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Everything posted by LadyMustang65

  1. Some really great and actually talented people got the shaft tonight. :( I'll have to seriously think about joining dbklmt. To invest all that time watching the show for such a disappointing payoff. Ugh.
  2. I would so love for TapeFace to win. There were 4 of us watching last night, and we were all laughing so hard, we were in tears. He is just so adorable!!! And silly and quirky and endearing and all kinds of lightness and joy. I know he's not everyone's cup of tea, so I don't really expect he will win, but I would be thrilled if he did. I would honestly pay to see him perform. I think Brian Justin Crum is amazing, and while it took me a minute, I ended up totally on board with his rendition of Man in the Mirror. Very different, which is always risky, but I loved it. I am hoping that if a singer wins, it's him and not Grace. I just cannot with Grace. All her songs sound the same to me, whoever mentioned Tiny Tim with the ukulele was so right, and I still can understand only about 2 words of every song she sings. She's adorable, and I am duly impressed that she writes her own songs, but I just don't actually like her songs or her singing or her ukulele. Just a big ole pile of "is she done yet?" Sofie is terrific. I love Viktor, even if he does drop a ball now and then. :) I would be happy with any of those 4 winning. But really really happy if it were TapeFace. :)
  3. I'd love for TapeFace to win. I just adore him, but I know he's not everyone's cup of tea. Of the singers, Brian Justin Crum is amazing. I think he's hit it out of the park every time, so he's my pick to win. I'd also be happy if Viktor Kee, Sofie or Jon Derenbos were to win it.
  4. I think you missed the point. It didn't add up to the $1.67, and Jon admitted as much. Howie didn't lie - I think he thought it was supposed to add up to $1.67, and that made him say that. He was expecting it to add up, thinking that was the trick. But it wasn't. Jon said so. He appeared to be confused for a second, and then told them to look at the quarters. The trick was that the quarters were all from the states that the judges landed on. So, I would strenuously disagree there were any shenanigans. The trick went off as it should have, except for Howie's expecting it to be something it wasn't and so attempting to see something that wasn't there.
  5. I love Tape Face!!! Just had to say that. I think Simon has it right - he can do the silliest/stupidest things, and they just make me laugh and put a smile on my face. I would seriously love to see him win it all. I have grown tired of so many of the acts, and he seems so original by comparison. Plus, it appeals to me that it's so simple. He doesn't need big props and incredible production values. It's just him interacting with others and being funny. I love him. And I would definitely pay money to go see him. :) I am with those who can't understand anything Grace sings, and while I do appreciate that she writes her own music, I just don't find them particularly listenable. (Is that a word?) Others have mentioned the changing tempo and there's the irregular phrasing. I can't ever imagine myself singing one of her songs - either along with her or by myself. To me, they're not really singable for anyone but her. I am also with those who do not like seeing Laura in there as a former winner. Especially given that she just won that other contest. It's not like it was a year or two ago. I think she won that one in May or something. So she went right from one to the other. But the show seems determined to push both Laura and Grace into the finals. :( I did love Musicality, and I hope they go through. I liked the song they did last night, but I wish they had done the song they were singing in their intro package. I thought that was really special and was part of the reason I voted for them. That, and it's rare that 'choirs' get through, and I'd like them to do it. I don't really see them as being a "sob" story as much as a story of overcoming their circumstances. They won't win, but I'd like to see them in the finals. Jon D. was amazing!!! I really enjoyed his performance. Ditto with Blake. I thought it was a clever twist. I'm hoping for both of them to go through. I think I'm one of the few that isn't that thrilled with Danger Games. I can't argue with the fact that their performance is polished, and their production is great. And the woman is gorgeous and knows how to move. But something about that act just leaves me cold. Same with Malevo. I thought they were terrific the first time we saw them, but it's just too much of the same for me now. I usually like Edgar, but I was not thrilled with their performance last night. Given that that song should have had a lot of emotional meaning for them, I was expecting more of a connection between them and the song, and I didn't feel like I got that. Anyway, as long as Tape Face and Jon D get through, I'll be okay. If Blake and Musicality make it as well, I'll be ecstatic. :)
  6. You know, after his so-very-weird shoes, I don't even notice the hair. < lol >
  7. You can vote just by going to google and googling Dunkin Save. It brings up the voting ballot, and you just click on the one you want to vote for. Easy peasy. I wish DWTS would do that instead of the stupid twitter thing because I'm not on twitter either, so I can never take part in any of those things. But I can google with the best of them! < lol >
  8. I appear to be in the minority (at least so far) in being thrilled that Musicality went through. I am so happy for them! I thought their song was great during the performance show. They have beautiful voices and beautiful harmonies, and unlike Mel or Heidi (don't remember which one said it), I don't need to have "big" moments in a song. I honestly don't watch many (any) of the singing shows because I am way beyond over the "vocal stylings" of singers. I generally despise it when they take a syllable and do vocal gymnastics with it to show off their voices. Just sing the damn song already. Emphasize the music where it's needed - I don't care if you take Happy Birthday and drag the first chorus out for 3 minutes adding 7,326 extra notes. Just me, I know, but there you have it. < lol > So I appreciated that Musicality let the song be the focus. I know they'll have to change for the next round to have any hope of staying in the competition, but I loved their performance. Well done, kids! And, of course, TapeFace!!! :) I don't mind Lori making it through. Hara, for me anyway, has been up and down, and I thought his performance was kind of boring on Tuesday night. Of course, I loved the stuttering comic as well. Found him to be absolutely hilarious. So yes, I'm a bit "off." ;0 I was a bit disappointed, although not at all surprised, that Laura made it through. But I have to admit that I have been completely turned off of her since I found out yesterday that she is the current winner of Romania's Got Talent. She had to have gone straight from that competition to this one. That is a huge pet peeve of mine - I really hate contestants who go from show to show to show . . . at least when they've won already. Strikes me as being a bit "greedy" or a bit of a "fame whore" or something. If winning RGT wasn't going to be good enough for her, she shouldn't have auditioned in the first place. And I hate that the show is completely hiding that fact.
  9. I loved Jayna, Musicality, Tape Face and Jon Berenbo (don't think I got that right--the football player/magician). I thought they were all terrific. TapeFace is still my absolute favorite. I just adore his weirdness. < lol > It's not surprising to me that many seem to feel his first performance was his best, and I kind of agree because it was completely new, and I had no idea what to expect. But I still find him extremely enjoyable. I look forward to seeing what he's going to do next, and I have never not been left smiling. I would pay money to watch him perform. Laura was really good as well, but the song was a bit uneven. That's also one song that I think an American singer should sing in English. I don't know quite was it was, but it felt a bit uneven. Still voted for her though. Lori Mae was decent. I voted for her, but I think her material is starting to fade a bit. The rest were meh. It was a terrible song choice for Daniel - he doesn't have the voice for it. I think he's trying to be the next Michael Buble, and he may get there, but it wasn't good. Hara was off - I found this one to be a bit boring. Deadly Games is the same stuff over and over again. I didn't get the point of having her direct him to throw the last axe straight at her so she had to duck - I was expecting it to go over her head maybe. They're a good-looking couple with great showmanship, but it's just feels repetitive. Outlawz were off. I understood what Mel was getting at- their energy level seemed low last night, and the whole thing was a bit 'careful' for me. Don't know why they kept ragging her about it. The 90-year-old is sweet, but she's had her bit of fame. I thought the dancers in the box were a bit boring as well. It looks like I've mentioned 11 out of the 12 acts, but I cannot for the life of me think of who the 12th act was, so that's clearly not a good thing for them. ;0 Really hoping that Jayna, Musicality, TapeFace and Jon B go through tonight. They are the ones I'm most invested in right now. Laura as well - I'd like to see her get another chance. I'm not sure Mel did her any favors by putting her straight through - she seemed kind of nervous and might have been better served by getting another chance to perform before the live rounds? Still, for me, TapeFace for the win!!
  10. TapeFace got through!! I love him. Can't believe they put through the kid who dances with his mom and the idiot who swallows drills and chain saws. Gross. A couple of really good acts got screwed over by those choices.
  11. Wondering why it is that only singers were worthy of the golden buzzer? I didn't really care for the twins. I had the same thought Mel B did - that he missed some notes there. Something sounded off. As long as they were playing, it was fine, but that one was really annoying when talking. Too bad TapeGuy wasn't there - a nice piece of duct tape would have worked wonders. The quick change act was amazing. I have no idea how they do it. I also have no idea how they could possibly keep that act fresh and interesting. I admit to starting to get a bit bored by the end, but the quick change through the confetti was an awesome final touch. Knife guy was okay. The guy hanging weights off his eyelids was unwatchable in our household. That just grosses me out. I did like the comedian a lot. Hope she's around for a while. Good call for Simon to ask that one woman to try another song. And good for her that she had Natural Woman as a back-up. We all thought that was really good. We loved the football player-magician. Probably our favorite act of the night. There were probably others we enjoyed, but I'm honestly having trouble remembering most of the people I saw last night. I remember one singer early on who annoyed the heck out of me by adding about 3,000 extra notes to the song. She went through, but I really hate when singers make a song about "look what I can do with my voice" instead of about bringing out the emotions of the song. And aside from Val, heavy-metal old guy and the old Elvis wannabe, have we seen any male singers? Maybe I'm just not remembering it, but it seems like a real dearth of male singers outside of groups. And have we had any actual bands? The family band is the closest I can remember.
  12. I agree. I don't want to see a separate track for the women. But neither do I want to see the majority of women unable to have any decent kind of chance because the obstacles are all geared towards big men. For m someone should fail the jumping spider because they lack the skill and strength to climb it - not because even with their arms and legs spread as far as possible, it's too wide for them to be able to grip. When most men can reach from one object to the next but a woman would have to launch herself through space, to me it's not a "fair" contest. And I really don't care whether they moved the obstacles further apart so the men had to launch themselves through space or moved them closer together so most women could reach - just give everyone a chance. What I really don't know if how those things are made to know whether it would even be possible for them to be adjustable. Maybe it's not. But I'm thinking it might be possible since these are not permanent obstacles but are taken up and down and moved around.
  13. Just wondering - am I the only one who would like to see their obstacles be somewhat adjustable? I got called away as soon as I started this, so I see riverheightsnancy has already kind of addressed this. For me anyway (and I admit to being height-challenged myself, so I sympathize with the shorter women (and men)), I find it not at all entertaining to watch someone attempt it who is basically doomed from the start. When the jumping spider is too wide for a short person to ever be able to span, it's not fun for me to watch. I want to see the competitors have a fighting chance - not be knocked out by something that is just beyond their control. Kacy might have been able to make it over the logs, but would she have had any kind of real chance on those 'tire' things as far apart as they were? Some of the shorter men were having trouble, and they were still considerably taller than her. I know they don't want to make it too easy, but it just seems like some of these obstacles could be set up to be made narrower (or wider for a really tall competitor) so that everyone has a chance, and the outcome is determined by skill and training and not genetics. The original Japanese version tried to compensate by having different courses. I wouldn't go that far, but I personally would love to see some obstacles able to be adjusted for height differences. Maybe it's just not possible. I don't know.
  14. Well, crap. Now I really really really want to see this, and I know it will never happen. :(
  15. Yes!! I had the same thought last night - it would have been much more interesting to make the drones "dance." But as you say, I have no doubt it would have been much harder.
  16. Looks like I may be the contrarian here. I really liked Grace. I liked her voice, I liked her song and thought it was terrific for only being 12. I'm not sure I wold have used the golden buzzer on her, but I really liked her. And I did NOT like the dancers with the drones. The drone idea was mildly interesting, but since the drones really didn't do all that much, and the dancers were not doing anything except very basic and uninspired moves, the whole thing left me cold. I don't get what the judges saw in that act. I liked the deaf comedian very much as well as the high school choir. The boy dancer and his mom were good, but not an act I would vote for. The Argentinian guys were good but I worry that they won't be able to switch it up much and it will end up feeling repetitive? The Edgar Family Band was very good as well, and yeah, I can see a bit of Joplin. :) The contortionist was different - did not expect that from a guy in a suit. <lol> The rest of the acts they put through were okay, but none of them really grabbed me. But it was fun to see the 82-year-old heavy metal guy. I hate that kind of music, but coming from such a wildly unexpected source, it was fun. I probably would never vote for that act, but it was fun . . . once.
  17. TapeFaceGuy had me laughing so hard I cried. I had no idea what to expect, and those eyes were just too much. For me best act of the evening. I loved the magician. That was so beautiful. I loved the magic incorporated into the act, but I hope he does a bit more of that next time and a little less of the CGI. But it was really beautiful the way it was done. Kid comedian annoyed. Seriously, they put through the guy who hung things from his nose? We could not watch that at all. My kids made me hit pause while he was on and then wait a few minutes so we could fast forward through it. Just no. Not entertaining. Not a "talent." Just gross. The clairvoyants were good, but I'd honestly forgotten them by this morning until I saw others mention them. Not generally a good thing. I love animals, so I was okay with Carrie being put through to another round. If I have to see that horrible Rose and the nose guy again, then give me an adorable pooch to counter. I don't really know singing. I thought the opera girl was very good. Gave me goosebumps. But my son's girlfriend, who does know music, wasn't in the room at the time to say whether she was actually as good as I thought. It's not unusual for me to like a singer and look over and see Mac with a WTF look on her face. :) I was pleasantly surprised by Simon Cowell. If this guy hangs around, it'll be a fun season. And I adore Heidi. She is such a good sport about things - not at all what I expect from a supermodel. She seems like a genuinely nice person, and she is just gorgeous. I don't always agree with her take on acts, but I enjoy her. And Nick is another one I give major props to. He's up for anything and makes a great host for this show. For me, we're off to a great start. :)
  18. I was very surprised that all 3 couples basically went minimalist for their freestyles, but I guess it makes sense since that actually made them different from the big productions the rest of the season. I really wish they'd go back to just the couples dancing with limited props and no back-up dancers during the regular season so they can "supersize" the freestyles again. I always found that to be fun when they could go all out. Now it's so normal it doesn't seem any different than a regular week. I ended up agreeing with the rankings last night. I liked both Ginger's and Paige's redemption dances. I thought Nyle's quickstep was better than his first one, but something about the western theme kind of threw things off for me. I seem to be in a minority in really enjoying Ginger's freestyle. I thought that was a very smart choice for Val - it's something that she could really handle well. It's too bad the back injury kept her from going full out on that one. But I found it very enjoyable. I did not like Nyle's contemporary, but then I'm not a big fan of contemporary anyway, but when I do enjoy it, it's generally the lighter type. My favorite contemporary on the show is still Val's with Zendaya. Nyle's was everything I hate about contemporary - angsty, overwrought, overly-dramatic, "important" theme, flexed feet, grabbing the ankle while walking away, crawling on the floor, etc. etc. etc. My dh liked it, but it just was not cup of tea. And I kept being distracted by the burning piano, which is not good. I liked Paige's contemporary much better (and Ginger's earlier) because it was much lighter and brighter and without what I think of as the "obligatory" contemporary moves. At this point I'm fine with whoever wins, but my rankings agree with the judges' rankings right now. I expected all 30s for the freestyles - that's pretty much par for the course these days unless someone really screws up. I expect all 30s for the fusion dances tonight as well. At this point the show doesn't usually try to shake things up too much - keep all the dancers close in score and let the audience decide.
  19. She really was a great contestant. I liked Heather Mills as well. It would be really nice if they would go back to treating differently-abled contestants like everyone else and not feel they have to make them into these inspirational idols that they put up on a pedestal. :\
  20. I would have preferred Wayna to Nyle for the finale because I think Wayna is the better dancer, but they both have that same enthusiasm and are fun to watch. I actually like Ginger just fine. She started off slow, but I think she's been doing much better the last half of the season, so I'm fine with her in the finals. Paige is wonderful, but given her background, she should be. It's not like some of the celebrities that had dance experience 30 years ago or something. Hers is still fairly recent. But she's been working hard, and I've been enjoying Mark's choreography this season. Sometimes I find him off-putting, but this season he's been pretty good. I liked all of the dances this week by Ginger, Paige and Wayna. I did not like Antonio's trio dance at all. His contemporary was better, I thought. He did do some great lifts. I didn't actually like either of Nyle's dances last night. That jive was horrific - really frantic and sloppy. It seemed at times like the girls were way too close to him, and he couldn't extend his legs. Everything about it just seemed off. The AT was better, but as others have noted previously, he just hasn't really bothered to improve any of his technique, so he still slouches and hunches, which bugs me. I also have to admit the blindfold did nothing for me. It's been done before, and it was such a short amount of time, it hardly seemed worth it. It felt like a gimmick rather than an integral part of the dance. I'm fully expecting that Nyle will win, so I'm preparing myself for it. But he wouldn't be my choice. Before his elimination, I would have gone with Wayna. He's got enough technique combined with that infectious attitude. Nyle has the great attitude but not the technique. I think know my pick to win would be Paige. But, unpopular opinion though it is, I would not be unhappy with a Ginger win either. She's been growing on me the past few weeks.
  21. You could be right. Now that you've said it, it does stir a vague recollection that this wasn't some random name she pulled out of thin air. But it's been so long now, I can't remember.
  22. You're right - that was a perfect response. I loved it. :) James is a fairly generic surname, but Rayna spells it Jaymes, and that is not generic. You could well be correct that she owns the rights to that stage name. There can be no doubt why Maddie chose to use it. I also agree on the idiocy of Maddie needing to move to New York. Because naturally that's such a hotbed of country music . . . not. They've shown us multiple times of people renting studio space, and Maddie can fly to New York when she is needed there.
  23. I know it will never happen, because Rayna does not seem willing to get tough with Maddie, but I want to see her in court asking the judge to enjoin Maddie from using either Jaymes or Claybourne as her last name and from letting any label promote her as their child. Let Maddie see how far she gets as Maddie Conrad or Maddie McBrattyface or whatever she wants to call herself. Maddie is so deluded and so egotistical at this point that it has not occurred to her that the only reason anyone is interested in her at this age is because she is Rayna's daughter. Yes, she is talented, but she is not so incredibly amazing that she would stand out from the crowd absent her lineage. Maddie seems to truly think she is God's gift to country music, and she needs a wake-up call. But they seem determined to make Rayna a doormat for her daughter, so it won't happen. But I really want to see her tell Maddie that since she doesn't want to be their daughter any more, then she doesn't get to ride on their coattails either. You want to be on your own then be on your own. And speaking of that, seriously, Cash? She's not your daughter any more? Emancipation means Maddie has been declared a legal adult. The court didn't magically declare that Rayna and Deacon aren't her parents any more. They just don't get to make decisions for Maddie any longer. That irritated me no end. Cash can be incredibly stupid at times. < sigh >
  24. I thought last night's show was excellent, for the most part. A lot of great dancing and great choreography. I was hoping Antonio would go home, though. I didn't care for his VW much. There's something 'clunky' at times about him. It was good enough, but except for a couple of dances, I just don't seem to enjoy watching him dance as much as some of the others. I thought Ginger did a great job with AT. I wasn't sure she would, but she pulled it off . . . I think anyway. Between the dark outfits and dark lighting, I couldn't always see what was going on! < lol > I did like the lift where she changed leg positions. That was well done. I'm definitely sorry to see Jodie go. I loved her jive. She just seemed so into it, so relaxed, so happy. And I love that she didn't throw Keo under the bus when asked if she thought he was holding her back (or something to that effect). Unlike Antonio, who seemed to blame Sharna for his problems, she was gracious and supportive of Keo. And he did deliver probably his best choreography ever with that jive. It probably wasn't 30-worthy, but I'm glad she got to go out on a high note. It would have been nice to see what would have happened if they'd switched partners and put her with Artem and Mischa with Keo. The judges obviously liked Nyle's paso a whole lot more than I did. The beginning of it was just awkward - sloppy and frantic. He still has posture issues that Peta doesn't seem to be working on. The silent section was affecting (but didn't have me anywhere near tears . . . I know, I'm a heartless bitch < lol > ), but the rest of it seemed kind of a mess to me. I like Nyle, and it is truly impressive what he can do without being able to hear the music, but he just really does not seem to be improving at all, so I'm kind of over him at this point. It would not disappoint me overly much if he and Antonio were to leave next week in the double elimination (not that I think there's really any chance either of them will go). And to digress for a second - why oh why, when they have one of their most competitive seasons ever with all good dancers left, did they decide to pare down the finals to 3 couples this season? The last several seasons they have had four couples in the finals, so why did they think they needed to pare it down to only 3 this season? That just seems kind of stupid to me. Paige's VW was just stunning. I thought Mark's choreo was outstanding, and the whole dance was terrific. I know it was a bit more staccato in places than you expect in a VW, but it fit the 'theme' of the dance. I just loved it. I like Wanya. I really do. And I enjoy watching him dance. He just always seems like he's having fun, and he's very smooth and graceful. I felt so bad for him in this dance. Jive is clearly not as well-suited to him as some other dances, but he was handling it decently, and it was fun. Then he slipped on that rag, and that whole section was a disaster as he struggled to get back into the dance. Still, I really enjoyed it. I want to see him in the finals (and I wouldn't mind seeing Lindsay get her first win), but I have a feeling with his having been in jeopardy the last two weeks, that he might be leaving in the double elimination next week. I originally misunderstood about the judges' dances. I thought they were coaching them they way they have at the end. I forgot they did this once before. Anyway, I really liked all of these dances. It was great to see them choreograph, dance a bit and come up with the creative side. I thought Bruno's was perhaps the weakest. I have no problem with the same-sex dance couples, but I wasn't wowed by the choreography he came up with for them. Shirtless Artem is always welcome. ;0 Len's was by far the most fun of them, and I was amazed at how well Len still moves given his age. It was so nice to see him enjoying himself like that. Wanya's "six-pack" was cute. Overall, this was just plain fun. I was surprised at how much I liked Carrie Anne's piece. She so often seems like such a ditz that it was great to see what she could do. I do have to wonder, though, why she had the first bit of Antonio and Paige's dance together obscured by Sharna and Mark. Makes me think Antonio had trouble getting Paige into that lift, so she hid them until Paige was up and then revealed them. Or maybe not. Maybe it was just a creative choice. But it did make me go hmmmm. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a season as much as this one. Not a single contestant that I really didn't like - Mischa's attitude was bad but she wasn't someone I disliked - and none a real stinker on the dance floor. I was shocked to realize we were at week 8 already. Seems like the season has flown by.
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