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Everything posted by auntiemel

  1. Yeah, I love that. That was kind of the whole thesis of the show...both the show itself, really, but specifically the documentary-within-the-show: the beauty and even drama inherent in normal, everyday people doing a normal, everyday job and living a normal, everyday life. So lovely!
  2. Ugh. I'm only at the very beginning of the episode, but I can't STAND Hondo's father! When he yelled at Hondo, "Am I ever going to be able to do anything right in your eyes?" I yelled back, "How about DOING something right and then we'll see?" He's just so freaking entitled!!! That wasn't "mending fences" he was doing with Hondo's mom. That was "let me say a few halfway remorseful sentences with a hangdog look on my face and when that doesn't immediately erase thirty years' worth of pain and betrayal, I'm going to yell at you for not immediately forgiving me, as if I'M the offended party." SO GROSS!!!! I think this wouldn't annoy me so much if there weren't so many people like this in real life. If the goal of this plotline is to make me actively wish for the father's death ASAP so he can be off my screen...MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!
  3. Watching this for the first time on Hulu. I don't think the show is getting the reaction from me that it intends to, because when Hondo told his sister that their dad thinks he deserves to die because of his actions and the sister said, "Well, maybe he does," it coincided directly with me saying out loud, "I mean...he kinda does, though." I mean, he is directly holding his own healthcare hostage in order to manipulate people to to come back into his life after HE was the one that destroyed the relationship. He knows it's a life and death situation. If he dies as a result of his machinations, well...yeah. That's a result of his own choices.
  4. It cracked me up even more that it was This is Us fan fiction gone awry. LOL.
  5. I really enjoyed this season. I felt like it ended in a place that had enough questions to keep me excited for the next season (fingers crossed), but there was still some significant forward movement, especially in personal growth and relationships.
  6. That shot of Nathan's regenerating body in the pool of water while Ingrid talked to him was creepy as fuck!
  7. Snap! Great episode! I was shocked at the reveal that Ingrid is still alive. And I was so stoked to see Evan Lawson, CFO of HankMed as the cute Lud Leader! I can't wait for the rest of the season. I've got work to do tonight, but I'm going to binge them tomorrow!
  8. True, I should have specified that I meant it's been a thing on social media, and with influencers, for years now. Not just a thing in real life. :)
  9. Maybe this is a small point, but it bugged me. The Captain said that Gabby Amanda had been traveling for 10 weeks. But the fellow vanlife girl they talked to at the beginning said that Amanda "made vanlife a thing." Vanlife has been "a thing" for longer than two and half months. 🙄 Annoying.
  10. OK, I'm kind of a softie, so I get that this doesn't really mean much...but I sobbed during the emergency landing sequence. Cutting back and forth between the terrified passengers, the people in the fire house, and the people watching the tarmac from inside the airport...it was just really well done.
  11. Another reason not to have her take over earlier is because Dancy is the bigger star.
  12. Add me to the list of people who think that Cal was actually very restrained in the restaurant scene. Believe me, if a crazed fan of my boyfriend is ever physically threatening me, I would hope to God that he would use physical force to come between me and that threat!
  13. I would actually like to see them do a follow-up movie even more, now. With the plot somehow centering on Mozzie's death. It would give the characters a chance to properly mourn and honor both Mozzie and June--and, by extension, the wonderful actors who played them, and I think it would be very cathartic for the audience. Just, please, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, do not make it have anything to do with the Pink freaking Panthers!
  14. Haha, yeah, that's true. And, also, Maddie would be terribly tough to lipread, anyway. If you watch Joanna Garcia's mouth in that scene, she's talking, but her lips barely move.
  15. Yeah, she's no Sookie from the Gilmore Girls. I never had a problem understanding why Jackson was borderline obsessed with her. Dana Sue? Yeah, not so much. LOL.
  16. Yeah, the previouslies were not nearly enough. LOL. During the hospital waiting room scene, I had literally zero idea who anyone was except for the three main women. LOL. People kept bursting in and acting upset, like they were all in some community theater stage play, and I was like...are they connected to a kid somehow? Apparently so. *shrug*
  17. The actress who played Jodie, Cal's deaf friend from the party...I wonder if she became deaf later in life. She doesn't sign like someone who's been signing her whole life. I mean, it was correct, that's not it...but it was just...I don't know how to really explain it. It was...deliberate. And more on the formal side, vs. the completely comfortable and casual side. And, I don't know...just something about the way she held her shoulders and framed her body was like she was thinking about it instead of just doing it out of muscle memory. I couldn't really put my finger on it, but it stood out to me. Although maybe she was just stiff in front of the camera? I don't know how experienced an actress she is. Also, come to think of it, her word order tended more toward English than conceptual, which is what pure ASL would be. Although, that doesn't have to mean anything. Even deaf people who speak to each other in total ASL will sometimes revert to a model more closely resembling pidgin (most simply understood as ASL signs in English word order) when they are talking to a hearing person who either doesn't know sign, or is beginner or intermediate, and the conversation is also voiced simultaneously. It was really more of the way she held her body and her very precise and formal handshape technique that makes me think she's a newer signer. I don't know. i could be talking out of my ass. LOL. But I used to work as an interpreter, and I've talked with hundreds (if not thousands) of deaf people in my life, and that's how she struck me--as someone who became deaf as an adult and learned to sign as an adult.
  18. Yep. That was me. High IQ, hard core ADHD (although not diagnosed until I was an adult). Reading at a college level in second grade...but couldn't finish a worksheet on time to save my life. My 2nd grade teacher referred me to be tested for the gifted program--that's how I know what my reading level was that year. But just the year before, my 1st grade teacher had referred me to be tested for special ed and held back a grade because I just literally could NOT complete any work in class and I was always just staring off into space. She told me to my face that she thought I might be "mentally disturbed." Nice thing to say to a six-year-old! 😕 So, yeah. School was...interesting. LOL. ETA: I started with the GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) program with my district in third grade. It was one full day per week in a self-contained classroom at another school...all of the gifted kids from one grade level throughout the entire district came on any given day. It was all completely self-paced, project-based learning. And I *LOVED* it. It saved my life. I lived for those days. When I remember school, it's pretty much the only positive memories I have.
  19. Well, I'm a sap because I sobbed throughout the entire final sequence. Especially with the storybook lead-up about the mom always being there to protect the baby bunny. COME ON, SHOW!!! I'M NOT THAT STRONG!!!! I was really glad that Bell told Kit and his step-son right away. Like a regular grown-up would do. Instead of trying to hide it like a character on a tv show would normally do. Which would be very annoying.
  20. She was using "the thing" as a turn of phrase. Like, "you did that thing you always do--you blew it all up." There was no "the thing" outside of blowing it all up. "The thing" WAS blowing it all up. I have to admit, I laughed solidly out loud for a good little while at the following exchange: TK - "You remember the night of the fire that destroyed Carlos' and my condo?" GHOST MOM - "Who could forget? So many innocent hoodies lost their lives that night." HA! 😂
  22. I'm only on episode 6 of season 2 right now, but I have some thoughts. I feel like I understand the breakdown of the LaDarius and Monica situation. She told them that she was going to be gone for a few days and then she was gone for the entire semester. For most people, that wouldn't be as big a deal, but this is a kid whose mom went outside to answer the door and then never came back. That's obviously going to be triggering as hell when his "new mom" does the same thing--but this time, by choice, and starting the whole thing off with a lie. Then, the Jerry situation happened while she was gone. Probably one of the more traumatic experiences he's had as an adult...and she wasn't even taking his calls at that point. From her perspective, it was likely nothing personal. It was probably her schedule. But I can only imagine how that must have felt like an abandonment and betrayal to him. Then, when she did finally get back, he tried to lay out all of his frustrations to her, and from his point of view, she was largely disinterested in his feelings. I'm not saying that's objective reality...she had her own stuff going on, what with recovering from COVID, getting back into the swing of her job, and dealing with her own feelings about Jerry and the social media backlash against her, personally. But of course it's not going to read that way to him. I'm not saying his perspective is reasonable. He needs therapy, that poor guy has been through so much trauma. I don't think he's very skilled at putting himself in other people's shoes and seeing things from their perspective. For instance, the whole Kaylee situation. He said, "I'm always so nice to her, telling her the way Monica would do things..." He genuinely thinks he's being nice because he's forcing himself to use a "nice" tone. But he has no situational awareness about the pressure she's likely under, and how incredibly infuriating it would be to have a person constantly reminding her that someone else would be doing it better, no matter how pleasant the tone. Then...the Jerry episode. WOW, was that a tough watch! As a survivor myself, I was really proud of the boys and their mom--the boys, for what they sacrificed to come forward, and the mom, for letting the boys take the lead on what THEY wanted to do, even though I'm sure she had her own thoughts on the best way forward. I felt for Jerry's teammates and for Monica SO much. It is so incredibly heart-wrenching to think that you know a person, to think that you're close in a way that is soul-deep and significant...only to find out that that person has a whole other side they were hiding all along. It can make you feel like you can't trust anyone in your life, like you can't even trust the world, or your own judgement. It can make you feel like life is upside down. I did disagree with the blonde advocate on one point--her vitriol for Monica, and saying that she should have put out a statement saying that the idea that she might have missed the signs will make her never sleep well again. I can understand those feelings...again, as a survivor myself, I went through a lengthy stage where I blamed EVERYONE connected to the situation for not seeing what was going on. But, truthfully...it's Jerry's fault. It's ONLY Jerry's fault, and anyone that directly enabled it to go on after they were informed. And, of course, anyone that abused him when he was younger and got the cycle started. I don't agree with passing on blame to his teammates or Monica just because they didn't see it, or weren't self-flagellating enough after they found out. IMO, they shouldn't have to feel guilt for what went on, and they are entitled to the pain and grief they feel in the aftermath. And, like Gabi, they are entitled to still love him if that's how they feel, while at the same time recognizing that what he did was SO wrong and he needs to pay the consequences. Lastly...The Weenies. I'm only on the episode where they are introduced, but so far I find them pretty annoying. I don't respond well to people whose attitude is, "I'm way too cool to follow the rules that everyone else has to follow, and that I implicitly agreed to follow by joining this team." Just...ugh.
  23. I just watched this entire series on Netflix. Wow, what a ride! I wish I would've been watching it while I could participate in the individual threads. I guess the one thing I wanted to comment on was Henry's distinctive sans-contractions speech pattern. I always took that to be an individual affectation more than what the writers thought that regional or native speech patterns would be like. I think the guy who chooses to answer the phone with "It's a beautiful day at the Red Pony Bar and continual soiree" just kinda thinks no contractions sounds cool! LOL.
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