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Everything posted by Tarasme

  1. Damned internet. My watch was delayed because my husband just HAD to watch the *&^%$$ baseball AND hockey games so an IMDB news post shouted the Daisy betrayal before I had a chance to see it. *grump* You've got this so right. Maturity was exactly what I thought when they were sitting together after Malick blew. They're talking, as grown ups do. They're secure in whatever comes, like grown ups are. It also helps that the interaction was completely comfortable and the kisses were hot. :) Kudos to tPtB for directing Elizabeth to jump on Iain at the end there. CUTE! I was expecting far too much of SHIELD. I thought- for sure- that, after Daisy villain monologued to Lincoln and walked into the hangar, a full bevy of SHIELD personnel would be waiting there for her, guns drawn. So, if there was no surveillance (another poster pointed out that, after last week, there should have been), then someone should have noticed the way the surveillance was removed- if it was all fried by a Lincoln-like electrical surge, the gosh gee willikers have someone mention it, otherwise, I'm wondering why no one is looking (side eye- not as in help us find an...) at the hacker extraordinaire for an answer as to why the cameras don't work. And clearing all other Inhumans just because they found- but have not biologically/ chemically/ scientifically confirmed- the mole, is goofy. Bad plot service-y form SHIELD, bad form. But FitzSimmons was CUTE! And who's bright idea was it to keep Terrigen crystals out where an eight year old could get to them? And Yo-Yo needs to push the giant chip off so that she and Mack can get back to gettin' to know one another. Pronto show. Not sure how I feel about Hive's attempt at... world ending? Killing all de people? Mwuhaha-ing until... what exactly? I really don't get what he's up to.
  2. I had a hard time paying attention. It was a really hard day, but, as usual, I was looking forward to my M:AoS even if it was already 11:30 by the time I was in bed, remote in hand, cinnamon juju bears ready for snacking on my nightstand, ready to watch. For what it's worth, glad Daisy and Lincoln discussed her ep closing vision, but, even though there was more for Lincoln to do in this ep than there's been in the last five eps, it still was boring and flat. blackwing beat me to it, but I wonder too how DUI was such a big deal that "Crazy!" outback guy used it as the ultimate zing to drive an insurmountable wedge between D & L. Maybe "Crazy!" outback guy just wasn't very quick with the retorts? Malick and daughter... was I the only one that found her pep talks and martini offers weirdly wife like? And I was distracted by Nathaniel; any chance that was Joel Courtney playing the little bro'? The whole thing with Mr. Giyera was so much treading water. My reaction to the whole bit was "Cool. He landed the plane." The twenty second clip of next week shown on JKL was more interesting than the whole ep. Oh! And Coulson's Ward angst shared with Fitz; I was ok with the substance if not the timing. I would expect that, in a time for reflection, Coulson would question himself about Ward... but given Hive's reemergence and Hydra making big plays, Coulson deciding to hand wring at that moment was weird. I miss Bobbi & Hunter... A Lot....
  3. I imagine there will be many expressions of futility and nihilism in the SHIELD offices this week. I don't mind Daisy's 'flake'y-ness. The character is committed to helping people and continues to meet obstacles that would cause most to back down and give up. For this scenario especially, there was literally nothing she could do to help- but she tried anyway. It's a convenient plot point for her- she somewhat escapes consequence because the future is what will happen no matter her actions- but it's depressing as hell none the less. Anyone have another guess as to who is inhabiting the orbiter/Quinjet??
  4. Yep, a very interesting twist- Malick is playing both sides... he's garnering international Inhuman sympathy/ advocacy while fueling Inhuman hatred and attacks. It'll be cool to find out how this benefits Hive.
  5. Okay, but don't witnesses that are providing corroborating evidence against "bigger fish" get strong armed all the time? And- to be honest my evidence thereof is completely from the fictional cops, prosecutors, litigants, etc. that make up my viewing pleasure- many of those witnesses haven't actually committed crime, merely been swept up in whirlwind of bad that lands them between the proverbial rock of the law and the hard place of the criminals they're providing evidence against. I have very little sympathy for Brian. Much more for Rebecca. Peace out.
  6. Which, God help me, I'm gonna dive in here but isn't it rather- er- not hypocritical per se, but pretty damn lacking self-awareness for Sherlock with his incredible privilege to comment with such rancor, though not previously unheard of from him, about the status of the rich? Yes, he hates Dad. Yes, Dad's rich, ergo all rich people are like Dad and to be hated? Sorry, Sherlock always has this attitude and it's always Joan, Bell, et all that are more even handed despite their range of economic status. I guess I just get stuffy when Sherlock presents his chip like this.
  7. Aw. Sherlock wants to be special for someone special. Squee! The CoW was amusing but, for me, mostly because it was clear something was up (ummm, or not,... or not dealt with when up... sheesh I can't make innuendos) but Sherlock was still professional, aware, and working hard (argh!). LOVE Fiona. Love that she clearly articulated her pain at being treated differently. And love Sherlock for being willing to explain himself to her without expectation of it changing her mind.
  8. I really don't get the 'Becca vitriol. I don't think anyone, for any reason, has a right to defend themselves from a charge by executing another crime. Whether he actually stole or intended to steal from the bank is irrelevant except to set up the plot-itis that makes Brian an FBI consultant taking a drug that the FBI (or whatever that interagency unit is) wants to know more about. Rebecca- who put her career and her life on the line in order to make the professional relationship with Brian- the hippy druggie slackster with a heart of gold- was lied to from the moment Brian opened his mouth. He was never immune to the effects of NZT. And while his work provided good things for people, his main intent was to provide for his family and give his slacking self a sense of purpose. Maybe Rebecca will profit selfishly from her relationship with Brian, but it certainly doesn't look like that possibility was part of her motivation. Brian's clandestine, unprofessional, dangerous behavior has put her in professional, if not physical, danger. Good on her for drawing her weapon and cuffs while providing him with a wake up call.
  9. Gah- while I wait on P&Ns for renewal info, I need to rant. Limitless is a colossal missed opportunity with social media/viral marketing. Hell, even Person Of Interest had Bear tweeting- Limitless is such an awesome, well planned, unique proposition (much like PoI, but that's a sadness I do not want to now think of)- but does anyone even know about it? I started watching cause I was sick at home and had the season- to that point- available on MovieBox and decided to give it a shot. I'd watched the- for me- unimpressive movie ages ago so I wasn't spurred by connection to it. Maybe I'm wrong and I've just missed a whole bunch of promotion?
  10. Thanks for this link. Edited to remove rest of my rant. Not worth it. Mods deserve a nice weekend and don't need to have to field responses to my gripes.
  11. I have developed the notion that every. single. military. character on this show is a caricature. While teamSupergirl is able to take stereotypes and turn them on their head (Cat Grant is the most awesome of the awesomest anti-stereotype evah), the obstructionist establishment characters are all outlandishly flat parodies. Thus, why stop at one branch of the mean ol' military... let's plaster stuff from ALL of them on his jacket-sees.
  12. *sniff* Hunter & Bobbi *sniffsniff_eyeswelling* I denied that this would be the turn of events since the SO was discussed last season. I wish some ambitious fan would create a LoveForHunterBobbi montage (maybe set to "Stand by You?" or maybe "Thinking Out Loud?") and post on YouTube. I love AoS, I really do, but I'm back to feeling like we're treading water until the premiere of CA:CW. If SHIELD can't really affect any change except a random thwarting of an assassination, what good are they? If the Inhuman issue is creating a global arms race, then shouldn't legitimate and avowed agencies be working the issue? I guess this time filler is needed until Coulson sees HIVE and the Secret Warriors become world wide pariahs or something.
  13. I saw a note on an ep thread that Reddit is spoiling Hunter and Bobbi moving on to their own show as part of “Parting Shot”?!? Can anyone confirm? And... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I donwanna lose Hunter & Bobbi on my show. *sniff*
  14. This- but I was so irritated by DumbRacistMisogynist Army General stereotype that I didn't consider that- for Talbot- the entire thing was a charade. As far as Talbot's intelligence based on his collaboration with Malick- I think Talbot was playing Malick too, waiting on/ hoping for Creel to locate and rescue Talbot Jr. (hey- why did this remind of Lon Chaney Jr???- wow I need this week to end). Poor Lincoln. I have sympathy for the character and I imagine that Luke Mitchell- though now credited main- on his way to written out status. I don't see any way that he is content transitioning to field agent- death, departure back to incognito Inhuman, or being Tahiti-ied is what seems to await him. Though... if Hive is offering blissful conscience free connection to the single mind... maybe that'll be how Lincoln goes. And big NO to spin off! I flove Hunter & Bobbi as part of the ensemble. As Hunter ditched the mission and went after Creel, Bobbi was hysterical while she relayed Hunter's MIA status to May. She was so non-drama about it- Hunter's off book? You really expected something else? Ha! Ward's goo was yucky but I guess BD won't need to spend nearly as much time in makeup from here on out. While Coulson appeared to be bamboozled by everybody, he really did get everyone where he wanted them. He's got H&B on the plane with Malick, he knows there's someone pulling Malick's strings, he's got a bead on world leaders Inhuman attitudes, and he's created a strong loyal relationship with Talbot. Methinks more stupid like a fox than stupid.
  15. I'm starting to get whiplash from the Big Cannon! points. Can we slow down a little? I'm aware that Berlanti likes to roll through recognizable comic icons quick but doggone, we've had Red Tornado, Bizarro, MartainManhunter, White Martians, Non, Black Mercy, Braniac 8, , etc etc. I would have liked to save Red K for a lengthier stay next season. I was hoping that the production team was trying to get some of the more established players in the cannon out of the way then balance output with new characters so that recognizable villains/arcs would be an event. But so far, it's not lookin' that way. Also, though I don't ship James and Kara, I do HATE when plot arc teases the opportunity to begin a relationship/ give a main character the sweet love she so desperately wants then BAMMO! immediately swipes that chance away through some crazy circumstance (i.e. character gets hit by bus, shot, drafted into army and sent on tour,etc.).
  16. So, for a reason beyond logic my Directv receiver blacked out AMC last night during *that* show and shows following. As I struggled with my DVR, I started through my local channel line up and saw "Quantico." I turned on "Quantico" to see if my ABC channel was experiencing the same issues as AMC- it wasn't. I watched through Alex in the red dress at a bar with some other people that apparently are a former football player and an Asian woman (really show- you think good banter between agent and mark is- in summary- "You speak good Spanish." "For an Asian woman?" "No, for a Fed." Criminy.). I paused the show, left it paused, and watched the last twenty minutes of Friday's "Grimm" on my iPad while I hoped whatever technical difficulties I was experiencing with AMC were magically resolved. I'm sad that those two and half minutes watching Quantico were so desperately wasted.
  17. Moved from episode thread: Cooksdelight-- I am no pickler so thanks! for this. Do you think grapes, as delicate as their skin is, will retain texture once boiled and pickled in this manner? Or are you only keeping them at boiling for a moment then immersing in a ice bath or whatnot to stop the cooking?
  18. ITA. When I host family dinner for Issac, Wife of Issac, Daughters of Issac, RCharter (don't forget diet drinks and loved ones!), et al, Marjorie can come too. I'm happy with this final. Pretty pretty Jeremy has never really bothered me except when he totally whiffed during RW and the following episode. I thought about this forum, though, when I heard a preview comment asking him if he'll actually be cooking something- or something like that. *g* Agree with all the comments that, by and large, I liked all the competitors and no one this season was truly offensive or vile. Everyone- even Philip tries too hard- was amicable and, for the most part, very professional. As for pretty pretty Jeremy's bra-tude: is it a coastal thing? My husband was born/raised in Southeast Florida- all of his tales include fishing, body boarding, fishing, diving, fishing, eating fish, partying, etc. There is very little of him that was not shaped by life lived by the ocean.
  19. I'm flummoxed by the opening scene. Three months ahead places it right on top of CA:CW. At the beginning of the season, I read Jemma and Mack as being anti- powered folk and altogether willing to rein them all in however necessary. Coulson, May, Bobbi, being ambivalent and/or having higher priorities with Daisy and Fitz being dedicated to protecting typical and a-typical persons alike. It looked as though tPtB were drawing their grid lines against those of the movie. Now though, it looks like Jemma's warmed to powered people, Mack is fully on board with the Secret Warriors, and I have no idea how they're going to integrate the end of the season into the greater MCU. Did anyone else feel like this episode delivered about five minutes of actual content? Maybe the Coulson- President (HI William Sadler!!! You're always welcome on my TV!!!) meeting was a *big* *deal* in plot terms but it didn't read that way at all dramatically. Then again, maybe Coulson juggling heads of state is supposed to be considered ho hum just another Tuesday. Chasing the stolen guns, getting Mack back, brain frying Von Strucker, reading Yo Yo in, raiding the Colombian Policia, etc. all felt dry. Was that the point? That the exploits are all part of the daily grind? I did LURVE Hunter and Bobbi- trying a little fish oil... just in case. And Mack's short hand Spanish figuring out that it was a joint partnership of fish and God that blessed Yo. It was good to see everyone again, but I'm ready for something to HAPPEN.
  20. ITA! Pretty pretty Jeremy didn't bother me at all until RW and his realization that he screwed up royally last episode was endearing to me ("Padma said 'chicks'... F***K!") The little we know of his parenting aside (were my parenting skills and every comment I make to my children put under the national microscope, I'm sure some questionable practices would be sussed out), he's doing his damnedest to win. Good for him. HUBERT KELLER!!! My secret boyfriend. *swak!* He made the rounds of Taste of St. Louis celebrity chef demonstrations about 3-4 years ago and it's a significant regret that I did not insist my husband take me to see HK and pay for the ultra VIP tickets so that I could see him *close*. :) I wanted to root for Majorie, I really did. Unfortunately, every non-chef action she takes makes me think twelve year old boy. It's not cute. Though I appreciated other posters apologetics for her; I imagine that she is socially awkward and isn't confident unless she's shot calling. It is very hard to translate that need for control to a non work environment so I have sympathy for her but not enough to put her on the top of my cheer list. Issac! Issac! Issac! I would LOVE to have Issac, his wife and his two kids come over for dinner. He can cook anything from the Bayou he wants and I'll throw in some Puerto Rican dishes. When I started watching at 8:45CST last night, I had to fast forward to the end to make sure the opening call with his wife wasn't PYKaG foreshadow. It's interesting, while there are times his food has been classified as "unrefined," it seems like almost all of the contestants have been labeled this way, or in a synonymous fashion, this season. My recollection is that he's presented peasant dishes in an elevated way- which describes most classic French cooking anyway. Issac's not afraid to take risks and he "gets it" 9 times out of 10. I'm excited to see what he brings to the finale and he's the only contestant for which I'm interested to go eat at his restaurant.
  21. This is going to be a long week. Haters aside, I <3 this show; AoS is A#1 on my live watch list. AC was A#2 and I'm desperate to believe that AC will be back to be a delightful intermission to AoS season 4. So glad hiatus is in the home stretch.
  22. Watched this today; I'm flummoxed. I am spoiled to this kind of lackadaisical story telling. It was weird. While I'm completely transfixed by the dazzling Tom Hiddleston (So So pretty. So pretty.), the motivations of the characters were beyond me. And it's almost impossible to interpret a sku sheet from Wal-Mart, why on earth would the complete descriptions of an illegal weapons sale be available on a shipping invoice? Good cast. Weird plot.
  23. *sigh* I'm still trying to figure out if Parrish is dead, undead, sort of dead, etc. Felt like nothing happened. Not really. Again. Even the apparent demise of the surgeon and other DDs was just a meh as they haven't been in a gazillion episodes anyway. :::shrug::: Poor Mason. I'd probably be interested in Marisol Nichol's DW if she did more than show up, get shot at or shoot at someone, then *poof* be gone. And, as much as I <3 JR Bourne, I'm tired of seeing Argents be in play and whine about how its really all about their family. Just get the job done- criminy. Is this the fourth or fifth episode where Scott has been useless? Maybe I missed a scene where he was effectual? I'm ready for this to get better. At least last week was a coherent narrative (well, working around the lacrosse game carnage anyway).
  24. Dominic Cooper was awesome. It's cool to me that pre-IM Tony and pre-SHIELD Howard are so much alike. Poor Howard, the crazy horrible things Howard had to deal with as a SHIELD founder wore down the fun loving anti misogynist the way rain wears down a mountain. I can understand why so many posters were underwhelmed with the season finale (::::fingers in ears tralala NOT a series finale tralala::::. ABC did the series no favors by presenting two back to back weeks of feature length content to end with a finale that felt truncated. So I guess the consensus is that Jack's dead? I cling to the thoughts I had when I went through this with another show ("those entrails are coming from his shoulder, dammit!"). Hypothesizing about the shooter, I don't understand why killing Jack was necessary to get the file. Sure, it was the easiest way to put him down and pick up the goods but why kill him for just that? Ah well, it was as good a cliff hangar as any. I <3 Thompson. Agreed with other posters that Whitney was a fantastic and sympathetic villain. Good job show. I was glad we got to see everyone from Ana to Manfredi and his nana to Cal. Will it help if I hold my breath until they announce an S3?
  25. What was unexplained to me is why the tankers suddenly found their way into the pit-- and stopped preventing the herd from moving toward Alexandria. All of the coin-ink-y-dinks that caused Alexandria to fall prey to the Wolves attack were awfully convenient.
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