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Everything posted by auntiemel

  1. Agreed on all of this. And when 911 ends, I admit I would be up for a spin-off of The Bobby and Athena Private Detective Agency. 😆
  2. I don’t really understand why they included the exchange about the little girl being such a fast signer that most interpreters can’t keep up with her. First of all…that’s not a thing. Professional interpreters are fluent. Many are CODA (children of deaf adults), which means that for a lot of them, ASL is their first language—learned before English and the primary language of their home. A kid doesn’t sign so “fast” they can’t understand. I mean, think about that…have you ever met a kid who speaks your primary language who speaks it so “fast” that you can’t understand them? THAT’S NOT A THING! But even beyond that, that actress was not a great signer. Which is fine. Realistic, even. A lot of hearing parents’ signing skills are basic, and their fluency is kinda stilted and slow. Our brains aren’t really built to adopt language to fluency after puberty. And the daughter was also using very basic signs and the absolute simplest, most bare bones syntax. Which…great! A child whose parent had a more basic skill level would likely operate at the parent’s level rather than their own. But, then…why make it a point to say that the little girl is such a speed signer that most PROFESSIONAL INTERPRETERS can’t “keep up” with her. But her mom can. And then show both of them to be very basic, and even slow, signers? Just don’t mention their speed at all!!! I know that’s something that the vast majority of people wouldn’t know about, let alone care about, but I found it supremely annoying. 🤣
  3. I don't know if this counts as sister wives in the media as it's not traditional media, but I thought it was a hilarious and insightful take on kody from comedian kev on stage.
  4. This storyline infuriated me. Which it was supposed to, so...good job, show! I honestly wish there was a way to prosecute that husband for killing his wife. That's what he did. I only hope that one day his son gets curious enough to investigate what really happened, and decides to never speak to his father again. But not before reading him for filth for murdering his mother. 😡 And then, ideally, decides to become an activist and go on every TV show that will have him, telling the world exactly what his father did.
  5. It's just like that trope on legal procedurals where a crime happens on the morning where there is some big event that night, and the entire squad is like, "We have to hurry and solve this murder before 6 pm or no one can attend the wedding!" etc. RIDICULOUS!
  6. I mean, clearly that would have been the superior plot!!! 😄
  7. Yeah, I agree with you there. I guess I just think it should have been more of a "one yes but I'm definitely heavily considering your point of view" decision before. LOL.
  8. I don't know, I was kind of on Devon's side in the sperm donation situation, at least a little. At least insofar as I noticed the hypocrisy that when Leela was first considering donating her eggs, Devon had concerns about the emotional complications and repercussions for their relationship, and she was like, "How fucking dare you have an opinion about any possible relationship repercussions based on what I decide do with my reproductive material. I'll do what I want with my own eggs. You're basically just a sounding board here. Your thoughts on the matter mean nothing. " But when he wants to give away his sperm, she's like, "How fucking dare you. I have ALL the opinions about any possible relationship repercussions based on what you decide to do with your reproductive material. You'll do what *I* want with your own sperm. Has it not sunk in that you're just a sounding board here? I know we were talking about my eggs before and now we're talking about your sperm, but nevertheless, your thoughts on this matter still mean nothing." I get that it adds a wrinkle of creepiness that it's her sister that's involved. And, viscerally, I have the same reaction as Leela to the proposition. And I do also think she's right that him donating his sperm is not a tenable situation in any way. But I do think the two conversations, when viewed side by side, highlight how unfair it was of her to create (or at least participate in) a HUGE situation that, whether she likes it or not, is going to impact his life and emotions in a substantive way...and then not let him have any say in the matter, or even an opinion about it. And actually be shocked that he wants to.
  9. Oh, OK. I didn't watch enough to get the ins and outs. I just watched the two performances and then looked up the rankings on Wikipedia.
  10. I have to say...I see that the reaction on this board to Jared and Allen (Massachusetts and Washington) has been tepid. And I watched just their performances on Hulu, and I can't say I disagree. This show is...VERY badly edited. And mixed. But, as someone who has seen both of them live multiple times, I will say that both of their voices are SO much more powerful and smooth and affecting than came through on this show. For people that were actually in the room during the performances (the jury), I'm sure that influenced their high placement. As far as liking their songs or not...yeah, I mean both of them have distinct styles (Jared: mainstream pop ballad-y, and Allen: 70s funk/soul influenced throwback) and you're either going to like that or not. But I would say that both of those songs are fair representations of what I have known as their songwriting styles in the years that I have followed them.
  11. Season 3 is pretty great, though. Different. But powerful. Also, I think the American version was called Gracepoint.
  12. I mean...I don't know. It's actually NOT absurd, in the classic comedic sense of the word. As in--so outrageous that it has prima fascia comedic value. It's just a depiction of an annoying habit that wouldn't be realistically widespread within the profession. Probably only teachers or people who knew teachers would know that you don't just do that. Also, if there was, say, ONE character that did it, and it was painted as outrageous by the rest of the characters as an illustration of how clueless that character was...sure. That's for comedic value. But, as it is, they don't even reference it. It's just the habit of the people on the show. I think it's just dramatic license, because it would be really hard to further the plot if the characters could only interact during the roughly two-minute increments you get during recess after you've talked to kids that needed to hang behind, made emergency copies because something came up, and...oh, yeah...took your one opportunity that you'll have for HOURS to pee. Even if you didn't really have to go. LOL. And, honestly, that's another good point--at a decent-sized elementary school, all of the recesses and lunch periods would be staggered. these characters would never even see each other aside from before and after school, and staff meetings. At the first school I worked at (elementary school with 1,200 students), I taught fourth grade. And even by the end of the school year, there were primary teachers there that I had never met. Would NOT have been able to pick them out of a line-up. You just don't cross paths that often with anyone but your grade-level team (or subject matter team, in secondary ed). Still, it's not like it's a deal-breaker. I get that it's a show. Not a documentary. Still funny as hell! 😊
  13. Pretty sure that was an homage to So I Married an Axe Murderer. 😊
  14. One of the people I'm rooting for in this competition is Jared Lee, representing Massachusetts. I booked him for a night at a club a dozen years ago and have been following his career ever since. He's AWESOME, and I think he's going to do your state proud! And the other person I'm rooting for is Allen Stone, representing Washington. :) I actually met him when I booked him at the same club, come to think of it, and have been following his career since, as well. He is ALSO freaking fantastic, and I'm sure is going to do your state very proud!
  15. Yeah, it bothers me, too. Also, even if your kids were in art/music/PE/computers/whatever, you would only pop into another teacher's classroom to poke your head in and drop something off, or to talk to them if it was REALLY important. Getting interrupted in the middle of a lesson can knock the whole flow off, and getting back on track can take some time. Not always, but sometimes. So a two minute impromptu chat might end up being ten minutes of lost instructional time. That doesn't sound like a big deal, but lessons are timed out pretty carefully, and it can be annoying when something derails them for no good reason. Considerate colleagues would not be doing that to one another on a regular basis.
  16. Unless she had a medical power of attorney - which is separate from the more common financial POA - she shouldn't have been able to override her mother's stated wishes. Of course, it might have been different in the time when the situation happened. I agree with you that, unless someone is demonstrably not of sound mind, they should maintain control over their own healthcare decisions. Even if those decisions are difficult to understand for the people who love them or the medical staff taking care of them. It's not a popularity vote, it's not being decided by committee. It's their life, their health. Their choice, if they are cognitively able to make it. And, yes, also, I don't think Nancy's career should have been ended over the situation. But there should have been consequences. I think it would have been fitting if the dying woman had made the condition that, instead of getting fired, Nancy had a strike on her record, and had to do a certain amount of volunteer hours in hospice, with people who were in immense pain and who were never getting better. Maybe that would give her a fuller realization of exactly the kind of harm she had done in disregarding that woman's wishes.
  17. I thought she looked like Zoey Lister Jones.
  18. Agreed. 8, for me, is a bit of a rough ride with all the Robert California stuff. But even in there, there are some gems. And, for me, season 9 is fan-freaking-tastic. I know that might be a hot take. But I love it. Jim and Pam's struggles are so realistic. That fight they have on the phone...the way they are both SO incredulous that the other person doesn't see things from their perspective...they way they're both a little bit right and both a little bit wrong...the way life interrupts it and pulls him away mid-fight...and the way she's holding back tears and trying to keep her voice neutral when she says, "Yep. Yep. I'll talk to you tomorrow." HOLY SHIT! I maintain that is the single most realistic depiction of a long-term committed relationship fight to have ever been put on film. And then the scene when Jim and Pam are using all of their therapy-speak and Clark thinks they're high...😅 Oh my God, I love it!
  19. I forget exactly what the fight was about, but it was when she handed him the pillow and said they could sleep apart, and then he got pissy that she intended him to sleep in the hall because he assumed he'd be taking the bed and she'd sleep in the hall.
  20. I just wanted to say that that last shot of Ava and Janine facing each other with the sun shining through the window in between them was SO beautifully framed!
  21. I think that's the kind of thing he would HAVE to nip in the bud, though. Jobs like 9-1-1 dispatcher, where they deal with life and death situations and are vulnerable to litigation, generally have extremely strict guidelines they have to abide by, and I would imagine that one of them is that no one who has not been through the proper training protocols is EVER allowed to be on the phones. In fact, because this happened, I'm sure Josh had a ton of paperwork to fill out to document the incident - what happened, why it happened, and the steps taken for it not to happen again. Leaving it unaddressed wouldn't even have been an option for someone in Josh's position. That made me laugh. :D That was my thought. Unless he plans to make a habit of it, just move on and make it a point to NEVER go out drinking with Lucy again.
  22. Oh, I know two of the people in this contest, I was excited for this show, I didn't realize it had started. Bummer it seems like people aren't liking it. I'll have to figure out where to stream it.
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