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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. Days like today are why I’ll never get over my Carly hate. There is absolutely no way Carly deserves to lash out at and blame multiple people over what happened to Drew and simultaneously Liz have pat her on the head and say what happened wasn’t her fault at all. Newsflash, Carly made the decision to commit insider trading, Drew made the decision to take the fall for her and be the worst spy in the world for Sonny while in prison. I don’t care for Sonny but he’s not at fault for not being able to protect someone who loves claiming he can handle things and is putting a giant target on his back. It’s not Nina’s fault for turning them in for a legit crime. They even had Carly call Ava over to yell at her and she barely knows anything about this. Is she ever going to grow the fuck up and stop blaming others for her (and Drew’s) sheer stupidity?
  2. I think it made sense given their history. BM’s Jason and Drew was very close to Jake and they shared a lot of scenes together. It’s only jarring because CM’s Drew completely ignored his actual daughter to serve as Carly’s lapdog so I can’t see him acknowledging Jake’s existence if they happened to show up im the same restaurant never mind still be close. They completely decimated Drew’s character and every relationship he had. He’s Jason’s 2.0 in that regard
  3. I kinda prefer Nina/Valentin to Valentin/Anna. I didn’t pay much attention to them once CW took over the role because they were already set to blow up with Valentin’s lie about Sasha looming and Jax was already waiting in the wings but they have decent chemistry and I don’t really buy Valentin’s crime fighter/superspy persona that they are laying on thick since he’s been with Anna. I don’t think it’s JPS’ wheelhouse. I think he thrives more playing a schemer, in family scenes and comedic scenes.
  4. So I’m assuming Portia is in the dark about Curtis being in business with Mrs. Wu. I’m not sure how considering her poker games don’t seem to be a closely guarded secret but she’s acting like Curtis is on the up and up himself when he’s as dirty as the rest
  5. Thanks for the correction. Tbh, I barely pay attention to their scenes because they always seem like random dialogue as a prelude to having sex so I probably missed some lines. I’m curious if they’ll actually go there with Joss and Dex’s lives being on different paths. It would make perfect sense but they’ve been so drama adverse with that pairing that I’ll be surprised.
  6. I wish TH was playing a different character. Jordan and TJ always come off like siblings or a couple in their scenes. Why is the show so adverse to casting a 50-something actress to play Jordan? All 3 actresses have been way too young for the role and I think it almost hampers what they do with the character since her peers on the show are 20 years older. I’m never going to buy this Jordan as a mother of a kid pushing 30 and soon to be grandma.
  7. They were probably referring to the other time when she blew off a study group for her Organic Chemistry class because Dex was there and they subsequently “got distracted” and had sex in her dorm room. I thought was being a moron because that class is a killer and usually the one that decides whether pre-meds stay on the pre med path since if you can’t muster up at least a B, you’re pretty much done for as for as med school admissions go.
  8. They so gave Carly Kelly’s to fill her mins by giving her random scenes talking to whoever shows up there because they have nothing else to do with her now that her kids have little going on. I don’t get Sam’s purpose in this save Sasha storyline since I think it could have all been resolved faster if Cody reported what he thought to begin with but now that Dante is aware, Sam’s involvement is moot. They already knew she was on drugs during the stabbing and can’t use illegally obtained information to charge the doctor. I think Cody’s been dumb as well but he at least got Sasha out of immediate danger. Any information Sam obtains or helps with won’t help since they are never done by the book. They should have just waited for the subpoena. Also it could all just blow up in their faces and make Cody look even more guilty since his buddies are the ones leading the charge.
  9. I still don’t see romantic chemistry but the writing isn’t helping matters. Cody is written like an adult child and I can’t see Sasha wanting a real relationship with someone like that. Characters telling him he stinks and needs to take a shower and the fake snoring yesterday? Those are just the most recent incidents because they’ve been treating him like Sam/Dante 4th kid for awhile.
  10. I’ve long thought if they were so insistent on keeping Esme around, they should have had her associate with people outside of Spencer’s orbit. Right now, she has most of her scenes with Spencer, his gf and his aunt. Thats part of the reason she can’t move out of the house. Who would they have her around? She still has no friends, they gave her psychopaths for parents and one of them is dead.
  11. Esme isn’t going anywhere. She’s in love with Spencer and that’s why she was upset yesterday. That convo she had with Heather a few months ago said it all. She thinks her and Spencer are coparents and is basically treating him like an SO even though Spencer, Laura, and Alexis tolerate her for Ace’s sake. That was the same episode where she called him to talk about her feelings about her family and he said something about like if it’s not about Ace, he’s busy and hung up on her which confirmed what Heather was saying The foundation they use on her is the wrong undertone
  12. Now that we’ve gotten multiple episodes of Cody/Sasha scenes, I don’t think they have it as far as a pairing. They have chemistry but not romantic chemistry. He comes off like her goofy big brother in their scenes, which is cute but definitely not what they’re going for
  13. I knew it was Charlotte but I’m not mad it at. Better her than one of the random recurring villains this show loves to drag out of the closet. Given that Ned/Olivia have never excited me, watching them fall in love again bores me to tears. The only reason they’ve made any sense together is because Olivia is a bootleg Lois but while I loved Ned/Lois, Ned/Olivia have never done anything for me. Somehow they’ve created a character that only possesses the Lois characteristics that I was annoyed by and left out the reasons I liked her.
  14. Idk I’m kinda team Charlotte. Until today, I missed that Valentin was shacking up with Anna while Charlotte is still staying with Dante and Sam.
  15. I don’t know if I agree with that. It gets ignored now because we supposed to think Micheal is the golden child but he had a traumatic upbringing. He was kidnapped as a kid along with Morgan and Kristina and was the only one of the three old enough to know what was going on. I don’t think he made it out of his preteen years when he was shot and put into a coma. He was frequently sent off to the islands without Sonny and Carly every time a new mob enemy was making threats. We were told he didn’t have any friends growing up because no one wanted their kids around him due to the danger. He was aware enough of what Sonny and Jason did to ask Jason to kill someone. All of that was due to Sonny being in his life so I consider that both Sonny and Carly’s fault since he wasn’t Michael’s bio dad. That isn’t even touching on him witnessing Sonny/Carly’s emotional abusive relationship.
  16. The reason I think it isn’t Alex is Valentin was with Anna when the room was being trashed and he knows Alex well enough to immediately suspect her but he looked shocked. That and Anna mentioning that the work was done by an amateur.
  17. Charlotte I could see resenting Anna. Valentin has definitely prioritized Anna over her since they got together and he’s been out of town a lot since Lulu’s been in a coma. He was around Charlotte way more when he was with Nina.
  18. I don’t think Peter was the worst villain as far his list of crimes but he was an uncharismatic one who lasted far too long by virtue of who he was dating. The actor was a huge miscast for what the character was supposed to be. I think it’s generally more difficult to play a villain on a soap than a good guy and he didn’t have the chops to pull it off imo
  19. Why would Lucy being broke make her want to get married and what’s Martin’s incentive to give up the alimony in order to marry someone who has no money? Also, Blair has the kind of money to get a huge alimony judgement? That’s 600k a year to someone she couldn’t have been married to for that long. Every aspect of this storyline is dumb
  20. Not sure why they brought Nikolas back for this. No one other than Ava thought he was dead to begin with. I bet Esme manufactures some crisis with Ace so Spencer/Trina don’t end up going. She looked way too upset at the news that they were heading out of town before Spencer/Alexis started talking about her.
  21. IMO, they backed off Michael trying to take down Sonny because they weren’t expecting people to hate it as much as they did and since they don’t know how to write him out of it if he’s exposed, they’re going to keep a secret between him, Carly, Joss and Dex. There’s not that many Michael and Carly fans who also hate Sonny and those were the only ones really siding with him. They probably thought it was going to be like when Michael went against Sonny for murdering AJ but they missed the fact that the Qs had a lot of fans who hated Sonny/Carly and he was going against both Sonny and Carly during that SL. Trying to send Sonny to jail because he cheated on his mother and they split up for the thousandth time made him look childish and having him act like he was doing it because he’s always been anti-mob flies in the face of decades worth of writing for Michael.
  22. I can’t figure out if the writers love or hate Sasha. On the one hand, her SLs are depressing as hell and she never gets a win. On the other hand, she joined the cast in 2019 and got an immediate story as a con artist pretending to be Nina’s daughter, an drug addiction in 2020, dead baby in 2021, relapse, mental breakdown and murdered husband in 2022, and being scammed out of her money and drugged in 2023. She’s led more SLs than some who’ve been around for decades and though they haven’t panned out for the actress, a lot of those are classic Emmy bait stories.
  23. Spencer and Esme’s coparenting arrangement is completely insane so everything Trina said was on point. There’s no reason he has to be around 24/7 and live with them. No one does that when they aren’t involved with the mom. Spencer 100% has his head in the sand that it isn’t blurring the lines for Esme and his explanation was all about how it isn’t bad for him. Of course Esme is treating him like her SO and expecting him around all of the time when he’s doing all of this. I just didn’t think Trina should have let him off the hook because he gave her a gift.
  24. Charlotte is blood related to Aiden, Danny, and Rocco so Jake might have been the only option lol
  25. I do see a parallel in how both Joss and Trina are handling their relationships. Both have a point of contention with their bf. In Joss’ case, it’s Dex working for Sonny and now prioritizing it over her and in Trina's case it’s Spencer spending all of his time with Ace and by extension Esme. Neither are exactly quiet about it but their bf quickly causes them to back off the issue by the same lame speech only for them to bring it up another day. I suspect in both of their cases, they don’t push the issue too much because they know if they deliver an ultimatum, they won’t be chosen so they’re settling for the status quo.
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