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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Unless they're like us, and then they would be glued to the conversation, possibly videotaping it..
  2. "Buying for your soon-to-be-released sweetie? We've got you covered!"
  3. I've been to several big pow wows, though nothing like one in a gymnasium. Too bad they couldn't have it outside.
  4. Hopefully Brittany doesn't have a type, or JR better watch out!
  5. I watch Below Deck, also and they were talking this week about "Budgie Smugglers." All I could think about was muffin smugglers. 😂
  6. Hey Bunkies, I'm typing this from a truck stop parking lot... glad you can't hear the excessive horn honking. Maybe I shouldn't have worn my green ombre wig and midriff top...
  7. I was disappointed that the theme going into the finale was avant garde. Avant garde is such a difficult theme to interpret. It would have been better, in my opinion, to have the "freedom" theme, so the designers could really impress us with something they would like to showcase. I didn't care for the circle part of Bishme's. The rest of it was referencing Mugler, but they still gave him the win. I would have probably given the win to Laurence, but again, it wasn't original. It was interesting that the judges were gushing about the fashions as they started the critiques and then proceeded to pick them apart.
  8. I've been wondering the same thing. I'm sorry, but due to their past history, I find those flirty/handsy scenes with Joao and Tzarina very cringey. I'd rather see them get along and mend their friendship, but not start a romantic relationship. I still have some reservations about Joao, though his redemption arc seems to be working...
  9. Luka looks like a male model. Gorgeous! Too bad he wasn't here for the last episode where everyone was modeling their budgie smugglers! I loved Harry's statement that the Captain wouldn't be able to find anyone as good looking as himself (Harry), but Luka came close! Harry's a peach and I'm glad the last group of guests were showering him with affection. I am secretly hoping that Jamiee shows an interest in Luka and drops Culver. THAT would be some excellent drama and Culver would get some just desserts (not real desserts, since he burned that bridge). Then, Culver would have a lovely Med charter to look forward to, along with his ex-hookup. 😂. A bit of payback for him stringing along Britini last season and letting her plan a van trip across Australia...
  10. Definitely not tolerated on reality tv!! Adam had no hook ups, no arguments/drama, and wasn't inappropriate. He's more suited to working in the actual yachting industry than the tv version.
  11. I was confused by that, too, and I finally concluded that he was directing that comment to the people that considered voting to keep him: Cirie, Izzy, Felicia, etc. Cameron would not be loyal to them, because he was not in their alliance and then did not make a loyalty deal like Hisam was trying to do.
  12. Robyn says, while trying her hardest to hold back the tears, that the other part of the family wants nothing to do with her kids and they are devastated. Any mother, who really cared, would sit her kids down and explain the situation so they would 1. understand the other wives have grown children and grandchildren to spend holidays with and 2. understand that it is not anything to do with not wanting to spend time with Robyn's kids. Instead, she lets them think that they are unloved and unwanted just to fit in with her "victim" role. SMH
  13. I think Aesha could get Captain Jason to do anything! You know he had serious doubts about prancing around in those Budgie Smugglers. But, he did it and was a good sport about it. Thanks for your service, Captain! 😉
  14. I've enjoyed reading, and agreeing with all of your comments. Kody continues to become a bigger asshat with each passing day, whichever year it is we are watching 😉. I loved Christine's comment at the restaurant, "Oh, you're not still angry about the divorce, are you?" as she sits with a glow and joy about her. And, that, my friends, is the best revenge...and it is killing Kody- like a knife to the kidneys.
  15. I'm sure Robyn would cosign this, anything as long as she doesn't have to get a real job. She could be his manager, WWE style, and book him dates around the country. She could run the merch table, where Precious Moments figurines (slightly used) would be sold alongside the Douche Canoe T shirts.
  16. This was fun! I wish you the best week, bunkies! See you next time!
  17. We saw in the previews that Raneka goes to pick up Asanta, so I hope this is all a mistake.... or she is a real dum-dum.
  18. Reneka, you might want to leave that truck parking area. You may be propositioned....
  19. Damn! I need to get my original wedding ring appraised. I might be sitting on a gold mine.
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