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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Why is the onus only on Ned when it comes to fighting with Michael? Olivia and BL have given him practically the same speech before about how he needs to be the bigger person and make peace. Meanwhile, no one says crap to either Michael or Drew about wanting to cut Ned out of all ELQ decision making and dismissing him/calling him jealous for trying to fight them on it.
  2. Idk, I’d be wary of taking money from my parent’s retirements fund if they were in their 60s. They’re screwed if she can’t pay them back in the next couple years and she made it sound like she always been bad with money.
  3. Finn’s malpractice suit Maxie’s credit card debt Scout not wanting to go to a new school Lois’ mom bingo drama Is it just me or are the storylines even duller than usual?
  4. Sam tends to downplay how crappy her kid’s fathers are for whatever reason. She did it with Jason when he was alive and with Drew now. It annoys me because I think it’s part of the reason those kids idolize their fathers they way they did/do and do whatever they can to please them.
  5. They didn’t need 2 Thanksgiving episodes. Most of the people on today were annoying if not outright insufferable
  6. I think the most fun Thanksgiving scenes in the past few years was the 2021 one where all of the Cassadines showed up at Alexis’ house. Their dynamic was fun and we never saw them all together. I remember it getting a lot of positive chatter on here and Twitter as well because it was something new.
  7. That sort of bit only works for a year or 2 because it was surprising. After that, it became more about what was going to ruin their dinner since we know they won’t have one, which makes it lame. Plus aside from Ned, none of the 90s era are around and it doesn't hit the same when people like Olivia and Lois are leading the Thanksgiving charge. Wasn’t there a year nothing happened to the turkey but they realized it wasn’t the same as the pizza tradition so they donated their dinner? They should have ended it that year and just settled for pizza and let something else be their thanskgiving drama from then on.
  8. I wasn’t a fan of Austin but it’s so bizarre that we saw him got shot on Friday and there’s been zero follow up. I get he wasn’t a super connected character since the Quartermaines weren’t close to him and Ava just told him off but he’s still a contract character. If he was that unimportant, they should have had him leave town to be never mentioned again.
  9. Michael missed 2 hostile takeovers when he was CEO so Ned is right to question his ability. He tried to play off the second one off as Ned’s fault because he was temporarily overseeing ELQ when it officially happened but Valentin’s plan was long in the works before he took over and it was one of the first things Ned noticed. Ned acts like a typical Quartermaine does with his family. I get why Carly worships the ground Michael walks on and thinks he can do no wrong, she’s always been a bit delusional when it comes to her kids. The rest of the family save Ned and sometimes Tracy shouldn’t feel the same way though
  10. Interesting. They haven’t aired a new episode on Thanksgiving day for as long as I can remember and they aired re-runs for every other holiday this year
  11. The drug they showed Adam with is an ADHD med. I’m guessing he doesn’t have ADHD and the way he’s acting is a side effect of him abusing that drug to help him study more
  12. I heard that line and laughed. Whoever wrote that isn’t well versed in pre-med students. I took Organic Chemistry in college and while it’s known as being a tough class, most students pass after the grade is curved or drop the class if they think it’s hopeless. I do remember it being the toughest of the pre-med courses to get an A in but most did end up with Bs and Cs. With how low the acceptance rate is in US med schools, failing any college class, especially a pre-med one, all but guarantees you won’t be accepted into any medical school in the country.
  13. I thought NuMolly did well with the emotional scenes finding out about the miscarriage. I’m glad Ava figured out the connection between Austin and Cyrus and got to tell Austin off. Adam’s story isn’t a bad one but it’s one you have to do with an established character whose parents are also characters we know in order for it to resonate with the audience. Giving it to Joss’ rando classmate so she can play hero while her and mini Jason pat themselves on the back about how well adjusted they are in comparison makes it ffw material.
  14. They could cut every Sam/Dante convo and we wouldn’t miss anything because all they do is recap other people’s storylines that are usually also talked about ad nauseam by the characters involved. Today’s case in point was talking about Anna/Charlotte while Anna is onscreen with Sonny talking about the same thing. Is it an episode guarantee thing with them because other characters might spend part of the episode talking about the big storylines but they’ll also get into what’s going on with them. Also, I know I’m nitpicking but Sam’s insistence that she can see through every con artist because she used to con people herself is tired, especially since the people she thinks she has some special insight into usually are fooling no one.
  15. Something tells me that men like Cody aren’t into expensive skincare devices or watching the PC version of QVC or the Home Shopping Network but what do I know?
  16. I’m all for women making whatever choices they want to make but Molly’s dialogue about how she was thinking about leaving her job once the baby was born because she would rather focus on the baby and her relationship with TJ goes completely the character we’ve seen growing up. Like she was raised by a single mother who was in the same profession and had 2 kids and she used to be proud of that. They’d never write TJ say he wants to put his career on the back burner to spend more time at home.
  17. I don’t mind them together but I do think Maxie’s line about how they have so much chemistry that you can’t fake or something to that effect was the writers trolling fans who’ve commented about finding them lukewarm since they started regularly sharing scenes. I think the show misfired by not building them up onscreen properly. They shared like 3 scenes over 6 months together before Cody broke her out of that mental institution while he was constantly on with Sam.
  18. IMO, the writers are trying to honor the desires from some fans to go back to hospital related storylines but they have no idea how to do that or what people liked about them, hence why we’re getting Felicia deciding to be a patient advocate and the supposed drama with a patient’s insurance and Finn’s malpractice suit.
  19. I thought Carly wanted to make enough money on her own to buy the MC back. Multiple people, including Nina, tried to gift her the damn thing last year and she said no. What’s changed? She still doesn’t have enough money to buy it back at its real value
  20. Nina doesn’t own Crimson, Drew does, so Carly’s question about how Crimson is doing makes no sense. We saw Drew try to sell Nina Crimson last year when he was trying to play hero and buy Carly back the MC only for her to say no because it’s a bad investment.
  21. I’m still confused why they care other than they have nothing else to do. Despite Michael being the CEO, he’s never been that dedicated to ELQ. He told Sam was right to give up her kid’s ELQ voting rights to be around Jason and he would have done the same thing if in her position and was quick to turn down Valentin’s offer to head one of the divisions where he could have remained involved in overseeing the company and Drew’s never cared about ELQ. That storyline only made sense for family members like Tracy and Ned who were really invested in ELQ and in Ned’s case, had to sacrifice a lot to be involved.
  22. When the truth finally comes out, Nina needs to report Martin and have him disbarred. He can try to justify it however he wants but he broke lawyer/client confidentiality because he got scared when Michael threatened to sic Sonny on him. I’m forever going to be annoyed that Alexis got disbarred for lying about going out on a date with her former therapist yet Martin can break lawyer/client privilege and Diane can pretend to be the lawyer of one of Sonny’s mob enemies as a way to obtain info for Sonny and those infractions aren’t a big deal.
  23. Ned’s amnesia storyline was a massive disappointment. All it amounted to was a few episodes of him being mean to his loved ones then a few months of him walking around looking like a slob and writing a song. I didn’t expect it to be a front burner storyline but there were a lot of interesting beats they could have played and nothing. Even Lois returning didn’t do much
  24. I don’t think he recognizes that their situations aren’t as similar because he’s too busy projecting his own isssues onto Ace. Spencer’s mother died and he felt like his only living parent ignored him or at best, didn’t prioritize him. Esme is an active parent so Ace does have someone. Ace is far from the only kid in PC to be raised by a single parent and most of them seem somewhat well adjusted and aren’t dealing with massive abandonment issues so it’s not a given Ace will.
  25. I don’t like either version of Lulu. JMB’s version was a mini Carly who was constantly going off on people up until the point she met Dante and ER’s version was a Pinterest mom
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