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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Producers would not get the shot of standing uncomfortably for hours in that case...
  2. It's called "grooming," people! If you can tack on a caterpillar above your eye, you can figure out how to deal with excess body hair (maybe trim and create your own eyelashes.)
  3. or bathrooms. This show has given oversexed couples many options.
  4. $4000 to move, Raneka? Don't worry- that's only 1000 vending machine eyelashes you need to sell.
  5. Can you imagine if Raneka were INSIDE while screaming and carrying on???
  6. Oh, I'm really sad I didn't think of Boone's Farm to guzzle while I stare at this photo of the guy I stalked loved.
  7. Andy is doing nothing for the "cops love donuts" stereotype...
  8. Dang! Now I know why the dentist was Louie's first stop after freedom!
  9. Jake is going to "put a ring on it" alright....a Ring security system!
  10. I kinda wish they would have cut those segments. I don't think I can enjoy any negativity coming his way, and if he is the typical ex con, he may be getting into some mischief...
  11. Hey Bunkies! In honor of the Louie from Lakeville segment, I have a photo of my high school crush next to me, along with a chem test my friend fished out of the garbage can a bazillion years ago. A nice big red "F" on top! Yes, I do have good taste! 😉
  12. Savannah: "We will get married in our own way. I don't know what that will look like..." Me: It will look like him avoiding you at all costs and hooking up with any girl that comes along.
  13. It reminded me of Gary's behavior from BDSY. When he came on the yacht late, due to Covid, he knew there were some flirtations going on between Mads and Alex, yet he pursued Mads anyway. (He even used his rank to make himself look like a better catch.
  14. This is a good reminder. Even "competition" shows are produced to garner ratings and buzz.
  15. Those chaps were something else! And the other ladies had the nerve to get crumbs on them! Don't they know Mary does not like crumbs??? 😂
  16. I think Whitney has been assigned by the production team to stir the pot again this year. She's inviting Angie just because she knows Meredith didn't and wouldn't want her there. Taking the best room is another slight, unless it has space for both her and Angie. I feel bad for Trixie Mattel...she didn't know what she was in for hosting these particular Housewives! The previews look great!
  17. Absolutely! And it is not fair at all. Tzarina has demonstrated that she is an excellent chef and has tackled all the requests thrown at her. It is beyond ridiculous to expect her to put on a Teppanyaki show. She was even willing to give it a go, with some support by Keith Stone, but when Captain Jason nixed that, she was over it. I was impressed she even considered trying it. I 1000% believe this was an idea from production to bring the drama. Captain Jason should be able to discern when a request is going too far. He was balking at wearing a skimpy swimsuit, for heaven's sake, which requires no skill whatsoever! 😉
  18. This seems like it is in the upside-down- verse. I can't imagine anyone besides Kody buying what Robyn is selling. I guess it takes all kinds to make the world go round. 🙀
  19. I'm glad these guests got it together so they could actually enjoy their charter rather than fight and fuss. It's a shame about the diving. I wonder if Aesha was distracted and didn't hear the entire question...answered you can have whatever drink you want (not hearing the diving part). Hopefully Jaimee gets over the service stew issue. Margot has been doing the grunt work for the entire season, with one exception, so it seems fair enough for her to be given one more chance. Maybe the issue is that she wasn't included in the conversation.
  20. Robyn is a master manipulator and Meri went along with the plan to divorce Kody so Robyn could be the Queen B. At least Meri has means to live a good life on her own. She is going to realize soon that Kody was anchoring her down to a very unhappy situation. I'm not a Meri fan, but I think her future will be way better after she leaves that idiot.
  21. I agree completely! Meredith, on the other hand, shows up with a new face every year, and it is exquisitely done. I wonder who she goes to.
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