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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. That chanting as they brought in the chocolate Easter Egg piñata did not seem to mesh with the Greek theme. Am I missing something? I found it very odd. I would have hung up the egg inside its plastic bag and done the traditional piñata activity. As the egg broke, all the chocolate pieces would have been captured in the plastic wrap. (Also, why a piñata on Greek night?) I think it's cute that Harry and Margot are bonding over morning coffee. But, I think she has placed him in the friend zone. Too bad, because player Luke is already making the moves on Laura (and vice versa.) I'm not a Laura fan, and I love that the producers are editing exactly how she wasted the crew's time on their night out. This is the 2nd time I would have left her ass and told her to take an Uber.
  2. Well, bunkies, it's been fun. My prison boo is blowing up my phone line, so I'd better get going. See you next time!
  3. Can Kerok support her in the lifestyle that she has become accustomed from prison?
  4. Sometimes you have to choose your family, if they can accept your lifestyle.
  5. Yikes! I messed that one up! It must have been the gin and tonic. Who can forget the steak?
  6. This reminds me of the sex or blow job conversation...
  7. OMG! She's back!! I'm just going to refer to her as "wig."
  8. You are left out of life...get used to it. "If you don't want to do the time, don't do the crime." - Baretta (???)
  9. The fact that she is a social media influencer says it all.
  10. Whoah, that jumpsuit is tackier than a Zied t shirt!!!!
  11. Wow! The scam is in reverse, with Jade. She's making bank!
  12. Those kids had to grow up fast. They probably heard all his excuses before.
  13. You would think drug testing would be a daily task on this program.
  14. It's pretty much that way every episode, but yes, I get it! 😉
  15. Oh, burn! He didn't raise his own kids, according to them. Another Shawn???
  16. Cookies and tea sounds yummy. I'm enjoying a gin and tonic and chicharrones.
  17. Why can't I have a tax accountant with a fuzzy teddy bear phone cover???
  18. Whew! My husband wanted to fool around with the smart tv connection. Then, asked me to figure out how to fix it...as if. Anyway, I'm here now. 😊
  19. The wonky cone boobs took away from Laurence’s dress, but it looked beautiful from the back. I was surprised to have loved Korto’s design, because I haven’t enjoyed many of her looks this season. I thought it looked very chic and I loved the double sleeve. I, too, loved Bishme’s jacket and Brittany’s outfit. Prajje was very lucky this week- his look was too much.
  20. Do you listen to Watch What Crappens, a podcast that reviews Below Deck, amongst others? They were commenting on this exact thing! So funny! Their review for the first episode had me in stitches. BTW...I'm on several message boards and on one of them a poster Wrote Every Sentence Like This. Kind Of Like He Was Talking In Titles. So crazy! (and not easy!)
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