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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I didn't care for the challenges this week. The first one was rushed and the results in most cases were not well done. (I would have loved to try some of those bars, though!!!). The main challenge, combining two body parts was just weird, in my opinion. Maybe they are running out of ideas.
  2. The rumor discussion between Whitney and Monica was confusing. Meredith said she heard things about Angie's marriage, but didn't say what. Monica actually said the rumor and now they are presenting it to Angie as though Meredith said it. I'll bet Monica heard that rumor from Jen Shah.
  3. Short answer: yes. A few celebrities started the trend and it seems to be rubbing off on yachties, as well. 😉 Long answer: https://www.highsnobiety.com/p/pearl-jewelry-for-men/
  4. I agree that all the teams did a good job with their displays. I thought the team that took such a long time on their background- stacked boxes- were in trouble, but their display was one of the cleanest and aesthetically pleasing. The team that went home should have left off the clown that was adding piranhas to the dunk tank. It was an extra character that didn't really need to be in the vignette. They would have had more time to finesse their display and it wouldn't have appeared so busy had they left him out. I'm dying to know why the Snack Sabbath team had to drop out. I hope the bakers/carvers will be invited back for future seasons.
  5. Unless Tumi has changed drastically, I am in her corner. She was a great stew on BDDU and I was so excited to see that she was going to be chief on Med. Based on what Natalya said on WWHL, there is probably going to be drama between Tumi and her. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. Natalya is a hard worker, but I would hate for this "temp position" to cause problems among the stews.
  6. Now if Kody or Robyn write a book, I would never read it. I don't even want to support them by watching this show, and wish they were off it, except for twice a year updates on Robyn's new job at the fast food joint and Kody's swiftly dwindling hair follicles.
  7. Kody just admitted why he was stringing along Christine and Janelle! He has drunk Robyn's Koolaid and believes her when she says she wants the plural family. He said he doesn't want Robyn to disapprove of him if he "abandons" his other wives. Kody must be the most naive one of the bunch (and there are several who are quite naive) if he has fallen for Robyn's bs.
  8. This is a great summary of the marriages and makes so much sense to me. Kody is a narcissist and center of his universe. I always felt bad for the other wives (well, Janelle and Christine) because he put Robyn on a pedestal and gave her everything she wanted (and more!). But, now that they are leaving and starting a new life, it is apparent that Kody was the booby prize that Robyn won.
  9. Mary, Mary, quite contrary. Everything about Mary is a contradiction. Especially that she is in charge of a church-- shouldn't she espouse characteristics of generosity, acceptance, love, etc?? I wonder if she is back on the payroll just in case she gets into legal hot water with grifting her parishioners. Bravo loves a housewife scandal! I'm reserving judgement on Monica for now. I loved how she called Lisa out on her materialistic, shallow ways. I mean, Lisa had a full on tantrum because she wasn't going to be able to use her $2500 (plus airfare) glam expert for one event. Then she went on to brag that she spends $60,000 a year on glam. She has "glam in Monaco, glam in Saint-Tropez," glam when going to the supermarket (shouldn't that be the fast food joint down the street). Just wow.
  10. Sad reality check: if she had revoked his bail, he may be alive today. Instead he went to get his license. 😔
  11. If I was Raneka, the first thing I would have said to Asonta is: I'm revoking your bail, foo!
  12. I have a feeling Donna's going to pass out cold. Louie and Melissa could dance naked on the table and she wouldn't be the wiser.
  13. Those were my thoughts, too, when seeing that preview. Yikes!!
  14. The inmates promise the world while they are inside and then don't feel any obligation to the person who blew their life savings on them.
  15. Sometimes I cube butternut squash and roast it along with some other veggies- bell pepper, onions, etc. It makes a nice fall side dish. My husband makes an enchilada sauce from tomatillos. You can also add them to avocados for a really fresh tasting guacamole.
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