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Everything posted by rehoboth

  1. Was anyone else saying out loud "How is Jules' father???????!!!" when Luann would not let her get a word in edgewise? Unbelievable. And then to watch the rest of the episode... Those harridans make me feel like there is something wrong with me instead of something wrong with them. All of them.
  2. Let's see, we're on a yacht in the Mediterranean off the coast of Greece and are from the Oklahoma and would like a theme dinner for a hoe down - what's for dinner? Asian food, of course. Ben's lucky it was delicious and satisfied the diners. On the other hand, we don't know what the guests requested on the preference sheet. At least they didn't want a cake. As far as fraternizing with the guests - some conversation is fine but it should never interfere with your duties. And you are on duty almost all the time. It's very hard to keep things clean and sparkling with the salt air alone let alone dealing with guests. The down time is very limited for the staff - they are more or less on for the length of the charter followed by a day or two off in the season. I think a good example is when Tiffany was watching the football game with the guest instead of doing the work on her list. She should have been breezing through the room, asking the score, breezing out washing dishes, coming back celebrating a touchdown, going back to wipe down counters, etc... It must be very frustrating to the crew to see Danny talking with the guests or just disappearing while his duties remain undone.
  3. I think Bryan is really questioning if he can trust Jen more so than the guys. They seem to be a little slow on the uptake but willing to admit what they did and take their lumps. To me, Bryan was harder on the guys because he went straight to the captain the next day. With Jen he is just observing, correcting her and making mental notes. When Bryan butted in to the Hannah/Tiffany conversation, I thought he was trying to be helpful and didn't realize that nothing was going to help that conversation/chewing out.
  4. I was so shocked at Gaad's death but that scene was probably better to witness than him being tortured for information by the KGB. A 'regular' citizen might stop to wonder what a 'conversation' with those thugs would lead to but Gaad knew from the moment he saw them what it would lead to hence his flight to the roof. My first thought went to Stan telling Phillip about Gaad's vacation plans. Did we see Phillip pass that onto Gabriel? Was this done to get Stan thinking about who would know Gaad's travel plans?
  5. I was thought the waitress guests were as well-behaved as most, is not all, of the usual yachty guests. I was impressed that when some of the girls did not know about certain foods, the correct answers were supplied by others in their party and not from the crew. I am not as impressed with the crew (I'm looking at you Bobby/Danny/Jen).
  6. My DH, the attorney, just saw the last episode. His take on the last scene was totally different from what I came away with. My husband is worried for Jimmy and Kim. He said that Jimmy's speech about doing it for Kim could be taken as sabotaging the documents with her knowledge and/or approval. He could see both of them in trouble. On the other hand, he thinks that Chuck has no worries (legally speaking).
  7. Exactly - in the short run it was a pain to leave the party and drive Jimmy's date home. But in the long run that will be the thing that his mom talks about. She will go on and on to her friends about Jimmy and his two dates and she will laugh and laugh about it. Chuck doesn't get this and never will. Jimmy may get himself out of this trap the way things got changed around from the end of last season to the beginning of this season. I thought it was kind of glaring how he walked away from the Davis and Main job and then just changed his mind and the offer was still on the table.
  8. My first reaction to this episode was all about Chuck and how he won't take Howard's advice to take his lumps and let this matter go. Chuck is locked in a death grip with Jimmy to his own detriment. I proclaimed to my husband that it's such a shame that Chuck got hurt because his expedition ultimately led to nothing as we know that Jimmy does not get disbarred because he's still a practicing attorney in BB. My husband, on the other hand (who is an attorney) said he wouldn't be surprised if Jimmy is disbarred. Standards of evidence are much different than for a court of law - Bill Clinton was disbarred but was never convicted of anything. My husband pointed out that Jimmy might have had to change his name and use his forged ID making skills from high school to create Saul Goodman documents. The law degree from University of American Samoa hanging on the wall in BB had the name Saul Goodman on it. Also, my husband said that Kim pointedly asked Chuck for his evidence (rather than his feelings) on the document malfeasance because if Chuck showed her any hard evidence, she would have been bound to come forward with it to the courts.
  9. Which is why Chuck should let sleeping dogs lie. Mesa Verde is not coming back to HHM after the way Chuck handled the "mistake." There is nothing for Chuck to get out of this except to "win" over Jimmy. There is much more to lose. Things could go very bad for Chuck and HHM if Chuck pushes things out into the open. There had been much talk about Jimmy reverting to type and behaving like a conman - a loose cannon, if you will. Chuck is reverting to type as well. He can't stop himself from going after Jimmy. I don't think Jimmy knew how his document sullying would play out - maybe it would be found out before they got to any filings. But he was sure about how Chuck would react because Jimmy, unlike Chuck, is a good study of people. Jimmy knew that Chuck would over-react and take things from bad to worse.
  10. Did anyone else find the R2D2 comment funny? As soon as Dorinda admonished Bethenny not to say anything about his height, we all knew it was coming. It's something we all do. I actually forgot about what Dorinda said until the dinner and when I heard Beth's comment, my mouth hung open for a minute (not unlike a certain former HW) before I laughed. I didn't mean to laugh but I did and it looked like Beth was sorry she let that one fly.
  11. Exactly. I thought Beth was saying that they could screw around as much as they cared to as long as their jobs got done. I would not be surprised if they got "To Do" texts from Beth a mile long each morning. I think Beth wanted to sound as if she's all Cool but I think she will run that office in a totally Uncool way (tm The Countess).
  12. Was Howard's gift of Kim's tuition money being used to lighten his guilty conscience of how he treated Kim? Also, Chuck seems much sicker after he has behaved unethically than after his usual outings to the office. Guilty consciences all around! Jimmy will always win those contests because he is a wolf. He behaves according to his natural instincts and thinks about it, if at all, later. Much, much later. Well, it would show HHM's sloppiness. The address isn't just wrong; two numbers are transposed. That's just sloppiness - something a bank would think twice about. If Mesa Verde thinks the documents have been tampered with, they will be wondering who at HHM is trying to sabotage their own firm. They don't and will never know the Jimmy/Chuck dynamic.
  13. I was thinking exactly the same thing. Don't they notice that old guy with the binoculars in the car across the street? I would think this scene would involve the willing suspension of disbelief. In real life, former cop Mike would probably be parked much further away or be on a rooftop but it would be much harder to get a shot of Mike and the "crime scene" for the TV screen.
  14. When I saw Jimmy take the money my first thought was that he was going to put it away for his father to have later (when the business likely collapsed). Also if there is less money in the till, then maybe dad will think twice before giving it away. If Jimmy did mean to give the stolen money back to his dad, perhaps something happened and his dad never received it. Perhaps I am just an old softy for Jimmy. One thing we do know is that Jimmy is not responsible for the entire amount of the missing money that Chuck discovered. There are always nuances to BCS and BB.
  15. But she didn't just have implants that may have caused a problem - one of them had 'burst' and I'm sure that didn't do her body any favors. I have no medical background but I lump that in with her weekly colonics, her lemon water/hot pepper 'cleanses' her closet full of herbal medications and it's no wonder that she has not been well in years. The cumulative effect of all her fixes is slowly killing her.
  16. I don't think drugs count in the Kimuniverse. She has never admitted to doing any drugs and only has a problem with alcohol. Drugs are taboo, off the table, they don't exist for her. We know she does drugs via her arrest report, her son and Brandi. But since she has never had to admit to having a drug problem, she just doesn't. Perhaps she had her first "real" drink at 24 but when did she have her first snort or puff? Where is that picture of young Kim partying with Rick James when you need it? And don't forget about "her" booth at the bar. Since what age has she been sitting in that booth?
  17. I loved the scene with Erika and Bethenny. I am a fan of Beth (most of the time) because I like the smart HWs and I don't mind her hard charging persona. She's "New York Blunt' in her manner, all the time. I think Beth was fascinated by Erika and wanted to know all the ins and outs of her before the afternoon was over. To me, Beth's questions were a bit of fresh air. I mean how many times can one HW look at Erika's videos and say in a small, shocked voice 'they're very sexual!' and that's about it. Beth looks at things differently and saw the video as a great marketing tool. I think she puts herself in Erika's situation and questions how she (Beth) could improve it. The fact that Erika was having none of it was just great. I loved that Beth could not run over her like she can do to others. I don't think Beth was being judgmental about Erika; I think Beth left a big fan. The fact that Beth was a good sport on the dance moves and was enjoying herself was great. Splitting her pants was the icing on the cake. Very enjoyable scene.
  18. Maybe Erica is smart Anna Nicole Smith? I missed it - who pushed Ken into the pool? It looked like quite a tumble.
  19. Ahh yes, but it sounds so much more serious if Yo is seeing a oral surgeon rather than filming a trip to the dentist. We all have dentists; we don't all have work done by an oral surgeon. Hilarious phrasing!! First it was Yolanda's Fridge, next came Yolanda's CVS Closet and now this. Of course she lives in a Condo of Suffering and Parasites. Perhaps Condo of Suffering for short :-D
  20. I didn't get this episode at all. Did Marcus really need the Birons? Because Marcus seemed to be doing all the work. All of it. First of all Marcus wanted the candles outsourced for price and so that the guy (whats-his-name?) could spend his time doing what he was really good at which was being a graphics designer. But what I saw was Marcus over-ruling the 'expert' and changing his design. Then Marcus told them what kind of scents he wanted. Next, Marcus showed them how to branch out and sell additional related products and how to get them distributed. What did the Birons bring to the table? It looks like Marcus could have done this on his own, if he wanted to get in the candle making business.
  21. Just a few random thoughts that popped into my head last night: - we traded in The Glass Fridge for the CVS Closet? That is definitely trading down Bravo. :-( - Mr. Ken should re-evaluate the criteria for his Best Dressed List. Some of Kyle's "mumus" (especially in later seasons - I'm thinking of the one she wore when she had Kim out to her Palm Springs house (You Stole My Goddamn House Part II) as particularly lovely) are a lot nicer and more flattering than Lisa's skin tight shiny satin numbers. - I am losing all patience with Yolanda. I don't believe that your body needs colonics at all but to have one every week must be putting your body through hell. I used to be in a hiking club with a biochemist (I have no science background at all so forgive me) who was studying the effects of the "bad" gut bacteria shutting out the "good" gut bacteria and it's effects on the body. His main emphasis was on autism. He developed a cocktail of drugs that had to be taken for almost a year (to kill the bad bugs in all stages of their lives) and did have success with it. When I last saw him, he had just finished filing patents for this treatment. So your gut bacteria can affect your brain, Yolanda. (and Shannon Beador.) - David's visit with Yolanda was just painful. As usual. Remember when it was fun to watch the Bickersons (aka Paul and Adrienne)? Then we found out that it wasn't being playful but that they really didn't even like each other very much. It seems that the cold, loveless displays that we have seen between Yo and David are the real deal. It's no wonder Yo is depressed; the King has left the building.
  22. To me Eileen won the show last week with her 'Thanks ........... bitch' line. Tonight I give it to Ken - 'Give her a mumu - she loves 'em!' I was literally laughing out loud at that. Thanks Ken. The worst thing about tonight was Yolanda and her parasite. TMI. I also thought she said that she has weekly colonics. How can that be good for you? That's not natural for your body. I don't get it.
  23. I didn't know that Mo wasn't invited to the wedding and my perception of him has changed. For the better. If the Hilton's don't want him around then I think the chance that his character has class and integrity has gone up.
  24. I think she has had some old fillings replaced but I also thought she said that in addition to not wearing make up, she was going to stop coloring her hair. Her hair is still white, right? My guess that hair dye is worse for you than wearing some make up that you can wash off in a couple of hours.
  25. I find Connie to be a breath of fresh air - she doesn't sugar coat anything (looking at you Amy) or blow things up out of proportion. She seems to have a nice, easy-going relationship with Emile where they can tease each other without hurting feelings. Very grown up! I don't find Eddie to be a misogynist because he was mean to one woman. He seems to be very nice to all the other women. I think that Emile had it right when he called Eddie a coward. And Captain Lee needs to be on hand for all of Andy's interviews to set the record straight. Even if he has never watched a Housewife show (and I'd be surprised if he did), I bet Captain Lee could cut right through the bullshit in any situation.
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