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Everything posted by Driad

  1. The longer this goes on, the less I like William. He projects "Eliza is my annoying little sister; our parents make me let her follow me around because she has fantasies of being a detective." Although if he has been putting this on, in order to catch Arabella in a crime, I may consider forgiving him.
  2. I was disappointed that the treasure was diamonds (that looked like ice cubes). I was hoping for a historic artifact carved from a rare type of jade.
  3. Joining Browncoat: 5/5 + 2*. Bringing a variety of hot beverages. I have never read any Jane Austen, but osmosis works.
  4. I wish the main female characters' names did not all start with the same letter: Mary, Meemaw*, Missy, and now Mandy. Occasionally someone here types the wrong name, which might happen less often if the names were more different. *I know her name is Connie, but we and most of the characters usually call her Meemaw.
  5. That was hilarious! Leatherman tools are from Portland.
  6. I don't need to like all the characters on a show, but I want them (and their interactions with other characters) to be interesting. Dr. Romano on ER, for example: I would have loathed him if I had to work with him, but he was a great character (until his last season or so) and I enjoyed his scenes. Apparently the dog did not have a microchip. They should have mentioned that, and suggested that his family have one put in.
  7. Yay Patti, I like her. And good for Jake, for applauding her. Did anyone catch the name of the medical comedy show that Aaron mentioned, and how we might be able to hear it?
  8. I was sad that Troy lost today, but glad to get confirmation that they do provide chairs for contestants who need them.
  9. Week 20: 4/5, no * Weeks 1-20: 71/100, 16*, 6C*
  10. Others who see Jeopardy on CBS are advised to check their listings. My station will air it at the usual time, but on their "other" channel that has mostly sitcom reruns.
  11. Maybe "poor widow" stuffs the cat in a carton to punish it, so the cat is angry at whoever opens the carton. James and Helen brought the cat back in a nice carrier, which I hope they didn't pay for, because they won't get reimbursed.
  12. Did the disturbed veteran have a gun in his room? Even though it was unloaded, it would have made a good club if he wanted to attack someone.
  13. "The God of Shadows" part 1: Guessing that the two cases (the robberies involving lacquered cabinets, and the disturbed veteran) will be connected, but how? A lighter moment in the serious scene with Max and the patient in the mental hospital. The patient said something like "They treat me like a rabid animal" and Max offered him water, which he drank. Rabies was sometimes called hydrophobia because infected animals and people developed throat spasms and became afraid to drink.
  14. Week 19: 5/5 + 2 * Bringing a Black Forest cake to celebrate.
  15. Eliza, you don't need to tell every single person you meet that you are a detective. If you are in a hurry and asking directions, the "But you're a woman!" discussion wastes time.
  16. The town presumably has one or more doctors who treat humans. If we have "met" the doctor(s), can someone please remind me of an occasion?
  17. In some families, Daughter would stop going to school or work, and stay in the house for a few months. Whereupon Mama would appear to show off "her" new baby.
  18. For the Great Lakes I prefer "Super Man Helps Every One" which puts them in order from west to east.
  19. Did they mention what happened to the helicopter pilot? Last week she was in bad shape.
  20. Maybe the book Tristan was reading was left by a client and Tristan picked it up.
  21. In part 1, I considered looking up "skeevy" in the dictionary to see if they had a picture of the photographer. The man who worked at the funeral home (in part 2) wasn't Max's compulsive handwashing patient from part 1, was he?
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