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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. That dress was almost as much of a disaster as her love life.
  2. Hey Bunkies, I'm all set for this finale: vending machine eyelashes✅ ombre lime wig ✅ bail money ✅ lyrics to my new rap single ✅
  3. These two are taking in messed up cliches. Kinda funny!
  4. Just chiming in along with many of the posters who miss the former format with the huge runway show at Fashion Week and the extra time needed to prepare. Those were the days! This was a difficult finale for me to choose a favorite. They all had beautiful garments, with a few misses. I wasn't the most impressed by Bishme's, but that final gown may have won it for him. Gorgeous, from the silhouette on the bodice to the miles of tulle! (The unique runway did a disservice to the larger trains like this one. The model had to hold up the gown for most of the way, except for one spot for a pose.) I loved almost everything Brittany made for her collection, with the exception of the pink tube dress. I was originally rooting for Laurence, but she had a few looks that didn't meet expectations (purple suit, green outfit, cone bra). I was disappointed she didn't have a plan or sketches. She did amaze me with many of her designs, though. What a talent!
  5. I tried to find it online to check. Fendi is cutting back on their fur line, but still produces some. I noticed a lot of the SLC ladies wear fur, but I don't know if it is faux or real. I'm disappointed that these Housewives decided to jump on the over-logo'd bandwagon, too.
  6. I've read that Bravo pays for the meal and first round of drinks. The bill at the end is for the rest of the evening's beverages. Culver has been reaping the benefits of his crewmates picking up the tab for weeks now and hasn't stepped up. He was hiding out when people were telling him it was his turn (loved that production caught that!) In doing so, he saved a couple hundred dollars, but now has another ding against his character that will follow him around for a while. Not to mention he doesn't mind when others pay for him, but won't treat his "friends." Jerk.
  7. That opening scene is going to keep me up at night! WHAT is happening? I guess I will have to look for some spoilers and see what it is all about. Last season they teased the black eye and we never did find out what caused that. 😩 I died when Lisa read the texts she received from Mary. Wow! Unbelievable! If Mary is not going to participate in anything again this season, she may as well be sitting in her closet and doing video calls again. (Also, it's frustrating to me because if this show really filmed what actually happened, she would have the most intriguing story in the history of the housewives shows, but they don't want to show the truth...)
  8. Tzarina did a great job on the Mad Hatter tea. Much better than the last chef who attempted high tea. Some of those guests are looney toons! Why on earth would everyone attack Ji because she was requesting information about the food to determine what she could eat without repercussions? There's got to be more to the story. But, most of them should be ashamed for carrying on like a rowdy group of drunken hooligans. I'm glad they missed their beach island trip....karma.
  9. I have seizures when my blood sugar drops drastically. If it were me, I would want everyone to continue on with their vacay- they received news that he was doing fine. Seizures can be very dangerous, but reccurence is always a possibility. His friends and the crew helped and supported him wonderfully. Leaving the cruise was a good choice because it gave him a chance to see his primary care physician right away and everyone else on the yacht could breathe easier.
  10. Come on, now! Culver served his lady love Veuve Chicquot champagne--- what's cheap about that? 😂. Actually, I find it interesting that the crew can down the most expensive beverages on the yacht without a second thought. I remember one stew in the past drinking the Don Julio 1942 like it was water. It says a lot about how very special they think they are.
  11. I'd rather hear what the nanny says about this cluster***k than Robyn or Kody. She can replace those two on the show, as well!
  12. Margot has had a few other sips of alcohol in the past episodes, as well. (Laura was drinking more, though.) Tonight we saw her drink a shot of ?tequila?, a partial glass of wine and the remainder of a blender of piña coladas. I was surprised that she admitted to knowing about the "no alcohol on charter" rule. I thought perhaps she wasn't aware. I actually respect Aesha's leadership more for going to Captain Jason about Margot's drinking. She was torn about it because she really likes Margot and doesn't want to lose her as a stew, but she knew it was a violation that needed to come to Jason's attention. Jason pointed out the importance of the crew being at their best at all times- they just had a medical emergency on board. Aesha handled the situation well, doing her job, but showing true emotions and empathy.
  13. When Kody was having his buddy therapy session, I couldn't help but notice that his brother has the same male pattern balding that Kody has. However, he chose to shave his head and looks like a handsome guy. I was going to say, too bad Kody doesn't get a clue, but on the other hand, let him keep his ramen noodle balding coif. It gives us all something to smile about.
  14. 100%. She also chimed in to Meri, "This could get ugly." Meri was pondering what to do and Robyn effectively told her not to invite the rest of the family. That shows right there that they have no interest in getting together with everyone, despite their moaning and groaning about it. Having Meri invite everyone on her "neutral" turf could have been an answer to that. Robyn is finally letting her mask slip and letting us see the manipulator behind the scenes.
  15. Her tone has changed slightly since last season. Likely because she doesn't want continued fall out from the public opinion she would get. She can sell more LuLaNo if she changes her image.
  16. Enjoy the 3 day weekend, if it applies to you. See you next time!
  17. Tisha can't afford clothing, but has purchased a ring for 15 grand. SMH
  18. I've got a bunch of them recorded...just need to watch them.
  19. Savannah, the other finalist in the Miss Delusional pageant.
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