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Everything posted by ffwbe

  1. I find Lucy annoying but I don’t think she’s the villain in this arc. Maxie missed BL stealing company info to hand it over to Tracy which led to the lawsuit and ultimately Deception’s stock crashing and Tracy getting half the company. That played into a big reason that Maxie and Sasha are now broke. They might have lost their money for other reasons but they can’t see off the almost worthless stock to recoup anything. Maxie also doesn’t seem to know how to put business ahead of friendships with BL and Sasha. Now in Lucy’s case, she’s probably not as close to either of them so that likely plays a factor but she’s also way more invested in Deception’s future than any of them are.
  2. I’m really confused where they are going with this Heather story. Wasn’t she already in prison before they made her a serial killer? Was her hip replacement surgery supposed to have taken place before she committed any crimes or just the most recent ones
  3. I actually like cheating storylines but the “soapy” part is the fallout. Joss cheated and Cam was allowed to be upset for 1 episode and no one else found out or cared. The only cheating SL less interesting than that one in recent history was Michael/Willow cheating behind Chase’s back. He not only forgave them by the end of the episode but remained best friends with them even though they were unapologetic assholes about it. Messy SLs are only fun to watch when we see the second half of it after the truth comes out. Those consequences never happen for a handful of characters so the SLs are instead just said characters being jerks while no one is allowed to hate them when they hurt people (see Carly’s reign of terror).
  4. I don’t think they’re making Dex Jagger’s son. Jagger has no other family on canvas either so he’s not a strong enough tie. If anything, they are probably about to usher him out. Things between Sonny and Jason will be settled soon enough so Sonny doesn’t need him, no pairing, no friends, and no onscreen family. He lifts right out because Joss and his now former job were all he had since he joined the show.
  5. I have always been curious about the decision to have Joss/Dex do nothing but have sex and talk about Sonny for over a year. Not that they’re the first horny soap couple but the other couples I’m thinking of also had their substantive moments and actual SLs. I also don’t think any of them had the ratio of love scenes to total episodes that Joss/Dex had.
  6. I don’t think it works for the type of limitations she’s put in post marriage. She’s not the same actress she was on OLTL. Who wants to watch a May/December romance that’s completely chaste?
  7. I didn’t think their split was a long term one either because there’s no one to pair her with. The next youngest guys on the show are TJ and Chase, who are not only already paired off but they are drama free, good guys and I don’t see either of them dating someone still in college. If they end up recasting Spencer, I could see them throwing him to Joss but if she thought her other pairings weren’t liked, the feedback to those 2 would probably keep her off SM permanently.
  8. I do remember Sonny getting upset and venting to Brenda when the results of the fake paternity test came out and it showed Ned as the father. However, Sonny is a baby collector who wants kids no matter who the mother is and was rarely an active parent before their adult years so it doesn’t mean much to me either way.
  9. This was an interesting interview. Eden pretty much states that Joss/Dex’s appeal to their fans is mostly that they are constantly having sex onscreen and was surprised that Joss got so much blowback for cheating on Cameron because most people found the pairing boring to begin with.
  10. Pretty much- even when he thinks something is a terrible idea, like the surrogacy, he tells her otherwise because he knows Alexis will play the heavy every time. Alexis has even called him on it in the past and say he only tells her what she wants to hear.
  11. If those scenes between Sonny and Natalia were supposed to be a chem test, they failed miserably. Probably didn’t help that MB looked half asleep and like he was counting down in his head waiting for the scenes to end.
  12. I did kind of understand Molly’s concern. It wasn’t about her going back to the law, it was more about if the plan to get her license back didn’t work. Both times she started drinking excessively were half triggered by a relationship but the other half was about her not being able to practice law since it’s so central to her. However, I think Alexis explained herself well regarding why she has to try. Tbh, I don’t think any of her daughters have been that great with her sobriety journey so I’m not surprised they are very surface level with things. We saw it with how they never really knew how to help her. They all needed to do therapy as much as Alexis did to learn how to deal with an alcoholic parent.
  13. I’m getting major anvils for Valentin/Nina reuniting. That’s somewhat surprising because I assumed that Valentin and Anna were only on pause due to JPS’ availability. However, if they are truly committed to resetting Anna as Ms. Law and order, having her with Valentin who is anything but makes little sense. It’s still early but I think Alexis has gotten the best reset and POV under the new writers so far. There’s been a few other interesting changes but hers is the most true to character.
  14. I think law enforcement would make every effort to keep someone like him safe so he can testify (witness protection or some other protective custody) but Anna saying she’ll forget his statement because he’d be in danger is stupid. He chose to work for a criminal, any danger his life is in is on him and Anna claiming she thought Sonny was a decent guy is bs when in the same breath, she knows he’ll have Dex murdered for trying to put him away.
  15. The teen boys playing Danny, Aiden and Rocco all look the same to me. I wish there was more variety in casting
  16. I feel like there was a better way to make Joss turn anti mob other than just flat out writing her as stupid and naive. Michael, Morgan, Molly etc figured what Jason did by the time they were preteens but she had no idea that he murdered people at her big age? LMAO Anna is dead to me if she doesn’t take Dex up on his offer to help take Sonny down. I guess they are setting up Jake being the good kid that rejects his father and his lifestyle while Danny is seeking his approval. Interesting but probably should have been reversed considering that Dante was the one raising Danny. However, it is interesting that Jake feels guilty for his father and his actions because that was always a beat missing from Sonny’s kids.
  17. Personally I don’t hate Nina but I saw the writing on the wall once Sonny found out about her turning Carly into the SEC and acted like this was the worst wrong to ever wrong and her bff Ava has been glued to his side ever since (which tbh is making me dislike her more than anything else). While I think CW can kill a SL like this, it doesn’t make for an enjoyable watch for someone who likes the character so I get it. Especially since characters facing off against Sonny and Carly are usually destroyed and rarely cycle back up.
  18. Joss is easily the dumbest person in town and that’s really saying something. I saw in the previews that she was aghast that Dex was committing crimes for Sonny and would murder someone on his orders. Like, what did you think he was doing? I refuse to believe this girl is bound for med school. Gregory didn’t need to quit over not being able to type. All he needs is a text to speech program and to have an assistant or other writer help edit anything that was transcribed incorrectly. But I have a feeling it was a catalyst for Alexis to jump ship and for Gregory to rapidly deteriorate.
  19. Today was only Patrick’s first credited today so there’s going to a cleanup period but the 2 new stories seemed to be whitewashing Heather and Alexis being a lawyer again. Heather’s story makes absolutely no sense to me. Whitewashing villains never works and she’s been crazy her entire adult life, not just recently. However, I’m all for Alexis being a lawyer because her working at the Invader was always a flop for me. They never could decide what is was anyway. The company line was that she turned into a serious newspaper but everytime we saw or heard about articles from it, it seemed like the same click bait newspaper Peter worked on. I also thought she should have differed to Nina about the direction in previous scenes but Nina was off her rocker today about not saying anything potentially negative about Sonny going forward. WTH, Nina, get some fucking self respect. That man has already left you and ignores you anytime he sees you. He doesn’t give a shit one way or another what you say about him. You aren’t part of his life anymore. She’s about to make my ffw list unfortunately because I can’t stomach her scenes when she talks about Sonny anymore.
  20. I bet it’s Carly that they are holding over Jason’s head. They’ve been going so OTT with the Jarly talk and if the RICO case they have on Jason is from the time he and Carly were running the mob, they can probably make a case against Carly as well.
  21. Tbh, I find all of the show’s 30 somethings milquetoast, not just Michael. Chase/BL and Sasha/Cody are just dull, pretty people with no drama. The decisions to move away from BL being a schemer and whitewashing Sasha’s intro as a con artist were dumb because that age group desperately needs someone who brings soap.
  22. The Danny actor was carrying SBu today because he was giving nothing. Aside from that one episode with LW, he’s been pretty flat. It’s early in the game even for him to be checked out.
  23. I refuse to believe what Dan/Chris had planned for Jason’s return was worse than this lackluster mess. Also, Jason teaching Danny how to handle a gun is not the cute father/son bonding moment the show thinks it is.
  24. Frankly I don’t think either of them were shocked by it. LW embellishes in her interviews sometimes and loves saying how something is completely unexpected when it’s something that plays out exactly how everyone assumed it would.
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