie’s turn I guess. Meanwhile all 3 of them are/were steadily employed and not dependent on some man’s money. Nice message they’re sending there
  13. I’ve heard that Anna is Korte’s 2nd favorite character to write for behind Carly and once I heard that, a lot fell into place for me. She’s been a mess of a character since FV brought her back full time.
  14. I don’t get why Jagger would trust Anna to assist so I’m kinda glad he arrested them even though I feel like he’s going to cave today. We just spent months of them saying that Anna and Sonny are bffs but sure, she can now be trusted and won’t leak info so her mob boss buddy can take out his enemy. I think her and Dante and fighting for 1st place on who’s the most corrupt member of the PCPD since he’s also helping daddy.
  15. What’s their plan for Spencer? Doing a back from the dead SL after 2-3 months at most is a baffling decision when the actor is most likely not sticking around past his contract. What’s their plan going to be if he leaves? An immediate recast is probably what most likely has to happen then since very few will care about another “death” SL, real or fake. Unless they are hedging their bets in case he doesn’t come back at all but I’m not sure how that would be an option if he’s under contract. They should have just had Spencer leave town for a few months to find Ace and done this SL upon the actor’s return. It reminds me of Jason’s exits and how his deaths and the aftermath are so lackluster since we know he’d likely come back.
  16. Same, especially since there were probably a bunch of law enforcement ex characters that Anna would actually know. I think sometimes the writers forget that Anna wasn’t living in PC for decades and wasn’t involved in most of Robin’s life so she wouldn’t know Jagger. They did the same thing with Victor and saying that he’s always hated Anna when they weren’t on the show at the same time.
  17. So why are Ava and Avery staying with Sonny if a mob rival is still targeting him? It’s even dumber than I originally thought
  18. I don’t know why Sam and Dante bothered to check in on Sonny. MB is giving absolutely nothing in his scenes talking about Spencer. At least Laura and Alexis are selling grief. But I’m sure he’ll be front and center during the funeral
  19. I don’t know if they’re going anywhere with Sonny and Ava or I’m misreading signals but I find their interactions weird. I honestly don’t think it’s in character for Sonny to ask Ava to move in with him for her safety or to accompany her to the island, even for Avery’s sake. He would just offer his bodyguards and to keep Avery if it was anyone else. I also don’t get what caused the shift between them and why their relationship isn’t antagonistic when it’s not like they were ever friendly at any stage of Ava’s time in PC prior to him getting with Nina, who he isn’t currently speaking to anyway. Just seems like a forced interaction because Ava has 1 friend and no family she’s close to other than her minor kid and Sonny didn’t have a SL of his own.
  20. I think enough actors have said that staying on soaps longer as a younger actor pretty much kills your career prospects outside other soaps and the Hallmark/Lifetime movie genre. There’s still a stigma regarding soap actors and that they aren’t seen as that talented and have a lot of bad habits.
  21. I’m sort of glad Nina didn’t start a rival magazine and poach Crimson’s staff. Yes, Drew and Carly would have deserved it but I really, really need for the granny wars to end and god knows dumb and dumber won’t ever take the high road and move on
  22. I don’t think I’ve liked any of the characters that have been accused of being one of Korte’s faves so I’ve long resigned myself to the fact that I’m just not a fan of her writing
  23. I remember Sonny getting dragged and called out a ton when Guza was writing, although it was obvious we weren’t supposed to root for the characters who spoke out against them. However, most of them didn't make it during his entire run (though a few were later brought back after he was canned) so it wasn’t so good for the characters who got stuck picking up that mantle. One of the few that did off the top of my head was Alexis and she got hated on so much for it by other characters that I was almost glad when she stopped being at odds with Sonny even though I agreed with everything she was saying about him.
  24. Jordan has always been a confusing character to me. I don’t get how they simultaneously think she’s important enough to keep recasting and bringing back when they hardly do anything with her and keep casting women in the role who are 15-20 years too young to play a police commissioner turned deputy mayor and the mother of an almost 30 year old doctor. I think part of the stiffness is the age difference between the actresses and character if I’m being honest because BNH’s Jordan had that as well and seemed so bubbly and vivacious offscreen. It’s like she was trying not to come off like a woman in her late 20s when she was playing Jordan.
  25. There’s always 1 or 2 characters with insanely high episode counts but nothing going on in the way of story. Dante seems to be the current one but there were a few years it was Curtis and his constant best friend scenes with whoever needed a talk to that day. Curtis’ screen time went down once he got his own SLs and family onscreen. My running theory is that it’s much easier to slot characters into other people’s stories so Dante is on a ton since he’s mainly functioning as a cop or is recapping other character’s SLs to Sam.
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