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Everything posted by LadyMustang65

  1. I love Halloween night. Probably even more than Disney Week. This show did not disappoint me. I thought all of the routines were fun. Some better than others but all were fun. Hands down our favorite dance was Frankie/Witney. I never watched Malcolm in the Middle, but I am a fan of Criminal Minds, and Frankie was super-creepy on that show. I loved how much fun he was having. I loved that he had input into the dance. I don't call what he did "choreography" - that's really stretching it, I think. But he did give creative input, and I enjoy when the celebs do that. He gave it his all, and it was awesome!! Jordan is no doubt the best dancer, and I love that he always always always gives credit, thanks and praise to Lindsay. They seem like a great partnership. I felt bad for Lindsey and Mark. It was obvious she was hurting, and her performance seemed a little stiff and tentative, but it was great choreo by Mark. I also loved the concept of Vanessa's dance, although I think Maks was being just a tad bit generous when he called his own choreo "brilliant." I used to be a big fan of Maks, even while recognizing that he could be an ass, but something is off with him this season. I honestly don't remember much about Drew's dance except that I thought it was fun, and he did good but not great. Terrell seems like a different person now than when he first started, but I thought his was the least of the dances last night. I couldn't quite put my finger on what it was, but something seemed just "off" about it. Still not bad, but I was surprised the judges praised it so much. As others have noted, Sasha scaring people is always fun. <lol> I enjoyed both of the team dances. I loved the concept of Monster Mash, and I think it could have been great with some more time to work on it. But it was a lot of fun and left me smiling. Phantom was fairly well executed, if somewhat predictable, and I love the music. But I didn't think it was 10-worthy. I don't like when they handicap things so obviously. Boo! Not happy with the double elimination. I would have sent Terrell and Drew home - not Vanessa and Nikki. Not sure I think that was manipulated, as I can imagine a football player and a tv star having bigger fan bases than a WWE diva and a celebrity mom, but I'm sorry to see those two go, as I enjoyed their dancing more than I enjoy Drew's and Terrell's. And on a shallow note - losing Nikki means losing Artem, and that's never a good thing, as far as I'm concerned. I so want him to win one of these days.
  2. They did show us a caravan leaving the Saviors' compound to check things out. I thought they were the ones Tara/Carole/Morgan/Daryl blew up just before they split up, and Daryl took off on the motorcycle to lead the walkers to the Saviors' compound. Did I imagine that? When they were worried that walker was going to trip the wire, so Morgan took him out? Also, I'm guessing I'm the only one here who actually likes Tara. She's grown on me.
  3. Count me in the "I love Disney night" crowd. It's always fun and light-hearted, and that's always so enjoyable to watch. And historically the judges have been in good moods for this week and tend to be less critical. I don't care that Victoria may have started out with Charleston and been switched to Jazz. Not the first time that's happened on the show. We've had other couples who have had their music changed. It happens. No biggie. I am also very confused by the criticism of Frankie for doing no lifts in the AT. I saw two lifts - one at the beginning and one towards the end. Granted, they were not "flashy" lifts, but they were definitely lifts as defined by DWTS - a move where the dancer has both feet off the ground that could not be performed solo. We loved his dance; he did a great job. I liked it even better the second time I watched it. :) In fact, the only dance we felt was less than good was Sasha's. That whole dance fell kind of flat for us. As others have noted, zero hip action from her, and it seemed like a lot of striking poses. Not sorry to see her go - we never really connected with her on any level, and we are not generally fans of Gleb. Anyway, we are still thoroughly enjoying this season. We like everyone left, including (surprisingly) TO (although we won't be sorry to see him go), and think they all have at least some ability. So we are very much enjoying this season!!
  4. I'm not saying they don't have issues. That's entirely possible. That Maks would sit out a show (seriously, the dude's in love with himself - would he really pass up a chance to have his face seen by millions especially when he's got a possible contender?? My brains say no way, Jose!) because of it? I suppose anything's possible, but if he could deal with Hope, he can deal with Vanessa, who is far more pleasant and hard-working and talented than Hope. As for other ideas? He owns a chain of dance studios. Could be some problem with one of them. That would not affect the rest of the family. Could be a minor injury that, given his history, he didn't want to risk aggravating and didn't really want known. There are probably of dozens of likely scenarios that would cause him to miss a show but still be able to have dinner with his family. He can be a complete dick, but I've never seen any indication that he's that unprofessional. I mean he danced in shows with Karina after she dumped him! I put no stock in the fact that the story has spread among the gossip rags. That's what happens with gossip. That doesn't make it true nor are either Vanessa or Maks obligated to answer every silly rumor out there. It's entirely possible they've decided to ignore the tabloids and are content to let the show's spokesperson deal with it. But even if Maks were inclined to try to ditch because of a spat with Vanessa, I just don't see the show allowing it. Maks is not the draw he used to be - he's been absent too much. And I don't see Vanessa being such a big draw that they would studiously avoid showing any strain between them in the packages. My own personal opinion is that this is much ado about nothing. They may not always be sunshine and kittens, but I doubt they're so at each other's throats that Maks would feel it necessary to act that unprofessionally. Again, YMMV.
  5. I'm sure there's a "base," but that still doesn't mean it's not greatly exaggerated. Unnamed sources, show insider, etc. Who knows if this anonymous person is at all reliable? People is still basically a gossip magazine, and a story like this will sell magazines. Maks will be back next week according to a show spokesperson. As for what the personal issue is? I don't know. But I can think of better possibilities than that he skipped the show in a snit because he doesn't get along with Vanessa. Good grief. He managed to work with Hope Solo without missing a show, and imho she was a flat out bitch most of the time. Vanessa doesn't even begin to compare to that. And she's a good dancer, which Hope didn't begin to reach. I just don't see Maks being that unprofessional nor do I see the show allowing it, quite frankly. But that's just me. YMMV :)
  6. We thoroughly enjoyed the show last night, and we're really enjoying this season as well. We like (to one degree or another) everyone who is still there and think all of them have had moments where they at least showed some potential. Of the group left, we'd miss Sasha and Terrell the least because for some reason they don't really register with us. I can't even remember Sasha's dance from last night. We really like Jordan, Frankie, Vanessa, Lindsey, Victoria and Nikki, which is half of the remaining group. Drew, Nick and Derek are growing on us. So we're loving it. On the Maks thing, I know he's a controversial figure. I used to love Maks, but not so much any more, although I still love to watch him dance. I just love the way he moves. But I think it's really unfair to speculate that he missed the show because he doesn't like Vanessa or he doesn't like doing jazz. Say what you will about him, he has never done anything to suggest that he is that unprofessional. Nor is there any reason to believe the show would allow him to just skip an episode for a reason like that. He has worked with some really difficult partners and still managed to do his job. What is known is that his decision to miss the show was made late in the day. Alan had only 2 hours to work with Vanessa; the show edited their package to show just Alan and Vanessa rehearsing. Given that the shooting became known overnight and Maks has several close friends in Las Vegas, it seems much more likely to me that he was very affected by the shooting and ultimately decided to miss the show. Maybe he went to Las Vegas to be with his friends? Maybe he thought Vanessa would do better with someone who was less personally affected? Yes, Maks can be an ass. No doubt about it. But thinking that he would miss a show because of personal differences with his celebrity or because he didn't like doing a certain kind of dance just seems very unfair to him. He, like all of the pros, is a professional, and I just don't see either of those scenarios being very likely at all.
  7. Am I the only one who remembers Derek's non-jive with Maria M.? They spent a fair amount of time with her lying or sitting on a table and not a single kick or flick in the entire dance. Very little jive content at all. And it was Len who said that it wasn't a traditional jive and noted there were no kicks or flicks and then said he didn't care because he liked it. And Derek claimed that it was a "new" style of jive - which apparently never caught on since it's never been done again. And Len gave her a 9 for it. It's probably the only time Len has given a pass like that. I'm wondering if that's where Val got the idea about "rumba changing." But I do agree with your assessment of the situation. I think that's probably exactly what happened. Just wish Val had let it pass, though. These judges are nothing if not inconsistent. :)
  8. We thought everyone did quite nicely last night. Even Barbara was better. Sasha was much better, we thought, but she's not grabbing us, and we don't care much for Gleb, so we won't be sorry to see her go when her time comes. We have never cared much for TO, but I had to give him one vote last night just because of Cheryl's "Boo hoo. Let's go." (So the vote was more for Cheryl than him, I guess.) We do enjoy Cheryl. :) Nick is clearly one of the weaker dancers this season, as is Drew. Neither of them are terrible, but I'm not sure how much potential they have to get too much better. Before Len said it, I had made the same comment about Drew being "gangly" to my husband. He's just all arms and legs and seems very "flail-ly." Kind of like the Scarecrow in the Wizard of Oz. I'm not sure there's anything he can really do about that. Personality-wise he seems nice enough, but he's another one we won't really miss when he's gone. Same with Nick. Debbie seemed much improved this week, and we really enjoyed her dance. I hope she can make it to mid-season at least. The rest we both really enjoy. Frankie just seems like a genuinely nice person, and he's doing pretty well. We like Vanessa's personality - she seems like a good match for Maks. We also think she's dancing really well right now. Victoria amazes us. Nikki toned down the 'tough girl' stuff and did a very nice job with her dance. We don't see any cockiness in Jordan at all, and I'm honestly not sure what others are seeing to make them think that. He seems like another nice guy. Lindsey is dancing well, but we weren't crazy about this particular dance. As others have mentioned, running into the 'cocoon' was just too literal. We were also surprised that it happened so early. From the way Mark was talking, we were kind of expecting the transformation to happen near the end of the dance. We didn't really see the 'struggle' that they were supposed to be going through at the beginning. Derek has definite potential. There's still so many I can't remember if I've missed someone, but I have to say this is, for us, one of the best overall groups they've ever had. Even the worst of the dancers (Barbara) weren't a train wreck, and it seems to us that the vast majority of this current crop of celebs is either good and could be really good or is doing at least okay and showing signs of being able to be good. So far, we're loving this season. :)
  9. We finally got a chance to watch the show and thought this was a really great evening of dancing. The Broadway number with Lex and Koine was the highlight of the evening, and we loved seeing the tap dance again with Lex and Gaby. Every dancer did a great job and showed why they belonged in the finals. I'm still hoping for Lex to win and would love to see Koine come in second.
  10. That's exactly it. My husband made the comment that it sounded like a dirge, and we were thinking more like the end of a post-apocalyptic type film with the vocal over panning over devastated wasteland or something. *If* she enunciated her words, that might be perfect. But even though I know they lyrics cold, I couldn't understand half of what she was singing, and because it was the finale of AGT and not the closing scenes of a movie, it just seemed out of place in that setting. Not the song itself, but that particular type of cover. I do give her props for keeping it together with that song right after her father passed. I don't think I could have done it, and I'm several times her age. But it just fell flat for us, and it seemed like some of the notes were off as well, which didn't help. She's got a lifetime ahead of her, and I wish her well. Is that from the commercial for whatever company it is that allows you to "pause" devices in the house?
  11. We thought most of the acts did a great job tonight. Exceptions were Evie--we really hated that rendition of the song and it did her voice no favors--and Preacher, who we just wanted to get the heck off our screens asap. He is just so not funny. I love Darci and am pulling for her to win. Hubs wants Mandy Harvey to win, although he likes Darci too. We also thought Diavolo, Light Balance, and Sara and Hero were great (even with some flubs), and we gave a few votes to all of them. We liked Chase the best we have so far tonight, with the exception of the 'rapping' part - he was so fast I have no idea what he was saying. But other than that we kind of liked the song. Anyway, we thought it was a good show, and there are several that we wouldn't mind seeing win. Looking forward to tomorrow!
  12. Thanks. That would certainly make sense, but do they ever explain Tommy's absence? They told us what happened to Bass and Joe Friday - you'd think they'd tell us something to explain Tommy's absence. Last we saw him, Lydia broke up with him, and he was in rehab. They don't even mention TJ, and they made such a big fuss over how much everybody loved the baby. Then it was like none of those people existed any more. Did we miss some line of dialog where they told us where these people were or why no one in the family suddenly didn't care about them any more? The character feels like an afterthought since they couldn't even get his story straight right out of the gate. First episode - he'll be there for dinner. Second episode - he's getting out of prison after 3 years. Really long time jump between first and second episodes?? It's just weird, so I was wondering if we'd missed something in late Season 5 or the first half of Season 6.
  13. I don't know if anyone is still around this forum, but I'll jump in just in case. We knew about the series when it was on the air, but we never had a chance to watch it. It was always up against something else we were watching. So we just found it on Hulu and started watching. We'll usually watch 5-8 episodes per week, so right now we're midway through Season 6 and dreading having to start Season 7, since we know it's the last season, and we just really love this show. But I was wondering if anyone else was trying to figure out what was going on with Tommy. In the very first episode when Jane and Frankie are at their parent's house playing basketball, Angela says that Frank and Tommy will be there soon for dinner. Then the next episode he's getting out of prison. Then there's the phone call that makes it sound like he's not coming home, and we don't hear anything about him for a long time. And then it seems like he was getting out of prison again. Or maybe he just decided to come home after all. Then he's around for a while, and we get the whole baby stuff. Then he disappears again apparently never to be heard from again, and he took the baby with him? Last time we saw him, he was in rehab, and Jane was telling him about the baby. But then nada. It just seems like something weird happened there. He's a member of the family, for goodness sakes! I'm glad he wasn't around all the time - he was okay, but I never took to him the way we took to Jane, Frankie and Maura. But it's just bizarre that he and his baby just disappeared. They at least told us what happened to Bass and Joe Friday. Does anyone know what happened to Tommy? We watched Body of Proof before we saw Rizzoli & Isles. We enjoyed it well enough. Would be interesting to go back and re-watch and see what we thought after seeing R&I.
  14. We thoroughly enjoyed last night's opening show. (We being the DH and I and not the royal "we.") Our early favorites are Jordan, Vanessa, Victoria and Lindsay, but we enjoyed almost everyone. We used to watch Shark Tank and always liked Barbara Corcoran on that show, but as others have noted, her "cougarness" was way over the top last night. Her dancing was stiff, as you usually expect with the older contestants, but she seemed to be having fun. We see her as maybe the first out, though. The only other one we really felt was just a "no" from us was Sasha. We have never watched Pretty Little Liars so we had no idea who she was. And neither she nor her dancing sparked anything with us. We didn't hate her, but we didn't particularly care one way or the other either. The rest all showed some spark of personality anyway. Nick Lachey was not as good as we expected. As others have noted, Frankie Munoz was better than we expected. I love Artem, dislike the blond hair (hubby doesn't care), think Nikki is okay, but if she keeps throwing Artem around, we'll want her gone. It was cute when they did it in the ring, much less cute when they did it at the end of the dance, and it needs to be over now. Didn't mind Vanessa's mommy stuff for the first night but it can go away now. We know. Same with Debbie Gibson. I don't mind it the first night, as we're getting to know the contestants. It's only if it becomes the story that it bugs. Anyway, seems like we're off to a good start. Like that we're back to just three judges. Really liked only one judge giving a critique, but I know that won't continue for long. Didn't really mind the judges who didn't get to critique saying a couple of words when they gave their score. We're happy campers so far! Looking forward to a great season with lots of potential contenders.
  15. We just found this show on Hulu and have been watching it. This was actually the episode we watched last night. In an earlier episode, Korsack is talking to Angela about how he and Kiki are going to be talking about ending their client relationship and starting a dating relationship. So they did set it up. She's no longer his life coach.
  16. We thought last night's show was one of the best overall we've ever seen. No one really flubbed badly. At least we didn't think so. The dog act had its glitches, but there was still enough content to be enjoyable, and dogs in costumes are adorable. Probably the worst for us was Christian's cover. We hated that so much. Maybe because we both grew up on the original version, and we felt as though his version just stripped the song of most of its emotion. It became a showpiece rather than a heartfelt song. He has a lovely voice, but just nope on that version. We didn't vote for either of these two this time around. Best of the night for us was Mandy Harvey's song. Oh my goodness that was just incredible. That may be the best song ever done on this show. Her voice was amazing, and we loved that she added the signing. We also loved In the Stairwell. We voted for both of them. We thought Celine's performance was her best to date because she sang an age appropriate song. Again didn't care for Angelica's song choice. She just can't get the proper emotions behind it. Didn't vote for either of them either. Merrick was Merrick, and we think he's adorable, and we enjoy watching him, so he got votes. So did Colin. that was fun, and we can never figure out how people do that kind of thing. But boy do I wish he'd comb his hair differently. that's just bizarre!!! We are still divided on Diavolo. I love them. Hubs thinks they're too samey-samey. But since I'm the one who actually bothers to vote, they got votes last night too. We thought Kechi's been better. Light Balance is more interesting now than when we first saw them. We too laughed at Tyra being buzzed. That was a cute send-off to the show. What wasn't so cute was the extra pimping for Angelica. <insert eye roll if I knew how to do it> Speaking of Tyra, we thought she looked lovely last night, but we hated that dress. I actually liked Mel B's hair but not her dress either.
  17. Our top 2 favorites - Darci and Sara & Hero - made it through. I would have picked Eric Jones over either of the two singers, if for no other reason than to get some variety in the finals, but instead we got stuck with Preacher, as I suspected we would. He is such a polarizing figure. So many seem to really like him, but then there are a lot, like us, who can't stand him and don't find him the least bit funny. Howie is talking about him getting a sitcom, and we're sitting on the couch going, "Oh My God No. Just No!" smh
  18. Last night the only 3 acts we voted for were Darci Lynn, Eric Jones, and Sara & Hero. We thoroughly enjoyed all of these performances. Darci is still our pick to win it all, but Sara & Hero could be a surprise upset. Darci Lynn is fantastic. Love her sense of humor, her performance skills and her singing voice. Agree with the poster up thread who said it would have been nice to have an "older" singing voice to go along with the puppet, and it seemed as though she did try but couldn't sustain it, but overall that didn't detract from her performance. Love Eric Jones low-key presentation, and I can never figure out magic tricks, so we thought he was awesome. We actually prefer his "folksy" presentation over some of the overblown stuff we get. and Sara & Hero are just so much fun. As Mel says, they make us smile. Again agree with a poster up-thread: they're not the greatest dog act in the world. But the dogs are having so much fun and they're doing some things we're not used to seeing each time - just a really feel-good act, and we're okay with that. I'll take someone less polished who really entertains us over someone better who makes us want to do something else when they're on any day. We really want to see these three make it through to the end. Billy and Emily continue to bore us to tears. My husband actually missed the *gasp* ending because he'd stopped watching and was on Facebook on his phone. As soon as Billy threw his hands up after tossing his sister, I don't see how anyone could have still been shocked, as it was clearly part of the act so clearly there was some appropriate landing made for her behind the raised platform. So the judges' over-the-top reaction bugged. Use your heads, people. He's not going to deliberately injure or kill his sister at this stage of the game. smh And we still don't get the appeal of Preacher. I will say that this was the first time we could actually understand him, so yay? Unfortunately, nothing he said made us laugh, and we had no idea what he was talking about with the whole big forehead thing. The good comics got left behind, and we are stuck with an inferior "Eddie Murphy." Nope. We liked the choir through the first two rounds, but did not care for them last week and actively hated them this week. Awful song choice. Awful arrangement. The woman who was singing lead through most of it was underwhelming. We have liked Yoli before, but last night we were split. Hubby liked that song; I didn't. I thought her voice was off or something. Mike Yung has a nice voice, but I wasn't blown away by that song. Johnny Manuel has a beautiful voice, and I actually like his original song, but we thought he over-sang it or something. As Len Goodman says on DWTS - it lacked light and shade. Too all out all the time. Evie Clair is a beautiful young girl with a lovely voice, and she plays piano well. Again, she was good but didn't really wow us. Chase Goehring is another one where we're split - hubby does not care for him at all; I think he's a cutie and seems really nice, I like his singing voice, and I liked this song better than some of his others. But I wouldn't say he's a favorite of mine; I don't cringe when he comes on either, though. So after our top 3, we'd be okay with most of any of the others getting through with the exception of Preacher Lawson and Billy & Emily England. I have a feeling we'll be stuck with Preacher, but we're really hoping enough of America is sick of the spinning duo to see them go. And I want to give props to Tyra last night. She looked gorgeous - hair, make-up, dress - loved it all. And she was the most natural I think we've seen her all season. She was really good with the contestants as well. Don't know if this was just an "off" night for her or if she's growing into the job, but hoping it's the latter. She has frequently annoyed us before, but last night we were feeling the love for her.
  19. Not too many of the non-ballroom boys have done well with the AT over the years. And comparing AT to jive is meaningless, as they're totally different dances. I have no problem saying that Logan's jive was better than Lex's AT, as that is clearly a true statement. But I do have a problem then extrapolating that to somehow mean that Logan is better at all ballroom than Lex. That may be true, but we have nothing really to go on to say that at this point. Not imho anyway.
  20. We absolutely loved the Lex/Gaby, Jenna/Kiki and Robert/Taylor duets last night. They were all wonderful. The Koine/Marko jive was off. The music was too slow, for one thing, but maybe it was just me, but I swear they were off beat for a lot of it. Their movements just didn't seem to sync with the music. Which is a shame, because that should have been a fantastic jive. :( We also loved both the group routines using just the contestants. Overall, we thought Lex/Logan/Kaylee did a better job with their dance, and it was fascinating to see Lex/Logan side by side like that. Kaylee kind of disappeared in that number at times. Logan has not been a favorite of ours, but we find that we enjoy him much more dancing with someone other than Allison. The Kiki/Mark/Taylor/Koine group seemed kind of sloppy at times, but overall still a great routine. I have to admit that Mark has not been a favorite of ours at all, but his solo last night was out of this world. Wow! Just wow! For that alone we were sorry to see him leave last night. Just to chime in on the Logan/Lex ballroom debate, I agree that Lex's AT was not good and that Logan's jive was, but a couple of things I take into consideration - one is that they are very different styles - jive is fast and fun and AT is supposed to be sexy, and the other is that Lex performed the AT early in the show while he was still getting his footing. He seems much more relaxed now than he did at the beginning, and I wonder if that was part of the problem. Before I decide that Logan is better at ballroom than Lex, I'd like to see either Lex do a jive or Logan try an AT. I suspect we might find that neither one of them is very good at the AT while both are quite good at the jive. So maybe they both need to do a waltz or a cha cha or something. FWIW, that's what I thought he meant. Then again, who knows what Nigel ever means?
  21. We have liked Sara and Hero from the beginning, but initially it was more because of the dog and how he looked like he was having so much fun. We never really expected they had a shot at winning. Last night we felt she really stepped it up, and we loved the addition of Loki. We thought they were great and are really hoping they make it through. Would love to see them in the finals, and if the ventriloquist girl doesn't win it, these guys would be our second choice. They just make us happy. Period. :) We are split on Diavolo. I love them; my husband doesn't get them. I hope they make it through. Kechi has a lovely voice and seems like a sweet girl. We liked Colin as well. Oskar and Gaspar was interesting, but it seems to be the kind of thing where it's more fun in smaller doses. Not sure how they'd do headlining an act. Cannot stand the brother-sister spinning act. They bill themselves as salsa dancers, but they never actually dance the salsa. They just spin and spin. Oh look - he's holding her above his head, and he's spinning. Now, she's on one foot, and she's spinning. The handwork would have been more interesting if they'd actually been dancing while they were doing it. I had no idea what the judges were talking about with it being "exciting" and "upping their game." It was neither. It was just more spinning. We are bored out of our minds by these two.
  22. Isn't Robert one of the All Stars? Or is there a contestant named Robert that I've forgotten about? Anyway, I love Robert the All Star so he'll be around at least in group numbers until the end.
  23. Okay, now I want to see this show. Contestants - you have 2 hours to create a character using duct tape, a paper clip, and 2 straws. Go!
  24. We really enjoyed the show last night - right up until Dassy went home. We both really liked her. I would have sent Kaylee home only because I've just never really warmed up to her. I thought she did great with the cha cha, although I don't know why they put her in that pants suit instead of a nice cha cha dress. But I guess that's what the choreographers decided had to be to show she was the 'breadwinner' in the family. Or something. I even really liked Logan last night, which is the first time that's happened. He usually leaves me feeling 'meh,' but I enjoyed both of his dances last night. Marko is the other one who leaves me feeling 'meh' but he did well, too. Anyway, we liked all of the dances, including (maybe especially?) the ones where the contestants danced together. I have missed that. I absolutely love Lex. Loved both his dances. I seem to be in the minority in that Kiki is really growing on me. I thought he did a great job in both of his routines last night. And I really think he's fabulous in ballroom. I love the way he moves across the floor. I was glad to hear Mary reference Hok and the hummingbird dance. He was one of my favorite contestants ever, and the hummingbird dance is one of my all-time favorites (along with Travis and Benji and their little boy routine). Anyhoo . . . good show!
  25. My DH and I noticed that, but I didn't think it was bad mojo. We thought they were both still very caught up in the emotion of the dance and that it took them a bit to get out of it. By the end of their time with Cat, both seemed back to normal to us.
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