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Everything posted by LadyMustang65

  1. You're correct, Truth. They explained that at the beginning - in the event of a tie, they looked to the cumulative score. Erin is back! I know a lot of folks don't like her, but I enjoy her, and she was looking quite lovely last night. I really like her hair like that. Carlos/Witney - I thought this was okay. I'm not sure quite what seemed off a bit. But I enjoyed it, and I thought he did a nice job with the lifts, although that one lift where she kind of jumped over his head seemed like it didn't go quite right. They covered it well, though. I probably would have given it 8s and maybe one 9. Alek/Witney - This was okay as well. It had to overcome two things - I'm not a fan of either contemporary on this show or Chris Kyle. :\ He handled most of the lifts pretty well, and he did the steps okay. The choreography didn't wow me. But it wasn't bad. The scores seemed fair. Andy/Allison - Another one that was just okay for me. It was a lovely song and story, but the execution left something to be desired. I blame Allison for that. Scores may have been a little bit low, but I can't really argue with them, even though I do generally like Andy. Alexa/Mark - This was the first dance that I really liked, but that may be at least in part because I love that Coldplay song. It's one of my all-time favorites. Anyway, I enjoyed the choreography, and I thought Alexa had great intensity. There were a couple of little glitches, but she recovered from them well. I thought she looked great in that costume. My favorite dance to that point. Really nice job. I think I would have given her another 9. It was good overall. Nick/Sharna - This was a really pretty dance. Still not crazy about contemporary, but I thought this one was nice. I thought Nick handled the lifts very well, he was very smooth, and it had beautiful flow to it. I'm not sure I would have scored it a perfect 30, but it was very well done. And congratulations to Nick and his wife! Bindi/Derek - This was a lot of fun. I don't think it was her best dance, but I enjoyed it a lot. And I admit I was surprised to find that her icon was Grace Kelly. I wouldn't have expected Bindi to know who Grace Kelly was. Overall, a good effort that was well done and quite enjoyable. Tamar/Val - Another dance I really liked. Tamar is a terrific dancer. I loved Val's choreography; I'm so glad DWTS seems to be bringing back the paso doble after a couple of years where it was practically nonexistent. Good scores for her, and she deserved them. I just hope it's not a case of too little too late. She should have gotten that kind of a score last week. Dance-Offs: At last TPTB heard and allowed anyone who wanted to be able to vote. Usually they do the Twitter voting, which leaves me out. Yay! Bindi/Derek vs. Carlos/Witney - I'm a bit surprised to say it, but I liked Carlos better than Bindi in this one. They were both good, but I thought Carlos was more crisp and precise than Bindi. Tamar/Val vs. Alexa/Mark - I thought they were pretty close, but overall I thought Tamar did the better job. I just think she moved better than Alexa. I guess I don't understand how the voting works. The judges liked Carlos better but the audience liked Bindi better, but Carlos won. Two out of three judges liked Tamar better but the audience liked Alexa better so Alexa wins? I guess the explanation given above about the audience being the tie-breaker makes as much sense as anything. <shrug> Alek/Lindsay vs. Andy/Allison - Okay, I didn't think either of these were that good. I didn't vote on this one because I didn't really like either of them. Lindsey seemed to go more for lifts so Alek didn't have to dance; Allison had Andy do more actual dancing. So happy Tamar is safe. I was afraid she was going to be a surprise boot. Did not expect Alek to be safe. I was thinking it was maybe his time to go home. Glad Alexa is safe. Andy was the other one I thought might be going home. He seems like a really nice guy. I am glad to see Allison leave, though. Not because she's pregnant - I rode my motorcycle throughout much of my first pregnancy, and I have a friend who was still playing tennis in her 9th month. The human body is pretty amazing, and it takes a lot to shake up the baby. I'm just glad because, as much as I loved her on SYTYCD and enjoy watching her dance contemporary with other professionals, I just think she's a terrible pro on DWTS. I feel bad for Andy because I think he had the potential to be pretty good and might have even made it to the semi-finals with another pro who could have taught him better.
  2. We were all so happy for Nora in our household. It took us a while this season to settle on a favorite, but Nora was it, and we were thrilled she won. We thought overall she did the best job, including how she worked so well on set anticipating what they would need and making sure they had it before they asked. She's been consistently good all season. I felt bad for Ben because that third character just was not good. I also wondered why they didn't just take the piece off and paint. I didn't like the 'priest' character as much as the judges did, but I did like his 'creature.' That gooey stuff on his back as he sat up was a nice touch. We were kind of afraid Evan would pull out the win. As much as I thought his first pass sucked, his final three creations were all really good. I wasn't crazy about the claw hands on the fully involved beast, but they needed claws because of the scratches on the wall. But I thought the rest of it was good. The female was much better than the first pass, and the guy chained to the wall was light years better than his first attempt. I suppose we couldn't really have argued much against a win for him because his final product was good, but we just felt that Nora should win because she pretty much started where Evan ended up and deserved credit for that. So we're very happy with the finale. I loved seeing the short movies. It was very cool, and I'm sure it must have been a real treat for the contestants to see their work on screen. We were also surprised to hear that the next season would start in January. I was thinking more like March. Do they do 3 seasons a year now? Because it seemed like there was one over the summer as well this year.
  3. Halloween week is always a lot of fun. I really enjoyed the opening number with the way they incorporated the stars as well as the pros. Nice way to start off. Julianne is looking very lovely tonight as well. I really like her hair that way. And always nice to see Leah again. She makes a good substitute for Erin. Her reaction to being scared by Sasha was classic. She's a good sport. Nick/Sharna - I like Nick, and I like the song (they've used it before on the show but I can't remember who), but it didn't really seem like an Argentine Tango to me. It seemed too loose. You usually see strong lines and sharp movements in the AT, but this didn't have any of that. His posture was a bit slumped, and it just didn't have the crispness. Scores were fair for this, I think. Hayes/Emma - That was a very interesting rendition of that song. I liked it. And I liked the dance. Hayes did a pretty nice job with it overall. Again, scores seemed fair. Alexa/Mark - OMG. Mark is Edward Scissorhands. He must have been in 7th heaven with all that makeup. <lol> But that was a very nice dance. I thought Alexa looked good, and I liked Mark's choreo, and Mark was channeling Edward for all he was worth. Good scores for her, although I think they could have been a little higher. Tamar/Val - I really liked this dance. I thought Tamar looked very good and seemed to connect well with Val - I disagree vehemently with Julianne on that one. I liked Val's choreography. This was well done, I thought. All 8s are too low, though. No way were Hayes and Andy better than she was, and she was certainly much better than Nick. I don't know why the judges seem to be trying to torpedo her chances. To listen to the judges, you'd think that dance was a hot mess, and it wasn't. I went back and re-watched it just to see if I could spot all the 'disconnects' and misses they were talking about, and I just didn't see them, even looking for them. I thought it was really good. I don't know what's going on, but it certainly seems like ABC wants her gone. She gets the edit where they just had to include her saying (clearly reluctantly and at least partially joking) that she thought she was the best dancer. Then we get Julianne telling her the best dancers don't always win and that you need more, as she proceeds to tell Tamar all the imaginary things wrong about that dance. Then scores on a par with Nick, who did have problems. Even the ABC website is in on it. They have clips of all the dances, and the captions for all of them are raving about fangtastic this, nails that, awesome whatever. Except Tamar - the caption to her video is Tamar Braxton's disconnected foxtrot. Ugh. She is getting hosed, and I don't know why. Not happy with them at all. Andy/Allison - Those contacts Andy is wearing are really freaky. <lol> All things considered, it wasn't a bad effort. I enjoyed it. He could have had stronger lines and been a bit more something- not sure what - but I liked it. I thought the scores were a bit too high. He wasn't better than Tamar who only got a 24. Much as I like him and think he's really trying, he would be my next pick to leave, although he hasn't hit the bottom yet so he must be doing well with votes. Bindi/Derek - That was really good. That's all I've got to say about it. It was really good. I'm not sure it was perfect, but I'm not going to quibble with the perfect score either. Alek/Lindsay - I thought he did a pretty good job with the waltz. I'm glad that Artem spent some time working with him, as it seems to have helped. He really was living in the state of denial if he thought there wasn't anything more he could have done. Glad to see he took that training to heart and did a nice job with the waltz. Carlos/Witney - I love the paso, and it's hard for the celebs to get it right. This was great music for the dance, and I liked Witney's choreography for the dance. But there was WAY too much smoke. Half the time I could barely see the dancers. But what I could see looked nice. It was a bit sloppy in a couple of places, but overall I thought it was pretty good. The judges seemed to like it a bit better than I did, though. Team Nightmare - I absolutely loved this dance. Great music, great concept, great execution. I thought everyone did a great job. This may be one of my favorite team dances ever. I am one of those who usually doesn't like the synchronization in Derek's team dances, but I think that's because his usually have this kind of 'military' feel to it. Not sure that's the right way to describe it, but they seem more about cold precision rather than simply being in sync. Team Who-You-Gonna-Call - This was a fun routine, but it wasn't quite as good as the other team. There were several noticeable mistakes from several of the couples. I can't believe the judges actually scored it a clear win for Team Nightmare. Good for them. So it broke the pattern of Derek always winning the team dance, but it also broke the pattern of the dancer who leaves being from the losing team (although I could be misremembering that). Hayes was probably the right choice to go. He's one of the weaker dancers left, but he seems like a nice kid, and I enjoyed that he really tried with everything he did. I have a feeling that ABC is pushing for Tamar to be the next one to go. <sigh> So I gave her most of my votes.
  4. I saw a recent article that, if memory serves, said they got married last month but that this was filmed before their wedding. So much this!! That's one of the things we love most about Nora - so very little drama. Things get wonky, and she just rolls up her sleeves and gets back to work. Even her "I'm not lovin' this sculpt" was so mild compared to the tears and whining and complaining and moaning and groaning we get from some of the others. And she handled the very wisely for her age - she turned it over to someone else and walked away to clear her head. I know a lot of people who could benefit from her example.
  5. We wondered the same thing in our household. Will those pieces stand up to being taken off and put back on again? For some reason I was under the impression that movies and tv shows made multiple sets, but I couldn't begin to tell you where I got that idea. <lol> Here's hoping nothing gets ripped.
  6. We in our household just love this new idea for the finale. Very cool, especially that they get to see what their work looks like first and can make corrections. I also love that they are getting some extra guidance from the director, as that makes it a very realistic challenge. Last week we disagreed with the judges' decision to go with Evan for the third finalist instead of Scott, and I think this week shows that was wrong. Of the three finalists, Evan's work was by far the worst. We love Nora, so we're hoping for a win for her. She hasn't always blown us away, but she hasn't done anything that we thought was really awful either. And several times she was just safe when we would have put her in top looks. Ben's make-up was well done but less original (not sure if that's it exactly). It will be interesting to see what happens with this third character they'll need to create now. Should have known Face Off wouldn't leave it at that. :)
  7. This turned out to be better than I expected. It was kind of fun actually (at least I thought so anyway) to see the production numbers for these songs. And I thought some of the pros did a really nice job of making them their own while still retaining the feel of the original. Hayes and Emma - I love Grease, and this was a good try. I thought Hayes did a decent job with it, but at times he dances very young. He can't help it - he is young - but it kind of took away from the dance for me. It was good but not great, but I love how he just goes for everything and isn't all "that's not cool, I can't do that." I don't think he'll still be standing at the end, but he should be around a few more weeks still. Four 8s seemed fair. Andy and Allison - I really liked this one. It may be my favorite piece of Allison choreography on this show. It felt very much like it could have come from one of those old MGM musicals. Really good job. And I thought Andy did a really good job of dancing it as well. He clearly learned a little bit last week that stuck with him. I think all 10s is a bit much, though. Alexa and Mark - I'm not a Britney Spears fan by any means, so I'd never seen the dance they're talking about. I thought Alexa did okay but it was a bit rough. And what was on Mark's head? <lol> That was a weird hairstyle. Anyway, I thought her scores were a bit low. That had to hurt going from a perfect score last week to this; I feel bad for her, and I'm not sure she's being given enough credit. Bindi and Derek - I actually didn't like this one that much. I thought the idea was to put their own spin on it, and it felt like they mostly just copied the dance from the movie. I saw where someone said that Derek said it was required to include the iconic moves, which is understandable, but I really couldn't tell what part was original. It just felt like a total rehash. Bindi did a good job with it, and Derek made a very good Patrick Swayze (although the lift was a tad bit shaky), but I don't know. It just didn't really wow me. And it didn't seem much like a rumba. If Andy was given a 40, then I guess it was appropriate for Bindi to get one. But overall I wasn't thrilled with this. It may be in part because they've gone to that well a few too many times on the show. I don't know. I was just 'meh' on this one. Paula and Louis - It was nice to see Anna and Karina again! This just really wasn't good, although I did appreciate Louis' choreography. It had a very "Madonna" feel to it. But Paula just doesn't really seem to move at all. Scores were where they should have been. Carlos and Witney -Again, it didn't feel at all like a rumba to me, but I thought he did a great job with this dance. Kudos to him for dancing solo - well, with the other guys but no Witney to give any encouragement or direction - that must have been hard. I really enjoyed this one. I thought Witney did a great job of adapting the routine and fitting herself into it. I'm surprised he didn't get a 40 for that. He was at least as good as Andy and Bindi. But at least he got a couple of 10s. I would watch this one again. Nick and Sharna - This was really good. I liked Sharna's take on this dance. It incorporated the iconic moves without feeling like she was recreating the whole dance, and the samba parts felt more like a samba than any of the rumbas did. I thought Nick did a really good job with the dancing as well. One of my favorites of the night. Very good score for him. Alek and Lindsay - This was another really fun one. I thought Alek did a good job with the dancing, and he made a pretty good Elvis. It also seemed like he was really trying to do more with his face. It was a bit uneven in parts, but overall a lot of fun and very enjoyable. His score was definitely too low. If they can give Hayes a 32, then give Alek at least that much if not a bit more. Don't know why they're scoring him so low. Tamar and Val - Another one I'm not familiar with, so I don't know if it was a recreation or a fresh take on it, but I liked this. It felt very "Janet Jackson," and Tamar danced it really well. Also because of the nature of the dance, there didn't need to be a 'connection' between Val and Tamar, and I didn't notice any "blank face" on her this week. I thought Tamar looked really good out in front of the other dancers. Very good job for her. "Ignore your head" is good advice for a lot of us. So glad she got a 40 for that. It was definitely deserved with all the other perfect scores they were giving out. Hate to say it, but I'm glad Paula is gone. She's the last of the duds, and I never really warmed up to her. I felt bad for Alexa - she took being in jeopardy really hard.
  8. Overall, I thought this was a really good show that I enjoyed very much. I thought it was crazy the way 10s were being thrown around, but what can you do? Tamar and Louis - Tamar is technically very good, but I didn't think this was her best dance. She seemed to have some balance issues and was a bit "flail-ly" maybe? It wasn't bad but it wasn't really good either. Or I should say she wasn't consistent. Some parts looked very good to me; others not so much. She really does seem to have trouble emoting when she's dancing. So far I think the Charleston she did with Val early on was her best dance. But I thought her scores were too low, even given the facial-expression problems. Hayes and Allison - I don't think Allison did him any favors. That was not a good dance. I actually thought he was almost better than she was. She was very flail-ly as well and not at all smooth. It was a decent effort, and I thought Hayes did pretty well, but I wasn't crazy about Allison's choreography or the jerkiness of the dance as a whole. Paula and Mark - Well, alrighty then. < lol > I don't really know what to think. It was typical bizarre Mark choreography, but it was fun, and I enjoyed the creativeness. And only Mark could have pulled off that opening strut. That was awesome. It was very slow for a jive, and if she did any kicks or flicks, I totally missed them. I'm ready for her to go. Alek and Emma - I really liked this one. I thought Alek did a great job and was very smooth. It was a pretty dance that I thoroughly enjoyed. Really good job. I wish he could stay with Emma. Not that Witney isn't good because she is, but he seems to be more at ease when dancing with Emma. Or maybe it was just a fluke. But I think this was his best dance. Bindi and Val - You know, I almost wish these two had been paired from the start. This was a fantastic dance - I think she really inspired Val; the choreography was great. And I really like the chemistry between these two better than between either Bindi and Derek or Val and Tamar. This was I think the best dance she's done. I loved it. When they first posted the scores, I thought she should have gotten at least one more 10. This dance was every bit as good, if not better, than her contemporary last week. Don't know why Bruno gave her a 10 for that one but only a 9 for this one. But by the time the show was over, there was no doubt in my mind she should have scored higher for this dance. If Carlos was worth a 39 and Alexa a 40, then Bindi was certainly worth more than a 37. I went back and re-watched this just to make sure I wasn't misremembering, and it was just as good the second time around. Honestly, this was my favorite dance of the night. I loved the choreography, the music, the dancing, etc. Carlos and Lindsay - I wouldn't have given it 3 10s, but this was one of the best dances of the night. Carlos really improved this week with Lindsay. He did a great job, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. This was, I thought, Carlos' best dance by a long shot. Alexa and Derek - First off, I hate that skirt they had her in. Boy was that ugly, and it hid her legs too much. Aside from that, though, that was a really good dance. That was definitely Alexa's best dance so far. Can we get some of these switch ups to stay? I have not lately been a fan of Derek's choreography, but I loved this. That was great. The bit in the middle where all 6 were together was very inventive. I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I'm not sure about a perfect 40, but I thought she was better than Carlos, so I guess it's okay. But honestly, given the 39 for Carlos and a 40 for Alexa, Bindi was robbed. Andy and Sharna - oh yeah. He definitely improved with someone who can actually dance and teach ballroom. For me that was his best dance and showed that he really has some potential. Again makes me really wish some of these switch-ups could become permanent. Nick and Witney - This was a good dance, but I kind of agree with Maks that it wasn't my cup of tea. I love the paso, but this seemed too fast. Not Witney's fault - that wasn't good music for a paso, imho. Overall I thought he did a good job with it, though. I thought Maks did a good job as a judge, but I would have liked him to have given more specific and constructive tips to the celebs. I do like him, though, and he was looking quite handsome. Didn't like that suit, though. And my condolences to Tom Bergeron. What a trooper to be able to do the show when his father had just passed away. They said something about next week being iconic dance week or something?? Are they doing another show where they recreate dances from previous seasons? I didn't hear the explanation, if one was given, for what exactly they're doing next week.
  9. Thank you!!! I have not dared to say this even though I was thinking it last night. My family already thinks I'm an ogre because I didn't love everything Amy Purdie and soldier from last season whose name totally escapes me right now did. If I had dared to mention that, while the emotion was genuine (or at least seemed that way) during rehearsals, it seemed (to me anyway) totally manufactured after the dance. If there was an actual tear, I didn't see it either. It's so nice to know I'm not going to hell by myself. <lol> eta: I do not mean this to come across as a knock against Bindi. I just think her naturally upbeat personality doesn't allow her to dwell too long on things like this. So I think it's entirely possible that she got it "out of her system," so to speak, during rehearsals but felt as thought she was "expected" to be tearful and upset after the dance and so was trying to live up to expectations rather than being true to her nature. Just my thoughts.
  10. I always love TV week when they do it. It's one of the few themes I usually enjoy. This was a fun night. I enjoyed Alfonso as a judge; he gave a lot of good advice and comments, I thought. Plus I just generally find him likeable. Julianne seemed a bit more restrained last night, which was good. CarrieAnne was mostly sane, although I seem to remember one WTF moment from her where she was just babbling. Carlos/Witney – this was nice. I enjoyed it, even though I didn’t think it was his best dance. He showed a lot of promise the first week, but he has been hit or miss for me since then. Paula/Louis – I thought Louis did a good job choreographing to that song. It’s not an easy one. That said, this dance was ok but nothing more, although I did enjoy seeing Sasha as Gilligan. Tamar/Val – I like Tamar, but I thought this was her weakest dance so far. Or maybe I should say I enjoyed it least. She needs to shut up, though. It was fun the first couple of times with her giving Val a hard time, but it’s starting to get annoying. I think it's supposed to be light-hearted teasing, but it's like the married-couple shtick - it's been done too many times now. And this time it was just silly. Has she never watched the show? Yes, it’s “sexist.” That’s the way it works. Also, tango. Also the way it works. I still think she’s one of the better dancers, but I hope they lighten up on the 'give Val a hard time every week' stuff. A little goes a long way. Oh, and this was the first week I really saw the 'vacant' look in her eyes when she was dancing. It was weird in places. I think she gets so into remembering what she's supposed to be doing that she forgets to emote through her face or something. Anyway, not her best dance but still one of the better ones of the evening. Alexa/Mark – Mark’s choreography can be a bit out there, but I absolutely loved this one. His weirdness totally worked in this dance. Great job, although I do think 9s in Week 3 are ridiculous. This was one of my top 2 for the night. Andy/Allison – Quickstep is one of my favorite dances, and I think he did a pretty good job with it. But I think he could do so much better with another pro. Allison herself didn't look that fantastic in this dance, so how could anyone expect Andy to look great? Gary/Anna – I loved the Addams Family, and that was a great routine Anna put together. This may have been Gary’s best dance. That’s not saying a lot, of course, but he was certainly trying, and it was kind of fun. Alek/Lindsay – this one felt kind of rushed to me. Not sure why. He did a nice job with it, but it wasn’t my favorite of his. And I could have done without the silly 'sexy' bit. But this wouldn't be DWTS without some contrived bits. Kim/Tony – it’s unfortunate that she had to withdraw, but it’s really good to know that she’s okay. That must have been very scary. At least we got the treat of watching Tony and Jenna – it was really nice to see Jenna get a chance to really show what she can do. Bindi/Derek – I really like Bindi; she’s always fun to watch. But I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to break hold in the middle of a Quickstep. A couple of couples have done it, but I’m not sure anyone was as egregious about it as this one was - at least so far this season. But it was a fun, energetic routine. Nick/Sharna – I thought that was a lovely waltz. He cleans up nice!! And he did really well, I thought, with the choreography. It seemed a bit simple, but it was beautiful. The other top dance of the night for me . Hayes/Emma – If Bristol Palin can dance in a gorilla suit, why not Hayes in a turtle costume? I don’t think his technique seemed that good in the jive, but it was fun anyway. I'm wondering if it was hard for him to dance in that costume because his arm movements seemed 'short' or something - like it was hard for him to extend his arms all the way? I’m not surprised to see Paula in the bottom, but I didn’t expect to see Andy there. It may be one of those things where they’re trying to energize his fan base or something. I had hoped that the Hometown Glory week would keep us from having to sit through a Most Memorable Year, but I guess nothing will keep that one from being foisted upon us. < sigh >
  11. Good show last night. Some did better than Monday; others did worse. I didn't think anyone aside from Gary was a total trainwreck. Many I thought were really quite good. Tamar was the best for me - I loved that dance. Fun, flirty, energetic, fast. I'm really enjoying this couple. Bindi was quite good as well as were Nick and Alek. Hayes was better than I expected. Paula and Kim weren't as good as Monday. Put me in the group that think Andy couldn't quite handle that lift. Carlos was good, but I didn't like that version of the song at all. That was probably a good night for Victor to leave as he could go out on a "high" note - I think it was the best he'd done so far. I haven't seen anyone mention it yet, so I'm wondering if it's just me, but it seemed to me that Mark was really helping Alexa during that dance. At one point I swear I saw him put his hands on her hips and really push them to get them moving because she was just standing there. I've seen that move done before, but this was the first time I can remember it looking like the pro was actually pushing the hips and not just placing his hands on them. Then when she did the Shirley Ballas move, you could see him having to drag her leg back under her. Again, it's probably done all the time, but I can't ever remember it being that obvious. Anyway, overall two dances the second week worked out far better than it had any right to. Most of the dances were at least credible with several really good performances. Last thought - other than finding out a bit more about people's childhoods (which was nice), the "theme" of Hometown Glory seemed like a bust. Most of the song choices really had nothing to do with the hometown but were about childhood memories that could have happened anywhere.
  12. Very happy with the way it turned out. Would have been just as happy, maybe even a tinier bit happier, if Drew had won. This household absolutely adores him. He never fails to make us laugh, and we enjoyed his jokes last night as well. The only sort of sour note for us was that the regurgitator knocked Piff out of the top 5. Just goes to show . . . different strokes. In the end it didn't really matter. Glad for Paul - he seems like a good guy, and he never failed to entertain us. :)
  13. As has been pointed out many times before, the finale was underwhelming. Only Oz, Paul, Drew and Craig Lewis Band brought their A games. At least for me. I love Piff, so I voted for him anyway just based on his overall performances. Howard was right - BB was most definitely flat in the first verse of that song. Have no clue how he managed to be the last solo singer standing when just about everybody else is better than he is. <sigh> Our family is rooting for Drew. We just adore him. He makes us laugh out loud every single time, and he just seems like a really sweet person. I have seen several people posit that if he wins, it will be because of pity votes, but I have to disagree. There is absolutely no need to pity this kid. He's a shining example of making lemonade when life hands you lemons. He's got a great attitude about what happened, and he uses it to his advantage inviting us to laugh along with him at his troubles. If he wins, I believe it will be because people find him both funny and likeable. We would also be fine with Paul or Craig Lewis Band winning. We thought Paul was great last night, and we had no trouble differentiating between the character voices. Yes, there's some similarity, but then again, his puppets are, I thought, a family unit, and someone who doesn't know us really well is hard pressed to tell which sister they're talking to in my family on the phone. So while I agree with those who pointed out that Terry Fator is much better in that regard, I personally don't find it a problem either. Craig Lewis Band absolutely killed it last night, and they too would be a worthy winner. I could get behind Piff winning just based on his overall performance week to week. Oz has been consistently good and amazing, but we're just not quite as drawn to him as we are to the others. I can't speak to VomitMan because I absolutely cannot stand to watch his act. Totally grosses me out. I went into the kitchen to wash the dishes while he was on last night, and the rest of the family were Facebooking while he was on. Not one fan out of 5 in the household.
  14. We missed this the first time around so dvr'd the marathon and started watching it yesterday. We got through the first five episodes and are enjoying it immensely. It's cheesy fun with some likeable characters, some humor, some scares, some tension. Our take was that zombie baby just died because he'd been on his own too long. Not sure how he ended up being able to run and hide, but also didn't really care. It was cool, and zombies don't make a lot of sense anyway. We thought it was a very creepy touch to have the zombies apparently able at times to think. We saw it twice - the first time when the zombie knocked on the door at the lab and had the sense to stand with the deformed side of his face away from the peep hole. Second time was the zombies lying in wait in the water. I also thought it was interesting how they explained in a throwaway line that zombies move fast when they first turn but get slower the longer they're turned. Great way to explain why some were running while others lumbered. One question we have though - did they ever explain why they call them "puppies and kittens?"
  15. Glad Piff and Paul made it through. Gary is okay. Cannot stand Barfman. Ladder Guy bores me. Real mixed bag tonight - don't think we got the best acts in the finale by a long shot.
  16. Way to end the show on the best note with the Gaby/Zac tap routine. That was amazing!! There were a number of good routines tonight. It seems like they saved the best for last. There was also some rather snooze-worthy choreography as well. I loved Joshua's routine. I know I know. Virgil was there too somewhere. All I saw was Joshua. He's one of my all-time favorite SYTYCD dancers. I love Aaron as well and think he should have won his year. Maybe he wasn't available? I came to adore Zac in his season, so I thought it was nice to see him again.
  17. I am sure some people vote for Drew as a sympathy vote. We vote for Drew because we find him genuinely funny as well as the fact that we just plain like him as a person (at least what we've seen of him). The 'sympathy' vote rarely gets people to win. It gets them to the end as a show of appreciation for courage, but it rarely gets them all the way. If Drew wins, it will be because of a lot of people like me who truly appreciate his sense of humor. :)
  18. We absolutely adore Drew Lynch and hope he wins it all. He's charming, funny, modest, and despite a condition that would cause many to be miserable and to hide away from people, he seems to embrace and enjoy life. I find his laughing to be infectious, and I completely understand it - part nervousness, part joy of living. The sun is shining! Laugh because it makes you feel good. I laugh a lot as well, and fortunately for me, my friends and family find that one of most endearing qualities. :) We thoroughly enjoyed his routine last night and appreciate his sense of humor. "There's no need to raise your voice. . . . I'm trying to lower my voice." It was awesome. Samantha Johnson didn't scream at me last night, so that was good. Still love the opera singer, Arielle. MFB was good but not great. Craig Lewis Band was excellent. Still have no idea how Oz does what he does. I was a bit underwhelmed and yet still appreciated the magician's act. I think it was gutsy to try something more low key, and his explanation for it makes perfect sense. I also loved that he was able to do that for his children. Motorcycle daredevils are amazing. Siro-A was good, but it all seemed a bit much to me last night. Benton Blount again good but not great. We started watching late, so we missed Ira. I haven't been a fan, so I'm not bothered by that. All things considered, we here enjoyed the show immensely last night. Voted for Arielle, Drew, Oz, Derek, Melal Mulisha and Craig Lewis Band. So it's guaranteed that at least one of our favorites won't go through.
  19. I realized this morning that I am doubly annoyed at the show big - time. Since they knew already that Jim was leaving last night, why the ever-lovin' h-e-l-l didn't they put Jim and Alex together for a dance last night? That would have been so amazingly awesome!! Of course, it most likely would also have pointed out big-time the stupidity of the voters to not put Jim through, but still . . . for all the lip service they gave to Jim being perhaps the greatest technical dancer in the show's history, why not give him a chance to show off how truly amazing he can be with a duet with another truly amazing and gifted dancer from the same style? Would it really have freakin' killed them to give not only him that chance but also give the audience that delight? I just don't understand choosing Hailee over Jim. They're not in the same league, imho. smh And while I'm at it, I absolutely adore Cat Deely, but I thought asking if there was tongue was just gross. Eww.
  20. Well, that sucked. I prefer Megz over Virgil, but I've been preparing myself for weeks that she wouldn't squeak past him into the finals. But I never ever even once suspected that Jim would not be there. Hailee has never done anything for me. She just bugs. And now (sorry to say because it's not her fault) I really despise her for knocking Jim out. That was just stupid. But at least it made voting easy - split between Gaby and Jaja. Also thrilled to see Joshua back again. I loved him in his season, and like the other All-Stars, he's improved since his time on the show. I enjoyed the show tonight - except for the results - but again none of the choreography really wowed me. But I did like Gaby and Jim's number apparently a lot more than the judges did. I thought it was a lot of fun.
  21. I would have had them bring back the ex-con magician. He was really good and had an interesting backstory.
  22. Thanks, boyznkatz. Some of the people mentioned an Alexa and a Carlos. Who are they?
  23. Where is everyone getting this news from? The only people I've seen confirmed so far as Bindi Irwin, Victor Espinoza, Nick Carter and Hayes Grier, and I haven't seen anything at all about who they're partnered with. But reading here it looks like other have been confirmed, and partners are known. Is it speculation or have I missed some announcements somewhere along the line?
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