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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I don’t think Dex is going anywhere until they decide to give Joss a new guy. The other Jason replacements were closer to his age and could be seen as competition, this guy is young enough to be his son. They don’t really use Dex like they would Jason anyway. He’s mainly a bodyguard and errand boy. The one time Sonny asked him to kill someone, he looked scared out of his mind and his jobs were more ones that would go to a random employee and not Sonny’s #2.
  2. I’m sure Joss will forget about all of the ranting she’s done about the mob and criminals being bad in the last 2 years once “uncle” Jason comes back since we know that man is never leaving the mob and worshipping Jason is ingrained in her. Very well since it was OOC to begin with considering she used to gloat about Sonny being in the mob and getting away with everything and frequently used his name to threaten people.
  3. Joss should be happy that her mobbed up bf wasn’t killed. Any other snitch would have. I think some self reflection is required there because maybe don’t get involved with someone in that business if you can’t handle the consequences. The funny thing is I doubt this would have all come out had Dex stopped working for Sonny when he had the chance to go but he didn’t want to because he had no education or other skills and thought he was above working a job like opening the door at the MC. He chose that life over a normal one with Joss so I don’t get why either of them are acting so dramatic today.
  4. I’m guessing that’s why they had Sam add in the line about it being part of his DNA, which makes even less sense considering before the accident, Jason was a goody goody who never did anything wrong. He was the only Q who wasn’t messy.
  5. They are being so heavy handed with the Jason mentions. Danny mouthing off to his mother and drinking in a park with his friends is the most garden variety form of teenage rebellion. For the vast majority of people, it doesn’t mean they’re headed down a bad path or on their way to becoming a career criminal. And we’re talking RL teens, for a soap teen, he’s still boring as hell Sam. You can stop worrying.
  6. So how long before Sonny gets over what Michael/Dex/Carly did? I expect him to be over it by next week. Meanwhile he hasn’t spoken to Nina since New Years over something that he wasn’t directly affected by and in the end, Carly didn’t even have to suffer any consequences for since Drew took the fall.
  7. He’s had 1 scene with her post prison- that time he was telling her about the new school he signed her up for and ignoring the obvious signs that she wasn’t ok with it. Father of the year blew off a meeting with Sam to discuss Scout later on because he was too focused on getting revenge on Nina.
  8. The way CM is playing Drew now is giving me Ryan Lavery flashbacks and everything I hated about his acting style. I know people have said that since he joined the show but game show host/motivational speaker Drew was more CM playing himself. Ryan was a jackass and had a misogynistic undercurrent.
  9. That swerve was such a terrible decision. Courtney was completely unbearable when she was paired with Jason and they didn’t have anywhere to go with them storyline wise once Sonny got over them being together. She was siloed to that group and spent every episode with Carly talking about what Sonny/Jason were doing or talking about whatever mob enemy they had at the time.
  10. I assumed that’s what they were going for when Carly said it too but it didn’t make sense. Jason was never central to Sonny’s life like that. He’s always had other people and despite what they wanted to happen, every person in his life didn’t turn his back on him because he decided to get involved with Nina.
  11. Because Michael himself only cared about that for a few months. That should have been the time for him to walk away from Sonny and Carly to extent permanently and establish himself as a Q. When he didn’t, it not only ruined the character but it forced the Qs to have to deal with them for Michael’s sake.
  12. Having Carly play hero makes everyone look bad in return. Sonny looks like an ineffective mob boss, Dex is a pathetic version of a mob enforcer if he needs his gf’s mom to rescue him and untrustworthy since he chooses to keep Michael’s secret over Sonny, and Brick looks bad for running to blab to his boss’ ex.
  13. I wish I could more optimistic about the writer change but I think what’s airing now is more Korte influenced than ever before so I only see things marginally improving once Patrick comes onboard. Previous episodes she was credited with writing were extremely heavy with Carly/Michael/Joss plus their SOs and all of them have gotten heavy focus this month. TBH, I only see things improving for characters Patrick takes a liking to that Korte is also indifferent towards.
  14. I’ve never gotten why they’re so heavy handed with that. Jake too. Both Liz and Sam constantly mention how those kids are just like Jason anytime they do anything. The guy was practically a deadbeat when he was in town but sure, both of his sons are exactly like him and got nothing from the mothers that raised them. It’s weird because other characters will get the occasional comparison to their parents but nothing to that level.
  15. ITA but I got anvils today and it doesn’t help matters that Dante/Sam have gotten so little storyline wise than they’ve gotten together that I don’t buy that TPTB care about them one way or another outside of a place to park them because there was no one else available. Also, despite what Carly keeps claiming, Sonny didn’t choose Nina over his family. Michael lashed out because Sonny cheated on his mom. There’s a reason only Michael and Joss were throwing temper tantrums and not all of Sonny’s kids
  16. All of the happy Valentine’s Day couple on today are dull. Sam suddenly wanting to get back into motorcycle riding and being gifted a leather jacket and Danny acting out just in time for Jason’s return. Want to bet we’re about to hear their little blended family isn’t as happy and healthy and they’ve been saying it was during his absence? It’s likely a one off but Danny having an alcohol problem would be an interesting SL. Both of his grandmothers are alcoholics not to mention AJ and Alan’s issues. Of course Sam tries to compare him to Jason but Jason before the brain damage was the golden child who never did anything wrong. If anything, he’s the AJ and Jake is teen Jason. Of course Carly teleports to Pine Barrens in time to save Dex and tries to lie through her teeth to do so. I’m glad Sonny figured it out but of course he does well after the fact and not when you know, Dex and Michael were actively trying to turn him into the Feds. Again, just seems like a loose end they’re trying to tie up before Jason’s return since it would have put him in the middle. Carly is never beating the allegations that Nina’s not on her mind 24/7 despite her saying over and over that she doesn’t care or think about her. She was quick to blame Nina today for shit that had nothing to do with her.
  17. He’s been claiming he has his navy seal memories also since CM has been in the role but they never expanded on it. When he offered to go to Greenland, he made a big stink about how they should include him because as a former navy seal, he’s best equipped to help (though all the big hero did was put on a dumb disguise and knock Dr. O out). He also thought he’d be an amazing spy for Sonny in prison because of his Navy seal skills- where again, he sucked, was easily found out and got his ass kicked. Drew’s the poster child for mediocrity who thinks way too highly of himself and his own abilities.
  18. I don’t think I’ve liked Molly since the moment they sorased her and we heard her speak for the first time. I found her annoying as a kid as well. I refuse to believe that’s Alexis/Ric’s kid
  19. Dex is even dumber than I thought. He’s willing to die to keep Michael’s secret. What’s even worse is Sonny wouldn’t kill Michael so he’s willing to die to ensure Michael’s dad isn’t mad at him. And no, Carly I don’t think Sonny would regret killing Dex. He is what Sonny thinks he is, just working for someone else
  20. I remember her saying that too. I just didn’t quite buy it. Tracy wouldn’t care and I find Gregory to be a judgmental jackass most of the time so he’s far from kind himself. They also had her feeling bad because Spencer died and Gregory saying Martin must be upset about it when he didn’t care about that and they were never shown as close.
  21. I’ll summarize as best as I can. Lucy and Scott were scheming against Tracy but Tracy caught on and convinced Martin that something was going on between Lucy/Scott or something would happen? Anyways, Martin was convinced and broke up with Lucy and an upset Lucy was comforted by Scott. Meanwhile Tracy felt guilty for lying for some reason so she tells Martin the truth and he races to find Lucy and apologize and get her back only to catch them in the act and walk away for good.
  22. Also, the adoption is probably a non issue because either Nikolas get out of prison and reclaim his kid, Esme will come back and/or this baby is being retconned into not being a Cassadine but why is Laura the only option for keeping the baby? I know she’s the grandmother but her and Kevin are in their 60s with demanding jobs. Asking them to raise a kid that young is a lot when Nikolas has plenty of other relatives who are younger and they’ve already had to serve as Spencer’s guardian and had Charlotte on and off those times Valentin was MIA. Like Nikolas has 3 adult cousins in PC, one who has kids and another who actively wants a child right now. One of them would make way more sense for a guardian.
  23. On what planet would Heather getting out of prison early and seeking custody of Ace be an actual possibility? She broke out of prison, murdered 3 people, tried to kill a couple others and those are just her most recent crimes. Even if she wasn’t completely insane, I don’t think any parole board’s going to have her on the list for an early release.
  24. Why wasn’t Carly above petty revenge when she decided to take the Crimson job in the first place? She was all for hurting Nina’s feelings that day and tossing her nameplate in the trash. Seems like it’s only an issue now because shockingly, she has to work in a job she never wanted in the first place and she’s already “won” since Sonny and Willow are mad at Nina and icing her out. Though, something tells me she won’t be so ready to move on if Sonny and the others decide to get over it and forgive Nina.
  25. Not that I liked Drew before this but they are so obviously trying to throw him under the bus now so a couple months from now, Carly can walk away from him because of how he’s acting and not because she was using him as a stand in for Jason this entire time. She’s the last person who wants him to forget about his vendetta towards Nina. She lights up when anything bad happens to her. That would make sense but I could easily see them only exposing that Michael was paying Dex to work for Sonny because he still cared about Sonny even though he was mad at him or some bs. They’ll probably have Dex get attacked only for that to come out so Sonny can feel guilty of suspecting him for being a rat when we know he was a rat. I feel like the full plot would only get exposed if the Dex actor is leaving the show. Michael would survive that because he always walks away unscathed but his minion wouldn’t
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