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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Even assuming she doesn’t know how to reach any of them, wouldn’t someone like Avery’s brother Dante the police detective make way more sense? It’s a plot contrivance. They are blood related. Carly is Donna’s bio mom and Wiley’s bio grandma. Regarding Amelia, do the scab writers know she exists? To be fair, I only have pay attention during Michael and Willow scenes but I don’t recall the last time she was even mentioned.
  2. Apparently Ava has only been missing for 1 day. Avery’s nanny rang the alarm because she was supposed to pick her up by 5pm. Dex/Joss being the ones who finds out and look for Ava makes absolutely no sense but I guess it gives them something to do other than whine about Sonny and have sex. Guess that was the reason for that random Ava/Joss bonding scene the other day when Joss has never had a nice thing to say about Ava ever.
  3. Joss is unhinged. She’s obviously jealous that she’s finding out about Sonny/Nina’s wedding secondhand while everyone else was either invited or in Carly’s case, was at least told about it by Sonny himself. You can tell it’s killing her that Sonny didn’t beg her to attend because her presence would mean so much to him so she could spit in his face and trash them. She was extra bitter about Michael going so I guess 1 good thing came out of that. Willow worshipping Harmony the way she does is extremely tone deaf. Again, she kidnapped Willow as a baby and facilitated Willow’s rapes to curry favor with a cult leader. Not a single thing about that is a mom who looked out for her.
  4. I’m not sure what to think about Laura’s attitude towards Nikolas and that she almost dismisses or excuses his behavior when Spencer says he’s upset about it. Is it guilt for abandoning Nikolas as a baby? We know she had no relationship with Nikolas until he was 16 and even then, it was minimal. Stefan remained his primary caregiver and Alexis played more of the parental role in his adult years since by then, Stefan was dead and Laura was catatonic for a few years. Though they try to ignore Stefan’s presence in Nik’s life too since we’ve heard both Alexis and Laura say that Nikolas didn’t know how to be a father since Stavros was terrible.
  5. I don’t think Carly getting pregnant so early into her run was great for her character either. All of her subsequent SLs were about Michael or her future kids. I think she could have done way more character exploration with her had they not gone that route.
  6. It’s eerily similar story and it pissed me off when it happened with Carly too. Baby Michael forced the Qs to constantly deal with Carly and she was able to leverage Jason’s love for the baby to monopolize his time and destroy his relationship. A lot of her previous plotting and manipulations were overlooked for Michael’s sake.
  7. I don’t get why we were supposed to feel sympathy for her because she’s lonely or why Spencer should feel guilty over having a life. The baby isn’t the sole reason she has no friends or social life. It’s because she targeted and tried to hurt every peer she has. If she hadn’t done that, I’m sure once of Ace’s many relatives would be willing to babysit occasionally so she could out with her friends. But the character is isolated and honestly should be dumped because I can’t see what they could do with her. Outside of Spencer and Ace, all of her regular screen partners are over 60 because all they’ve done is have a bunch of older characters pat her on the head and prop her.
  8. That’s why I don’t find it heartwarming, especially given the fact that they’ve alluded to her maybe not wanting Ned to come back. Eddie conveniently doesn’t have the qualities that she didn’t like about Ned. It further cements her as a discount Lois. The reason they failed was she loved Eddie Maine and not Ned. She couldn’t deal with his place in ELQ or the family either.
  9. They weren’t together for LW’s first decade on the show because MB and LW didn’t have romantic chemistry (still don’t). They only threw them back together after Carly/Franco flopped hard. I’ll never buy them as true loves since Carly would have thrown him over in a heartbeat if Jason looked at her twice and same with Sonny and Brenda if she bothered to stay in town.
  10. I don’t think Sam knows. She and Scout aren’t exactly a priority for Drew. However, not sure why Carly couldn’t go to Alexis herself and they used Sonny as the intermediary. It’s not like Carly doesn’t know her. Now I don’t see Alexis going out of her way to do Carly a favor but she likes Drew so she’d do it for him.
  11. It’s been months and I still have no idea what the Deceptor is supposed to be. Scott/Lucy are cute though, wonder why they never reunited them. Why Sonny/Nina want Michael/Willow there when they act so put upon is beyond me. They suck all the energy out of the room. Lol I would have asked that they send Wiley alone like Carly did with Donna. He’s the only one of the 3 that seemed happy. This story with the judge is so dumb. Is the plan to leverage his possible misconduct in other cases to help Drew? Great message they’re sending here.
  12. They have said it’s not just the recent stuff. Molly has a lifetime of resentment towards Kristina because she got all of the attention their entire lives and was the perpetual screw up while she was ignored and expected to be the responsible, together younger sibling. You could see that referenced towards the beginning of Molly’s fertility issues when Sam, Alexis, and Kristina just patted her on the head and said she’s smart and will figure out a plan to get what she wants because she always does. While this is a realistic feeling and could potential match their history (Kristina did dominate the focus up until she disappeared offscreen 3 years ago), Molly has never said it bothered her before. That’s where they missed and why it’s coming out of nowhere. It also wasn’t just TJ supporting her and Alexis making it a both sides issue. Sam was saying the same thing and trying to mediate versus making Molly sound unreasonable and Sonny just told Kristina to back off and give her time. That’s pretty much everyone either of them are close to.
  13. I find Sonny and Anna being bffs all of a sudden to be weird and random. I can definitely Sonny doing Anna a favor because she’s Robin’s mother but this dynamic they have and all of their one on one scenes came out of nowhere. If they were setting up a future pairing, I could understand it but their scenes don’t play that way and the actors don’t have romantic chemistry. I get Anna not trusting Valentin and needing someone else in her corner but you’d think she’d be leaning on people like Robert, Jordan and Felicia/Mac, who you know, we know she’s friends with rather than this super close retconned friendship with Sonny, which we were told she had to keep private because she was in law enforcement.
  14. Idk, I don’t consider her in the same category. She’s a judgmental asshole for sure but I don’t think she hits the hypocrite point to be a true Carly. She’s pretty much as big a good girl as you can get for a legacy soap character. The only thing I think she’s done wrong in her entire life is sleep with Brando and lie about it and even that was tempered by the fact that she wasn’t knowingly cheating. Jordan lied to her and told her that TJ dumped her to cover up his kidnapping and she was the one who eventually decided to be honest and confessed to it without the threat of being exposed by someone else. The whole Molly/Kristina dynamic is unfortunately the result of the show creating a conflict offscreen that the viewers didn’t see. There hasn’t been a single person close to either of them who has said Molly is out of line so I suspect that we are supposed to side with her and the only reason we aren’t is they never showed those moments onscreen so we think it’s all in her head.
  15. Nina and Sonny deciding to elope out of town is clearly being done to ensure that no one truly on Nina’s side with be there once she gets exposed. Michael and Willow are acting like it’s literal torture for them to show up and you suddenly have Kristina saying that she hasn’t forgotten what Nina has done to Michael and Willow just to make it obvious that she would turn on Nina that minute she fell out of line. Sonny didn’t bother to invite one person who would be there for Nina. It’s what makes that relationship exhausting to watch because while they have chemistry Nina has to deal with all of these assholes simply because she’s with him. It’s not like she’s the town outcast and everyone except Sonny hates her. She has plenty of people who do like and care about her. Pretty much everyone outside Carly’s circle
  16. I felt like the Sasha SL ended in a whimper. Big whoop, a few people yelled at Gladys and she got to leave town scott free. Having to cut herself off from the family probably doesn’t mean all that much to her considering Brando is dead. The rest of them could barely stand her on a good day.
  17. Tracy tells Chase about Gregory’s ALS. I’m sure she’ll get blasted for this but it’s completely ridiculous that they were still keeping it from him, especially once Gregory began telling people like Liz and Tracy. I’m not sure what to think about this running theme about people not believing that Chase can handle bad news so they keep it from him until he finds out in the worst possible way.
  18. Did most of the cast decline to attend because some of who is included versus who wasn’t was glaring. The guy who played Jackson was only on like 3 or 4 episodes
  19. Spencer also only had 1 previous sexual partner- Esme. He’s not super experienced himself. Idk Trina is only 21, being a virgin at that age isn’t exactly out of the norm. Most of my friend group didn’t lose their virginity until college
  20. CM’s Drew has a pattern of only caring about kids related to Carly and ignores his own so things like this (and Willow previously saying he was a super uncle to Wiley) is glaring. Drew’s daughter Scout is Michael’s first cousin and both of Sam’s kids are constantly at the Quartermaine mansion so Willow probably sees his daughter all of the time so she would know about what’s going on with her.
  21. Lol Sonny might think a big spectacle is a bad omen. Most of his big ceremonies didn’t end in a marriage. All of his Carly ones were tiny and on the fly and the majority of his other weddings were interrupted. The only big Sonny wedding I recall making it through the I dos was the second wedding to Brenda and that marriage ended in an explosion and lasted all of a month.
  22. Judges being hard on criminals during election years isn’t some big controversy and I can guarantee that there would be absolutely no public outrage in the case of a rich, white man serving jail time for a white collar crime that he pled guilty to. This show is seriously delusional to think there would be some public outcry that someone like him finally had to pay. Wasn’t the max sentence either 20 or 25 years anyway? His sentencing was light compared to what he could have gotten
  23. I wonder if the actor playing TJ even knows. Despite TJ and Molly being together for a decade, he rarely shared scenes with Kristina prior to this storyline and those were mostly holidays and special events. I’d be surprised if we ever saw them having a one on one convo as crazy as that sounds.
  24. I think Kristina and Blaze are cute together so I’m hoping they will go there with them. It’s completely ridiculous that Kristina was single for most of her 20s due to the lack of writing for LGBT relationships while her brother Michael was given endless women he had zero chemistry with. There’s absolutely no way Willow should be out at a crowded nightclub this soon after a bone marrow transplant or back to work at a hospital. Exposure to crowds is not healthy for a decimated immune system show. Lol I called Esme using Ace to try to prevent Spencer from going out of town with Trina. Though emergency is a reach. He may have been exposed to chickenpox at daycare? Even if it was true, Spencer’s only gone for the weekend. If Ace caught it, he probably wouldn’t be showing symptoms right away. It usually takes a week or so after exposure. I think it’s hilarious that the Qs are all having a fun night out instead of being at Drew’s bedside but it’s what Carly’s lapdog deserves. She seemed ok. Molly is still being incredibly rude and towards Kristina but that’s the writing
  25. LMAO they recast Molly again. Thank god because the last woman was unwatchable. Seriously miscast and her acting was painful. Let’s hope for better with #4
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