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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. I used to date a guy that loved to wear those white tshirts as outerwear. He was very neatly dressed and tidy, but his go-to were those white t's.
  2. I think we are going to see some of Brittney's real personality when she demands the money Andy promised her. She's probably jonesing for some drugs.
  3. Goodness! Louie did absolutely nothing wrong and she's got him apologizing and trying to figure out what to do differently in the future! SMH
  4. Well, I was going to, and then Louie flirted with the dance instructor....
  5. She's so narcissistic, she doesn't get that asking how to feel empathy is mind-exploding for us watching. It really explains everything...
  6. There is now a shortage of semaglutides, which affects the diabetics it was designed to help, due to the large demand as a weight loss drug for the wealthy.
  7. I attempted to search for them online and it must be a very niche dessert. The closest I found was Smash Balls, which are usually smashed with a mallet or other tool. I saw only one video of a chef dropping his chocolate sphere. He had decorated the serving "platter" with various sauces first.
  8. I really loved the final four, including Stacy. They are all deserving bakers- especially in the flavors and taste department. I think the producers are trying to highlight each of the bakers in small ways so we get to know them better. James is creative with his use of Filipino flavors, Ryan is meticulous and elegant, and Hollie is creative and edgy. I personally don't find any of them off-putting and wish them all the success after the show.
  9. One of the most blatant displays of hypocrisy on this episode was when Rob'em, who has been dry crying for two seasons about losing the big family, wouldn't consider a future family reunion. SHE said it this time. For Christmas Eve, she manipulated Meri into excluding the others by stating it wouldn't be safe, but this time she outright and clearly said "no go" to being with the whole family for one dang day!! And, of course, Father of the Year has no interest. I can't stand either of them, but I am so glad they are losing their lying veneer and just letting that evil shine for the world to see.
  10. I’m hoping he doesn’t go a repeat performance of his last visit. That was cringe. I didn’t mind him the first time. I don’t believe everything will continue to be rosy for Tumi and Nat. Nat has a history of being okay for a bit and then perceiving a slight (often real last season) and going off. And I predict Kyle will be right there in the middle, stirring up trouble. I hope Tumi can rise above it and respond to their antics with professional distance.
  11. I think even a mullet would be an improvement over Kody's current "ramen chic" style. 😂
  12. I prefer to think his original wives have shed the dead weight. 😉 It's not easy to be harnessed to a narcissistic jackwagon all these years!
  13. Just chiming in to agree on the gory aspect of the bakes this year. I think having a variety of cute vs gory would please most of us. If they do another severed body part, I'm out.
  14. Rowan was doing well on this episode until the showstopper. I had high hopes for his chocolate box. The two tone grained wood idea was clever, but the tempering must have been tricky. I'm glad Saku survived chocolate week. She is such a sweetheart. I loved seeing her pop those raspberries in her mouth. I'm happy to see both Matty and Nicky doing better. Congrats to Matty for being Star Baker! Wishing Tasha the best- it must have been heartbreaking to leave the tent, but health comes first.
  15. I wonder if she could be persuaded in order to keep the show going? You know we would all tune in to see that!
  16. I think we all need to wear one of those amazing shower caps with our housecoats every Friday night!
  17. And then he ends up dating the dance teacher. Self-fulfilling prophecy! You haven't danced with him yet! 😂 My husband just brought me a couple of slices of pizza. It's almost as if I'm right there with Dirk and Louie! 😉
  18. OMG! Melissa, this is Louie from Lakeland! You can't just walk out and throw it all away!!!!!!
  19. I've had a similar situation with a guy that I corresponded with for many month (no, not a prisoner!😂). When I met him, there was NO spark on my part. I let him know my feelings. That is the decent thing to do, as long as you do it gently and with kindness. I have no respect for what Brittney is doing. If Andy is her only support, that also says a lot about her character...
  20. I'm not on my snarking game tonight. I have severe low blood sugar episodes which affect my cognition....but I am enjoying reading your posts. Guess I don't need a lot a brain power to get your jokes. Ba-da- dum!
  21. Brittney, I wonder why Andy has all these "expectations?" Could it be because you told him that is the way it would be when you were released????
  22. Brittney is not "needy" now that she is out of prison. Now, Andy is the "needy" one. What a crock!
  23. If past experience has taught us anything, the Asonta scene will play in the last 5 minutes of tonight's show.
  24. This poor guy at the hotel desk-- they have all of this on film. He's bound to have problems with his boss due to this...
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