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Everything posted by SemiCharmedLife

  1. Production could have told her that they needed to tweak the cameras inside her car. I'm sure all Angie had to do was get the invites ready and producers set up the delivery scenarios, with the excuse of filming the ladies. There was a similar situation on Potomac with a mime delivering the invites. Edit: OOPs, @SweetieDarling I should have read through the comments before posting! 😊
  2. I tried to look up if it was tradition to give 9 lemons for Greek Orthodox Easter, but this article explains that Heather was channeling Shannon Beador as her inspiration. The article has some good photos of Angie's party, including one of her dad dancing, which was one of my favorite moments from the party. https://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-salt-lake-city/style-living/heather-gay-brought-nine-lemons-to-angie
  3. She was on the show several weeks ago. Also, on this episode, Tumi kind of explained that her text message was talking about Tumi walking off the ship in a "diva moment." It was hard to decipher because she was referring to herself in the third person.
  4. So insightful! Can you please host the next reunion?
  5. Otherwise known as the Precious Victoria's Moments Fund.
  6. I kind of think she is playing US...or trying to, anyway. She is known to make statements in her talking heads that make her appear the victim, instead of the instigator. I think she is pleased that she "won." She's been receiving all of Kody's affection and resources for years, and wanted to continue to gloat over the other wives while sharing their pot of money. But, I truly don't believe her when she cries over losing the family.
  7. It's probably because Nat can do more sh*t talking in a central location and running to the chef every 5 minutes while the clothes are in the machines. 😉
  8. I can understand that a compliment (or more, since Tumi says she did say "thank you" and we heard her refer to her work as "impeccable." But, we were listening, unlike Nat) would have been nice to hear after Natalya and Jessika worked their buns off during the first charter. But that doesn't excuse Nat's horrible behavior and attack mode. Sandy is the one who should be appreciating Nat's role as chief stew because Nat did Sandy a favor. Tumi could have come in with a more appreciative, laid back attitude, I agree, but that doesn't give Nat the right to turn the whole boat against her and call her names.
  9. These last two episodes have been stressful to watch. I don't like seeing this conflict between Natalya and Tumi. It takes all the fun out of the show. Kyle started the whole mess and now is beginning to realize his part, but still takes no action, except continued gossiping and seeking confidences. Natalya's nasty name calling is way over the top. Sandy is ineffectual, and didn't seem to want to have a discussion about the problem at all. Maybe as captain, all that interpersonal conflict is beneath her. I wouldn't be surprised if Tumi quit. But, I hope that doesn't happen. I'm ready for either Kyle or Natalya to walk the plank.
  10. This is really the first time the veil has been lifted to show how some of the adult offspring really feel about Robyn and Kody. It's finally becoming reality tv. And, Kody can't even be bothered to play nice for the camera anymore- he's unhinged. The things he said about his nonRobyn children on this episode are jaw- dropping. Robyn and Kody can't ever accept any responsibility for their own destructive behavior. It boggles the mind how they blame Christine for everything.
  11. I just watched An Extra Slice and loved seeing Abbi's interview. She looked gorgeous and was so well spoken and charming. It makes it even harder to lose her. She received a lot of positive feedback for her creativity and flavors. I know she had more to show us. It was a tough call. I think they saved Dan because of his signature and his previous Star Baker history. Both Rowan and Abbi fell short this week, so it was a bit of a toss up. Hopefully, we will see more of Abbi and her foraging skills in future baking projects.
  12. And, Robyn made sure she wasn't living polygamy with Kody, either. She monopolized all his time, attention and resources, making the other wives feel like divorced/abandoned families.
  13. I bet the bakers who come up with those perfect samples for Paul and Pru to taste have more than 2.5 hours!
  14. Mary just sits there high and mighty and criticizes one person after another. Monica eats too much, and it's not nutritious (A bagful of McDonalds is?), Heather's necklace doesn't match her outfit (have you looked in the mirror, Mary?), Whitney looks tacky... It goes on and on. On WWHL, she was asked to critique other housewives' fashion and she didn't compliment one look! I would hate to be one of her parishioners if she has no love or grace for others. She must treat them like dirt.
  15. I agree. With the exception of Saku's rolls, everyone else's were under proofed. We've seen this time and time again, especially in the technical, where the bakers have not practiced within a time limit. I'm living for the day Noel announces, "The judges have noticed many of you are running behind and we are adding 15 minutes to the clock!" Please make that happen!
  16. Asonta now has the reputation of being one of the country's highest paid sex worker.
  17. OMG! Next week Brittany wants Andy to go to the bank! No, ma'am!
  18. Oh, the rhumba is the featured dance at my health club this month.
  19. They've got the corsages and everything! I thought I was making a joke...
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